Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, April 11, 1996, Page 4, Image 4

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    4April 11, 1996
Warm Springs, Oregon
E Coosh EEWA: Tfie way it is
There seems to be a lot of . Q 0
controversy over Cougar hunt
ing around the country today.
Cougars have been getting
more aggressive on farm ani
mals and domestic pets here on
the west coast. All across the
state of California and Oregon
there have been more and more
sightings of Cougars. There
have been two deaths caused
by Cougars on Joggers in the
state of California. Many do
mestic pet animals have been
the target for the Cougars lately.
They arc a threat to farm ani
mals also.
There has been a bill pre
sented to the voters in Califor
nia just recently but it was defeated by a slim margin. If it was
passed it would have opened up Cougar hunting across the state.
People said that this would bring in the professional hunters who
hunt for the sport of it using dogs to tree the animals to where all
they would have to do is ride up and shoot the Cougars out of the
tree. Even though the Cougars are becoming a threat towards
humans the bill was defeated. There have been Cougar attacks on
school children in northern Washington. Cougars are getting to
the point where they do not fear humans anymore.
It's usually the ones who do not have any contact with these
animals are the ones who appose the opening of hunting of the
Cougars. They have no idea of what one can do to a human.
Suppose it attacked one of their children and mangled the
daylights out of them or even killed them then they would know
what a Cougar can. There have been several sightings here on the
reservation, but there have been no injuries reported of livestock
or pet animals. For people who live out in the rural area's its kind
of dangerous for little children to be playing around outside,
especially by themselves. A Cougar could come and carry them
away and no one would know what happened to them.
For myself no matter if the Cougars are protected I'm not
going to wait for any game warden to come and save my
property. I'll shoot first and ask questions later. So Terry or
whoever don't wait for a report of a Cougar around my place. If
I'm a crack shot, I will be able to tell you where you can pick up
the corps. Oh well, don't worry game wardens I'll probably miss
him and scare the Shavings out of him.. .but there have been a few
times a Cougar has been seen around my place and there are
small children that play around outside, and I'd rather break the
law and shoot a Cougar rather than to let it kill a little kid.
There have been reports of Cougars coming right up to homes
after domestic pets, killing small dogs and other small animals.
I hese reports were in the news paper which happened in south-
Poem shared by friend Raffle t0 be held
To the editor,
Please print this poem in the
Spilyay for me. It was given to me by
a friendwho is a Tribal member.
Martirae Wells
What Happened?
Please put down the bottle, Please
put down the gun,
If you only knew my story, you'd
see that it's no fun.
How can I explain, All the things
thai I've been through?
It started out as fun and I know it
did for you.
Let me tell you, there's no future,
when your drinking from that brew?
It's just a waste of time, there's
better things to do.
Why must we learn the hard way
in everything we do?
Must they all go to prison and
learn like I did too?
What happened to our culture?
What happened to our ways?
Will alcohol destroy us? Will we
see better days?
I pray...I pray...I pray...
Some of know me, other you may
But I'm doing time in prison, for
a man that I done shot.
Now my whole life has changed
and it happened overnight.
It was all because of drinking, we
got into a fight.
So now you get the picture, drink
ing ain't always fun.
And it just make matters worse
when you're carrying a gun.
What happened to our culture?
What happened to our ways?
Will alcohol destroy us? Will we
see better days?
I pray...I pray... I pray...
The Creator has the answer, so
He's the one that we must see.
And if you know what'1 best,
you'll pray and get on your knee
I ask for strength and guidance, in
everything I do.
'Cause without Grandfather, I
know that I'd be through.
To my native brothers and sister ,
I have a few things (o say.
If we don't stop this madness, we
may never see another day.
Please put down the bottle, please
put down the gun.
Let's pick back up our culture,
unite, and become one.
