Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, January 21, 1994, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    PAGE 6 January 21, 1994
Warm Springs, Oregon
Spilyay Ty moo Sports
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Lady Suffs fe s70t to fie Bulldogs 61-67
The Lady Buffaloes hosted the
Baker Bulldogs last Friday unfortu
nately they were defeated 6 1-67.
After the first quarter of play the
score was tied at twelve even. At the
half the Buffs lead 28-25 to bring out
the spirit in the crowd. Even after the
third quarter of play Madras was up
by one, 46-45. During the fourth
quarter, Baker pulled ahead and kept
the lead to win 61-67.
Stephanie Harris lead the Buffa
loes in scoring with 21 points total.
Erica Christensen; 18, Allison Kirsh;
9, Sara Badton; 8, and Carrie Hawes;
5, Erin Potampa, Bobbie Calica,
Sharon Jones, Lindsey Sundbcrg,
Shawna McConnell, Betsy Cordill.
Dana Mark lead the Bulldogs with
nineteen points. She had a total of
four-3 pointers.
Buff's Top No. 3 Ranked Baker City Bulldogs
Photo UUuh by Saphroni Kaichia
Carrie Hawes puts up a shot in first quarter of play during game held last Friday when they hosted the Bulldogs.
Boys 12 & under, girls 13 & under Tourney set
The Warm Springs "Cougars"
Youth Boy's Basketball Team will
be hosting a Girl's 13 years and
younger, and a Boy's 12 years and
younger basketball tournament, at
the Warm Springs Community Cen
ter in Warm Springs January 28, 29,
30, 1994. This will be for 10 boys'
teams and 8 girls' teams.
Awards will include: Champion
ship Satin Jackets, Runner-up
sweatshirts, 3rd place long sleeves,
and 4th place T-shirts. For both divi
sions there will also be 10 all star
sweatshirts, an award for Most Valu
able Player, MisterMiss Hustle, and
Team Sportsmanship.
Other fun include a 3 point shot,
and a mini raffle from the concession
A dance is also scheduled for Fri
day and Saturday night.
For more information you can
contact Austin Greene, Tournament
Director, at (503) 553-1953-home,
or (503) 553-3243-work.
Boxing Club now in training for future tourneys
Pkett mkem by Sfhnnia Ktickim
Pictured above are the Warm Springs Boxing Club participants who have been training for the past two months.
More participants are welcome to join, training is held in the basement of the Community Center.
Twelve boys, eight years of age
and older, were presented awards for
their successful completion of the
Warm Springs Boxing Club's boxing
clinic Thursday, January 7. These
boys have trained hard physically for
well over a month and a half to qualify
for the boxing clinic.
Participants include, Frank
Brunoe, Glenn Brunoe, Cliff
Pamerien, Tim Kalama, Phillip
Tewee, Elliot Lawson, Augustus
Scott-Main, Josh Ford, Lewis Smith,
Austin Smith, Jr., Lonnie CaJdera,
and Reggie Gleason. The coaches of
the boxing club respect their hard
work and dedication, and that it is a
privilege to be their coaches.
The following individuals have
donated their own personal time to
train these young athletes: President,
Andy Leonard; Manager, Gilbert
Brunoe: Head Trainer, Tony Gilbert;
Head Coach and coaches, Darl
Pamperien, Frank Smith, Elliot
Lawson, Austin Smith and Gordon
The boxing club consists of indi
viduals who are legally boxing at age
eight and up although they have indi
viduals who are younger in training.
Other individuals in training include;
James Teeman, Tyrone Smith,
Melvin Tewee, Thurston EagleEIk,
Casey Smith, Renso Rodriguez,
Edwin Thomas. Allen Gilbert, Jovon
Gilbert, Johnny Leclair, Eric Lucero,
Isiah Tewee, Paul Scott, Sergio
Rodriguez, Bethany Savala, Rachel
Savala, Joe Aguilar, Ralph Aguilar
and Kahseuss Jackson. The club is
open for more students.
The boxing club will gladly accept
all donations through the Warm
Springs Boxing Association. They
wish for support in fundraising to put
on tournaments here and also to
travel. They are a non-profit organi
zation and do fundraising on their
In the near future, some of their
boys will participate in two local
tourneys to be held this month and
two to be held in February.
It's always tough to win on the
road, especially when it's in Baker
City, in eastern Oregon, but that's
what the Madras White Buffaloes
did last Saturday night, January 15,
1994, as they made their long trek to
Bulldog country, where they upset
the No. 3 ranked Baker Bulldogs by
the score or 62-44.
The Buffs jumped out to an early
lead that put pressure on the host
Bulldog team. The Buffs poured in 6
three pointers early in the game to
take the lead which was 16-14 at the
end of the first quarter. The Buffs
continued to keep the Baker Bull
dogs under pressure and as the inter
mission came along they were ahead
by the score of 32-28.
In the third quarter the Buff play
slowed up a bit and they even lost the
lead momentarily, but they regrouped
and regained the lead at the end of the
C.C. needs
lockers cleared
The Recreation staff would like
anyone that is currently using a locker
and or padlock at the Community
Center to please go in and give them
your locker number. If you have a
Community Center padlock let the
staff know. This goes for men and
women upstairs and downstairs.
