Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, April 02, 1993, Image 1

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    a, i j :
VOL. 18 NO. 7
Coyote News
In Brief
Legislative director
takes post
Lewis Pitt, Jr. was recently
appointed tribal legislative
Page 2
Senior citizens have
Events honoring senior
citizens were held March
19 at the Agency
Page 2
Warm Springs students
participate In Special
Students recently
competed in winter sports
at Mt. Bachelor during the
Special Olympics,
Page 3
Don't be fooled
Special April Fool's page
includes stories purely for
enjoyment. Don't believe a
word you read.
Page 5
Root Feast Rodeo set
for April 10
Books open April 5 for
Root Feast Rodeo
registration. Rodeo begins
April 10 at the Warm
Springs rodeo grounds.
Page 6
Buffs lose bid for state
White Buffaloes
participated in the state
tournament winning only
their first game.
Page 6
Pressure canner safety
Check the seals, bodies
and covers of your
pressure canner to ensure
safety in canner operation.
Page 7
Move your coc&s aneacf
one nour Saturday night
before you go to bed.
Daylight Savings Time
begins Sunday.
Deadline for the next
issue of Spilyay
is April 9,1993
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"Don V use your hands! " Was one of
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VVeeK OT THR YOlinn I ni n TnnilQPQ Oil anilCP nrPUPm fill
The Confederated Tribes of Warm
Springs Children's Protective Ser
vices Department is recognizing
Child Abuse Prevention Month by
sponsoring community activities to
heighten the awareness forprevention
of child abuse and neglect. April was
declared child abuse prevention
month 1983.
The Week of the Young Child
will be celebrated during the second
week of April with a parade spon
sored by the Early Childhood Center.
CPS is participating in the parade.
CPS will operate two booths at the
ECE Week of the Child carnival.
During the third week of April the
Children s Protective Services De
partment will have an open house of
the CPS office, CPS Center and the
Family Preservation offices.
Videos will be demonstrated
during the noon hour of the last week
of April in the CPS conference room.
Following are some facts relating
to child abuse and neglect.
Child abuse was formally recog
nized by the medical profession in
1961 as the "battered child syn
COCC classes
Calligraphy Italic lettering
with pen & ink to create beautiful
lettering for cards, certificates, or
brochures. For beginners and "rusty"
calligraphers. Instructor Dorothy
Zimmerman will have class on
Thursdays from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
starting April 8 through May 13 at
the Education Center. Section 4555,
Cost $23.00, Senior Cost $17.75,
Supplies list available.
Intro to WordPerfect Word
The registration schedule will be only on those days for
spring term.
March 23, 24, 25
April 6, 7, 8
May 4, 5, 6
For more Information about GED classes call Ed at 553-1 428.
from the Warm Springs Indian Reservation eugene, or
P.O. BOX 870, WARM
the rules for these watermelon eating seniors, who entered the watermelon eating
In 1990, State child protective
service agencies received and re
ferred for investigation an estimated
1.7 million reports of alleged child
abuse and neglect, involving ap
proximately 2.7 million children.
Since 1980, reports of child abuse
and neglect have more than doubled.
Approximately 833,000 children
were found to be substantiated or
indicated victims of child abuse and
neglect in 1990. More than three
children die each day in the United
S tates as a result of abuse or neglect.
Among substantiated cases of
child maltreatment in 1990, ap
proximately 45 percent were for ne
glect, 25 percent for physical abuse,
16 percent for sexual abuse, and 14
percent for other forms of maltreat
ment. The link between substance
abuse and child abuse has strength
ened over the past years. Parental
abuse of alcohol and use of other
drugs has been identified as a major
factor contributing to child mal
treatment and death. It is estimated
provides opportunity to increase skills
processing on IBM. Enter text, save,
print, retrieve filcs.ctc.For beginners.
Keyboard experience necessary.
Tuesdays from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30
p.m. starting April 13 through May
25 with Normandie Phelps instruct
ing. Cost S40.63, Senior cost $32.97,
Section 4580, at Computer Center
at Education Center.
Intro to Lotus Create spread
sheets, formulas and graphs for
family, office or business budgets.
GED Classes
GED Registration has been changed!!!
You can no longer come In and regis
ter on a dally basis.
P.O. Hot 870
Warm Springs OR
Address Correction
www v.. Mrww p. w w w
that nearly 10 million children under
age 18 are affected in some way by
the substance abuse of their parents.
Child maltreatment often has
negative short and long term affects
on children's mental health and de
velopment. For example, abused and
neglected children frequently suffer
drops in IQ and an increase in learning
disabilities, depression and drug use.
The effects of child abuse are
sometimes obvious even decades
later. The effects are often pervasive:
mental, physical and social in nature.
Suicide, violence, delinquency, drug
and alcohol abuse and other forms of
criminality are frequently child abuse
Surplus property offered for sale
The Confederated Tribes of Warm
Springs (CTWS) will offer miscella
neous used surplus property for sealed
bid sale on an "as is" basis to the
general public from March 22,
through April 2, 1993. The items
may be viewed at the CTWS Ware
house 1 (4209 Hollidav St.. Warm
For beginners. Instructor Michael
Lofting. 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.,
Monday's in the Computer Center at
the Education Center starting April 5
through May 1 7. Cost $40.63, Senior
Cost $32.97, Section 4575.
