-PAGE 4 September 3, 1993 Warm Springs, Oregon Spilyay Tymoo Editorial E Coosh EEWA: (The way it is) Letters to the Editor 1 JLa JUST WANTED TO SAY: With the "Mock WagonTrain," ncaring its journey's end, ihc rep lica of 150 years ago as the settlers made their way westward to start a new life. With all the glory be ing handed out to today's Pio neers, what would they have re ally done if they had experienced the real thing during the first mi gration of settlers? Could they have with-stood the hardships those Pioneers faced in them day's? All the real elements of nature, not to mention other ob stacles that were encountered at that time. Yep! It must have been a big decision in them day's to take all of their belongings on an wagon and head west on the long trek to the promised land not knowing what was in store ahead of them. There was the weather conditions, the terrain, where there were no roadways or paths to travel on. The shortage of supplies and now for the, 'big sticker." Was there any real Savage Indians out thcrc?"Thcrc arc all kinds of stories behind these allegations of savage Indian Tribes. The real story is the Whites started most of the troubles for themselves. The greedy Whitcmcn masquerading as Indians raiding other wagon trains for their supplies and the blame went to the Indian tribes that were nearby. For revenge the Whites would raid small bands of Indians wiping them out, but there was any mention of recovering what was lost from the raids the Indians were supposed to have taken. Naturally someone would get mad if he was being accused of something he didn't do and strike back. The tribes were just protecting what they had and the, "Greedy Whitcmcn," came out the winner in the long run. Yep! In them day's there were no warm meals waiting at the end of the day, or no feed for the stock as they arrived at their usual points. No warm beds to sleep in, no TV's or Radio's to listen to in the evenings, or no hot showers and clean clothes. The stories that came down from the River Indian Tribes was the Pioneers were very pitiful when they arrived in the Northwest. Almost starved to death. "Chow-Toon-Kwa-Tat," "Shun-Wi-Ma! !"No more supplies of any kind, and they were just begging for something to eat If it weren't for the River Tribes, what would have happened to them? They gave them all the help they could so as they could continue on with their journey. Yep! When all the glory is being handed out, they ncvermention the Indians who saved their lives, instead it's, "Those Savage Indians." And the Crooks get all the glory...Ahh-Nah-Chi-Toon!! WHERE HAS THE SUMMER GONE? The summer just Whizzed by and it's school time once again and all the little darlings are back in school for another year. Most of the kids are very happy to be starting back to school because we haven't had much of a summer. Mostly cold windy days not suitable for much out door activities. Things will be new for some kids who will be going to a different school this year. The big change will be from Middle school to high school and from elementary to middle school. New faces new places. As the school year gets underway here will be all new teachers for those who are changing schools. Besides that each year there are new teachers that come into the school district. Some fresh out of College, and some just transferring into the school district. "Yep!" It's a new ball game ...But once things are met everything will become routine once again." "Neigh!" Toe Ness A guy accused of Murder, so he sent a note to a jury member he knew which read, "No matter what happens, be sure to hold out for Man-Slaughter." After hearing the case the jurv retired to reach a verdict. Some time had passed and the jury came in. The judge asked, "Have you reached a verdict?" "We the jury find the defendant guilty of Manslaughter. " The defendant jumped up and grabbed the guys hand and thanked him, then asked, "What took so long?" Well the majority of them wanted to acquit you, but I done like you asked and hung in there for Manslaughter." YIKES SS ss The judge looked over his glasses and asked the defendant, "How is it you can't get a lawyer to defend you?" "When they find out I didn't steal the money, they won't have anything to do with me." YIKES SS SS After his speech where the guy cracked several Pollock Jokes, a lady came up to him and asked: "Do you read Polish?" "No," said the man, "I don't." ; The Lady, "Do you speak Polish?" "No I can't speak Polish." . "Then I wonder," said the lady, "How docs it feel to be dumber than a Pollock?" YIKES EDITOR'S NOTE Spilyay Tymoo welcomes articles and letters from it's readers. All letters, preferably 300 words or less, must include the author's signature and address. Thank you letters and poetry will be published at the editor's discretion. All letters are the opinion of the author and do not reflect in any way the opinion