CPS open house successful
To the editor,
Child Abuse Prevention Month
kicked off at CPS with an Open House
and lunch on April 2, 1996. The CPS
staff would like to extend a warm
thank you the members of the
community who turned out. We were
honored that the members of the
senior community were able to attend
as well. We offer a special thanks to
staff from CPS who donated prizes
for the door drawings and the
delicious home baked cakes for the
strawberry shortcake.
The following are a list of people
and departments who helped make
this event a success:
Utilities for the picnic tables and
sound system; Community Health
Education Team-Carol Wewa, Judy
Charley, Anson Begay for the posters,
blue ribbon campaign and PSA's and
lots of support; Richard Tohet
donated helium for the colorful
balloons; Warm Springs Forest
Products cash donation to help with
the purchase of supplies used
throughout the month; Liz Caldron
for the invitations and hand outs;
and Prevention of Child Abuse and
Neglect. The ribbons will be
distributed to departments and the
Every Thursday from 1 1:30 a.m.
to 1:30 p.m. CPS will present
educational videos in the area of child
protection, popcorn, punch and coffee
will be available. Bring your own
brown bag lunch.
On April 24, ECE will sponsor a
carnival at the Community Center at
which time CPS will be in charge of
5 of the carnival booths. Every one
come out and have a good time, don' t
forget to bring mom and dad.
Caring people working together,
we can prevent child abuse and
Children's Protective Services
Chief Spirits Raffle
3 tickets for $1.00
Drawing May 5, 1996 at the
Warm Springs Community Center
Items: l-girl'sbike, l-boy'sbike,
$50 cash; $25 cash,
beaded items, gift certificates and
other items.
For more information call: Reva at
553-5020 (8-10 a.m.),
Dcanie at 553-5627 or the
Minthorns at 553-1831.
Thanks for your
Dear Community Center Staff,
Willamette University's Alterna
tive Break Group would like to thank
you for all your hospitality. Without
you, our trip would be impossible
and we are very grateful that you
welcomed us to stay. Thank you.
Brook K. Gauith
Jamson Brown
Custom Mini truck
for sole
Reds Hydraulics custom installed,
Low Profile tires, Custom chrome
rims, Shaved door handles and em
blems, wrap around ground effects,
Partial chrome engine, Steel braided
hoses, (Hydraulic parts for sale), Too
much to list. Asking $1200. For fur
ther information call 475-9282.
Tribal member
voices concern
To the editor,
I was just insulted today by a very
minimum offer for my beaded prod
uct at the museum. I would like to
know just how many other Tribal
members go through the same situa
tion. I think we should pool our com
plaints together and present it to the
We usually have to vole for these
enterprises thinking it is going to
benefit us but often we get the short
end of the deal.
The problem I am having also is
the time we have to wait for a check.
And when you look at the local gift
shops, there's hardly anything that
represents our area.
Call me about your concerns at
Antoinette Pampcrien
POBox 581
Warm Springs, OR 97761
Spring Cleaning Yard
Saturday April 13, at 6361
Crestview Drive Sunnyside
9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
' " J :
Happy Birthday to
Kanim Sr. Alvis Jr.
April 14
Big 51
donation and food discount.
. The week of April 8 is the Blue
Ribbon campaign for the recognition
ern Oregon just recently , . ... , CorinaRoley, Sandra Scott and Elina
this matter of opening up the season on hunting Cougars. What public service announcements; -
i nave to orrer is tnatmayoe leave things the way they are and not Enckson's, Wiley Compton cash
open tne Cougar hunting, but to give the Ranchers, stockmen,
farmers or any individual who might be in danger from a Cougar
the right to shoot or to do what ever there is to protect his property
with out any penalty.
By doing this would prevent those professional hunters from
coming in with all their tracking dogs and killing the Cougars
needlessly. " v
The bill that was defeated in California just recently was due
to a TV tape of a hunter killing a Cougar with a hand gun. The
film made the Cougar look pitiful, with all the dogs around and
the guy shooting the Cougar two or three times while it suffered.
