Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, March 03, 1995, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 March 3,1995
Warm Springs, Oregon
Spilyay Tymoo
Museum visitor donates artwork
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Because of the uniqueness of its
design, a Portland insurance com
pany has presented The Museum At
Warm Springs witn a frame repro
duction of the artist's rendering of
The Museum.
JBL&K officials Jonathon Hart
and Dennis Doherty were in Warm
Springs last week to present the
framed reproduction to Museum Di
rector Michael Hammond.
Hart said he became enamored
with the design two years ago on a
company outing at Kah-Nee-Ta
where he saw it on display. He be
lieved the illustration was so out
standing that it should be framed and
put on permanent display.
The illustration is done by artists
Louis Gagnon for Stastny Architects
and features the Museum emerging
from the earth in a rimrock patter
with the building exterior on top of
the ground.
"I loved the drawing and wanted a
copy of the illustration in my office "
nan said. He also believed a copy
needed to be hanging in The Mu
seum and that is why the company
made the presentation.
Doherty said JBL&K likes to get
involved in community events. "We
try to give back to the community
especially for worthy causes."
Hammond said, "It's very pleas
ing to know that visitors to The Mu
seum are touched by their experience
here. Hart was one of those visitors
and he wanted to give the wonderful
drawing back and we're very appre
ciative of that."
The framed reproduction features
the three colors of the Confederated
Tribes of Warm Springs in a geomet
ric pattern around the drawing. The
drawing will be hung in the hallway
between the Museum staff offices
and the library.
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Over 200 tribal members attended the Job Fair at Kah-Nee-Ta Resort February 28. Information
concerning employment at Kah-Nee-Ta, the gaming enterprise and gaming construction. Another Job Fair
will be held Thursday, March 2 for non-tribal members.
Indian land ownership topic of consultation
Courses offered by Fire & Safety-
' .' The honor of your presence is
"requested! There will be two courses
offered by the Jefferson County Chap
ter of the American Red Cross. These
courses are an introductory overview
fo disaster responserecovery. These
courses will be helpful to anyone
who wants to know what the ARC
"does and does not provide when they
are called to assist in disaster situa
tions. These course were offered last
.October during business hours. This
time they will be offered in the
evening hours to accommodate those
who may not be able to get away
from work during the day.
March 14, 1995 Introduction to
Disaster 7-10 p.m.
March 28, 1995 Emergency Ser
vices to families Part 1 6:30-10 p.m.
March 30, 1995 Emergency Ser
vices to families Part 2 6:30- 10 pm
All three sessions will be held at
the Senior Citizen Building, 2331
High Lookie, Warm Springs, OR.
In order to have enough student
materials for the courses, we are ask
ing that those interested to pre-regis-ter.
If you have any questions about
the courses or want to pre-register,
please call HollyAnna or RaNeva at
553-1634. There is no cost except
your time.
We look forward to seeing you
The Bureau of Indian Affairs will
present information concerning the
proposed legislation to the Indian
Land Consolidation Act at a consul
tation meeting in the Warm Springs
Housing conference room beginning
at 1 p.m. on Wednesday, March 8.
The Warm Springs meeting is one of
11 such meetings in the Portland
Area at which the overview con
cerning Indian heirship has been pre
sented. A growing problem has faced in
dividual Indians, tribes and the BIA
for many year, the fractionated
ownership of allotted lands. The
problem has now reached the point
where the Department of the Interior's
ability to administer allotted lands,
probate Indian estates ana maintain
the IIM system can no longer keep up
with the increasing number of frac
tional interests.
An attempt to address the prob
lem was made by Congress in 1984
when it passed the Indian Land
Consolidation Act. Part of that Act
requires that when an individual
owner dies, an interest amounting to
two percent or less in a tract of land
will "escheat" or automatically
transfer to the tribe. In spite of this
law, the number of such small inter
ests owned by individual Indians has
grown from 350,000 in 1984 to over
1.5 million in 1994. .
Any proposal to solve the frac
tionated heirship problem must have
two parts: 1) the consolidation of
ownership and 2) the prevention, or
substantial reduction, of further frac
tionation. The objectives can be met
through a land-purchase program,
and by placing limitations on who
can inherit interests in allotted land.
For further information, be sure to
attend the consultation meeting on '
March 8.
Healthy Nations Program
Community Meetings
Seekseequa March 6,
Simnasho March 9, 1995
Agency March 10, 1995
Come join us!
"Family Night Out"
Sponsored w Madras Jr. High Culture Club,
ECE Ctr. & W.S. Elem.
"People United in Culture"
Warm Springs, Oregon
Agency Longhouse
March 3, 1995
Friday, Dinner 6 p.m.
Pow-wow & Events 7-9:30 p.m.
All drums and dancers welcome!
Sponsored w LH Elders, Tribal Council, Comm.
Couns. Ctr. & other Volunteers.
' ' ' -
W.1 . S
5th Annual Honor Seniors Day
Warm Springs, Oregon
Friday, March 17, 1995, at Agency Longhouse
Theme: "Cowboys & Indians"
prizes will be given for best dressed
cowboys and Indians
A horse drawn carriage will be available for j
your riding pleasure.
