Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, March 05, 1993, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    Spilyay Tymoo
Warm Shrinks, Oregon
March 5, 1993 PAGE 7
Proper sanitation and a clean refrigerator prevent micro-organisms
In the last edition of Spilyay I
wrote about the problems of E. coli
bacteria in hamburger. S ince then we
have seen many articles and television
stories about the problems in our
neighboring states of Washington,
Idaho and Nevada. They stressed
"Get the red out" when you cook
hamburger to well done to be sure to
kill bacteria.
But is it important to understand
more than just catch phrases in order
to protect our families and the tribes.
Not only food handlers need to learn
about unhealthy conditions, we all
need to know how they affect us and
how to prevent them.
When we explain the reasons for
proper sanitation in the home and in
concession stands at powwows, we
remind people that micro-organisms
spoil food and make people sick.
Some micro-organisms produce ac
ids which sour the food; others pro
duce long chains of carbohydrates
that arc slimy. Other micro-organisms
from protein produce a foul
odor and some discolor food.
Food is considered spoiled when
an undesirable change in color, fla
vor, odor or texture has developed.
Insects like weevil, silver fish and
cockroaches can also spoil food.
Natural enzymes in fruits and veg
etables also cause over-maturing
which leads to spoilage unless the
foods have been blanched or heated
to destroy the natural enzymes.
Shelf life refers to the length of
time a food remains palatable from
the time it is harvested until it is
eaten. That is why labels have the
shelf-life marked on them "use
before such and such date."
One curious thing about micro
organisms is how fast they grow.
Some bacteria need only 9 minutes
to double in number. Others need
about 4 hours to adapt to the envi
ronment before they begin rapid
growth. If conditions are favorable,
like warm temperatures, plenty of
moisture and an adequate supply of
food, bacteria grow very fast
This chart will show you what
happens as each generation of bacte
ria multiplies. You start with 1 bacte
ria, and in 24 hours you have 128
In about 2 days you have 4096
bacteria. That's the I3ih generation
of 1 bacteria that you started with 52
How Mkroorgwihrai Crow
Suit with Oxm Orpuitaa..
1 I
2 2
I 4
5 1
7 44 !
f 254 I
10 912
II 1024
12 2048 I
13 40M '
14 s.m 1
15 14.384
14 32.76S
17 4S434
11 1J1.072
19 M2.144
20 S24J88
21 l,Ott,374
22 XO7.1$2
2J 4,1004
24 13M.4C4J
21 14,777,214 1
U 33.SS4.432
27 47.10M44
28 134.217,728 '
29 268,433.454
30 536370,912
hours ago.
In 4 days, the number of bacteria
will reach 33 million bacteria.
If you had a fast growing bacteria
which double in 9 minutes, the
number is higher with 200 million
bacteria in only 4 days.
So it's important to keep beginning
levels of bacteria very low. A food
product that starts with 100 micro
organisms per gram may have a shelf
life of 12 days before it develops
odors, slime and spoilage. But when
the food starts with 5.000 micro
organisms per gram, the shelf life of
the food may be shortened to 7 days.
If you wonder how much one gram
is, 28 $ I -bills weigh one gram or one
tortilla weighs one gram.
The important thing from this ar
ticle is that unhealthy conditions have
lots of bacteria growing, and grow
ing rapidly. Bacteria from dogs, cats
and tracked in mud from the bam
yard. You can control the growth of
bacteria by good personal hygiene,
sanitize equipment, control tempera
tures where food is stored and use
chlorinated water where possible.
After shopping for food, be sure
not to put bags of groceries next to
the motor unit in the van. Go home
romptly after buying perishable
oods rather than leave them in a hot
Keep food in a clean refrigerator,
wash it once a week with hot soapy
water and rinse with hot water with
baking soda to get rid of bad odors in
the frig. You can leave an opened
box of baking soda in the frig to
prevent odors between washing.
Sterilize containers that contained
spoiled food by washing in hot soapy
water and rinsing with scalding wa
ter with a 14 cup of bleach for 5
minutes. Then rinse withclcar water.
Purify culling boards where you
cut protein products like meat, fish
and cheese by scouring with bleach
and an old toothbrush or a scrub
brush. Rinse thoroughly with clear
water to remove the chlorine.
These steps will lead of healthier
food and healthier homes for your
Information provided by:
Warm Springs 0SU
Extension Office
1110 Wasco Street
Do you burn wood?
Ashes a source of nutrients
Cleanliness Is the
best defense.
Attach gtrm with:
Flrt's Class
is now taking members
to join.
Please come on
any Wednesday to the
4-H Center
from 3:30-5:00 p.m.
You can help make your school beau
tiful and learn how to design large
For more information call
OSU Extension at 553-3238
or call Art at 553-1543.
