Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, December 11, 1992, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PAGE 4 December 11, 1992
Warm Springs, Orfgon
Spii.yay Tymoo
E Coosh EEWA:
(The way it is)
Letters to the Editor
After a fairly successful year
the Tribal Council looks over the
entire operation. Aftcrcxamining
the final out come and if there is a
surplus then they declare a divi
dend payment to all enrolled Tribal
Some years arc not as good as
others and the dividend may not ,
be as great from yearto year. Each
year the dividend payment helps
families with low income jobs at
Christmas time. This is referred
to as "Bonus Time!!"
To clarify misunderstandings
by a lot of non-Indians in the Cen
tral Oregon area. There arc some
who feci that the Tribes receive
money from the Government ev
ery month. Not so, all per capita
payments arc directly from Tribal sources. Income from Timber,
Power and other operations by the Tribes, so the money is not from the
Government. They have said the Indians get money all the time from
the Government. This is why there arc so many restrictions here on the
rescrvation...we have to protect our resources. NIGH!
In the December 2, 1992, issue of the Oregonian, on the front page
of the Metro section, an article written by Holly Danks, a staff writer
ran the article, "Lifer Warns Youth about Prison."
This article should have been read not only by the youth, but the
young adults also because it tells of what life is like in the Pen. After
reading the article it appeared to me that it's the nearest thing to hell
a person can get. A person there loses all dignity, all his friends and like
one inmate said, "Among the living dead." If you were ever locked up
in a jail before, that's child's play compared to the pen as it was said.
The biggest factor in getting there is the use of drugs and alcohol.
People kill just to get a small amount of drugs. People get there because
of drinking alcohol. They warn the youth they can go to school and be
somebody and not let drugs and alcohol get you down to where you end
up in prison being nobody.
We here, now talk about being one of the healthiest communities
around by the year 2000. That deadline is rapidly closing in on us still
we have the problems of, "Choosh-wi-sha," and too many being, "Pa-li-ney."
We have a lot of work cut out for us if this is going to happen,
on this being the healthiest community in the area. AHH-NAH-CHI-TOON!!!
1 Ml HA
Happy 7th Birthday
George Enos Thompson
December 14, 1992
from, Mom, Dad, Tonya
& Leanna
Toe Ness
Two old farmers were talking; one said, "I'm just as strong today
as I was 40 years ago."
The other farmer: "How can you tell?"
First Farmer: "Well, see that big rock in the middle of the field
couldn't move it then and today I still can't move it." YIKES
This guy at the auction said to the auctioneer, "I really paid a lot for
this parrot, is he guaranteed to talk?"
The auctioneer: "Why shore, who do you think was bidding against
you?" YIKES
ss ss ss
There's tennis elbow and now there's football elbow: It comes from
watching too much football while leaning on the bar. YIKES.
Spllyay Tymoo welcomes articles and letters from it's readers. All letters, preferably 300
words or less, must include the author's signature and address. Thank you letters and poetry
will be published at the editor's discretion.
All letters are the opinion of the author and do not reflect in any way the opinion of Spllyay
Tymoo. Spllyay Tymoo reserves the right to edit all copy OR refuse publication of any
material that may be libelous statements.
Happy Birthday
Nephew Levi 11
December 8
love, Auntie Elvina
Happy Birthday
Lester Onepennee, Jr.
Wendell Jim
December 15
son of Geraldine Jim, Lester
Onepennee, Sr.
We Love You,
aunt Anita Walsey, JayHunn
Walsey, Ted Walsey, Sr.
Happy Birthday Great-Grandson
love, Great-Grandma Elvina
(December 5)
Health care a
To the Editor,
It has taken mc awhile to write
this letter, for I have been trying to
recover emotionally. I remember the
incident as if it were yesterday.
I brought my mate to the Warm
Springs IHS Clinic because I fell he
needed to get checked over by a
doctor.for what I thought was the run
of the flu. We both knew it was a
Friday and Senior Clinic morning. I
explained my mate's symptoms to
the receptionist and in turn, she told
mc I had to explain my mate's (Louis
Frank Tcwec, Sr.) symptoms to the
record clerks Chris and MariAnnc.
They were very understanding.
The record clerks said they would
work Louis in to see a doctor, but, it
being a clinic-day, explained that se
nior citizens would have priority.
It was 8: 15 a.m. now, and one of
the record clerks said Louis would be
next, so I motioned to one of my
daughters in the parking lot to let
Louis know his turn was coming. By
8:23 a.m. I got up and talked to the
receptionist and record clerks again
to see what had happened. Just as I
did, a doctor came out from the back
and was being told of Louis' symp
toms and he responded, "Well, if
he's that bad off, we'll try to work
him in." So I went back and sal down.
