Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, March 03, 1995, Page 4, Image 4

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    4 March 3, 1995
Warm Springs, Oregon
E Coosh EEWA: The way it is
T,H u'l'.'.u.M'iuiui. iyi 'Miifirwi'.iv.iV'.w-jlAl-u,ti;j'l.!.-V'PrT
sviKYh s&tfs Sharing life's experiences important
We have so many brands in the
fire at the present time and it seems
like everything is, "Rush, Rush,
Rush!!! Like tip toeing through the
tulips, from one thing to another.
First it was the gaming referen
dum where the voter turnout was just
great and it was passed lopsidded,
with everyone in favor of a gaming
Casino here in Warm Springs. And
now coming up is the Housing refer
endum which will take place March
7, 1995. Also at the same time dis
trict meetings are springing up for
nominations for the new Council
men. Everything happening almost
at the same time which dosn't give
all the fans time to consider who
might make a good councilmen for
the next three years.
Yep ! everything seems to be spring
ing up all of a sudden, maybe we
should slow down a notch or two because we may foul up on something
that we could regret, take one thing at a time.
' First will be the Housing referendum which will take place where voters
are asked to approve or disaprove the whole issue. If the election has a good
rum out and is passed the amount in question will be split in two parts. One
half will be for approiation and other will be for borrowing. Yep! there
definitly is a need for more housing here because at the present time there
is a waiting list as long as a big mans arm and then some. The housing
shortage created many kinds of problems and a crowded situation as to
.where two or more families live in the same dwelling and stuff like that.
Along with the new homes there are other means to consider like
housing Sub-divisions, roads to be built, street improvements. It is
estimated that about 270 lots will be needed soon to accomadate all the
families that need housing. This could open to rural housing as there are
some people who have lands where they could have homes built out in the
Yep ! There are several factors to be considered in a project such as this.
The lagoon will need improvements and perhaps expanding to accomadate
all the new homes that are in the planning. The water situation should be
in there along with the top priorities also. With such great number of homes
that are needed the water system will surly need expanding along with
everything else. For sure our Lagoon really needs expantion and even
today it is almost inadiquate to handle what homes we have in the area
already. Just think of what a load it will create at the Lagoon site when all
the new homes are added. "Maybe we'll need some out-houses." Ayeee! !
A modular Housing plant is also on the drawing boards as part of the
referendum. The cost of such a plant would run around $ 1 , 450,000, to set
up. If this is included this could create employment for some Tribal
members, say fifteen to twenty men at the start and to increase if everything
goes alright.There will be funds set up for home loans also with the Credit
Department. Funds will be set up for home loans only.
These are critical things to consider and we should take a good look at
everyside of everything to make sure we make the right decision. Hope
everyone attended the district meetings and stayed after the meal. Like me,
sometimes I'd like a Hot-Dish, but usually end up with a Vegetable. Ahh-Nah-Chi-Toon!!!
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
I'm writing this letter because I
need to tell you as a community how
much I've appreciated sharing life
with you. It was impossible for me to
get around on such short notice and
tell you that I love you as a people. I
love your children, and I love the way
you take care of your Culture, Tradi
tions and Spirituality. I cannot tell
you how much respect I have for you.
When I first came to Warm Springs
in 1978, you Elders welcomed me
into the Longhouses. They showed
me their love by getting after me for
not wearing my ribbon shirt and moc
casins, and as time went on, they told
me about the Washat songs and taught
me to love Washat Ceremonies.
Even at my home, the Elders came
and taught me about the Truth of who
you are as a People, filled with
Strength and Beauty, about the poli
tics and economics of the reservation,
and on and on, just as if they knew I
would be working to protect those
things 10 years later. From my first
day in Warm springs, I've felt privi
leged and honored to be there. I can
remember only one slight incident
where anyone ever said anything nega
tive to me. You have treated me like
family, and I'll never forget it. I'll
never forget the songs and prayers
we've shared during good times and
bad times. I'll never forget the times
I spend laughing with your children
or bringing them laughter with pup
pet shows. And I'll never forget the
times when the Elders asked me to
pray or sing a song to honor us as an
Indian People.