Spring into Golf Golf with a
pro and improve your putting,
pitching and driving skills. Class
geared for beginning golfers. Lots of
practice on the driving range. Ed
Hcrshcy, golf Proat Kah-Nce-Ta will
instruct. Starts promptly at 6:00 p.m.
to 7:30 p.m. on Thursday beginning
April 22 to May 27. Kah-Ncc-Ta
Golf Course, Section 4595, Cost
$28.00, Senior cost $23.50.
Mask Making Instructor
Hollyanna Spino will instruct on the
very basic and simple instruction on
mask making. Students will design
and build their own mask to take
home. Class starts on April 12 through
May 3 at the Education Center from
7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Section 4560, Cost
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contest during the Honor Seniors Day
Studies of adults show that 15
pcrcentto38percentof women report
experiences of various types of sexual
victimization during childhood and
adolescence, and about lOpcrccntof
men report sexual abuse during
childhood and adolescence.
Although child abuse occurs in
all racial, ethnic, cultural and socio
economic groups, physical abuse and
neglect are more likely among people
in poverty. Reflecting the high rates
of poverty among ethnic minorities,
minority children enter the child pro
tection system in disproportionately
large numbers.
Watch Spilyay for more informa
tion. Springs) from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Monday through Friday during the
above dates.
Listings of available items will be
posted at various public locations in
Madras, Metolius, Culver and Warm
Springs starting March 12, 1993.
Scaled bid offers will be accepted
$21.00, Senior cost $17.00.
G EDABE There is a change
in the registration format for GED.
You can only register on March 22,
23, 24, or on April 6, 7, 8. If you have
not registered during that time you
will miss out on GED classes until
the fall. Join Janice Alexander at the
Education Center building on Tues
day, Wednesday, and Thursday from
9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. starting March
23, 1993. The center is also open for
people who want to just brush-up on
the basics in math, writing or reading.
Cost may be $15.00.
1993 Spring term schedule for
Warm Springs, Oregon
Registration March 29 through
April 2 from 8 to 4
For more information call 553
1428 Warm Springs Community
Education Center
U.S. Pmlage
Hulk Rule 1'rrmit No. 2
Warm Springs OR 97761
Northwest Tribal
leaders part of
Forest Summit
In the Columbia Basin forests of
Oregon, Washington, and Idaho,
roads are being built and trees cut
without real regard for the rivers and
streams that support fish lire. Now in
the upper Columbia Basin, Snake
River sockcye and chinook stocks
have received federal designation as
cither threatened or endangered
species. Yet the basin's fish habitat
continues to be damaged by erosion,
sedimentation of streams and de
nuded rivcrbanks.
provides a unique opportunity to
highlight these problems. So you may
learn about tribal perspectives on
these matters, the Columbia River
Inter-Tribal Fish Commission
(CRfTFC) plans to have representa
tives both cultural leaders and
elected tribal officials from the
Warm Springs, Yakima, Umatilla,
and Ncz Perce tribes available to
speak to members of the media. In
addition, tribal leaders from coastal
Washington and Pugct Sound may
also be reached through our offices.
We anticipate tribal leader availabil
ity on March 31 and April 1 and 2.
The four Columbia River treaty
tribes not only have reserved fishing
rights to all their "usual and accus
tomed" fishing places throughout the
Columbia Basin, the tribes arc also
actively involved in managing and
trying to rebuild the salmon resource.
CRITFC will host a luncheon on
April 2 for their tribal leaders and for
of the media who can break away for
a nourishing meal of traditional Co
lumbia River Indian foods. From 10
a.m. until 4 p.m., salmon and other
traditional foods will be served. Join
CRITFC for some quiet Indian hos
pitality. (Forest conference pro
ceedings will be simulcast through
out the lunch hours.)
To reach a tribal spokesperson or
for more information, contact Carol
Craig (direct line: 731-1285 or 238
0667) or Laura Berg (direct line:
731-1283 or 238-0667). CRITFC is
located two blocks east of the con
vention center on 729 NE Oregon.
The April 2 luncheon will take place
in the basement conference room.
by the CTWS Purchasing Depart
ment, administration Center, 1233
Veterans St., P.O. Box 1 169, Warm
Springs, OR 97761 until Friday 5
p.m., April 2, 1993. Each item must
have a separate scaled bid. To bid,
place your name, and address, day
time telephone number, item number,
description and amount of your bid
for the item on a sheet of paper and
place in a scaled envelope. Mark
your name and the item number on
the outside of the envelope. If you
mail your bid, please place the scaled
bid envelope in a mailing envelope
and address to the above address.
You may either mail or hand deliver
your bid to the Purchasing Depart
ment. All bids will be stamped with
the time and date received. All bids
must be received by the deadline to
be considered. Bids will be consid
ered in the following priority: 1)
amount bid for each item, 2) date
received, 3) time received.
The Confederated Tribes reserves
the right to withdraw from bidding
any item placed in this sale. No in
formation regarding bidders or
amounts will be disclosed. Winning
bidders will be notified by April 8,
1993. Those persons will have 48
hours from notification to pay for
and pick up the item from the ware
house. Acceptable forms of payment
arc: cash, personal check wguaran
tce card, cashier's check or money
order drawn for the exact amount