Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, January 21, 1994, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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Warm Springs, Oregon
January 21, 1994 PAGE 5
Simnasho school reopens with new teacher, new building
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Carolce Thurman is anxiously
awaiting Monday, January 24, the
day the Simnasho School will re
open. She is the school's teacher and
is more than ready to get started.
"I think it's an exciting challenge.
I'm really enthused," she says with a
warm and friendly smile. "I'm ex
cited about the possibilities this
could be a family-type situation with
big kids helping little kids. I hope
parents and grand parents will be
Twenty Simnasho-and Sidwalter
area children, including eight kin
dcrgartners, four first graders, four
second graders, three third graders
and one fourth grader, are signed up
to attend the new one-room school.
Thurman will be assisted by Chuck
McKay, who will drive bus, deliver
and serve meals, which will be pre
pared in Warm Springs, and provide
custodian services, as well.
Thurman is a firm believer in small
schools, having attended a one-room
school herself in Alpine, Oregon. "I
believe that the smaller the class
room, the better the education," she
Thurman has been a teacher since
199 1 and taught first grade for a year
in Adrian, Oregon, a rural area south
of Nyssa on the OregonIdaho bor
der. She has also taught summer
migrant school for two years in Ma
dras and was a substitute teacher for
the Chapter I reading program at
Madras High School.
History of Simnasho School
1847 The first boarding school
on the reservation was built in
1895 The Simnasho School
1897 Another boarding school
was built on the reservation, this lime
at the Warm Springs Agency.
1938 The original wooden
school structure was replaced with
brick buildings.
1953 Grade School constructed
at Simnasho
1962 BIA board school be
comes part of 509-J School District.
Simnasho school is closed.
1972 Simnasho School re
opened. 1982 Simnasho School closes
at the end of the 1981-'82 school
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CaroleeThurmanwill be teaching the
kindergarten through fourth grade
Simnasho School
opening ceremonies
begin at 10 am Monday,
January 24
Lunch to be served at thel
Simnasho Longhouse
SAS Construction completed the final touches on the ramp leading to the Simnasho School earlier this week.The school
will reopen Monday, January 24, after a 12-year shut-down. The Tribe furnished the building, while 509-J provides the
Nine students attain college honor roll status
Student Success Strategies class set
The Education Services Program
is pleased to announce the all time
high in numbers of our Tribal Mem
ber college students who earned 12
credit hours ormore with 3.0Of Grade
Point Averages for the Fall 1993
They are: Bodie Shaw, Vesta J.
Johnson, Kachelle Smith, Jacob S.
Coochise, Nicole Yaw, Cindy
Caldera, Alexandra Perez, Vera
Gonzales, and David Poitras.
Congratulations students! They
were awarded with a care package
from the Incentive Award projects.
It has been noted that our college
Summer Bridge has openings
students have been working very hard
during this past termsemester as the
greater percentage of students have
brought up their grades. It is very
obvious they are in college to earn
their degrees so they can make a
better life for themselves and their
families. The Confederated Tribes
applaud all of you.
Do you have college or vocational
school plans for Spring or Fall '94?
Do you want to position yourself
for maximum success as you take on
the challenge of schooling beyond
the high school level?
Are you seeking Tribal Scholar
ship funds to help finance your move
to this next level of education?
If you are currently a high school
senior or anyone else planning to
attend college or vocational school
in the near future, the Higher Edu
cation Department of the Education
Branch and COCC have the answer.
Registration is taking place now
for a class beginning January 27
which meets in the evening, once
a week, for 8 weeks.
This class is called Student Suc
cess Strategies and Julie Quaid will
be the teacher.
It is a requirement for those who
wish to be eligible for Tribal Schol
arship aid but is open to anyone.
Class size is limited.
To reserve your place come to the
COCC office at the Education
Questions? Call, 553-1428.
A new class is offered each Fall,
Winter and Spring term, so if you are
unable to attend now plan to do so in
the future.
There are 24 slots for Summer
Bridge 1994. Summer Bridge is for
Tribal Members who plan to attend
college Fall 1994. It is a program set
upexclusively for the transition from
high school to college. Students will
get a feel for college class room
courses as well as getting head start
for college work. It is here where the
people really find out if they are
ready for college. Students attend
classes from 8:00 a.m. until noon,
then go to a work program in the
afternoon. By the end of the Summer
Bridge, students will earn 10 college
credit hours. This will be the 3rd
summer the Education Services Pro
grams, Myrna Courtney , Director will
administer the program through
partnership with Warm Springs
COCC Office Mr. John Hicks.