My suggestion would prevent all this and might keep the
Cougar population under control. They say Cougars are harm
less, but I'm not one that's going to stick around to see if they are,
or not. AHH-NAH-CHI-TOON!!! . t
Toe Ness
Police: "I'm looking for a guy with one eye named pete "
Bystander: "What's his other eye called?" YIKES
Help appreciated
To the editor,
I recently was in the hospital and
would like to thank my family and all
those who were so caring and help
ful. I appreciate your concern &
prayers tor me.
Inez McKinley Welcome given
Welcome to the family!
April 3
Big 50
With Love,
Leta, Brandon,
Simone, Rosetta & Kennedy
Happy Belated 3rd Birthday
Love always, Mom, Dad
Grandma Lucy, Tim, Wilkie,
Shanda, Mary & Sonny!
warmest wishes and congratulations
are going out to Mr. and Mrs.
BlueCloud Surface on their marriage
as of March 30, 1996. And also to the
arrival of Lorina Jade on February
16, 1996.
From all of your (new) relatives
Thank you friends
and relatives
To the editor,
I would like to thank relatives,
friends and concerned members of
the community who showed concern
for our well being during the flood.
Danny, Chris and I stayed in our
home the whole time.
There were many people who
came and checked on us and said
prayers for us. We especially thank
those who detoured the water from
flooding our home by sandbagging
and blocking the water from our
' All of your help was appreciated.
Gladys Thompson
Happy Birthday
We love you!
George, Tonya, Leanna &
Happy Belated Birthday
to Raymond Sterling Torres
March 1st, 1990
Candelaria L. Rhoan
April 2nd, 1986
Antone Torres
April 4th, 1988
From Tony
Help from sponsors appreciated by Lil Lady Vols team
A Golfer said, "I shoot golf in the low 70s. When it gets anv
colder, I quit. YIKES ' B y
"Hello, this is Tom."
"Hello, Tom. What's on you mind?"
"I'm broke down in Oregon City and I need $200 right away"
"There must something wrong with the line. I can't hear you "
"I say, I want to borrow $200."
"I can't hear a word you're saying."
Operator (coming on the line): "Hello ! This is the operator. I can .
hear your party very plainly."
"Then you give him the $200." YIKES
To the editor,
Simnasho Lil Lady Vols would
like to thank the people that supported
and sponsored them during their
They are: Erickson's Sentry,
Rainbow Market, Florene Scott,
Juniper Bank, W.S.F.P.I.; Cliffs
Auto Repair, Bill Filbert, Employees
' from WSFPI, Les Schwab, Trudy
We would also like to thank the
referees that refereed at the
tournament-Chaz Mitchell, Carlos
Thank you very much for being so
supportive toward the youth.
" If I forgot' someone, thank you
very much. ,
Simnasho Lady Vols Basketball
Team '
To the editor,
The Warm Springs Lady Vol's
and the coaches Ron and Lilly Suppah
would like to extend their thanks to
the people that supported and .
sponsored them to the Goldendale
18 & under Tourney B.A.N.G.
"Basketball Against Narcotic &
We j took championship in
Goldendale, Washington on March
22, 23, 24. We also received the
Sportsmanship Award that was just
as good as first. The Warm Springs
Lady Vols also traveled to the B.A.D
Tourney in Pendleton and brought
Continued on page 8
Spilyay Tymoo welcomes articles and letters from its readers. All letters, preferably
300 words or less, must include the author's signature and address. Thank you letters
and poetry will be published at the editor's discretion.
All letters are the opinion of the author and do not reflect in any way the opinion of
Spilyay Tymoo. Spilyay Tymoo reserves the right to edit all copy OR refuse publi
cation of any material that may contain libelous statements. ' . -
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Top row l-r Deece Suppah, Taralee Suppah, Shamona Charley, Hester Scott, bottom row l-r are Rose
Kirk, Amy Suppah, Crystal Smith took the championship at Goldendale and Pendleton. (See related photo
on page 8).