PAGE 2 January 21, 1994 Warm Springs, Oregon SpilyayTymoo Df,St0J?ffend chamP'onshiP Tailfeaihers, and his parents, Charles ana mncy Tailfeaihers, will be , headed to the annual Tony White Cloud Memorial World Champion ship Hoop Dance Contest February 19 and 20 in Phoenix, Arizona. J.R. will be returning to defend his cham pionship title in the 9-to-1 7-year-old bracket of the contest J.R. has par ticipated in the contest for the past three years. He expects to join 30 or so other young men in the contest. J.R. has been hoop dancing since he was seven years old, mostly at Sowwows. He learned the art from is dad. J.R. also has taught himself to play the flute and also eagle dances, grass dances and traditional dances. Last fall, a group of Maupin jun ior high school students, after seeing his photo in a textbook, visited with J.R. at The Musei m at Warm Springs. He demonstrated his flute playing and hoop dancing skills. J.R. is an eighth grader at Madras Jr. High School, with science being his favorite subject. He finds space the most interesting part of his sci ence class. . . . . Warm Springs prepares position paper For thousands, of years, tribal fishers have taken fish from the Co lumbia River for subsistence and trading. Treaties of the 1850s ensured river tribes the right to continue fishing in their usual and accustomed places. In the 1930s, the Corps of Engi neers was directed by Congress to study the feasibility of constructing dams on the Columbia. When the Bonneville Dam was built in the 1930s, approximately 40 usual and accustomed fishing sites were inun dated. In 1939, the Corps and the River Tribes , who were party to the treaties of the 1850s, reached an agreement which proposed the ac quisition of a number of sites adja cent to the Columbia River, totaling 400 acres. This agreement compen sated the Treaty Tribes for fishing access sites lost to flooding through construction of the dam. Even though the agreement was reached, World War II prevented the passage of leg islation. Then, six years later, in 1945, Public Law 14, the Rivers and Har bors Act, was passed and it autho rized the Corps to acquire sites to replace those lost. Between the mid 1 940s and the mid-1 960s, the United States provided five fishing sites, totaling approximately 40 acres ad jacent to the river, under the autho rization of the Act. Pressure on Treaty Tribes began to increase as use of the Columbia River increased during the 1 970s and 1 980s. The Sohappy case highlighted issues pertaining to tribal requests for additional lands as well. Tribal treaty rights were specifically ad dressed in Section 17 of the Colum bia River Gorge National Scenic Area Act of 1986. Provisions established AIDSHIV to be AIDS, The Final Chapter Starring. . . The Human Immunodefi ciency Virus He stood as if frozen in time. The only movement was his long dark hair as the bitter wind whipped it about his face. He was alone. A dark silhouette mingled among the bluish gray and greens of the sagebrush and juniper. He stood, a solitary figure, overlooking the small community that had always been his home. His silence was merely disbelief of the news that had been shared with him only a few hours earlier. His heart felt as if it would explode from the force of his feelings, as angry tears spilled over his cheeks. He had never really known fear until now. He had been alone many times, but he had never felt as alone as he did at this point. His body began to shake uncontrollably, as a sorrowful moan escaped his lips to the point of unstoppable sobbing. What had happened? How had it happened? How could it have hap pened to him? Over and over the questions tumbled through his mind. How could he face his friends, his parents, his girlfriend, with this dev astating news? Spilyay Tymoo Staff Members MANAGING EDITOR SID MILLER ASSISTANT EDITOR DONNA BEHREND REPORTERPHOTOGRAPHER . SAPHRONIA KATCHIA REPORTERPHOTOGRAPHER SELENA BOISE FOUNDED IN MARCH, 1976 Spilyay Tymoo is published bi-weekly by the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs. Ouroff ices are located in the basement of the Old Girls Dorm at 1 1 1 5 Wasco Street. Any written materials to Spilyay Tymoo should be addressed to: Spilyay Tymoo, P.O. Box 870, Warm Springs, OR 97761 PHONE: (503) 553-1644 or (503) 553-3274 FAX No. 553-3539 ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Within U.S. - $9.00 Outside U.S. -$15.00 SPILYAY TYMO0 1 992 : " ,,-. ' I tm ft . '1x4' " - Hi i ' Y 4 . ' - J.R. TaUfeathers willdefendhishoopdanct championship title inPhoenix next month. the need to avoid potential effects to the treaty rights and indicated that the rights are not subject to negotia tions in developing the management plan for the Gorge. The final