Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, April 16, 1993, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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Page 8 April 16, 1993
Warm Springs, Oregon
Spilyay Tymoo
Job openings
Job oncningsu of April 12 JV93
are as follows. To suhmii applications
tec Amelia Tewcc. To ask about job
details call the contact person listed.
Home-Base TcachcrECENancy
Corps Crew LeaderWork Exp.
DevelopmentLucas ike
Secretary for Director F.TTFi
nance AdminTMilcs King
Nutrition Aid ServicesSocial
ScrviccsGayle Rodgcrs
Disabilities CoordinatorSocial
ScrviccsGayle Rodgcrs
Child Treatment Coordinator
Community CounselingJames
Family Intake CoordinatorCPS
Jon Grant
FishcricsWildlifcTcchnician III
Fisheries WildiifcMark Fritsch
Fencing-Watershed CrewRange
and AgricultureRobert Brunoe
Crew BossRange and Agricul
tureRobert Brunoe
Inmate vents frustratiorv
To Ihe editor,
I am now in the W.S. Detention
Facility doing my time for the wrong
doings that I committed last year
(October 92).
First of all I would like to vent my
frustrations: I was getting a weekly
pass, for Court Ordered sessions to
deal with my life problems. Then I
had it taken away, due to the fact that
I missed some classes (sessions).
I would like to say that these
classes are becoming a total burn
out, especially when they all relate to
one another.
Like teach you the same thing,
just different people teaching the
I have tried working with the
Tribal CourtSystem, but there is al
ways one more stumbling block that
is in my way.
Once you arc in the system, they
do not want to let you go.
I know for a fact that it is going to
be impossible to get any passes after
this letter is printed. But that is alright
as my passes have been partially
stopped already.
Then there are staff in the Court
System that don't like you, so they
hold your paper work until the judge
is cither not in, or in a bad mood or
not submitted in time for the judges
schedule for signature. Soevcrything
you submitted, is denied.
Or the court staff calling up and
checking up on me with the programs,
but instead get my name confused
with my son, who also has the name
George. And then telling the judge
the wrong schedule. And saying that
I am not sticking to my schedule
which I submitted for the weekly
Then there arc staff at the Deten
tion facility who are trying to help
you, but get shouted at by the court
staff, andor judges.
Legal notices
Confederated Trib of tha Warm Spring! R ti
er all on of Oregon
James Parkin,
I would like to know if any person
in the court system can attend all the
classes that I myself attend on a
weekly basis for the last three months,
without having a total burn out?
Also there is the question of no
body wanting to help me, because
they arc scared of the court or other
departments in the organization. I
always thought the departments were
there to help Tribal Members.
I know that I have done wrong by
being in jail in the first place. But
why court order people like myself
to do all these things then, not let mc
out Then say I am not attending
classes. How can I when I have had
my passes taken.
It is very hard for me to sec my
family (6 children), when I can only
get out for counseling, and Anger
Management, and family preserva
tion once or maybe twice a week. On
top of that the court thinks right now
I should be try ing to also try to get my
My family, and extended family
have tried numerous times to get mc
out for a family get together. But
have been shot down, and denied.
Also why is it that I am being
singled out. When the public sees
other inmates getting highly intoxi
cated, using drugs, and abusing their
passes? Also such other things as
escape, never going back when they
are supposed to from their passes?
Or maybe using drugs in the jail. And
never being charged, or just a slap on
the wrist. Especially when I tell dif
ferent people that I can't get out
because I missed classes. They say
what about the others we see abusing
their passes?
Thank you for your time in letting
me vent out my frustrations. I thought
that maybe I could make myself feel
better, since nobody in the organiza
tion (that can help) won't.
George Picard, Jr.
Lohmun or John Arena
(I) Forestry AidcForesiryRich
(A) Forestry AidesForestry Rich
Lohman or John Arena
Fiscal OfficerGeneral Manager
Urbana Ross
GroundskccpcrPublic Utilities
GroundsBryan C. Lund
HUD SecretaryHousing dept.