On Friday, January 21, 1994, the
Recreation staff will be clearing out
any unclaimed lockers. Any padlocks
that are not Community Center prop
erty will be cut off and the locker
cleared out for other users to utilize.
There are a lot of lockers (men's
and women's) that have padlocks on
them that have not been used in at
least six months. For the people out
there who may want a locker and
padlock, this is unfair.
: REMEMBER! Friday, January
21, 1994.
third quarter to lead 44-37.
In the final quarter the B uf fs were
determined to win the game and kept
the pressure on the host team. Coach
Brown said a couple of three pointers
in that quarter was what put the game
on ice, as John Boyle lofted a three
and K.C. Ring added another that
sort of broke the Camels back so to
Phillip Miller was the top scorer
for the Buffs with a total of 19, K.C.
Ring 18, Ben Christensen 11, Jake
Suppah 7, John Boyle 5, Sexton 2,
Wysham, Jacks. Three pointers came
from K.C. Ring who had four, Boyle,
Christensen, Suppah, and Miller.
The top scorer for the Bulldogs
was Wheeler 17,Burke8,Clausnitzer
12, Kelsey 4, Petrik 3, Bloomer,
Black, Ericksen. Clausnitzer popping
in a couple of three pointer for the
So far the Buffs have upped their
record to 8-2, overall and 2-0, in
league play. This Friday night the
Buffs will host the Pirates of River
side, this will be their second meet
ing of the season as the Buffs beat
them earlier up in their gym. On
Saturday the Buffs host the Nyssa
Bulldogs with the varsity game get
ting underway at 5:00 P.M. On Sat
urday both the boys and girls varsity
teams will see action as the Girls
varsity game will get underway at
3:00 P.M. and the boys varsity game
will follow starting at 5:00 P.M. The
J V teams will be playing at the MJH
gym with the boys game starting at
3:00 P.M. and the girls J V game will
get underway at 5:00 P.M.
The early schedule is so the Nyssa
teams will have an early start home
on their long ride to the eastern part
of the state.
BAAAD Tourney on Tap
Wee BAAAD (We Battle Against
Alcohol And Drugs) Co-Ed 1 1 years
and under Basketball Tourney is
scheduled for February 4, 5, and 6,
1994 at the Warm Springs Commu
nity Center. Entry fee is $100.00
payable to Wee BAAAD, P.O. Box
1255, Warm Springs, OR 97761.
Send rosters and entry fee in early for
the program.
Awards to be given are: Champi
onship, hooded sweatshirts; Runner
up, Crew neck sweatshirts; 3rd Place,
T-shirts; 4th Place, T-shirts; and We
tried harder, T-shirts. Other awards
will be: Sportsmanship, Mr. Hustle,
Ms. Hustle, High Scorer, MVP, and
All Stars.
For more information about the
tournament contact Lucy Suppah at
503-553-3222 (before 5:00 p.m.) or
Big Rat Suppah at 503-553-1581.
Annua! Magpies 6 foot and under
The Warm Springs Athletic As
sociation will be sponsoring the 13th
Annual "Magpies" All Indian 6 foot
and under Men 's Basketball Tourna
ment February 25-27, 1994 at the
Warm Springs Community Center in
Warm Springs, Oregon.
Awards will include: 10 leather
hooded sweatshirts, 3rd place crew
necks, and 4th place T-shirts, Most
Valuable Player, Mister Hustle, 10
All Stars, and Team Sportsmanship.
This will be a 12 team tourna
ment. Entry fee is set at $250.00 per
For more information contact
Austin Greene, Tournament Direc
tor, at (503) 553-3243 (work) or (503)
553-1953 (home); or write to: P.O.
Box 428, Warm Springs, OR 97761 .
Martial Arts class taught by Gerry Cox
Martial Arts classes have begun at the Community Center
Wednesday, January 12, and will continue to be held every
Wednesday and Friday at a cost of $5.00 per class attended. The
youth classes are held from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., children ages
6-12 and the adult classes are held from 8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.,
ages 13 and up.
Teaching the classes is Gerry Cox, who has been studying
Martial Arts for three years under Joseph Bronson, a 4th degree
black belt who taught in Warm Springs in the past. He continues
to study under Bronson. This is his first time officially instructing
a Martial Arts class. Gerry was asked by Joseph Bronson to
instruct class in Warm Springs because he was not able to return.
Bronson teaches classes in Redmond and does private study as
Cox is teachi ng Sho w linn Kung Fu , a system out of China. The
youth and adult classes are basically the same, a Traditional Kung
Fu line of self defense involving forms and various empty hand
self defense tactics. The advantage of taking Martial Arts is to
learn self-defense, physical development, agility, speed aware
ness and approved self-defense capability and awareness. Mar
tial Arts is not only physical forms and self defense but an art
form, as well.
Photos taken by Selena Boise
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Gerry Cox demonstrates the wheel
kick during class January 14.
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Gerry Cox, who studies under Joseph Bronson, assists Carina Miller with her form during children 's Martial
Arts class Friday, January 14.