of Spilyay Tymoo. Spilyay Tymoo reserves the right to edit all copy OR refuse publication of any material that may be libelous statements. ss SS "Diluted" blood causes spirit to weaken To the editor, It seems every American Indian paper you pick up these days has an article trying to answer the question of "Who are The People?" My opinion is you have to abide by the natural laws of the Creator to find the answer after all we arc "His" creation. The elders say "unto the 7th (seventh) generation. We arc to con cern ourselves with the future 'well being' of our descendants down to our great, great, great, great, great, great grandchild. When the treaties were written and the land was taken, there was not question of who was "Indian." It be came a question when the fences, namely the census, became a part of the "American Way." The census was thought up because of greed. It was a legal maneuver to eliminate Indians, divide families and extended families, take more land and further destroy a culture they hated. The dominate society could then with some degree of moral righteousness, disperse the murder money with a clear, ordered conscience. To heck with the rest of the descendants and the havoc it caused. The white man looked down on the Red man and sanctioned his murder in the name of freedom and the possession of land. The Native American, especially the East Coast Tribes, since they were the first to open their hearts and homes to these deceptive people, sought refuge in assimilation to survive. Then in time, the Red man himself turned on his own and allowed the Is your smoke detector working More Americans have smoke de tectors. But nearly half don't work. Without a working smoke detector as an early warning device, fire can spread unnoticed through the household, blocking escape routes and filling rooms with deadly smoke. Make sure you're protected. Start a lifesaving habit this fall. When you change your clock from daylight savings time, change the batteries in your smoke detectors. Thanks for support To the editor: I would like to thank you, S id Miller and Spilyay Tymoo for your help in sponsoring our team in the Jefferson County Men's Slo-Pitch Softball tour nament on August 14-15. Although we did not place we were among the top five for the league. Once again, myself and the rest of the Warm Springs team, thank you. Sincerely, John Katchia, Jr. Fund raiser a big success The incentive award project fund raiser, held August 1 6, was successful thanks to the response of customers who came to eat with us in the 4-H room and the customers of the yard sale at the Education Center Many are to be thanked for their contribution to the taco sale and yard sale, especially Art and Billie Jo McConnville, Hank Morrison, Anna Clements, Wendell Jim, Tedi Tanewasha, Anne Kalama, Thelma Davis, Angie Frutos, Eunice Esquiro, Sally Mitts, Charlotte Shike, Marilyn Hart, Sam Wolfe, Leif Suppah, Kosie Wolfe, Monica Sampson, Tim Wojtusik and Everett WindyBoy, who helped in both sales. Thank you to the yard sale donors Vest Johnson, Evaline Patt, Lois Smith, Marilyn Hart, Terry Macy and Marcia Soliz. Another taco sale fund raiser will be held in September. Watch for signs and announcements for exact date. dominate culture to decide who his people were and were to be, hence quarter breeds. The love, kindness, and generosity of spirit that is the basic core of the Red man began to fade and be replaced with jealousy, arguing, backbiting, distrust, and a denying of his own descendants; es pecially when they mixed with the races that brought on the division in the first place. So now in 1993 wc have a con glomerate of faces in this river of humanity, living on the turtles back, that match nothing of what our full blood ancestors looked like. There are a few full-bloods left by the will of the Creator, not by the will of man, and wc arc blessed that they live. The spirit is in the blood. The more the blood is diluted, the less the spirit is led. Example: Freedom The spirit of the Red man is no fences; the spirit of the white man is fences on every "block": The spirit of the Red man is the circle; The spirit of the white man is the square. The law of the universe dictates that 7 (seven) is completion. The eighth generation is a new breed. No longer docs the spirit lead in any way, shape, or form after the blood is deleted past l64th (onc-sixty-fourth). Some tribes still recognize this age old belief. Anywhere in this circle of 7 (seven) generations, the spirit of the Red man can live, sur vive, and be a part of the balance he keeps in the universe. He, the Red man spirit can remember the old ways, the kindness, and the under standing of freedom in a variety of Happy Birthday, Mom! Love Marsha Thank you parents To the editor, A BIG thank you goes to the par ents and guardians of WSE students for the timely response to the meal time applications and