Kclli Muskopf
Exec. SecretaryPower Enterprise
James Manion, Megan Harding
Local SalcspcrsonK-TWINS
Sieve Moan
Power Sewing Machine Operator
W.S. ClothingJudy Dickman
ScamstrcssW.S. ClothingJudy
Warm Springs Indian Health
Center Recruiting for:
(5) Dental Assistant Trainees
(1) Motor Vehicle operator, Sec
retary; Optical Clerk Trainee; Main
tenanceMechanic; Clerk-typist
Identify the location of this geo-quiz photograph and win a year's subscription for yourself or a friend to Spilyay
Tymoo. Call 553-1644 after 1:00 p.m., Monday, April 19 with your answer.
Letters of thanks, appreciation shared by tourney sponsor
To the editor,
On behalf of the Warriors Chal
IcngeToumamcntcommittccI would
like to take the lime to thank some
people who helped make our tour
nament possible.
I would like to thank Charlotte
Hcrkshan, Winnona Moody, Janice
G ilbcrt-G unshows for their hard work
in the kitchen. These ladies provided
meals to the visiting teams, referees
and our score keepers. Wc greatly
appreciate Tom Bcgay and his do
nation of chili and dough. Marcus
Sooksoit did an excellent job in
running the scoreboard throughout
the tournament. Special thanks to
Jay Suppah for all of his help with the
initial planning, tourney bracket,
coaching, keeping score throughout
the weekend and also for being there.
Fay Suppah, Ellen Thompson, Ro
maine Miller provided some extra
hands when things got jumping. A
big thank you to the Lil' Warriors
who took time out of their weekend
to come down and sweep the floor.
I would like to thank my wife and
family for bearing with me as I pre
pared for this tournament. Things
can get a little hectic as tourney time
closes in and it's good to have the
family support. Special thanks to
Wamblce Wallulatum for being the
big brother to my sons during the
Since the beginning we have
stri ved to become self sufficient. Wc
were very close this year vet wc had
some wonderful people who stepped
forward and made donations to assist
us in our effort. I would like to thank
the W.S. Hydro Project (Donation
was used to help cover costs of
feeding the players) and W.S. Com
munity Counseling Department
(Donation was used to help cover a
portion of the gym user fees) for their
donation. Individuals like Bill
Donaghu, Fritz Miller, Don O'Brien,
Thcron Johnson, Ron Rccker all made
donations. I thank you for your gen
erosity. Six years ago we started this tour
nament to provide a healthy atmo
sphere for our young people to have
some fun, demonstrate their talents
and meet some new friends. Each
year it is our hope that we can provide
a weekend where sportsmanship and
competition can be on the floor at the
same time and our boys can have fun.
This year we had representation from
throughout Oregon and even Wash
ington. With this kind of competition
our boys were challenged physically
and mentally and I believe this was
very good for them.
Again I thank all those who took
some time to come to the gym.
P.S. I would like to share this
letter that I received from the
Redmond Panthers coach. This letter
is a tribute to all those who have
taken time to work with the youth of
our community.
To Captain,
On behalf of the Redmond team, I
would like to thank you for all of the
time and effort that went into the
Warriors tournament.
We appreciate all that was done to
make it a fun time for all of the kids
involved. Please extend our thanks
to your wife and her helpers for their
hours of work in the kitchen.
Over the last 2 months, we have
attended four tournaments at your
Community Center. We have been
impressed with your commitment to
today's youth. It is nice to see a
community that is working hard to
provide activities for the kids, where
they can have fun and at the same
time develop skills for working to
gether to do their best.
We applaud the role models and
their emphasis on sportsmanship.
We thank you for the opportunity
that we have had to participate. We
hope that wc will be invited back to
play again.
We arc try ing to dcvclopa program
in Redmond, that will create interest
and support from our community,
towards our youth through basketball.
We are currently interested in
finding other tournaments for our
kids to play in. We have teams from
age 8-1 4. If you ha ve any information
on tournaments that we could par
ticipate in, we would appreciate
hearing from you.
We thank you once again for al
lowing us to play in your tournament.
It was nice to take 1st place. We are
proud of our boys' teamwork that
acquired the 1st place prizes, but we
will display the plaque not just be
cause of our pride in them, but be
cause to me it is a symbol of the
mutual commitment, that we have
with the Warriors to challenge our
youth to be the best that they can be.