Kevin Dye will return to teach
English and Reading classes. The
ESP and COCC are excited about the
program this summer as we plan to
do other things besides the actual
class room courses.
College bound students andor
parents may call us for more infor
mation. Ask for COCC Secretary
Marilyn at 553-1428 or the Educa
tion Services Secretary at 553-33 11.
Thank you.
Warm Springs Elementary news
Calendar Update:
January 21 No School, end of
second quarter. Teacher In service.
January 24 Simnasho School
January 25 Chapter I Parent
Advisory Council Meeting 6:30 p.m.
at the Madras Junior High library.
January 28 Multi-Cultural Fair
at WSE. Parents & community mem
bers are welcome to visit.
WSE welcomes new teacher
Carolee Thurman will begin provement plan. -teaching
duties at Simnasho January Board Filing Deadline
printing for all new school employ
ees who will have unsupervised con
tact with students. The Board is
currently considering rules and pro
cedures for local implementation of
the directive.
21st Century School
Restructuring Grant
Warm Springs Elementary was
recently awarded a grant which will
allow the School Site Council time
for activities to create a school im-
OSU offers health career info.
Attention high school seniors: The
Education Services program office
have application forms for you if you
are interested in applying for a 6
week stint at the Oregon State Uni
versity this coming summer. They
are offering a "Health Career Oppor
tunity" for high school seniors which
is an excellent opportunity to obtain
information about various health
careers, to learn about scholastic and
adjustments to college life. At the
end of the program they will earn 9
college credits. They are looking for
students who have a strong interest
in health careers, with background in
Math and Science andean be planning
to attend OSU or other 2 or 4 year
college. Students will stay on cam
pus in an OSU dorm. Students pay no
tuition. Student must have some of
their own spending money for per
sonal items for laundry and recre
ation. Students and or parents may call
Myrna or Tedi for more information.
There is a deadline so do not wait.
Education Services program is ex
cited about this program because the
Confederated Tribes of Warm
Springs has a new Wellness Center
and there are many other types of
health related careers here on the
Reservation as well as off the Reser
vation. You can reach Myrna or Tedi
at 553-33113312.
24. Carolee has a Bachelor of Sci
ence degree from Western Oregon
State College and has taught since
She will be joined at Simnasho by
Charles McKay who has been hired
to provide non-instructional services
for the school.
For more information regarding
the school opening, contact Dawn
Smith at (553-1128) or Mike
Clements at (553-3591).
School Board Recognition
Governor Barbara Roberts has
declared the week of January 17-24
as School Board Recognition Week.
Thank you Bette Wallan, Steve
Earnest, Tom Norton, Jeff Sanders
and Don Aitken for your tireless ef
forts on behalf of our students.
Fingerprinting begins
Oregon Law now requires finger-
The filing deadline for the March
22, 1994 Board of Directors election
is January 20. Position 4, held by
Board Chair, Bette Wallan, is the
only one currently up for election.
All 509-J directors are elected at large
rather than by specific zones.
Winter Carnival update
The Carnival Committee would
like anyone interested to know that
they will be selling left-over pep
peroni and cotton candy on Thursday
during the lunch recesses for 50 cents.
Warm Springs Elementary School
would like to thank all the people
who donated their time or items for
the benefit of the winter carnival
held December 16.
Smile news
The Warm Springs Elementary
SMILE members are learning skills
to help them become better young
scientists and mathematicians. They
are beginning to answer questions
such as: Are area and perimeter re
lated? Could you write equations
which could explain cubes of various
sizes? The students use hands on
materials, such as tiles, cubes and
calculators to explain these relation
ships. Other questions were: How do
food scientists improve on market
products? Warm Springs Students
sampled various juice products and
tried to improve upon their look, taste -and
smell. Our students took careful
measurements before recording data
in a recipe and participated in a sci
entific sampling of their products.
Students also experimented with
pendulum swing cycles and learned
that the cycle is controlled by the
pendulum 's length. They learned that
the variable of the height of the boat's
sides determine the weight of the
pennies that the boat can hold before
Some comments from students. . .
. "I enjoyed the family science night.
I liked talking computer. I enjoyed
doing the biology. We had to pretend
we were some sort of animal." "I
liked going to Round B utte Dam. We
learned how much water was behind
the dam. We got to see a bald eagle
close up. We got to see the machin
ery that made the electricity."
Last minute gift Ideas
Equipment or supplies to encour
age your child's special interests.
Construction toys such as Legos,
Capselas or Erector Sets which have
an infinite variety of possibilities and
also encourage spatial talents. These
toys are not just for boys.