Forms available for OSU Mini-College
This winter's cold weather has
caused homeowners to burn more
firewood than last year. Therefore,
more ashes have been produced.
What can you do with all those ashes?
Sprinkle them on your lawn, says
Don Horneck, senior research assis
tant at Oregon State University's
(OSU) soil testing laboratory.
Ashes are a source of nutrients,
especially potassium and zinc.
"Ashes are a bit unsightly, but
they make a good cheap source of
nutrients for your lawn, especially if
you remove lawn clippings after
mowing," says Horneck. "Most lawns
have low potassium levels because
most people remove their clippings,
so lawns can benefit from an applica
tion of ash."
Usually the garden has already
had enough fertilizer applied that it
doesn't need additional nutrients
from ashes, he added.
In western Oregon, most home
owners also need to raise the pH
level of lawn soil.
"Wood ashes are an effective way
to make your lawn less acidic," he
says. When using wood ashes from
the fireplace or stove, Horneck rec
ommends keeping the ashes as ge
neric as possible. Paper ash is usually
no problem, but the glue used in
cardboard boxes contains boron,
which can be toxic to plants in large
' Wood ashes can be applied every
year if a soil test indicates the need
for it, says Horneck. But, if potas
sium levels are too high, he recom
mends not applying any ash for three
to five years.
Apply no more than 10 to IS
pounds of ash per 1,000 square feet
of lawn. At high levels, ashes can be
"Wood ash contains nutrients from
a large amount of wood biomass," he
says. "Metals like cadmium and zinc
are concentrated when wood is
burned. Too high a concentration of ,
some metals can be harmful, but
would only occur with excessive
application of ash over an extended
Speedy Salmon
1 pint canned salmon
1 can (10.75 oz.) condensed
cream of celery soup
1 package (10 oz.) frozen peas,
cooked and drained
Drain and flake salmon, reserving
liquid. Combine salmon liquid with
soup in saucepan. Heat to a boil,
stirring. Fold in salmon and peas.
Heat through. Serve over rice, toast,
biscuits, waffles, or fry bread. Makes
4 servings.
A complete description of Mini
College classes and activities is now
available at the Warm Springs Ex
tension office. Call 553-3238 for a
For those of you who have partici
pated with Mini-College in the past,
you may be a bit confused about the
organization that co-sponsors the
event along with OSU Extension
Service. In 1992 the Extension
Homcmakcrs Council changed it's
name throughout the USA to The
Association For Family and Com
munity Education.
The clover speaks
UofO tour scheduled
The time is fast approaching when
the residents of Jefferson County and
Warm Springs open their homes for
students from the University of Or
egon. Students who are attending the
University of Oregon from countries
. around the world are given the op
portunity to tour parts of Oregon they
may not otherwise see. Students get a
chance to spend a couple of nights in
our homes, this enables us to share a
bit of our living styles with them.
Jefferson CountyWarm Springs
4-H program has sponsored the U of
0 tour successfully for 14 years. We
are always considered a favorite stop
by the students.
This year host families and stu
dents will look forward to attending
the potluck dinner and mini pow
wow at the Warm Springs Agency
Longhouse. A goal this committee
has been working towards and is
glad to have meant.
We need 25 host families for their
" arrival on Monday morning March
22 through Wednesday morning
March 24 when they depart for Hood
Please contact Liz Blann at 475
3808 or Carol Stevens at 553-3238
on or before Wednesday March 17,
1993. Thanks for your support.
Leaders needed for 4-H
We would like to extend an invi
tation to any community member
who would like to lead a 4-H project
to stop by the new 4-H office located
in the Education Center at 1110
Wasco St. Crystal Winishut will be
glad to answer any questions you
may have.
Attention 4-H leaders!!
Please call or stop by the 4-H
office with your suggestions for
leadership workshops ask for Carol
Stevens 553-3238.
Workshop offered
Oregon State University and Education Services Program in conjunction
with the COCC Redmond Skills Center will be offering two free workshops
for Warm Springs community members during the month of March. The
instructor is Lorctta Slcpikas M.A. who is co-director of the Redmond Skills
Center which is a program designed to serve unemployed or underemployed
adults in the central Oregon area.
The two workshops will be:
March 11, 1993
10:00-12:00 How to Write a Resume -
1:00-3:00 Interview Skills
Workshops will be held on the top floor in the training room at
the Education Center.
March 16, 1993
10:00-12:00 How to Write a Resume
1:00-3:00 Interview Skills
Workshops will be held on the main floor in the training room at
the Education Center.
Workshops are limited to 25 people per session.
Please sign up with Sheila Nelson at the OSU Extension Services
office located at the Education Center, 1110 Wasco Street.
For more information call Carol Stevens at 553-3238 or Myrna
Courtney at 553-3311. They will be glad to answer any questions
you may have. This is a great chance to polish skills and get an idea
of what employers are looking for in prospective employees.