May we all be the winners in this
Keith & Lexia Rahmn
18240 Rock Springs, Ct
Bend, OR 97701
Apology extended to many
Case No. TR2I5-93
To) Jamrf Parkin,
You ire hereby notified: That the above cited
eaae(f ), u filed in the Warm Spring, Tribal Court,
ha, been acheduled for trialhearing at 10:00 a.m.
on the 2th day of April, 1993.
You are hereby ordered: To be and appear at
the Warm Spring, tribal Court at the time and date
hown to defend again,! the ch,rge(). You may be
fepraaented by younelf, by an attorney, or by a
pokeaman, at your own expense. You may bring
any document, you believe are relevant to this
cause, and you may bring witneates to tejtify on
your behalf. You may request the Court to sub
poena your witnesses, however, you mutt tubmit
your lilt of witnesses no later thin two week, prior
to trial; failure to do o will not be considered
ufficient rea,on to postpone the trial. If you hive
any questions, you should eek legal advice imme
diately. If you fail to appear a, ,o ordered, the tribal
court may enter a complaint for contempt of court
and iuue a warrant for your arret.
Dated at Warm Spring,, on thil 24th day of
March, 1993.
Walter Langnete III
Judge, Warm Spring, Tribal Court
Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reser
vation of Oregon
Julie D. Paul
Tot Julie D. Paul
You are hereby notified that the above cited
caeefa), a, filed in the Warm Springs Tribal Court ha,
been scheduled for a show cause hearing at 1 1 a.m. on
the 7th day of May, 1993.
You are hereby ordered to be and appear at the
Wamt Springs Tribal Court a the time and date
shown, to show cause why the suspended sentence of
3252, should not be imposed for your failure to
comply with the sentence imposed against you. Thil
heanng, will not be a full hearing on the merita of the
case; you mun appear and defend igiinst a complaint
that you failed to obey the Order of the Court.
If you fail to appear as so ordered, the Tribal
Court mayenteracomplaintfor contempt of court and
issue a warrant for your arrest. If you have any
question,, you ahould seek legal assulance immedi
ately. Dated at Warm Springs.Oregon on this 7th day of
April 1993.
Walter Langnese III
Judge, Warm Springs Tribal Court
Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Res
ervation of Oregon
Diane Turtl
To: Diane Turtl
You are hereby notified: That the above cited
case(s), as filed in the Warm Springs Tribal Court,
ha, been scheduled for trialhearing at 1 :30 pjn. on
the 29th diy of April. 1993.
You are hereby ordered: To be and appear at
the Wirm Springs Tribal Court at the time and date
shown to defendagainat the charge(i). You may be
represented by yourself, by an attorney, or by a
spokesman, at your own expense. You may bring
any document! you believe are relevant to thia
cause, and you may bring witneiies to testify on
your behalf. You may rcqueat the Court to sub
poens your witnesses, however, you must submit
your list of witnesses no later than two weeks prior
to trial; failure to do so will not be considered
sufficient reason to poitpone the trill. If you have
any questions, you should seek legal advice imme
diately. If you fail to appear a, 10 ordered, the tribal
court may enter a complaint for contempt of court
and issue a warrant for your arrest.
Dited at Warm Spring,, on this 26th day of -March,
Walter Langnese III
Judge, Warm Springs Tribal Court
Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reser
vation of Oregon
Anthony Johns
To: Anthony Johns
You are hereby notified that the above cited
casefa), ss filed in the Warm Springs Tribal Court has
been acheduled for a ahow cause hearing at 1 1 a.m. on
the 7th diy of May. 1992.
You are hereby ordered to be and appear at the
Warm Springs Tribal Court a the time and date
shown, to show cause why the suspended sentence of
2393, thould not be imposed tor your failure to
comply with the sentence imposed against you. This
hearing will not be a full hearing on the merita of the
case; you mun appear and defend agiinst s complaint
that you failed to obey the Order of Ihe Court.
If you fail to appear as so ordered, the Tribal
Court may enter a complaint for contempt of court and
issue a warrant for your arrest. If you have any
question,, you should seek legal assulance immedi
ately. Dated it Warm Springs, Oregon on this 7th day of
April, 1993.