Good books. Check with your
child's teacher or librarian if you
need help with choosing titles or au
thors. Games which require strategy
rather than just luck. Some interest-
ing newer possibilities include Why
Not, Swoggle, TriBond, Quarto,
Chess on a round board, and Mind
Trap. Don't forget the tried-and-true
games such as Chess, Go, Pente, or
Maps, books or games that en
courage an interest in geography.
Computer programs or video
games that have a learning compo
nent such as Oregon Trail, or Carmen
San Diego.
A coupon for a visit to a museum
or historical site.
Tickets to a play, operas, sym
phony, or concert.
Art supplies.
Scientific equipment, books or
Magazine subscriptions.
Supplies to spur interest in a col
lection or hobby. For example: The
Post Office has stamp-collecting
starter sets.
On Patrol
Officers Investigated Traffic
During the evening hours of
January 12th, officers along with local
EMS personnel responded to about
milepost 3.5 on Route 24 where a
single vehicle crash with someone
lying in the roadway was reported.
On arrival, officers found a blue
Honda Civic and a male subject at the
scene who after initial assessment
was then transported to Mt. View
Hospital for further treatment.
Officers investigating the scene
believe alcohol was a contributing
factor to the crash as numerous beer
cans were scattered about the scene.
Investigation reported that the patient
is doing fine, who reported to have a
broken collar bone. More investiga
tive follow-up is pending.
In Brief:
January 1-7, 1994, a local party
was busted in the West Hills area as
officers on investigation found a
house full of minors & juveniles in
the company of several adults. Nu
merous charges were filed with the
prosecutor's office and the juvenile
A fight was reported at the entrance
of the mill as officers and investiga
tors converged on the area. On the
lookout at the Hollywood and Tenino
intersection, another officer spotted
the suspect vehicle mentioned in the
fight reported which officers then
followed to a nearby residence where
three arrests were made after the
suspect vehicle pulled into a driveway
and ran into a parked vehicle.
A sobriety checkpoint was con
ducted over the New Year's holiday
that resulted in over 125 vehicles
being checked with two drivers ar
rested for drunk driving. Over the
entire weekend, about six drivers
were arrested for DUIL
A tone-out to the Sunny side area,
local EMS personnel along with po
lice found a male adult vomiting
blood who reported to have taken
several over the counter drugs along
with a large amount of alcohol. He
was transported to Mt. View Hospi
tal. On another party with over a
hundred people in attendance, of
ficers were slightly out-numbered as
contact was made with the host who
after show permission from the owner
of the house, was allowed into the
residence. The host is to be com
mended for taking great lengths to
screen his party goers who was re
ported to have carded individuals in
question on whether they were over
the age of twenty one. Unfortunately
there was one juvenile found in at
tendance. Charges were pending.
On a call to the Sidwalter area,
officers along with the investigative
unit responded to find heavy fog in
the area of the B-180 road as they
attempted o locate 1 -2 Hispanic males
walking along the roadway reported
to have been carrying firearms.
Checking the area door to door, the
Hispanic males were not to be found.
Anyone having further information
as to the identity of these subjects are
encouraged to contact Criminal In
vestigator, Oliver Kirk.
On a tip from a concerned citizen,
officers checked on the sellers of
some anti-hateanti-racial shirts at
Macy's Market who was found to
have a valid sellers permit
On a follow-up of more graffiti
showing up in the community of late,
the investigations division cleared
three incidents as the investigation
led to a single individual who on
interview admitted to the vandalism.
Arraignment on these allegations are
pending. According to the Investiga
tion division, more charges are
Editorial: So What's Wrong
With A Party?
Community members or indi
viduals hosting private parties should
take note of the various things that
might go wrong with hosting a party.
The first consideration an indi
vidual has to consider is what is the
intent of the party, if alcohol is in
volved are all my guests over the age
of twenty one. What will I do as the
host if someone gets out of hand.
Again if alcohol is involved, to what
means am i going to take to ensure
that minor or juveniles don't crash
the party.
Based on the above, the second
consideration is in the area of criminal
or civil liability; if alcohol is served,
am I aware that I can be personally
held accountable for any acts my
guests may be involved in during or
after this event. What would happen
if I let an intoxicated person leave the
party, get in hisher car and get into
an accident where serious physical
injury or death arises. Who s going
to be held accountable. Can or will I
be sued? Thirdly, having considered
all of the above, what contingency
plans have I come up with to handle
intoxicated guests that insist on
leaving or causing a disturbance.
