8 February 3, 1995 Warm Springs, Oregon SpilyayTymoo Spilyay Tmoo Sports Redmond Rebels, Lady Vols take championship at Cougars tourney The 3rd Annual Cougars Youth Basketball Tournament was held January 27-29, 1995 at the Warm Springs Community Center. Tournament was for boys and girls 12-years-old and under. Redmond Rebels won the championship game against the WSFPI Blackhawks by the score of 63-39. Scoring for the Redmond Rebels were: J. Frost 14, J. Colvin 4, C. Alderman 25, P. Frost, V. Downs 2, N. Frost 2, R. Schwerbcl 16, A Colvin. Scoring for the WSFPf Blackhawks was: T. Moschctti 6, J. Armstrong 9, A. Carlson 14, B. Bairi 2, J. Ellsbury 4, J. Macy 4, Ahem, Barnes, Krugle. Championship was won by the Simnasho Lady Vols over White Swan Lil Cougs by the score of 31 27. Scoring for the Lady Vols was: S. Charley 6, 0. Jones 8, B. Suppah 9, N. Main 4, T. Wallulatum, C. Smith 2, G. Smith 2, Scott, B. Mitchell, L. Wallulatum, S. Davis. Scoring for the Lil Cougs was: JJ Young 4, Sohappy, T. Bailey 3, Vigil 2, S. Jaime, A. Young, J. Young 14, L. Jenkins 2, and J. Cordova. Consolation game was played by Yakama Bulls and WS Cougars, Yakama Bulls won by the score of 44-33 to take third place. Scoring for the Yakama Bulls was: L. Nanamkin 19, K. Shields 8, G. Saucedo 2, J. Nanamkin 6, J. Anderson 7, T. Anderson 2, B. Horton, F. Martinez, R. Estimo. Scoring for the Cougars: A. Greene 2, C. Walker 4, A. Jackson 9, K. Wells, A. Mitchell 6, M. Smith 10, F. Sahme 2, A. Mitchell, P. Adams. Consolation game for the girls division was Mission Magic winning Little league registration, try outs just around the corner With the little league baseball season approaching very soon, it is time for community members and their children who are interested to register for the program. Little league baseball and softball are for ages 6 15, both boys and girls. March 10 will be the final day for registration. Little league try-outs for boys and girls majors, ages 9-12, will take place between March 27 and March 30. Players draft for this age group will take place the evening of March 30, The Warm Springs Rodeo Association is raffling a 1986 Ford Escort in March 1995. Tickets can be purchased from any member of the Rodeo Association including Sherry Olney, Delvis Heath, Sammy Bruisedhead, Vesta Johnson, Ginger Smith, Sammi Squiemphen, DMJ Automotive, Rosie Bryant, Evaline Patt, Suzie Slockish or Rita Squiempjien. Tickets are $1 each. Chinooks tourney set for Feb. 17-19 The Columbia River "Chinooks" & "Scow-Ma" Boys 13 & under and Girls 12 & under Tournament is scheduled for February 17, 18, 19, 1995 at the Warm Springs Community Center. Don't Foul Out, Say NO! Shoot Hoops, Not Drugs. Entrance fee is $125.00 per team in each division. Awards in each division include: 10 championship jackets, 10 runner up hooded sweatshirts, 10 third place Timberwolves boys, The WSFPI Timberwolves (boy s) and Columbia River Bears (girls) will hold basketball