Walter Langnese
Judge, Warm Springs Tribal Court
Confederated Tribes of tht Warm Springs Res
ervation of Oregon
Preston Haskle
Case No. CV12-93
Toi Preston Haskle
You are hereby notified: That the above cited
cue(i), as filed in the Warm Springs Tribal Court,
has been scheduled for trialhearing at 1 :30 p.m. on
the 29th day of April, 1993.
You are hereby ordered: To be and appear at
the Warm Springs Tribal Court at the time and date
shown to defend against the chsrge(s). You may be
represented by yourself, by an attorney, or by a
spokesman, at your own expense. You may bring
any documents you believe sre relevant to this
cause, and you msy bring witneiie, to testify on
your behalf. You may rcqueat the Court to sub
poena your witnesses, however, you must submit
your list of witnesses no later thin two weeks prior
to trill; failure to do ao will not be considered
sufficient reason to postpone the trill. If you have
any questions, you should seek legal idvice imme
diately. If you fail to appear aa so ordered, the tribal
court msy enter a complaint for contempt of court
and issue a wimm for your arrest.
Dated at Warm Springs, on this 26th day of
March, 1993.
Walter Langnese III
Judge, Warm Springs Tribal Court
Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reser
vation of Oregon
Robin Greene
To: Robin Greene
You are hereby notified thit the above cited
cise(i), is filed in the Warm Springs Tribal Court has
been scheduled forsshowcause hearing at 1 1 a.m. on
the 7th day of May, 1993.
You are hereby ordered to be and appear at the
Warm Springs Tribal Court a the time and date
shown, to show ci use why the suspended sentence of
1 22392, should not be imposed for your Mure to
comply with the sentence imposed igiiiut you. This
heanng, will not be a full hearing on the men Is of the
caw; you mun appear and defend igiinst a complaint
that you failed to obey the Order of the Court.
If you fill to appear a, so ordered, the Tribtl
Court may enter s complaint for contempt of court and
issue a warrant for your arrest If you have any
questions, you should seek legal issutincc immedi
ately. Dated at Warm Springs, Oregon on this 7th day of
April 1993.
Walter Langnese ITJ
Judge, Warm Springs Tribal Court
Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Res
ervation of Oregon
Reyes Garcia
Caae No. CV353-J2
To: Reyes Garcia
You are hereby notified: That the above cited
caae(s), as filed in the Warm Springs Tribal Court,
has been acheduled for trialhearing at 11:00 a.m.
on the 5th day of May, 1 993.
You sre hereby ordered: To be and appear at
the Warm Springs Tribal Court at the time and due
shown to defend against the charge(s). You may be
represented by younelf, by an attorney, or by a
spokesman, at your own expense. You may bring
any document, yon believe an relevant to this
cause, and you may bring witnesses to testify on
your behalf. You may request Ihe Court to sub
poena your witnesses, however, you must submit
your list of witnesses no liter than two wee.i poor
to trial; failure to do ao will not be considered
sufficient reason to postpone the trial. If you have
any questions, yoa should seek legal advice imme
abately. If yoa fail to appear as ao ordered, the tribal
court may enter s complaint for contempt of court
and issue a warrant for your arrest.
Dated at Warn Springs, on this 24th day of
March, 1993.
Wetter Lafs HT
jMtf, Warn SfHiana Treses Casart
Confederated Tribe of the Warm Springs Res
ervation of Oregon
Ellen Colwash
Case No. CR552-9t
To: Ellen Colwash
You are hereby notified: That the above cited
case(s), as filed in the Warm Springs Tribal Court,
has been acheduled for trillhearing at 1 1 :00 a.m.
on the 5th day of May, 1993.
You are hereby ordered: To be and appear at
the Warm Springs Tribal Court at the time and date
shown to defendagainst the charge(s). You may be
represented by yourself, by an attorney, or by a
spokesmsn, st your own expense. You may bring
any documente you believe are relevant to this
cause, and you may bring witnesses to testify on
your behalf. You may request the Court to sub
poens your witnesses, however, you must submit
your list of witnesses no later than two weeks prior
to trial; failure to do ao will not be considered
sufficient reason to postpone the triiL If yoa hav
any question!, you should seek legal advice enme
diately. if you fail to appear as ao ordered, the tribal
court may enter a complaint for contempt of court
and issue a wirrant for your arrest.