Stockman's Roundup
-1! CW. ,
By Bob Pawelek
OSU Extension Agent
Livestock and Range
Heifer Selection
Interested in improving the repro
ductive efficiency of your cow herd?
The easiest place to start is by devel
oping good replacement heifers.
There are actually three phases of
heifer development: 1 Pre-weaning;
2. Weaning to breeding; 3. Breeding
until calving.
Each of these phases is extremely
important. But since the weaning to
breeding phase is at hand on spring
calving operations, let's focus on it.
The key to getting heifers bred in a
short period of time is proper devel
opment from weaning until breeding.
Weaning to Breeding
Use Sire EPDs As A Selection
Tool When sires of replacement
heifers can be individually identified,
you can genetically design replace
ments for the cow herd through the
use of Expected Progeny Differences
For example, selecting heifers out
of bulls that have high maternal val
ues (weaning growth and milk) is
one step toward improving produc
tion potential. You II also want to
consider EPDs for birth weight and
calving ease. Many of the breed as
sociations are assembling EPD in
formation on calving ease.
Coupled with birth weight, it can
be a very useful tool in alleviating
calving difficulty.
Set Weight Gain Goals A re
placement heifer's development prior
to breeding has a profound impact on
her future productivity. In order to
breed as a yearling, a replacement
heifer needs to weigh 65 to 70 percent
of her expected mature weight.
Heifers should gain 1 to 1.5 pounds
per day from weaning to breeding,
depending upon their weaning weight
and length of the feeding period prior
to breeding.
Usually, this means the average
British breed heifer will need to gain
about 250 pounds in order to weigh
the 600 to 700 pounds in order to
weigh the 600 to 700 pounds neces
sary to begin cycling. With the larger
framed European breeds and crosses,
a target breeding weight of 700 to
800 pounds is usually necessary.
Your veterinarian may recommend
use of a gro wth promoting implant at
weaning to help your heifers reach
their breeding weight goals.
Monitor Rate of Gain Puberty in
heifers is a function of breed, age and
weight Research has clearly illus
trated how rate of gain from weaning
to breeding influences age of puberty.
Considerable variation exists re
garding the onset of puberty in
crossbred heifers as influenced by
Manage Heifer Nutrition Re
placement heifers need to be fed
separately from the rest of the herd.
Because of their size and age, they
cannot compete with the boss cows
in the herd. Nor can replacement
heifers, which have higher nutritional
demands, be expected to efficiently
utilize poorer quality forage and still
breed as yearlings.
Breeding Management It's best
to have your replacement heifers de
veloped to cycle early enough that
they can be bred three to four weeks
before the cow herd. Your veterinar
ian may recommend ways to accom
plish this. The stress of calving is
greater on heifers than older cows,
and more likely accompanied by
calving difficulty. Breeding replace
ment heifers one heat cycle earlier
than the mature cows offers several
It allows you more time to closely
monitor heifer calving.
Heifers get the extra time they
need to start recycling and breed back
"in sync" with the rest of the herd.
Because their calves are older at
weaning, they've had a chance to put
on an additional 30 to 45 pounds.
This helps make your total calf crop
more uniform in size.
If it is impractical to breed re
placement heifers prior to the rest of
the cow herd, you should then plan a
very short heifer breeding season.
Utilizing a short breeding season (35
to45 days) ensures that you are keep
ing ferule replacements that conceive
promptly. This also will result in a
short heifer calving season allow
ing you to give them more attention.
Adapted from "Herd Health Part
ners," Syntex Animal Health.
Don't let so much reality into your life
that there's no room left for dreaming.
Tips for the dieter: plan allowable treats
Choose nutritious snacks -mini
When vou're on a diet, there are times when the food choices seem unaDDCtizins. You mieht be able to snice
ud the diet if vou knew the calories, fat and sodium content of some Muffin Munchers. These varieties for three
commercial products may help you plan an allowable treat. Be proud of yourself for your efforts to stay within your
Type of nuffln
Siielos) Calorie Fat(fm) Sodium (mg)
Dunkin'DonutaBran 3.6 310 9 560
Mister Donut Raisin Bran 3.9 418 13 692
Mister Dnnut Good for You Oat Bran 4.4 436 12 646
Sara Lee Raisin Bran 2.5 220 7 400
Sara Lee Oat Bran 2.5 210 8 320
Dunkin'DonutsCorn 3.3 340 12 560
Mister Donut Corn 3.3 354 15 518
Sara Lee Golden Corn 2.5 260 14 160
Dunkin'DonuU Blueberry 3 5 280 8 340
Mister Donut Blueberry 3.5 343 13 378
Sara Lee Blueberry 2.5 220 12 140
Dunkin' Donut Banana Nut 3.3 310 10 410
Sara Lee Banana Nut Bran 4 0 350 18 250