tournaments March 3-5, 1995 at the Warm Springs Community Center. Tournaments are for teen boys 14 & under, and teen girls 15 & under. Boys entry fee is due February 17, $150.00. This tournament is an alcohol and drug free event-Tou use, you lose." At 5:30 to begin the tournament there will be a flag ceremony and opening prayer in the gym. Saturday there will be booths set up in the against Columbia River Scow-Ma by the score of 20-13. Scoring for the Mission Magic team was: J. Queampts 8, T. Rueban 4, K. Halfmoon 2, R. Patrick, J. Spencer, K. Abrahamson, D. Johnson. Scoring for the Columbia River Scow-Ma team was: T. Tewce 2, 0. Made 3, M. Smith 2, C. Polk, K. Kalama 4, B. Merrificld, and M. Cloud. Sportsmanship went to Warm Springs Young Guns 111, and the Warm Springs Lady Cougars. Most Valuable Players named are Jessie Armstrong of WSFPI Blackhawks, and Shamona Charley of Simnasho Vols. Travis Moschetti, of the WSFPI Blackhawks was named Mister Hustle, and Tosha Wilson, of Warm Springs Panthers was named Miss Hustle. All Stars for the boys division are: Augustin Pedraza of Warm Springs Tigers, Floyd Frank, Jr. of Chinooks, Alex Carlson of WSFPI Blackhawks, Jaqua Anderson of Yakama Bulls, Chasan Walker of the Cougars, Louie Nanamkin of Yakama Bulls, Anthony Mitchell of the Cougars, Lewis Hellon of Young Guns 111, Louie VanPelt of Ish-Gee-Looksh, and Raymond Jones of WSFPI Timbercubs. ' All Stars for the girls division are: Matilda Jones of Mission Magic, Tanya Tewee of Scow-Ma, Billic Suppah of Simnasho Lady Vols, Jennifer Young of White Swan Lil Cougs, Janell Quempts of Mission Magic, Tera Wallulatum of Simnasho Lady Vols, Lucretia Jenkins of White Swan Lil Cougs, Chrissy Sanders of Warm Springs Panthers, Wintersky Smith of Lady Tigers, and Jaylyn Suppah of the Lady Cougars. for player placement. ' Last year many kids were placed on the "waiting list" for teams in their respective age groups. To avoid having to go through this waiting period for your child, please make notice on the registration day so your child will be on the active list. Paperwork will be available to the community March 1, 1995. For information contact Warm Springs Recreation Department, 553 3243 or 553-3244. long sleeved shirts, 10 fourth place T-shirts, Team Sportsmanship, and sixteen All Stars. Individual awards in both divisions include: Most Valuable Player, Mr. & Miss Hustle, Tourney High Scorer, Mr. & Miss Defense, Tournament Coach Award, and Player of the Game Tee's. For more information contact Melvin or Vanessa Tewee at (503) 553-1675. girls tourney on Social Hall foryou to get information about any concerns you may have about teenagers, crime prevention, abuse, health, work, education, or counseling. There will be a dance in social hall Saturday night starting at 9:00 p.m. and ending at 1:00 a.m. Awards for this tournament are: Champion sweat suits, 2nd place hooded sweatshirts, 3rd place crewneck shirts, 4th place T-shirts, AH Stars indooroutdoor basketball, sportsmanship awards, MVP leather basketball and beaded watch band. A - "ihrttti m ibMM -.W.