Dated at Warm Springs, oa this 24th dsy of
March. 1993.
Walter Lam mn ITJ
Jedfe, Warm Sarfctge Tribal Casart
Confederated Tribes of the Warm Spring, Res
ervation of Oregon
Deborah J. Hoptowit
To: Deborah J. Hoptowit
You are hereby notified: That the above cited
case(s), as filed in the Warm Springs Tribal Court,
haa been scheduled for trialhearing st 1:30 pjn. on
the 17th day of May, 1993.
You are hereby ordered: To be and appear at
the Warm Springs Tribal Court at the time and date
ihown to defend against the charge(t). You may be
represented by yourself, by an attorney, or by a
apokesman, at your own expense. You may bring
any document! you believe are relevant to this
cause, and you may bring witnesses to testify on
your behalf. You ma y request the Court to subpoena
your witnesses, however, you must submit your list
of witnesses no later than two weeks prior to trial;
failure to do ao will not be considered sufficient
reason to postpone the trial. If you have any
questions, you should seek legal advice en medi
ately. If you fail to appear aa so ordered, the tribal
court may enter a complaint for contempt of court
and issue a warrant for your arrest.
Dated at Warm Springs, est this 26th day of
March. 1993.
Walter Lanfwea ITJ
Jwdft, Warm Springs Tribal Casart
Confederated Tribes of Ihe Warm Springs Res
ervation of Oregon
Randall Nathan
Cue No.: CR420 91
To: Randall Nathan
You are hereby notified that the above cited
caie(), as filed in the Warm Springs Tribal Court
has been scheduled for a show csuse hearing at
3:30 p.m. on the 22nd dsy of April, 1993.
You are hereby ordered to be and appear at the
Warm Spring, Tribal Court a the time and date
shown, to show csuse why the suspended sentence
of 81 192, should not be imposed for your failure
to comply with the sentence imposed sgainst you.
This hearing, will not be a full hearing on ihe menu
of the case; you must appear snd defend against a
complaint that you failed to obey the Order of the
If you fail to appear as so ordered, the Tribal
Court may enter a complaint for contempt of court
and issue a warrant for your arrest If you have any
Questions, you should teek legal assistance imme
istely. Dated at Warm Springs, Oregon on this 11th
day of March, 1993.
Lola Sohappy
Judge, Warm Springs Tribal Court
Confederated Tribes of Ihe Warm Spring, Res
ervation of Oregon
Dixon Davis
To: Dixon Davis
You are hereby notified: That the above cited
case(s), is filed in the Warm Spring, Tribal Court,
has been scheduled for triilhearing at 11:00 a.m.
on the 5th day of May, 1993.
You are hereby ordered: To be and appear at
the Warm Springs Tribal Court at the time and date
hown to defend against the chsrgc(s). You may be
represented by yourself, by an attorney, or by a
spokesman, st your own expense. You may bring
any documents you believe are relevant to thia
cause, and you may bring witnesses to testify on
your behalf. You may request the Court to sub
poens your witnesses, however, you must submit
your list of witnesses no later than two weeks prior
to trial; failure to do so will not be considered
sufficient reason to postpone the trial. If you have
any questions, you should seek legal advice imme
diately. If you fail to appear as ao ordered, the tribal
court may enter a complaint for contempt of court
and issue s warrant for your arrest.
Dated st Warm Springs, on this 24ih diy of
Mirch, 1993.
Walter Langneae III
Judge, Warm Springs Tribal Court
To the community,
This letter is my apology to you
all first of all for being highly in
toxicated on the reservation, and
endangering my life as well as the
entire community for driving while
This apology goes out to the
Lawson family and to the W.S. Po
lice Dept. officer Bob Whittenburg,
Dixon Polk, Leona Ike, John Carter,
and any other officers that were in
volved on the nightearly morning of
October 17, 1992. Also to anybody
else that I was being rude and totally
out of control to on this night. Please
accept apologies to you all.
Second of all I would like to take
this time to apologize to my wife and
my children for all the wrong doings
that I have committed this past year.
For I am now paying the price for it.