draft management plan was completed in July 1991 and established special management goals and policies to deal with treaty rights and the need for consultation with the Tribes. During 1987 and 1988, the Tribes identified sites on the Columbia River suitable for additional fishing access and support. At the same time, the Corps testified before the Senate Select Committee on Indian Affairs that transfer of additional lands to the treaty tribes for fishing access could not be accomplished without Con gressional authorization. The Com mittee drafted legislation to autho rize the transfer of portions of the lands to the Secretary of the Interior for administration as Treaty fishing access sites. Congress directed the Corps to administer the new law, Public Law 100-581, upon its passage in 1988. Shortly after passage of the law, the Corps developed an interim man agement plan for the 21 legislative Treaty fishing access sites until the lands are improved and administra tively transferred to the BIA. The interim plan's emphasis was on the eight sites identified by Public Law 100-581 for preferential priority use by the Treaty Tribes that directly impacted public parks. The Corps, the BIA and representatives of the four Treaty Tribes entered into a Memorandum Of Understanding to coordinate planning of implementa tion of the legislation through a task force. The task force, of which Chief Delvis Heath and Chief Nelson discussed 224 Today, it was like the final chap ter of his life had been written. To day, test results had confirmed his suspicions that he had contracted the AIDS virus. He had tested positive for the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, HIV. It was something he had never dreamt could happen to him. Why hadn't he learned about HIV and AIDS and all the other stuff he had heard about. Why? Learn the facts about HIV and AIDS February 24, 1994 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Health & Wellness Center Pod A Conference Room, Warm Springs, Oregon. The above story could be true, but fortunately it isn't. Learning what HI V is, learning to understand AIDS, and learning about the choices you can make to stop a story like this from coming true is taking the first step to prevent this illness from hap pening. Our community must become aware of the danger of HIV and AIDS. Help us prevent this from becoming a threat to our children, community and ourselves. Attend this session on HIV and AIDS Awareness. A community Health Education Presentation. I I I I f S 1 Wallulatum are members, has been meeting on a monthly basis since 1988 to coordinate implementation of the legislation. The task force de cided to separate implementation of the sites covered by the legislation into Phase I and Phase II sites. The Phase I sites are called the Early Implementation" sites. Phase I work, including planning, design and engi neering, will be completed first. The Phase II sites would be covered during a later planning, design and engi neering phase. Phase I work will include im provement at the Cascade Locks, Lone Pine and Underwood in-lieu sites. Construction of a new in-lieu site at the Bonneville Area Office site on the Washington side of the Columbia River is also included. Construction is ready to begin on these projects and, largely as a result of the Warm Springs Tribe's efforts, Congress added 53.9 million to the Corps' fiscal year '94 construction budget for the improvements and construction. Work will probably begin in May and be completed in 1995. Phase II covers all of the sites located on Corps of Engineers land above The Dalles and John Day Dams and the six new in-lieu sites that will be built on land purchased from will;,, ing private landowners in Bonneville Pool, bringing the total of access and in-lieu sites to about 32. Cost of the Phase II construction is approxi mately $51 million. On Friday, January 21, Warm Springs Tribal Council representa tives and representatives of the three other treaty tribes will meet with Corps officials to discuss their rec ommendations on Phase II planning document. The Tribe has prepared a Next session t0 be Joint education committee meeting held January 3 The Johnson 0' Malley, Title V and Tribal Education Committee along with the Education Branch General Manager, Education Ser vices Director and the Career Coun Are games age Video games are a popular pas time for children of all ages, some video games, because of their violent content or mature themes, may be inappropriate forchildren, especially younger ones. If you are shopping aware that some games appropriate for older children or adults may be advertised and marketed together with games for younger ones. If you are buying a video game for a child, you