-.V -v. "-i : ; ! ' - ' -7 Simnasho Lady Vols playing against the Mission Magic for the championship Sunday, January 29. PRCA Rodeo 'Re-Printed from the Oregoniart THROUGH JAN. 21 ALL-AROUND COWtOT t, Scott Sebmt Btenwck. N O, J10.090. 2. ftrtctl Mywi Athens, fens. 17.640. SADDLE BR0NC RIDINfl 1, Skeetef Tliuiitoa HyannS. Neo, $11.101. 2, Craig Lattam. Texlwm Texij. SS.81 9. 3. Toby Adaira. Red Blurt Cali). $7,741 4, Dan Moltnsen, Manhattan. Mont. 17.471 5. Bobby Grtswott Moore. OMa. J6.467. 8 OanE1bauer.Goodwet.Okla.SS.42a 7, Kenny Black. Bruneau. Idalu. J5265. B, Bay Elbautr. Edmond. Okia. X5J71. 9. U Kenney. Pecos. Texas , $4,347. ia Tom Reeves. StepnenWIe. Texas. $3.811 11, Brett bowser. WWewood. S.0. $3.621 12. Dermy Hay, Alherta. Can. $3550. 11 Bud Longbrake, Oupree. SJJ. $149a 14, Red LemmeL Mud Butts. S.0. $1371 15, Marly Barnes. Walnut Shade. Mo. $1061 BAREBACK RIDIN0 1. Demy MeLanaftan, Canadoa Texas, $0257. 2, Deb Gieenough. Red LoOge, Mom, $8.43Z 1 Larry Sandwck. Kaycee. Wyo. S&23& 4. Mavn Garrett. Beta Fourcne. SJJ. $8.101. 5, Randy Slaugntar. Galuo. N.M. $U71 6, Wayne Herman, Dickinson, N.D. $5,166. 7, Shawn Vant, Great Fats. Mom, $4J29a 8. Eric Swensoa Oerason, Texts. $1882. 9, Brian Hawk, Me. Texas. $3,479. 10 Bob Loout, Greeley, Colo. $1141. 11, iun WEISH0FF. Motaua, Ore, $U1. 11 Bi Boyd. Wis. Alberta. $2,771 11 BVy Laye. Ba shaw. Aloena. $2.749. 14, Pete Hawkins. Fort Worth. Texas. $1626. 15, Eric Moutoa Weamertord. OMa. $1551. BUURIDim 1. Brant Gluck. GreenvM. Texas. $11.078. 1 Shan non Wormian, Dillon. Mont, $10.397. 1 Terry West Henryetta. Okla, $8.964. 4, Scott Bmong, Edoar, Mont, $3,667. S. Raymond Wessel Cedar PoM. Kan. $7,901 6. Gilbert CarnSo. Stephenvdle. Texas. $7.421 7. Ont Branoer. Roscoa. Mont $8X165. B. Onton Jones, ttjdera. CaH. $4.936. 9. Clay Bass. WImberly, Tens, $4,008. 10, Johnny Chavez. Bosque. Nil. $1828. 11. Chad Breman. ESsworrh, Neb, $1791 11 . Brian Herman. Hctnna. Texas. $1721 11 Pat Yancey. 04 bt, Texas, $1565. 14, Lanct Oobter. Seneca. Mo. $1551. 15, Jeff Calhcart, Cheyenne. Wyo, $1337. ULFR0PIM 1, Jos Betver. Huntsvle. Texas, $10338. 1 Dustn Raupe. Douglass. Kan. $7.648. 3. Mark Nugent Water Valty. Atota. $786. 4. Keith Hudson, Sonora. Texas. $8,908. 5. Guy Smth. Wlnttorne. Mberta. $6,421 6. Jim Bob Mayes. Manor. Texas. $4,551. 7. Tod Stan. Canyon Lake. Texas. $4,309. 8. Chad Thames. Ktty, Texts, $4,091 9. Carl Gtioory, Uurnbus. Texas, $1821 1 a David OoWnan Jr. Atari Okla. $1747. 1 a Bruce Tackett Bluff Date. Texas, $1747. 11 Grady Lockhart Oral S.D. U708. 11 Mat Arnold, vista. Cast. $1536. 14. Troy PruM. Minttart Neb. $1441. 1 5. Casey Mintoa Redwood Vasty. Cast. $131 1. CALFROftM 1, Jot Betva. Kutsvala. Texas, $111338. 1 Dustti Raupe. Dou0m Kxn, $74. 1 Mark Nixxrt. WSer Vv, Mxna. $7228. 4, Keith Hurlson. Sonora. Tool $1904. 5. Guy Smth. Wknborne, AJbern. 