I know there were plenty of times
when we talked about some political
situation going on or someone trying
to do something they shouldn't be
doing, but that was life on the surface,
and we all get caught up in that.
What I want you to remember about
us as a People, is that we will always
be Indian People, and we will always
by filled with song and prayer no
matter what we do or who we think
we become.
I look at my own life. I lived on the
streets for nine years after I got out of
the Marines. I was drunk from the
first year to the last, and had no ambi
tion to be anything else. I couldn't be
anything else because I was fully ad
dicted to alcohol, I lived for alcohol,
and I would do anything for it. I got to
the point where I couldn't eat, then I
couldn't drink, without getting sick. I
want my friends, my Brothers and
Sisters who are still doing that, to
listen to me for a minute. I've never
hidden that fact I held a Masters De
gree in Drunkenness and Casual Stu
pidity, I always knew there was some
thing else I was supposed to be doing
with my life. I always know I was an
Indian Person, and I always felt the
Spirit of the Creator Touching me,
even in my darkest times. I know you
feel it too my Brothers and Sisters. I
know you strike out at the system, at
each other, and regretfully at our chil
dren, because we know we should be
something else. You don't know how
many nights I lay in the dirt under a
bridge, just wanting to be anything,
just wanting to be something other
than what I was there in the darkness.
But when someone comes around, we
shouted and yelled at anyone who
suggested we get out life together.
What do they know, right? Who did
they think they were, right? to tell us
anything. But when we were alone
again, we miss our children, we miss
our parents, and we remember times
when w were alive.
How long are we going to do that
my Brothers and Sisters? How long
are we going to pay because someone
didn't want us to reach our full poten
tial as Human Beings, as Indian
People? I know they kicked our People
in the face during the wars, but our
anger will continue to beat us if we
seek to kick them back.
We will only get more angry and
blind ourselves even more if we let
others decide who we are ana what
we should do about it. If our Elders
from 200 years ago could speak to us
today, they would tell us that we've"
survived for thousands of genera
tions because of our strengths, not
our ability to strike out in anger.
Along with our strength was beauty,
much like the sun rising in the morn
ing. Maybe you don't see yourself
that way, but its there my Brother
and Sister.
I know if I pray for you even in
you worst times, I will see that light
shining back at me. Take the time to
look into someone's eyes that you
know, and you will see someone
inside. Learn who each other are in a
Spiritual way, and you will end up
helping each other out of the dark
ness. Did you somehow think I was
a Shaker all my life? That I knew
how to sing and pray?
During the nine years I was lost,
I heard the songs at the Missions
Continued on page 5
You'll benefit by being honest with yourself
To the editor.
This is the second cassettestereo
our office has lost over the past nine
months. I'm not identifying the name
brand or any other means to try and
get my cassetteradio returned. I've
accepted the loss and will eventually
purchase another for my personal
and professional use. Of course, any
information provided would be
I write this letter because it disturbs
me the depths "people" must be, to
walk into a judges office and steal a
stereo worth maybe $30.00 at the
most. The money isn't the issue here,
its the issue of honesty. Honest to
oneself, to the family and community
is what the real issue here is. Why
you steal from me or anyone tells me
a great deal about you and your
present situation.
Regardless, your reason for taking
my stereo isn't as important as my
hope you will learn someday the true
meaning or nature of stealing in
relation to honesty. If I'm hurt in
anyway as aresult of losing my stereo,
its by the fact your value of yourself
is so low. You're willing to sacrifice
your own self worth in exchange for
immediate self gratification. I think
that is much too high a price to pay,
when you consider the benefits
gained from being honest over the
course of a lifetime compared to the
few dollars you get from stealing
(which you lose right away after
spending the money)!!! Maybe you
hope this was your last time doing
this little act of stealing, maybe just
maybe it is (I certainly hope so too).