8:00 a.m. Registration opens
1 0:00 a.m. Early Childhood Education Powwow J
1 1 :30 a.m. sack lunches
Numerous games throughout the afternoon
5:00 p.m. Dinner
7:00 p.m. Evening Powwow with other fun
activities mixed in.
Emcee will be 8-ball Jim and Wilson Wewa
The Warm Springs Boy Scouts will be
posting colors, and invocation will be
given by Pastor Bruce Williams
Follow the signs as you come into Warm.
Springs, they will lead you to the Agency
Longhouse, where all activities will take place.
1994 king and queen
Students urge others to stay in school
Bad Dog! this dog was purposely put on top of the house as
punishment for messing up the yard. He was released a short time
Spilyay Tym
Publisher: Sid Miller
Editor: Donna Behrend
ReporterPhotographer: Saphronia Katchia
ReporterPhotographer: Selena T.Boise
ReporterPhotographer: Bob Medina
Secretary: TinaAguilar
Founded in March 1976
: Spilyay Tymoo is published bi-weekly by the Confederated
: Tribes of Warm Springs. Our offices are located in the
: basement of the Old Girl's Dorm at 1 1 15 Wasco Street Any
written materials to Spilyay Tymoo should be addressed to:
: Spilyay Tymoo, P.O. Box 870, Warm Springs, OR 97761
(503) 553-1 644 or 553-3274 - FAX No. 553-3539
Annual Subscription Rates:
Within US. - $9.00 Outside U.S. - $15.00
Spilyay Tymoo 1995
by Saphronia Katchia
Eighteen year old Cecelia Rose
Frank is a senior at Madras Senior
High School. Her parents are Lillian
Frank Cuevas and Eduardo Cuevas
of Warm Springs. Delbert Frank, Sr.
and the late Cecelia McKinley Frank
are her grandparents. She has three
brothers; Javier Gonzales who is 15,
thirteen-year-old Hector Gonzales,
and Leonardo Cuevas age 6. Her
sisters are twenty-five-year-old
Diane Felix, Janie Felix age 24,
twenty-three-year-old Yolanda Felix,
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Cecelia Frank
Marta Cuevas age eleven, Monica
Cuevas who is nine and eight-year-old
Socorro Cuevas. She is of the
Warm Springs, Yakama descent.
Frank was involved with the Youth
Commission on Children & Families
with Diane Treadway last year. There
they made suggestions to improve
the community. She also worked with
COBRA. She is currently involved
in Senior Club Meetings, planning
senior activities.
She enjoys reading, being a teen
mother, taking care of her son Miguel
Delberto Frank, who is now two and
a half years old. Frank also writes in
a journal when she feels the need to.
Civics with Darryl Smith,
Accapella with James Burge, and
Teen Parenting with Lisbet Hornung
are her favorite classes. She also
appreciates the support of her night
school teacher Carrie Bodensteiner.
Frank had to struggle a lot being a
teen mother by making-up high
school credits in order to be on track
to graduite with her class. She feels
she received a lot of help from many
teachers and most likely could not
have done it without them. She was
presented with the Principal's Award
her sophomore and junior years.
She feels a bit scared about this
being her last year at MHS, and that
she's probably going to miss it And
regrets not being involved with extra
curricular activities such as dances
due to being a teen-mother. When
she leaves Madras High she will miss
the support she has received from
teachers and the regular schedule
school. She plans her career in
working with distressed children.
Frank did summer work at the Warm
Springs Group Home in 1993-94 and
she really enjoyed it. She is still
looking into a college choice, most
likely a community college.
Frank would like to comment to
the remaining lower classmen, "Stay
out of trouble even in the hardest
of times, stay in school." In five to
ten years from now she sees herself
having a job, probably married and
working in a children's environment.
Seventeen-year-old Eli Spencer
Smith is the son of Dawn and Darryl
Smith of Warm Springs. His
grandparents are Morris and Lois
Jiminez of Salem, Oregon. He has
one sister, Ardis who is a fourteen
year old Freshman and Madras High
School. Eli is of the Warm Springs,
Klamath descent.
He enjoys taking care of his car.
He plays football at MHS and has
played since his freshman year. He
was selected team captain this year.
He has also played baseball since his
freshman year and is participating
this year. His favorite sport is
Baseball, he feels that it is "a
challenge and fun to play." He has
received varsity letters.
His favorite class is Physics with
Nick Keezle. His outlook of the past
school years he feels he, "could have
tried harder, and focused more on
school (homework)." When asked
about his feelings about this being
his last year at MHS he commented,
"Finally r When he leaves Madras
he will miss his friends and the sports
activities. Eli would like to pursue a
career in the engineering field. He
plans on applying for the University
of Washington, but if that doesn't
work he will try Oregon State
University. Eli would like to
comment to the remaining lower
classmen of MHS, "Stay in school,
stay off the drugs and alcohol." In
five to ten years from now Eli sees
himself being an engineer and living
in Beverly Hills."
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