Neda offers letter to family
Open letter to my family this
yule tide season:
To my loving family, children,
ncices, nephews, grandchildren, and
especially my sisters, Charlotte and
Aunt Liz.
I have been by far enriched; jusj
by our close-knit relationship
throughout these years. I couldn't
ask for anything more. I have always
thought of myself as a women of
many words. So I'll resolve to say it
like it is. Christmas, Mother's Day,
my birthday, Valentine's Day, and
almost every month someone paid
me special attention. And I was very
happy. With Christmas rolling around
again I am concerned with our present
dilemmas and the extra hardship it
presents. Time and money! This year
I am asking my beloved family to
give the message of the true Christ
mas to the "lil" ones and to not worry
about me and dad or a gift for us. You
have done so much for us in the past
that we will not be hurt. Instead jot us
a card or a message. Which reminds
me; I must share a poem sent to me
Happy 1st Birthday
To our S-pies: Chanea
December 11, 1992
Love, Mom & Dad
Happy Birthday, Tina!!
Love, uncle Ray and Jody
(December 12)
i loppy uiruiudys:
Nieces Cheryl & Debbie,
Nephew Chris, Great
Granddaughter Tamera.
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concern; what
The doctor did not see me standing
there when I overhead him. It was
now 8:45 a.m. and only one senior
was in the waiting room with us. He
was waiting for medications.
So. at this lime. Louis was getting
weak and tired and another patient
noticed us waiung and became con
cerned. We got up and left. One of
the record clerks went in the back
and explained Louis' symptoms to a
different doctor, but by then, we had
already left. I transported Louis to
Mt. View Hospital. It was now 9 a.m.
I am thankful he has always been a
hardworking family man and he had
an insurance card from WSFPI. We
were no longer in the emergency
entrance and the receptionist called
for the E.R. nurse and she wheeled
him into the E.R. room and started
IVs on him. He had a temperature of
104 and was dehydrated. They drew
some blood and ran some x-rays.
They even did an ultra-sound. He
was in so much pain by now, I didn't
know what to think. No one had any
answers for us. It was noon and they
finally decided to air-life him to St.
Charles. IHS physician Dr. Manning
and another doctor from Mt. View
made this decision, because they had
no answers for us.
I followed Louis to Bend in my
car and by now, my nerves were shot,
but I kept on and I called family
from my
special niece Sandra
Your a person I respect
A friendly aunt to favor
You give life a lot of love
you fill it full of flavor.
There's a special closeness
that is rooted in my heart
In the pulse of family life
you play a major part.
Often you have occupied
a roll that's deep and caring
the gentle kindness you display
is warmly worth declaring.
You have a magic manner
that suprises and enchants
you're the reason I can say
I'm glad that their are aunts.
I read this often, as it sets on my
wall and it inspires me to follow
through and be there for you. I love
you all and wish you a Merry Christ
mas and Happy New Year.
Neda Wesley
Happy Day, Sister
Sue!! You're not OTH,
you just feel like it!
love, Wasumptun, Wa-We-Yus,
Tsl-Kun, Tsim-Kil Xa
not, and We-xawc
Happy Birthday
love, Great-Aunt &
uncle & Great cuz'
Happy Birthday
Senior Citizens!!
Dec. 2-Maxine Switzler
Dec. 6-Lavina Queampts
and Emma
Dec. 7-Claude Smith, Sr.
Dec. 8-Chesley Yahtin, Sr.
and Levi Greene
Dec. 9-Sammy Danzuka
Dec. 16-Mildred Taylor
Dec. 18-Amelia Spino,
Caroline Tohet,
Sylvia Wallulatum
Dec. 20-Evelyn D. Sam
and Harrison
Davis, Sr.
Dec. 22-Louise Langley
Dec. 31-Harvey Scott
Happy Birthday
Auntie Penny
December 18th
Love, Rqynele & family J
will happen with new clinic?
members. I wasn't alone but I felt for
Louis because he was in such pain
and we had no answers yet.