But if you think about how I defined
the benefits compared with each
other, I quickly discover that your
hope (if it exists) is based on a false
promise, because just as quick as you
have gained by taking without asking,
you also lose because in order for
you to get more of what you want
now, you have to go do that very
same act again....What am I talking
about? Well, first of all, you didn't
get caught by me or the police or
anyone I know of, and because you
didn't get caught, you'll continue to
Whipman actions uncalled for
get bolder thinking you can't get
caught! But, I know that eventually
you will be caught, whether its next
week, month or years from now you
will be caught. Believe me when I
say I have no anger or thoughts of
revenge towards you, only pity. I feel
sorry for you because you haven't
learned yet how to be honest with the
most important person in your life
yourself. I only hope you will be able
to stop yourself from continuing your
self-torture or self tormenting and
make peace with yourself. I grew up
in this community and I see an
abundance of opportunity for'
everyone to participate and gain
positive results, which seems to be
left with a few striving for those good
things and others making no attempt,
to seize those opportunities. Because
I grew up here, I see a general attitude
of indifference toward those who may
have made mistakes and try to make,
amends to start anew. To the person'
who stole my stereo, I give you my'
hope of becoming honest with
yourself. '
Gerald Danzuka'
Was reading in the Bend Bulletin where there was this Cougar that
killed some young Llamas on the Canyon Ranch, just east of Sisters,
Oregon. Also reported in the vacinity was a dog that was threshed by a
Cougar. A trap was baited with one of the Llamas that the Cougar killed.
It took the bait and the ODFW killed the Cougar. If it was transplanted it
would only attack other domestic animals after it had killed the Llamas
Well, this gives me the oppertunity to apologize to our Natural
Resource Department for shooting the "Cougar I Might See Around My
Home." I'm not going to wait and see if a Cougar will not attack a human
being, because there are small children who play around my home and
their lives are more important to me than a Cougar...Any questions, call
me, no one else.
To the editor:
We were invited to a birthday
dinner Saturday, February 25 for two
of our favorite people, Larry Dick
and Chief Nelson. Our children woke
early and excitedly prepared for this
day. There was to be Indian naming
for 3 of their relatives with more
eating and medicine singing. Can
you imagine how excited our children
were? It was hard to decide what to
wear, will the weather stay so
beautiful? Dinner was wonderful.
Things really dampened during the
naming ceremonies.
I allowed my grandchildren some
play time. They suddenly entered the
building from the kitchen. I could
tell something was wrong. I would
call them and they'd look back at the
door that enters the dining area. This
was Theodore and Curtis. When they
finally came to me, Curtis said, "the
whipman whipped us and told us we
Please return our bikes
A lady on a Diet: Your sign says, "Our Doughnuts Have Fewer
Calories." I demand to know how you can make doughnuts with fewer
Baker: If you really must know...we make them smaller than anyone
else. YIKES
Tom: Why did you fire your secretary?
Bill: She couldn't spelL.she kept asking me how to spell every other
word as she was taking dictation.
Tom: I suppose you couldn't stand the interruptions.
Bill: It wasn't that, I just didn't have time to look up all those words.
There was this small guy who said to this large guy. "if I was as large
as you I would go into the jungle, find me a big lion and pull him limb from
The Big Guy: "There are some small lions in the jungle, too. Let's see
what you can do." YIKES
To the editor:
In October 1994 my neighbor from
Beaver Drive stole two new bikes
from us. We saw their kids riding
them. We turned them in for stolen.
An officer, Dee-bee-ah-zee or
something like that picked up the
bikes and brought them to our house,
he dumped them off, they were both
damaged beyond repair. No police
report has been reported to support
our claim. It was evident that the
bikes were new when taken. Our
grandpa, Jimmy Wesley is always
here for us. All five of us. Martina,
Jamey, Curtis, Theodore and myself.
He bought two more bikes, 5 helmets,
5 roller blades and a small trike.
Now, 2 more bikes are missing. I
don't feel like calling the cops again,
they might send Dee-Bee-ah-zee
Happy 8th Birthday
Mychal VanPeltl
March 4th,
Lots of love,
Dad, Mom, Curtis &
Happy Birthday
Chief Nelson Wallulatum
From Kalama's that
received their Indian names
again. One time he stood by while a
great big women kicked our grandma
around when she was caught taking
our blankets from our fathers camper.
He said he was protecting the big
woman from our grandmother, I'm
sure! Then he helped her load them
into the police car. We can't go to
Civil Court because there is no
supporting reports from the police
department. We don't think our
grandpa should keep replacing stolen
bikes but he won't let three of us ride
until we all have bikes to play with.
