Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, November 25, 1992, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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Questions answered about
Thanksgiving Day is a time when
family and friends get together to
celebrate with good cheer and good
food. The National Safety Council
encourages all cooks to prepare this
ycar'i holiday turkey safely.
The following questions about
handling your turkey safely arc an.
swered every Thanksgiving by the
United States Department of
Agriculture's (USDA) Meat and
Poultry Hotline.
1. When should I buy the turkey?
A frozen turkey can be purchased
months in advance with no loss in
quality or taste. Wrap the turkey in
heavy freezer wrap to prevent freezer
burn. However, a fresh bird should
be bought only 1 to 2 days before
cooking time.
4-H program builds kids self confidence and
The 4-H program is really a pro
gram that builds kids. It helps (hem
to gain self-confidence in the new
skills they learn.
4-H is geared to help kids learn in
a fun way and a safe way, the type of
The clover speaks
Stop by, see what's going on
4-H is happy to say mat wc nave
moved into the Old Boy's Dorm with
Education, so if you have any ques
tions about 4-H please feel free to
stop in and see what's going on.
Wc would like to Welcome Crystal
Winishut who is acting as our Pro
gram Aid. She is busy getting those
boxes unpacked and files in order.
Help plan your 4-H program
Cut out and bring to the OSU
Warm Springs Extension Services
new offices in the Old Boys Dorm or
'mail it to P.O. Box 340, Warm
Springs, Oregon 97761.
Home Economics program plan
ning is currently underway for 1993.
I We would like vou to choose 10
v ? . 1 .7 ....
I Wlllfe UIG uivKiaiuo uiai tvu ji viw m
' . t. - 1 t CaIai inn tnmrc thnt
. I C.lnnl tnn tnn'tne thnt
interest you. And please return to
I OSU Extension by November 30.
(Simple home repairs
outdoors ..u
pimpie nome repairs
indoors .
Drervirintr mento for riinhrtics
I When you lose your job
Keeping within the budget for meals
with your club
Making money ends meet
Beware of poor quality food when shopping, tips given
Earlier inNovcmbcr you may have
seen a TV program about the Food
Lion, a chain of stores in the eastern
part of the USA. It was a stunning
program. ABC-Prime Time showed
ways that employees had been told to
repackage out-of-date foods, spoiled
and contaminated foods. The stores
sell them for full price, even when
they probably were not safe.
Finally a number of the chain's
former employees decided to blow
the whistle on the firm. Some em
ployees, who had worked for the
company for many years, decided to
help TV investigative reporters to
see and learn about the tricks of the
trade. New mini-video cameras make
itpossibleto tape record when people
are not aware that they were being
Law suits will probably follow
the two programs about the store.
Fortunately we do not have any of
this chain in the Warm Springs area.
But by learning what practices do
exist, we can also learn ways to avoid
stores which sell poor quality foods.
Donna Scott, of the Food Science
Department at Cornell University
prepared the following list of Food
Shopping Tips. Don't be afraid to
speak up to a stores manager if you
see unhealthy practices. The Warm
Springs families deserve the best
foods for dollars spent.
Here are some smart shopping
tips to follow:
1. Buy only from reputable retail
ers. If you are interested, ask about
the chain's sanitation policies.
2. Check supplies at nome ana
Stockman's Roundup
By Bob Pawelek
OSU Extension Agent
Livestock and Range
It i
1 linu. ckm.M I thuw a lurkf v?
Thawins a turkcv in the refrigera
tor is the preferred method. Allow
one day for every five pounds. After
the turkey is completely thawed, it
can last an additional one to two days
in the refrigerator. After thawing,
remove the neck and giblets, then
wash the turkey inside and out with
cold water. Lastly, wash your hands,
utensils, sink and anything else that
has been in contact with the raw
3. Can I thaw a turkey in water?
In a hurry? Thaw the turkey in a
clean sink. Put in a heavy freezer bag
secured with a twist tic. Submerge
the bird in cold water, changing the
water every 30 minutes to keep it
cool. Allow thirty minutes per pound
skills that can be used the rest of their
4-H helps kids to learn about self
respect and self-control.
It gives children the tools to get
through many types of situations that
anc is a great ncip anu wc wc giuu iu
have someone with her energy and
humor on board, thank you Crystal,
keep up the good work.
Wc arc looking for parents to help
with small animal projects if you arc
interested please stop by our office
or call 553-3238. Wc need leaders to
help with goats, cattle, rabbits,
chickens, and dogs.
Tracking your spending
Mending social lenecs u
Helping elderly enjoy life
Fire safety in the home
Cost of owning a truck or van
Mn minnmminl inr ctnrinni lI
If your kid is too fat
Mnn-fmHitinn'il fnmili Q
jwirtiuutuwuui ihvW
When you marry: finances
o..;M:finiri,in furniture
e a
Wise shopping for food
Famous Indian Women
Making a wing dress and leggings
Managing time as parentworker
livestock DfOdUCCr
Managing farm and home financcsQ
Using your sewing machine
Vegetable gardening
make a list before you shop. Buy
onlv amounts that you can use in a
reasonable period of time.
