Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, May 11, 1995, Image 1

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rjTmTTf .. P.O. Box 870 U.S.Poslage
" - 0H rjT Warm Springs, OR 97761 Bulk Rate Permit No. 2
May 11, 1995 ? jDliVdlV IVlttlOO CrreC,in Re1U"Kd w or 977.1
350 r (Coyote News) SSXS2M
Coyote News
In Brief
Beauty is their
Casey and Di Green
recently opened "Braids
and Boots" beauty salon,
offering full-service hair
care and nails.
Schneiter is home
After being in Warm
Springs 40 years, 84-year-old
Schneiter considers
Warm Springs his home.
Indian Week coming
ft I Oregon's Governor has
proclaimed May 14-20 to
be American Indian
Gaming opens
Hundreds gathered at
Kah-Nee-Ta Lodge May
1 for the opening of the
temporary Indian Head
Gaming Center.
Dancers entertain
The Madras Junior High
School Hispanic club
recently performed for
Warm Springs
Elementary students and
ECE news related
The Early Childhood
Center has many
activities and
announcements parents
should know.
Relay nets 25 teams
Returning champions,
the Pace Setter Athletics
of Salem, claimed the
title in the annual 58
mile Reservation Relay.
Series offered
OSU offers a cartoon
series that will help
explain the aging
deadline nears
Mini-college offered by
OSU in Corvallis will be
held June 12-15.
Registration deadline is
May 19.
Sunday, May 14
'Don't forget to let
speciafsfie is.
Deadline for the next
Spilyay Tymoo is
Friday, May 19, 1995
Indian Head Gaming Center opens May 1
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University of Oregon Librar , i ; I
Received on: 05-16-95 ; j . '
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Spilyay Tymoo photo by Bob Medina
Start the Games
With scissors in hands, Chief Delvis Heath, Tribal Council Chairman Mickey Brunoe and Council member Jacob Frank cut the ribbon to
officially open Indian Head Gaming Center.
to perform
As part of its annual Meyer Me
morial TrustNational Endowment for
the Arts Regional Touring Program,
the Oregon Symphony will visit
Warm Springs on Sunday, June 4, for
a performance at the Community
Center at 10 a.m. The concert is part
of the Symphony's third annual re
gional tour, which also features stops
in La Grande, John Day, and Bend
during the end of May and the first of
June. Presently locally by Kah-Nce-Ta
Resort, Warm Springs Forest Prod
ucts, Warm Springs Power Enter
prise, the Tribe's Secretary
Treasurer's office and Public
Relation's office. The Oregon Sym
phony will present a light classical
education concert led by Music Di
rector, James DePreist.
One of the largest arts organiza
tions in the Pacific Northwest, the
Oregon Symphony is an institution
of national repute. The oldest major
orchestra in the West, it has been
ranked "first class" by Gramophone
magazine and "a virtuoso ensemble"
by the Washington Post.
Early historical records indicate
that Portland's first symphonic con
cert took place at Oro Fino Hall, June
15, 1866. Just 21 years after the city's
founding and a little less than 11
years after representatives of the
Wasco and Warm Springs Tribes
signed the Treaty of 1855. Ensuing
years bi'ought more concerts and sev
eral attempts to establish an orches
tra; by 1 875, the first orchestral soci
ety was formed, followed by others
over the next tow decades.
It was not until 1986 that the Port
land Symphony Society was founded.
The first orchestra in the West, and
one of only six major orchestras es
tablished in America before 1900.
W. H. Kinross conducted the initial
concert at the Marquam Grand The
ater on October 30th of that year. By
1899 the Symphony was giving an
annual concert series, and in 1902
embarked on its first tour, to Eugene
and Corvallis, for its first world pre
miere performance.