may want to: look fr ratings that now appear on some video games; ask a salesperson about the content suitability of various games; or check consumer publications, which may evaluate video games. In addition, be aware that: At least one video game manufacturer rates many of its games to indicate whether they are appro Foresty seeking motivated individuals The Branch of Forestry is solicit ing names of Tribal members or af filiates who are willing to lcam how to trap gopher on forest plantations. Individuals need to be highly moti vated and capable of working inde pendently. Training will consist of working with a Tribal Contractor for Yes, I'm interested in learning how to trap gophers. Name: Address: I I Phone No. I Mail to: Bureau of Indian Affairs, Branch of Forestry, P.O. I I Box 1 239, Warm Springs, OR 9776 1 . Attn.: Forestry Devel-' opment , Lincoln's powwow set for Feb. 11-13 If it's early in the year, it must be just about time for the annual Lincoln's Birthday Powwow. This year's celebration will be held Feb ruary 1 1 through 13 at the Simnasho Longhouse. The powwow is dedi cated to the values and beliefs inher ent to native tribal sacredness that have provided strength through the ages.. Because of this, the Tribal Constitution and By-Laws and the past, present and future leadership it provides, are honored. The powwow will begin at 6 p.m. Friday, February 1 1 with "new join ers" and "re-joiners" events. Also throughout the powwow will be spe cial events, such as a parade of war bonnets, an honoring of veterans, senior citizens and tiny tots, a sobri ety dance, royalty recognition with a special by 1993 Lincoln's Birthday queen Eileen Frank, a hand-drum special, sponsored by . Cal Queahpama, a "Thunder Walks Buf falo" special, a special recognition for Corps on Columbia River in-lieu sites position paper that will be included with the Corps' proposal Corps headquarters and to Congress. In the position paper, Tribal Council urges the Corps to expedite their action and asks that the "Corps of Engineers.. .accelerate the process of acquiring the six acquisition sites. ...issue a capability determina tion at the earliest possible date and thus clear the way for Congress to appropriate the necessary funds for the acquisition sites" on the Bonneville Pool. The Tribe sees the rapid development and escalating land values as cause for the Corps to act quickly. Part of the Corps ' report addresses the responsibility for operation and maintenance the new fishing sites once construction is completed. The report states that the BIA would ac cept administration jurisdiction and assume operation, maintenance, re pair and replacement responsibili ties. The Tribe firmly believes that while the BIA may have administra tive responsibility for operating and maintaining the sites once transfer occurs, the cost of should be funded by the Corps of Engineer's Colum bia River hydroelectric projects rather than the BIA's annual operating bud Taxes Taxes Taxes Are you confused? Let us take the fear We can unravel the number mystery! You now can relax and have Nathans Business Service take the fear and confusion out of tax preparation with their state-of-the-art computer system. You will have the security of knowing the IRS will not knock at your door. Call now for your free appointment! February 7- selor held their Joint Committee meeting January 3, 1994 at the Edu cation Center. Mike Gomez of JOM facilitated the meeting. - appropriate? priate for general audiences (GA), persons over 13 (MA-13) or adults only (MA-17). These ratings are found on the front of some video games. In some advertisements for the games, however, the ratings may not be present and may be obscured. Some manufacturers restrict the content of their games. There may be differences in some of the action sequences, even among video games with the same name, depend ing on the manufacturer. The industry is now moving to establish an industry-wide rating system. For a free brochure on "Toy Ads on TV" or "Bestsellers", a list of more than 100 free FTC consumer and business publications, write: Public Reference, Federal Trade Commission, Washington DC20580 or call 202-326-2222. approximately 40 hours in a field setting. If you are interested please fill out the form and return to the address listed below by March 1, 1994. If you have any questions, please call Tommy James or Budd Johnson at 553-2416 ext. 109. I I award presented by the Queahpama sisters and powwow committee giveaway. On Saturday, a memorial dinner and openingblessing of the Simnasho Longhouse will be held. All those who were in mourning will be re joining the dancing circle, according to tradition. A special Sunday ser vice will be held Sunday, February 6 