3. Always use your senses when
shopping use your eyes, nose and
fingers where appropriate to deter
mine the freshness of raw meats and
poultry, fish, fruits, and vegetables.
You have to learn to recognize good
quality food.
Meat should have a typical pink,
red or brown color; a moist, but not
slimy or cloudy appearance, and a
normal, not rancid or putrid odor.
Poultry should have a typical
white to yellow color; a moist, but
not slimy or cloudy appearance, and
a normal, not rancid or putrid odor.
Whole clams, oysters and mus
sels should be alive (shells will close
when tapped). Lobsters should be
alive (moving in their tank).
Finfish should have a clean,
fresh smell with no fishy or otheroff
odors. Gills should be bright red or
pink. Flesh should be firm and elas
tic, and the skin should be shiny with
firmly attached scales. Undamaged
eyes are bright and clear and protrude
away from the head when fish is
fresh. Fish should be displayed in
coolers at near freezing temperatures
or in ice and not piled upon one
Fresh fruits and vegetables
should have a good appearance and
color, be firm, relatively blemish
free and mold free, and have a typical
4. Avoid food in leaky, bulging or
severely dented cans. Don't buy
cracked jars or jars with loose or
Considering that my new office at
the Old Boys Dorm is still recover
ing from our move (hey, the place
looks like a couple of bulls had a
disagreement then couldn' t find their
way out) it was just plain dumb luck
I found a pen to write this week's
: article.
On Veteran's Day, I attended the
Pacific Northwest Regional Beef In
formation Conference at Wenatchee,
Washington sponsored by Washing
ton State University Cooperative
Extension, the program challenged
the traditional ways beef producers
here look at marketing.
As we look toward the January
19, 1993 vote on the LivestockAgri
culture Referendum here at Warm
Springs, developing marketing
strategies and techniques will require
beef producers to first develop a
"shared-vision" of how things should
We will need to work together to
achieve a common goal of getting
the best price for our calves, but we
Warm Springs, Orecon
handling holiday turkeys
10 defrost USIM this mCUlOU. COOK
the bird as soon as it has thawed.
4. What Is the safest way to stuff a
Stuff the turkey loosely just be
fore you put it in the oven.
5. How long should I roast the tur
key? Roast the bird in a 325 degree
Fahrenheit oven. Cook about 15-18
minutes per pound for an unstuffed
bird; 18-24 minutes per pound for a
stuffed one. The USDA highly rec
ommends using a meat thermometer
to determine it the turkey is done.
For safety and doncness, the tem
perature should be 180 degrees
Fahrenheit in the thigh and 165 de
grees Fahrenheit in the stuffing.
When roasted, remove the stuffing.
teaches new skills
they will face through out their life,
such as: learning to care ior an ani
mal; what is involved in raising cattle,
how you can keep them healthy so
you can get the best return for your
They learn how to solve problems
in a positive way with a win-win
4-H teaches kids how to manage
money, make choices, keep records,
give presentations on their projects,
meet deadlines, stay on track, and
have fun while learning and helping
one another.
If you have about three hours a
week please give them to the Warm
Springs youth and become a 4-H
for 1993
Preserve the harvest and hunt
iwanmg uii.ii.ui. v. i...... j
Talking to your doctor about diffi-.
cult health decisions
wcatncrizing your nome u i
Making gifts with your kids I
M f I II ' . ...III. '
Care of household equipment with.
t . , i fl
Maintenance or your vehicle
Mittens from old sweaters
Wise eating of food
Famous Indian men
Other Topics: I
Your name and address J
Thanks for helping Extension
plan your programs for 1993.
bulging lids. Report these to the store
5. Select sound packages of food;
avoid items that are in torn, dented,
or damaged packages.
6. Make sure refrigerated and fro
zen foods are below the cold line in
their respective cases. Refrigerated
food should feel cold and frozen food
should be rock hard.
7. Don't buy food from a display
where raw food is on the same bed of
ice as cooked food.
8. Don't buy anything with a use
by or sell-by date that has expired, or
that you won't consume before the
use-by date.
9. Visit your store late in the
evening sometime to see if personnel
have torn down fresh prepared food
displays in the deli so that dishes and
cases can be cleaned. Or ask the deli
manager about cleaning procedures
and schedules.
10. Don't buy unrefrigerated sell
eggs or unpasteurized dairy products.
1 1 . Buy cold and frozen foods last,
right before you check out
12. Put meat, poultry or fish in a
plastic bag and do not allow juices to
drip on other food.