16.42a a Jn Bob Mayes. Manor. Texas. $4,551. 7. Tod Sons. Canyon Laka. Texas, $4309. a Chad Thames, Katy. Tats. $4,091 a Cart Gutarv. Oxurnbus. Texts. $0821 ia Otwd Ootwnan jr. ASM Okkc $1747. 10, Bruce Taduft BkM Oaki Texts, $1747. 11 Grady LocMort Oral SO, $1708. 11 Ma Arnold. Vista. CaW. $153a 14. Troy Prutt. Mlnatara. Neb, $1441. 1 a Casey Miriton. Redwood Vey. Cakf. $1311. tap for March 3-5 Mr. Hustle gift certificate for a pair of shoes and beaded buckle. For information about these tournaments contact Janice M. Gunshows (boys tourney) at P.O. Box 363. Warm Springs, OR 9776 1 , 553 5737, or Verleen Kalama (girls tourney) at P.O. Box 1046, Warm Springs, OR 97761, phone 553 5737 (no collect calls please). You may also contact Foster Kalama, coach of Columbia River Bears, at 553-1392 (no collect calls please). " ) 4 I Standings ; t' ' it y ('i,i, STEER WRESTUNB 1, (van Tdrjen. Camp Crook. Si). $857a 1 Kely Masters. Lafayette. Colo. $7,950. 1 toCoumaer. Oak wood. Texas. $7,891 4. RobrJn Peterson, Checotah, Okla. $8.678., a Shawn Johnson, Cheootah. Okbv. ' S&314. a Rick Bradley, BuikburneM Texas. $6251 7. " Chad Bed Jensen, Utah. $a071. a Surve Ouhcn So nora. Texas. $5,414. Jett Oubb. Hamsttra. Texas. $4.531 10. Butch Myers. Athens. Tern $4.371. 11. Sum Seteil Bismarck. HD, U21& 11 Todd West over. Burwel. Neb. $4,05a 1 1 Gerald Wiss). ABwta. Canada, $1971. 14. Byron Wahar. Bra. Tens, $16 1 9. 1 i Bubbt Paschal UPorta. Texas. $161 1 TEAM R0P1NS (HEAD1HS) 1, Jake Barnes. Cava Creek. Artr, $1051 1 Doyle Gesermaa Namaa. Idaho. 1 Jot Lucas. Ca stas!. Alberta. $5,461. 4. Bobby Hurley, Ceres, Catit. $1736. a Matt Tyler. Corscana. Texas, $1321 6. Mark Simon, florenca. Artz. $1311 7. Tea Wooanan. Llano. Texas. $11 1 0 a Spunk Sasser. Lacoochee. Fla. $1109. 9., Kerml Maass. Snook, Texas. $1944. 10, Slave Purceta. Heretord, Texas. $1539. 11. Oanat Green, Vaaey Samps, Calf. $1471 11 Mike Fuoer. Oarkston. Wash. $1184. 11 Chanca Kettm. Mayer, Artr, $103a 14, BtlyGallno. Wasta. SJ). $1,911. 1i Speedy WtUms, Jacksormas, Ra. $1 581 TEAM ROPINB (HEEUN6) 1. Clay (TBrien Cooper. Hkxey, Anz, $105a 1 Brttt Bockus. aremora, Okla. $7,008. 1 . Scott Setand. BiamarcK N O. $1884. 4. Aim Bach. Merced. Cakf. $1736. 5. Rich Skettorv Uano. Texas. 416. a Cody Cowdea LaGrande. CaH. $1321 7rtan Adams, Chandler. Anz. $1311 1 Bret Tonoza, Frurta. Cola. $3,110 9. Fletcher Nat, OcaH. Ra, $1101 11 Tyler Magnus. Ausm Texas, $1944. 1 1 , Chris Green. Vaaey Spmgs, Catt. $1471 11 Bucky Carnobdl Oxfs V Wash, $1184. 11 Chad Smith, CWno Valley. Arte. $116 14. Son Rutand. Wal SO. $1.911. 11 Brad Culpepoer, Pouba Ga. $1 581 STEER R0PIN9 1, Jim Daws. Absent. Texts. $S,440. 1 Gary Anr. tage, FJda. N.M. $1494. 3. Mika Thrjrrpsoa Hobos. N.M. $1521 4. Wade Lewis. Heretord. Texas. $1,601 1 JACK PURCHASE, Feaaartoa, Ora, S1JM1 1 Dan Fisher, Andrews. Texas. $1.461 1 Jimmy rtodge, Lo meta. Texas. $1,461 a Guy Alan, Lovngtoa Nil. SI .437. 9. Mack Alttzer. Del Rio. Texas, SI ,327. 