Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, January 21, 1994, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    Spilyay Tymoo
Warm Springs, Oregon
January 21, 1994 PAGE 3
Miss Warm Springs pageant packs 'em in
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It was standing room only as
three contestants vie for the
title. Only one took the title
home but each was a winner.
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Contestants demonstrated dancing skills during inter-tribal dance.
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Contestants were nervous as they awaited results from the judges.
Starla Green accepts crown from out-going Miss Warm Springs Merle
Sheylene Greene-Boise was one of the three contestants
in the pageant.
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Starffl GffM recited a legend as her traditional talent.
Photos and text by
Donna Behrend
As her modern talent, Sunmiet Minnick performed a ballet piece.
Starla (Charlie) named Miss Warm Springs for 1994
Starla Green is most affectionately known as rich we are rich in tradition and knowledge." Starla workedasacadetwiththeWarmSprings
"Charlie" to her family and friends. It's a name Continuing, Starla said, "I wouldn't have been Police Department for fouryears and iscurrently
her dad, Sterling, picked out of the air when able to survive without my tradition" In the non- a reserve officer. She is also employed by Warm
asked by his mother-in-law the name of his new- Indian world, Starla said, "I've learned the im- SpringsFireandSafetyasapart-timefiremedic.
borndaughter.Incaseheforgetsagain,Star!ahas portanceofeducation."That,Starlafeels,iswhat She is a certified EMT I and is working on her
a new name and title Miss Warm Springs. helps people "survive in the modern world, the EMT II and basic firefighting H AZ-M AT certifi-
DuringceremoniesJanuaryl2attheCommu- 8 to 5, day-to-day world." cations,
nity Center, Starla gained the title that will keep Starla graduated from Madras High School in Over the next year or so, Starla will attend
her busy and on the road for the next year. "As a 1 991 . In the fall of that year, she entered the numerous self-improvement and education con
kid, I always saw the beautiful women with their Criminal Justice program at Blue Mountain ferences throughout the United States. She will
fancy crowns. I've always wanted to represent Community College in Pendleton. She will also participate in pageants,
the Tribe as Miss Warm Springs." Starla was graduate from BMCC this spring with an Associ- One thing she wants people to know is that "I
named Little Miss Warm Springs twice several ate of Arts degree in criminal justice, after which am here for the people. If they want me to be
years ago and was Junior Miss Warm Springs as she will take a one-year hiatus to fulfill Miss some place, I'll be there." To contact her in
well. Warm Springs duties. Pendleton, write to 317 NE Anvidon, 97801 or
Duringcompetition,Starlasaidshehashadto She hopes to attain a Bachelor's degree and phone her at 278-1576.
live in two worlds, Indian and non-Indiaa 1 work in law enforcement with the Bureau of Warm Springs has a confident young woman
want to keep the Indian way of life alive and not Indian Affairs. If there is a position available in as their newest ambassador. You can call her
let it die out I wish younger people knew how Warm Springs, she would like to work here. Starla, you can call her Miss Warm Springs, or
better yet, you can still call her Charlie.