If you borrowed them, let us know
where to pick them up. We don't
want to report this to the police, they
might send Dee-Bee-ah-zee again.
Ha! Ya!
Lucinda Stwyer
4440 upper Dry Creek
had to come in. This was the same
whipman that woke us up one o'clock
a.m. during a funeral and told us we
had to get up and dance." I didn't
notice the boys bruises until their
bath the next morning. I can' t explain
the anger I felt. The boys kept saying
the whipman hit us there. I used to
look the other way when someone
disciplined my children but no more !
Where does his authority end? Is it
supposed to be year around, function
after function? I don't think so! I
don't know if anyone else is really
aware that this abuse of our beloved
children and grandchildren is
happening and what steps to take to
stop it. I wouldn't mind if a straight
laced person swatted gently if they
were doing wrong but they were
coming in from outside to use the
bathroom when they were whipped
and sent in to "sit still" during the
naming ceremony. Meanwhile there
was a bewildered she ap poo boy
trying to get attention from whom
ever would listen. He'd utter, he's
going to (whip) me when we get
home. I am appalled to the max ! I say
if you are not on drugs, alcohol-free
and straight, then you may gently
swat to discipline our children but if
you are not then dethrone yourself of
this high honored privilege. The next
time we meet could be in court for
accusing you of child abuse.
Neda Wesley
Happy 14th Birthday
"Marie Leann Kalama"
March 1, 1981
Keep up the excellent work
in school: 4.00 GPA first qtr
3.90 GPA second qtr &
Student of the month.
We love you,
Mom, Dad, brothers & sisters
Uncle Curtis, Auntie Sarah &
family, Auntie Lona & girls,
Auntie Fawn & family,
Eileen & Rick
SpilyayTymoo welcomes articles and letters from its readers. All letters, preferably
300 words or less, must include the author's signature and address. Thank you letters
and poetry will be published at the editor's discretion.
All letters are the opinion of the author and do not reflect in any way the opinion of
Spilyay Tymoo. Spllyay Tymoo reserves the right to edit all copy OR refuse publi
cation of any material that may be libelous statements.
Thank you
extended to all
Hi family & friends:
At this time I would like to say
thank-you for all your support dur
ingmyreign 1994-1995as Lincoln's
Pow-Wow Queen.
I would also like to thank the
Black Lodge Singers for the honor
song they sang as the out-going
Queen, for my family and friends.
I would also like to thank my
grandfather for all his support! Big
thank you to my great grandmother's
Matilda, Nettie & Sylvia.
Thank you mom, sister Eva,
Aunt's Wanda, Esther, Lynett, Uncle
Inman, Gramma Eliza, brothers
Charles, Louis & Joseph.
Thank you Louie Tewee, Sr. for
your help selling tickets at the mill.
Uncles, aunts, cousins for your sup
port, again thank you all.
Respectfully yours,
Betty Loo George
Apology offered for wrong doing
To the editor,
My name is Alex Tufti. I would
like to apologize to the community
for all of my wrong doings in the
past. Right now I am trying to get my
high school diploma, so I can walk
across that stage in June. I feel I have
let my family down my ending up in
jail my Senior year. I not only let my
family down but I also let myself
down. Getting my diploma would be
a big step for me and my future. I am
hoping to get released for another
challenge and step for my future.
That challenge is Sobriety. I've been
drinking since I was 14 years old. All
that got me was in and out of jail.
Graduation is on June 4th. I want to
get treatment as soon as possible
after graduation to begin a change in
my life.
So far this year in school I earned
4 credits in one semester. I surprised
my self and my high school counselor.
I lack a credit and a half. I am hoping
to get release on work experience to
earn my other credits. I would like to
thank all the people who are
supporting me on my effort to get my
diploma. I am 20 years old and I as a
high school drop out for 2 years and
went back and got it together. I just
hope my legal matters don't mess it
up for me. ;
To my family, I won't let you
down and I'm keeping my head up.
Memorial Set
The family of the late "Betty Lou Lucio"
would like to announce the stone setting
and memorial for May 27, 1 995 at the
Simnasho Longhouse.