I arrived at the E.R. at St. Charles
around 1:13p.m. Louis' stomach was
so bloated and he was still in pain. By
now they had three bottles of fluid
and they had him hooked up to a
heart machine. Now, he was moved
to the critical care unit and he had
nurses and two doctors. By 4 p.m., 1
was informed that surgery was nec
essary. Dr. Harris and Dr. Sharpc
were his doctors. B y 6: 1 5 p.m ., Louis
was being operated on and it was a
long two hours and fifteen minutes;
it was scary. You would have thought
that after opening someone and tak
ing cultures of his liver, bladder, in
testines, kidneys and literally clean
ing out a person's stomach, the an
swers could be found. I sal up through
the night looking at Louis with more
machines hooked up to him with tubes
and wires all over him. We were told
we had to wait for the cultures to set
at least 72 hours. Louis' fever never
broke until October 23, which was
my birthday present. On October 25,
Louis was able to come home. We
have been back to Dr. Sharpc every
Thanks to many
To the editor:
At this time I would like to extend
a very much hearty thank-you to a
long list of loving and caring group
of family and friends. First 1 hope I
don't forget anyone. If I do please
forgive mc, your in my hearts. We
would like to take this time to thank
the E.R. Nurse and the nurse that
stayed with Louis and mc the whole
time we were at Mt. View, she even
stayed with us up to helping the Air
Life boys, the staff of Air Life for
their speedy help; a special thank
you, they checked on Louis
throughout his stay at St. Charles as
well as the nurses from Mt. View. I
have much love for my parents Frank
and Betty Lou a special thank you to
them for their love, support, and
prayers. I don't know what I would
do without my sister Wanda, she's
always been there for me and I cam
never thank her enough for her wis
dom, support and loving concern for
us and we love you! I would like to
thank Amelia and Ruthie for being
with us during Louis's critical hours.
I would like to extend a special thank
you to Ruthie for her words of en
couragement and her love. Thank
you to Esther and Ramona Crow for
their prayers and visits they made for
Louis, we would also like to thank
their mother Laura Crow for her love
and support. We would also like to
thank Raphael and Nola Queahpama,
for visits and their prayers of support
. A special thank you to Jessie Lou
and Buzzy Joe. We would also like to
thank Martinez Heath for his visit
and much needed companionship.
We would also like to extend a very
special thank you to Enos Hcrkshan
for his help and phone calls ol encour-
Happy Birthday
Lil' Sis:
Jamey "Gusty" Wesley
lots ol Hugs & Kisses
love, your na-na, ED.
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Happy Birthday Jamey Francine Wesley
December 4, 1987
Baby you have enriched our life for 5 wonderful years,
love, Jimmy and Neda Wesley
other week since then. We finally
were told, they think his illness was
caused by a fish or chicken bone that
may have ripped a part of his stomach
w hich was a pin whole sic and oocd
into the stomach and started his or
deal. But this was only a guess, be
cause Dr. Sharpe said some of his
cultures were sent back East, and we
were told he still has them stumped!.
I was commended for taking Louis
to Mt. View. 1 was later informed we
could have lost him because he w as so
sick, they had to revive him twice. I
felt that IMS could have at least taken
his vital signs or had a nurse come and
look at Louis when we were in the
waiting room.
If they can't treat us any better or
change, what's going to happen to us
when we get our new clinic? I know
I'm not the only one that his dreaded
going to the clinic because we can
look forward to staying there all day.
1 know we, as tribal members, have to
speak up so we can be heard. If we
don't say what we feel, nothing will
be done about it. We need to be heard.
LaLovi Lucille Jackson
for support, help
agemcnt. Thank you to Mickey and
his mother for their prayers and
support. A very special thank you to
Louis' bosses Phil and Tcrric for
their visits and fruit basket which
was enjoyed by our boys! Co-workers
who visited John fellow paucnt. Jay's
co-worker Jamie, Allen, and Al. A
special thank you to Ron Zcmpke for
his visit, phone calls and cards of
encouragement. Thank you to Stinky
for meat he brought to our home and
his visits. Thank you to brother
Willard for meat and Pus-a-lce for
words of prayer and support.
Glenda's prayers and words of en
couragement. Thank you to Nellie
and her girls for their visits to St.
Charles and here in our home. Thank
you Carla and Allie Rac for your
picture and Amelia for your poster,
flowers and calender. Thank you
Frank and Betty Lou for (lowers, the
coffee mug, get well cards and thank
you Eva and Betty Lou for flowers
and the get well card. A very special
thank you to Edith Walsey for her
long distance phone calls it was very
much enjoyed by her uncle and her
prayers of support. Thank you to my
sister Esther for her prayers and much
needed support and thank you Inman
for your prayers. A very special th ank
you to all of you for your words of
encouragement, your prayers and
your support. Thank you Melissa for
your long distance phone calls as
they were very much enjoyed by you
uncle. Again I hope I haven't left
anyone out , if I have I apologize, you
are in my hearts and in our prayers.
Louis Jr., Charles Ralph,
Eva Irene, & LaLovi
Trailer for sale
A 1974 Baltimore, 12x48 feet, 2
bedroom. Asking $5,000-$6,000
(pending outcome of appraisal). Need
approximately $300.00 down if eli
gible through Tribal Credit Depart
ment. For information call Curtis or
Sarah at 553-1010 after 5:00 p.m.