The symphony has received much
of its acclaim since 1 980, when James
DePreist was appointed Music Di-
Continued on page 2
Clements appointed COO by Tribal Council
The newly elected Tribal Council, on Tuesday, May 9, selected Educa
tion Branch Manager Mike Clements as the new tribal Chief Operations
Officer (COO). Clements was among 12 individuals who applied for the
position and among eight who were interviewed; four withdrew their
The COO position originated in November 1993 and was initially filled
by Ed Henderson in January 1994. However, in February 1995, Henderson
was terminated. Ed Manion, already employed as Public Utilities Branch
Manager, was temporarily assigned to the position part-time immediately
after Henderson's departure. Manion will resume his full-time position
next week once Clements has worked out a transition strategy tor the
Education Branch.
The 49-year-old
Clements has been in
volved with numerous
state, regional and tribal
organizations over the past
several years. He has
worked closely with Af
filiated Tribes of North
west Indians, serving on
the board of directors; Or
egon Commission on In
dian Services as vice
chairman and is currently
the Chairman forthe Board
of Directors of Warm
Springs Forest Products
Industries. After many
years' association with the
Inter-Tribal Timber
Council, Clements just re
cently received a presti
gious award from his peers
in that association.
Clements withdrew from
several organizations due
to over-commitment. His
work now focuses on local
issues primarily concern
ing education.
Clements graduated
from David Douglas High
I . XS
V. '
M' Y,
New Chief Operations Officer Mike
School in Portland in 1964. He
graduated from Eastern Oregon State
College in 1973 with a Bachelor's of
Science degree in education.
His tribal work history includes
working tor the summer work pro
gram as director from 1972 to 1975
as program planner from 1977 to
1983; as assistant fiscal service
manager from 1983 to 1985, and as
assistant secretarytreasurer from
1986 to 1989. He has been education
branch manager since 1991. He also
worked as a counselor and coach for
the Jefferson County School district
from 1973 to 1977. He was self-
employed as president and CEO of
Tenmo Industries from 1989 to 1991
As COO, Clements will be re
sponsible for six branches: Educa
tion, Public Safety, Economic De
velopment, Human Services, Natu
ral Resources and Public Utilities
There are approximately 600 em
ployees in those branches.
As COO, Clements will report
directly to Inbal Council. He will
direct and control all tribal opera
tions, except those reporting directly
to the Tribal Council and the Secre
taryTreasurer. He will integrate
plans, budgets and practices of all
tribal operations to ensure they con
tribute to the overall goals and objec
tives of the Confederated Tribes.
Clements is married to the former
Maxine Langley . They have two adult
children and four grandchildren.
Clements considers the COO ap
pointment a "real challenge....This is
an opportunity for me to help put
together a quality organization."
Watch for powerlines
when working outside
It happens about this time every
year. The days get longer, the sun
comes out more often and new con
struction begins to pick up. Con
struction crews start putting in longer
hours and fatigue prompts otherwise
safety-conscious workers to take
chances they might otherwise never
consider. Someone swings a crane
into an overhead power line and is
seriously injured or worse.
Every year, just about now, Pa
cific Power reminds construction
workers to watch for overhead wires
when moving equipment, installing
scaffolding, raising pipes and lad
ders, or doing any job where contact
with high-voltage lines is possible.
"It's something we think about
every day. We talk about safety with
our line crews. And we hope other
companies who work near overhead
wires are talking with their employ
ees, about the need to think about the
dangers of working safely," General
Business Manager, Bob McConnell
One of the easiest ways to stop an
accident before it happens is to pro
vide a look-out on a job where con
tact with overhead wires is possible.
That person's sole responsibility is
to watch for danger and stop the job,
if necessary, before someone gets
"Remember, electricity always
seeks the quickest route to ground,"
McConnell said. "And people, metal
ladders, irrigation pipes, construc
tion equipment and even shovels are
excellent conductors of electricity.
"And also remember, whether
working near overhead or under
ground lines, there's no such thing as
working too safely," McConnell concluded.
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"I Swear.-."
Members of the 20th Tribal Council were sworn into office May 1.
Story on page 2.