13. Gorighthomeand refrigerate or
freeze foods immediately. If upon ar
riving home you find that you have
purchased poor quality or spoiled food,
take it back to the store manager im
mediately. If you repeatedly find you
have bought poor quality food, change
stores and tell the manager of the old
store why you have done so. If you are
really concerned about continued bad
service, you may want to complain to
your state food inspections service.
also need to move toward quality
based marketing, where we each ac
cept some of the responsibility of
producing a safe, uniform, consis
tent, high quality product for the
Once we get the referendum
passed, OSU Extension will be of
fering producer training for new
starts, restarts, and those interested
in expansion. This training will cover
the entire spectrum of the cattle
business from selection to slaughter.
Also, we are now developing a pro
gram for those families who desire to
enter the livestock or agriculture
business, but who could use some
assistance in managing the family
budget if and when an Ag loan is
One particular program that will
be extremely valuable for stockmen
is the "Strategic Alliance Value
Based Marketing Project." It may
have a high fallutin' name (we OSU
types and Aggies have a habit of
doing that) but it's a simple yet effec
w;i ura luiftcj ftkimi iui AW i.m.u.vj
for better carving.
6. Can ! cook the turkey the day
before Thanksgiving?
Cooking ahead of lime requires
special attention to safe handling.
Cook the bird as described previ
ously. For safety reasons the turkey
must be deboned before it is refrig
erated. Refrigerate the carved turkey
in small, shallow containers. On
Thanksgiving Day, reheat the meat
in 325 degree Fahrenheit oven or
warm in the microwave. To keep
meat tender when using a conven
tional oven, cover it with gravy or the
natural cooked juices.
The USDA's Meat and Poultry
Hotline can be reached on Thanks-
iving Day from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.,
ST or year round Monday tnrougn
Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. EST. The
toll-free number is 1-800-535-4555.
The National Safety Council
wishes everyone a happy and healthy
Thanksgiving Day.
November 22-28, 1992
American families arc our great
est resource. Families arc better dc
fined by what the people in them do
for each other, than by the way tncy
arc structured. They deserve to be
preserved and nurtured in all their
The family provides:
sense of identity and a feeling of
food, shelter, and clothing
economic support
affection and caring in sickness
and in health
spiritual belief or a world view
rules for appropriate behavior
survival skills
values and traditions
recreation, relaxation, respite, a
Source: Non-Traditional Fami
liesA guide for parents, Oregon
State University publication
A funny thing happened to me this week
By Norma L. Simpson
Sometimes I feel sorry for land
lords. I had just rented the house
when the wall under a window started
to crumble. A big repair bill and a
new window. Then the furnace blew
up and another expense. So when the
toilet scat started to wobble and then
broke, I thought, should I tell the
landlord about the latest disaster?
In reality, the scat did not break. It
just came apart. But do you think I
could figure out how to put the thing
together? This new fanglcd seat just
would not respond the way other had
seats did when I fixed them before.
So for a week, I twisted and turned
the darn seat try ing to get the lid to go
back together with the seat without
any luck.
My guardian angel must have
heard my frustration. One morning I
went into the bathroom and there
was the answer plain as could be.
Flap C was up, revealing the hidden
screw beneath it, as you can see in the
I went right to work with a flat
screw driver. I lifted flap A and tight
ened that side. Then I tried to put the
lid on to the seat. More frustration.
To get the lid to go back onto the
seat I had to use a Philips screwdriver
to loosen screws in the plastic bracket
on the lid. The top screw I only loos
ened. The bottom screw was removed
until the lid could be put back to
More changes
There are some more changes in
store for those of you who utilize our
services. First, we have completed
our move the Education Center (Old
Boys Dorm). We are still in the
process of unpacking boxes and
putting everything in it's place so
things still appear a little hectic.
We are glad to be moved and
invite you to come and see us some
tive program that enables a producer
to realize the actual results of his
In effect, the project will consist
of a three-way partnership involving
the individual cow calf producer, a
participating feedlot and a partici
pating packer.
The rancher chooses a minimum
of 5 calves, retaining a one-third
ownership in hisher cattle through
the course of the project. The feedlot
and packer will each purchase a one
third interest in these calves from the
cow-calf producer.
The rancher will manage the
calves in a way that will maximize
value and profit not only for the
partnership, but also for himself.
Calves will then be selected from the
herd to enter the feedlot at the same
approximate weight and condition
so that they will reach market weight
over a 30 day period.
Both the feedlot and packer agree
to manage the calves in a manor that
maximizes profit not only for them.
As I gaze out the window of my
new office, I sec the words "Warm
Springs" highlighted against the
yellowish-brown hill by the white
washed rocks. Warm Springs has
definitely become more than a name
on a hillside or a travel map to me.