I want to thank my entire family for
sticking with me during these hard
and slow days of my confinement in
the jail, especially my wife. Now I
know now that what I did was wrong.
Once again I apologize for all my
wrong doings to the entire W.S . Tribal
Member and community.
George Picard, Jr.
Howlak Tichum
Dorothea Cassaway
Enrolled member of the Yakima
Nation in Washington, Dorothea
Cassaway passed away March 31,
1993 at Providence Hospital in
Portland, Oregon due to natural
causes. She was 73 years old.
She was born February 20, 1920
in Hood River, Oregon to Robert and
Bessie (Snidups) Kuneki. She has
lived in Warm Springs and White
Salmon, Washington all of her life.
She was the owneroperator of
Cassaway Fish Company in White
Salmon, Washington.
Prayer services were held Thurs
day, April 1, 1993 at 7:00 p.m. at
Bel-Air Colonial Funeral Home in
Madras, Oregon. Dressing ceremo
nies were Friday, April 2 at 3:00 p.m.
with overnight services following at
the Agency Longhouse in Warm
Springs, officiated by Prosanna and
Silas Williams. Burial services were
Saturday, April 3, 1993 at 10:00 a.m.
at the Agency Cemetery.
Casketbearers were Phillip
Quaempts, Freddie Blodgett, Rafael
Queahpama, James Kiona, Douglas
Palmer, Charlie Clark and Lester
Tanewasha, Jr.
She is survived by her children;
Norma Smith, Pat Speakthunder,
Antoinette Pamperien, and Marvin
Ike, Sr., all of Warm Springs,
Bernadine Cassaway of White
Salmon, Washington, her brother;
John Quaempts of White Salmon,
sister; LaVina Quaempts of Warm
Springs and numerous grandchildren
and great grandchildren. She was
preceded in death by her daughter
Doris Wolfe, granddaughter Jeannine
Thompson, grandson; Lowell
Thompson all on October 4, 1989
and grandson Chad Smith on June
28, 1992 also three brothers.
Lenora Heath
Indian gathering
set for May
American Indians across the na
tion are expected in Coburg, Oregon
near Eugene May 14-16 for the first
annual Spiritual Gathering and
Gathering of the Tribes.
The intertribal encampment will
focus on cultural activities, allowing
Indians to share traditional games,
sacred rites and views of creation.
Half of the 2,000 acre encamp
ment will be open to non-Indians and
will include food and craft booths,
displays and a model Indian village.
Enrolled member of the Confed
erated Tribes of Umatilla, Lenora
Heath of Warm Springs passed away
in Wapato, Washington on April 5,
1993. The cause of death is pending
She was born January 1, 1935 in
Umatilla, Oregon to Margaret
Wilkinson. She attended schools in
Pendleton and moved to Warm
Springs in 1956 and was a home
maker. She enjoyed attending rodeos
and powwows and being with her
All denominational prayer ser
vices were held Tuesday, April 6,
1993 at 7:00 p.m. Dressing ceremo
nies were Wednesday, April 7 at
10:00 a.m. at the Agency Longhouse
in Warm Springs, officiated by
Margaret Boise and Prosanna Wil
liams. Overnight services followed
and were officiated by Silas Williams.
The burial was Thursday, April 8 at
sunrise at Simnasho Cemetery.
Casketbearers were Kenny Atkins,
Jerry Polk, Stacy Lillie, Byron Frank,
Lester Begay, Fred Johnson, Jr., Roy
Heath, Wayne Gilbert, Wendall
Greene, and Emerson Culpus.
Survivors include her children;
Robert W. Williams, Regina
LeClaire-Gomez, Dcnisc LeClaire,
Marlon LeClaire, Lorna Kitt
LeClaire, Wallace Kitt LeClaire,
Martha Celia Heath, Johnson Nixon
Heath, Roberta Lee Heath, and Ri
chard Ellery Wolfe all of Warm
Springs. Hersisters; Virginia Conner
of Madras, Janie Pond of Pendleton
and Polly Ferguson of Omak,
Washington and her brother, Jimmy
Wilkinson of George ville, Washing
ton. She is preceded in death by her
husband Wayne Heath on December
17, 1976 and her son Brian E.
LeClaire on March 3, 1961