registration forms. YOU ARE GREAT! Judy & Chele Warm Springs Elementary Yard sale set Community Center yard sale will be held September 25th from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. I apologize To the editor, I deeply apologize for my poor judgment for driving under the influ ence of intoxicants. Richard Wesley To the editor, I would like to apologize to the community of Warm Springs for in appropriate behavior exhibited ear lier this month (August). I not only endangered the lives of the commu nity but also myself. Apologies ex tended. Cynthia Scott Happy Birthday Silas Poltra With love, from the family & Rosanna Self-esteem is a gift from "God" "To be esteemed is better than silver or gold." Proverbs 22:1 Starting September 1 3 at 7:00 p.m. at the Presbyterian Church across from the IHS clinic there will be a class called Self-Esteem: A gift from God. The cost is $20.00 for text and workbook. The text is a Ruth McRobcrts Ward's book. It is 225 pages, fourteen chapters using the Scriptures and the Myers-Briggs in dicator to speak of Self-Esteem. The workbook is 98 pages of lessons put together by Charles Cook Theologi cal School in 1990 and it will lead you through the text along with group discussions. If you are interested please call Pastor Rick at 553-1237. He has texts for ten at this time. his descendants. As I result of this, some breeds arc stronger activists in Indian ways and culture because they treasure their heritage and realize that even their very blood was taken by the dominant society. They should have no reason to feel bad about their "choice" to recognize themselves as "Indian," whether they look like what you think a Red man should look like ornoL When Native Americans begin to remember and truly believe in the ways of Grandfather and "His" son and not in the ways the white man has taught him, then all descendants of The People" will rejoice and be happy. Wc will be strong again. Re member too. the Jewish people. They roamed 2600 years without their homeland. Then in 1948 they were recognized by Federal governments all over the earth. Don't be discour aged if you are not of a recognized tribe. Don't be discouraged if and when other Indians or non-Indian mock you because of your "look." You arc what 'The ancient of Days" made you to be. Jesus Christ himself, was a breed. A Red man by God, His Father and a Jew by Mary, His mother. Bear the hurt and frustration as a warrior or warrior woman of the "The People." The Creator knows you and in the end that's all the counts. B. Cloud Muskokee Red Woman Spanaway, WA The Dalles Marine Supply 702 West Myrtle The Dalles, Oregon (503)296-4111 Specialty: nets, ropes & twines Open 9-6 during fishing season Good luck, Moon Sapphire! To my Gram When my heart is saddened by grief or strife. When it seems that all is wrong in life, When I am possessed by overwhelming fear it's then I feel that my gram is near. It's then if I open the door of my heart, She'll enter in and her strength impart. She'll life my spirit heal me and then I am able to face what I must again. I miss you and love you Gram! Marvin Ike. Jr. Camp opens for Round-Up To the Editor, My family will be honoring a cus tom passed to us by our parents. On September 12, 1993, 1 will be opening my camp at the Pendleton Round Up encampment by providing a lunch and give-away and because a dear friend and relative, the late Lenora Wilkenson Meanus, always traveled and camped with my family. Lenora Meanus (left), who often traveled giveaway. Utwil "Running Swiftly" Happy Big 40 birthday! You moke us very proud of your accompnsnmenis ana endeavors through your life's path. It is a great joy and pleasure to ve a part of your lije and enjoy life withyou. may you have many more vtmaays ana many more accom plishments and joyful moments. With lots o' loveon the28lh day of August, Vickie, sisters Margie, Wimpy, Grandma Etta, aunts, uncles, andcuzins. Also from Lee, Lewis, young Leo Moses, Mtchal, Charlte end Kellie. Sunnle Chlm-1 akya Happy 13th Birthday to Charlie L. Hellon Dest wishes always and many more. Keep up the good work, we all love you. Mom, Dad. and brothers and sisters. Happy belated Birthday to Larson Kalama and Many More from, Leo, Vickie and family Happy Belated birthday to Victoria on her 40 day We all love ya! Hugs and kisses always, Utwal,yourmom,aunties,uncles, sons and daughters and brothers and sisters. Happy Birthday Cowboy Happy???? Birthday, Janis Louise! My reserved teepee area is located northwest in the teepee village next to the barn and horse stalls. I am welcoming anyone to join my family for lunch following the set-up of the teepees and to learn of a tradition that is slowly passing away. You may contact me for further details, Neda Wesley (553-1626) with Neda Wesley, will be honored at .....n I. . . u.i . II Jill i f BtJt I" ' ' tj, ; ; f ' ! H . " r v S I'- im, t.i 1 m