I transferred to Warm Springs
from Salem with the OSU Extension
Service on August 17, 1992. 1 took
Clay Pcnhollow's position. While
being here three months is not a long
time, I have seen a lot of the Reser
vation and met some of the wonderful
people who reside within its bound
aries. I have been so close to Mt.
Jefferson it looked as though I could
toss a rock onto its flanks. I have
been to Trout Lake with the 4-H
summer campers, what a time! I've
been to Sccksccqua, the Hchc
Longhousc, Red Lake and Simnasho
Longhousc. I've been on a washed
out road with my fellow agent in the
Mutton Mountains, seen the solar
well, big game guzzler and the hydro
dam on Mill Creek. I've seen the
hills above Lake Simtustus as dry as
powder and the Hcnning flats noth
ing but slick clay. I have sat in on
some very emotional meetings, sal in
the Tribal Council Chambers con
cerning the LivestockAgriculture
Referendum and have met some very
wonderful people.
Yes, Warm Springs and the entire
reservation has become more than a
place on the Oregon State Highway
map. Now has come the time to de
part from Warm Springs and the
Oregon State University Extension
Service. I have resigned as Lead
Extension Agent, effective Novem
ber 20, 1992, to accept an Extension
4-H position in my home state of
gether with the scat.
Loop B on the lid had to go over
post B on the scat. Then Loop D
could be twisted until it fit onto post
D of the seat.
Once the lid was attached, I re
placed the Philips screw and tight
ened the two screws until the toilet
was in perfect working order.
Thanks Guardian Angel, and my
landlord thanks you too.
L.'d coven stru
take place at Extension
rimp. srmn When vou come to see US.
enter through the front door and
proceed to the opposite side of the
hall. We hope to have a sign in the
hallway soon directing visitors to the
Extension secretary's office. The
current, working phone number for
the office is 553-3239. Please feel
free to call.
Joe Franchini, Lead Extension
but for the rancher. The partnership
retains ownershipof the beef through
fabrication on the rail to one-quarter
inch trimmed meat. It is at this point
where the rancher can actually see
the calves he produced. Cutting yield
and quality grade are evaluated, as
well as uniformity, consistency, and
freedom from defects. It is here the
rancher has the opportunity to
evaluate his own performance.
Additionally, and here's where
dollars and sense meet, the retailer
will then pay value differences for
these carcasses relative to the going
price for those carcasses available to
the retailer at the time.
Information regarding product
appearance and shelf life while in the
retail case will also be collected.
Increased profit margins for the
producer is the end objective of this
project, but it is also hoped that a
reduced cost of production can be
passed on to the consumer.
November 25, 1992 PAGE 7
Information provided by:
Warm Springs OSU
Extension Office
1110 Wasco Street
New Mexico. In fact, the position is
in my home county of San Juan.
Farmington is Uic major city within
that county. Some of you may rec
ognize that name.
To Warm Springs, the Reserva
tion, the people, the Education Branch
and especially the Extension staff, I
say, farewell!!
I thank you for the opportunity to
have served you and appreciate the
education you have given me con
cerning reservation life and the
American Indian way. It will allow
me to be much more open when I get
the opportunity to work with the
Navajo Indians in New Mexico.
Joe Fnnchlni
Learn gardening tips
with Lynne Breese
Mark your calendar for Decem
ber 8, 1 992 for an upcoming event by
Lynne Brccsc, Jefferson county Ex
tension Home Economics Agent. She
will be in Warm Springs to teach
about the plants that grow well in
your yard when water is scarce. She
will put the emphasis on Central
Oregon plants and ground covers
which require little special care yet
are beautiful and easy to care for.
That kind of a yard needs to be
looked at during winter as well as
summer for the year around appear
ance that you like to have for your
The event will be held from 7-9
p.m. in the first floor classroom of
The Old Boys Dorm next to the new
OSU Extension offices. Give Norma
Simpson a call to tell her you'll join
the crowd, 553-3238 or 3535.
Acent for the OSUWarm Springs
Office, will be leaving us on No
vember 20, 1992. He has accepted a
position with the New Mexico Coop
erative Extension Service. He will be
a 4-H Extension Agent in San Juan
County, his home county. Oregon
State University is already in the
process of filling the vacancy, though
it may take a few months. Bob
Pawelek and Clint Jacks will be as
suming the responsibilities previ
ously held by Joe during the interim.
Cranberry bread
Sift together:
1 13 cup cake flour
23 cup all purpose flour
1 cup sugar
1 12 tsp. baking powder
12 tsp. soda
1 tsp. salt
1 cup chopped nuts
1 cup raw cranberries,
Juice and grated rind of 1
orange plus water to make 34
1 egg, beaten
2 Tbsp. salad oil
Blend liquid into dry ingredients,
stir only until flour mixture is damp
ened. Pour into greased 9X5X3 pan.
Bake 350" for 60 to 70 minutes.