9. M a .EDda.NJJ,$UZ7. BARREL RACINB 1. Dorra Nap. Spko. Okla. $10911. 1 Danyeaa Canutes, wasfaxjton, Utah, $1040 1 Sherry Potter, Manna. Arte. $1241 4, Sharon KobokL Bighorn. Wyo. $1907. 1 Us Oupea. White Sulphur Springs, Mont, $4,064. a Sua MM. Lot Texas, $4,071 7. Felicia Otis. Alex, Okla. $1201 a Becky Carson, Timnath. Cokt. $1104. 9 Lindsay Hayes. Orjekka, Ah. $1081 11 Lesht Sdaossar. Nantort Alberta. $1871 1 1. Krts ba Peterson. FJbert. Colo, $1821 11 Bnie H As. Tomnotrjn. Wyo. $1321 11 Sand) Emonu sa, Mont. $2264. 14. Kkn Coleman. Acktny. Texas. $1201 1 1 Ember Glvens. Rawans. Wyo. $11 71 Recreation 13 & under tourney scheduled for February 24-26 Warm Springs Recreation 1995 Youth Basketball Tournament, 13 & under open boys and girls, is scheduled for February 24-26, 1995 at the Warm Springs Community Center Gym. Entry fee is $150.00. Teams from around the Northwest are expected. Awards will be given for 1 st through 4th place, All Stars, MVP, Hustle, and Sportsmanship. Other events include a dance, 3 point contest, and half court shot For more information call Andy Leonard at Warm Springs Recreation Department (503) 553-3243. - if : r ' ' f V y . , ) ?y ft , - .'; j, Mario Smith drives the ball to the Sunday, January 20. Two bowl 50 pins over average Monday, January 23 the Blue Monday Mixers league bowled at Pelton Lanes in Madras, Oregon. Bubi's Bombers is in first place with 17 12 wins and 10 12 losses. The Alley Cats are in second place with 17 wins and 11 losses. The third place team is the Flintstones with a 15 12-12 12 record. The high series scratch bowlers for the night were; Men: Don Winishut-570, Owen Danzuka-569 and Richard Wolfe-521. Women: Libby Chase-5 1 3, Sandra Danzuka 492 and Norma Smith-479. The high game scratch bowlers for the night were; Men: Don Winishut-224, Owen Danzuka-204 and Owen Danzuka-200. Women: Bernie Cassaway-191, Sandra Danzuka-1 87 and Libby Chase-181. Both Bemie Cassaway and Don Winishut bowled 50 pins over their average. Congratulations!! ft . j Sk k C 1 6 ( A Spilyay Tymoo photo by Selena T. Boise Spilyay Tymoo photo by Selena T. Boise hoop during consolation game Mini Marathon on tap for April 15 Kah-Nee-Ta Mini Marathon has been set for Saturday, April 15, 1995. Events include: 14.5 mile run, 10K course, 3.0 mile, and 1 mile fun run and walk. Shuttle for the 14.5 mile event will leave Kah-Nee-Ta Village at 8:15 a.m. The Remaining events will take place at Kah-Nee-Ta Village. For information contact Warm Springs Recreation Department, 553 3243 or 553-3244. Annual Reservation Relay set for May 6 The 8th Annual Reservation Relay is scheduled for Saturday, May 6, 1995, at the Kah-Nee-Ta Village, 9:00 a.m. The event is a 58 mile team event. Adults runers may use a total of five runners with an average of four miles per leg. Youth division may use 7 runners and an average of 3 miles per leg. For information contact Warm Springs Recreation Department, 553 3243 or 553-3244. 1