with a prayer service for powwow participants. Visiting drums include White Fish Jrs.,Ma-Ka-Ho,Chini-kiLake,Grey Eagle, Black Stone from Canada; Indian Nation, Black Lodge, Eagle Spirit from Washington and Red Horse from the Southwest, and the Spilyay Tymoo calendars are here! $2.00 or 3 for $5.00 Stop by Spilyay office (old girls dorm) get. The Tribe also recommended modifications to the report pertaining to specific sites. Cooks In-Lieu Site Installation of showers, as recommended, by fishermen. Idea is supported by the Tribe, but cost of operation and maintenance will increase. This is not sufficient reason to eliminate the proposed showers. But, if these costs become the budget responsibility of the BIA, the Tribe reserves the right to reconsider their position. Celilo Treaty Fishing Access Site Three alternative plans have been prepared for Celilo based on concerns regarding cultural re sources. Any cultural resources lo cated on the site have not been in ventoried or adequately identified. The Tribe does not believe that de parture from the full legislative site development plan is justified. How ever, cultural resources studies should be conducted to determine the extent and significance of any resources located on the property. LePage Treaty Fishing Access Site Located at the mouth of the John Day River, this site is very popular with sports fishermen. The Rapid Refund in 3 to 5 away! The Jr. and Sr. High teacher re ception planning were made with Sheryl Courtney heading up the re ception that was held January 11, 1994 at the Sr. Building and hosted by the Committee. . Issues concerning the Warm Springs Elementary, such as "early school," cross walk safety and the possibility of having a new WSE built was discussed. Ms. Nan Willis, WSE Principal will be invited to the next meeting. The WS Library project was brought up. Shirley Sanders was given the go ahead by the group to work on the Library project. She asked for the support of the Warm Springs Community. If the people are supportive, she wants to hear I If - - - I : i Vi x: n Ix " ' - ... iSJ'Tglf; The Warm Springs Rodeo Association held a new and improved bingo January 15 at the Agency Longhouse. Many new items were on sale also. WSRA is raising funds for a building at the rodeo arena. Watch the Spilyay Tymoo for future bingo games to be held. Heart Butte Drum of Montana. Queen Candidates are Leah Bettles, Betty Lou George and Geraldine S witzler. Queen crowning will be held during Saturday evening's session. Each candidate is selling raffle tickets. Raffle items include numerous Pendleton items, a beaded bag, fringe shawls, a buck skin vest, a ribbon shirt, shell dresses, a hand drum, a quilt, various cash prizes and other items. Tickets are S 1 each or six for S5. You need not be present to win. Concessions will be available. However, concession space is lim ited and there is no longer any space available for more vendors. Tribe supports the revised plan that includes setting aside part of the pub lic parking area to provide camping near the new boat ramp for tribal fishers. It also provides additional parking for the public in the upland site originally set aside for tribal camping. Mooney Treaty Fishing Access Site The Corps discovered that 80 percent to 90 percent of this site is held as a railroad right-of-way that cannot be acquired for access. The Corps has recommended the site be left undeveloped with which the Tribe agrees. Pine Creek and Alderdale Treaty Fishing Access Sites The Corps proposes to develop full access sites at both locations. The Tribe proposes to limit the Alderdale renovation to camping facilities and have full development at Pine Creek because the sites are only five or six miles apart. Three Mile Canyon Treaty Fishing Access Site The Tribe supports the Corps' proposal to move the boat ramp closer to the existing public boat ramp. This proposal will save a considerable amount of money and perhaps provide a better facility for use by tribal fishermen. days Nathans Business Service 2122 Warm Springs Street Warm Springs, OR 97761 Phone (503)553-5722 FAX: (503) 553-5721 from them. She will also make con tacts and do what she can to make this a reality. The GM gave a report on the Simnasho School which will open January 24 with ribbon cutting cer emonies, dignitaries and other events. He also reported of having meetings on AE which he and Rob Hastings will report back to the next Joint Committee Meeting scheduled for February 7. Agenda topics for the next meet ing February 7, 1994 will be: Middle School Report, AE Report, Tutor Project, WSE Report, Simnasho School Report andother Educational information sharing. Charlotte Shike of the Tribal Education Committee will facilitate. T f - -