Have I made plans for someone to
take them home or have them stay
overnight; do I have someone I can
call to have them taken home; am I
!;oing to take personal responsibility
or their care, custody, and control to
ensure their personal safety.
And fourth, the police arrive to
check the situation out whether it be
due to a complaint or check to ensure
no minors are in attendance; is the
party out of control; is there vehicles
blocking the street or the flow of
traffic; is mis party too large to handle
in the event an emergency situation
arises where fire or medical assistance
is needed; what about my neighbors,
have I given them due consideration
before, during or after this event.
Officers Attend Basic
Firefighters Course:
In support of the Fire & Safety
department when the siren sounds,
several officers of the police depart
ment are getting cross trained to as
sist the local department in it's
structure fire efforts. Captain Oswald
Tias, Officers Howard Patt, Warren
Smith, Larry Holliday, Don Winishut
and Joe Roley are a few to mention.
If you are interested in becoming
involved in the local fire department
or emergency medical system; con
tact Sparkie or Chief Dowty at 553
3208. Vehicle Code Awareness:
WSTC 311.112 Motor Scooters:
1.) No person shall go upon or pass
over any Indian or Tribal land, by
motor vehicle of every description,
including motor bikes, motorcycles,
and the like, other than established
roadways, or areas designated by the
Tribal Council. 2.) No person shall
operate a motorcycle upon any
highway unless such person is the
holder of a valid operator's or operator-chauffeur
license recognized
by the State of Oregon authorizing
the license to operate a motorcycle.
3.) No Indian shall operate or ride on
a motorcycle unless he is wearing
protective headgear of a type ap
proved by the Motor Vehicle Divi
sion. 4.) Not more than two persons
shall ride any motorcycle at one time
and then only if foot rests are provided
for both operator and passenger. 5.)
Any person violating subsection (1)
through (4) of this section commits a
Class C traffic infraction.
WSTC 311.025 Custody of Ve
hicle When Operator is Arrested:
When a police officer arrests and
detains the operator of a motor ve
hicle, the officer shall impound the
operator of a motor vehicle, the of
ficers shall impound and remove the
vehicle to a place of safety; however,
the operator may elect to have an
other immediately available person
who is legally licensed to operate a
motor vehicle, drive or otherwise
remove the vehicle as the operator
directs. The operator may designate
the nearest available garage or tow
car operator of hischoosing to remove
the vehicle. If the operator does not
so indicate, the officer shall make the
arrangements as necessary to remove
the vehicle.
WSTC 3 10.5 15 Reckless Driving:
A person commits the crime of
Reckless Driving if hedrives a vehicle
upon a highway carelessly and
heedlessly in willful or wanton dis
regard of the rights or safety of oth
ers. Corrections Information:
For the past two months there has
been even paced change in the Cor
rections Division. Lieutenant Counts
with the assistance Miriam Souers,
Juvenile Corrections office have
nearly completed the first draft of the
policy and procedure manual for the
jail operation.
Within this manual is the imple
mentation of a new and more com
prehensive fire prevention policy,
which now complies with federal
For the safety and security of the
inmates a new and more comprehen
sive medical screening form and
policy is now used when people are
being booked into jail.
A new and never before used
suicide screening form and policy is
in place and being used whiled book
ing people and through their stay in
the facility. This also is a federal
standard that is now being met.
The booking of people into the
jail, the procedure used has changed
to provide more safety for the staff.
People being detained for detoxi
fication are now issued a blanket and
mattress rather than required to sleep
on the concrete floor. This is for the
health and safety of the inmates.
Hopefully, within a short time
commissary will be available to all
the inmates. Officer Elliott Lawson
is designated the comm issary officer.
We are in the process of devel
oping a new in-house inspection form
that will be used by the Lieutenant
and the "Fire and Safety officer" in
the facility to do monthly inspections
of the entire facility. Miriam Souers
has completed the kitchen inspection
A new Intoxilyzer 5000 will be
ordered and installed in the facility.
Cecil Seyler and Wilford Jim are to
be thanked for their quick response
to facility need and repairs.
We have had our booking counter
remodeled to accommodate the new
5000, a new shelf has been installed
under the booking counter, a new
bench (secured to the wall) has been
built and installed in the booking
room, new replacement video cam
eras have been installed, and nu
merous other projects have been
completed in a timely manner.
We have undergone training each
month. Booking procedures, strip
searches, suicide prevention, hand
cuffing, fingerprinting, but most
importantly and many thanks to fire
and safety officer Phil Johnson for
the SCBA training that he provided
at my request
There are a list of projects on the
drawing board to be completed in
1994. We're looking forward for a
good year.
Don Courtney
Chief of Police