Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, September 04, 1992, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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    PAGE 8 September 4. 1992
Warm Springs, Orfgon
Spilyay Tymoo
Job openings
These we job openings t ol Au
gust 20, 1992. To submit an appli
cation see Frances Allen. To a.k about
job details call the contact person
listed below.
Records ManagerAdmin. Svs.
CcntcrDoriJ Miller
Probate Deputy ClcrkProbatc
OfficeP. Mitchell
BusinessCorporate Dev. Spec.
FTDcvekpmcni DivyChas. Jackson
Purchasing SupcrvisorPurchas
ingMiles King
Buyer lPuahasingLonnic James
Service VMarcta Solu
Wellness CoordinatorCommu
nity CenterTran Ahcrn
legal Aide AdvocatcLegal Aide
DeplalL. Baker
Prevention SpecialistHealth
PromotionJudy Charley
SccrciarywatcrA SoilS. Garcia
Supervisor FisheryFisheries
Mark Fritsch
Office Support TethnicianOIS
Lloyd Phillips
FircfiKhtcr-EMTFirc & Safety
Puppies, puppies, puppies!!
Contact Donna at
Don't Tell Me I Look Good
Don't tell me I look good
Can't you see I'm not ok
Can't you see the bloody whelps on my legs
Can't you see I have a fat lip,
and a hand print on my cheek
Can't you see the tear stains on my face
Can't you see I'm wearing the clothes I slept in
Can't you smell the urine on my clothes
Don't tell me you can't see, or smell or understand
Don't tell me you don't know what's been happening to me
Can't you see me flinch when you raise your hand
Don't you see the fear in my eyes
Can't you see I can barely move
Isn't anyone watching
Do I live in a blind world
For God's sake open your eyes and take a good look at me
For the sake of the children Pay Attention
I go to school with bruises on my face, arms and legs
Don't tell me no one can see them but me
I'll beat you till you can't sit down for a week"
And no one paid attention
"Come here so I can knucklebump you"
And no one notices my hair is never combed
Don't tell me I look eood because it makes me want to scream
Can't you see the grease and dirt stains on my clothes
Can't you smell the stench of semen all around me
How do vou think these thines came to be
Do vou think I asked to be treated this wav
Well I didn't
Not even once
wanted what every little girl wants
wanted a mommy and daddy to love me with gentle hands
wanted to be special, but not for daddy's "needs"
wanted to have fun and play, but not the way boys do
wanted toys and candy like other little girls do
wanted hugs and kisses from boys who think I'm cute
wanted to grow up happy
wanted simply to be loved
Maybe mommy was right "I don't always get what I want"
think if I could have one wish
That one wish would be
For blind eyes to be open
To children who look like me
And I think I'd like another wish
hope you don't think I'm greedy
d like you to remember
m a living, breathing, feeling person
with a lot of love to share
So don't tell me I look good before you tell me you care
by Earla Dawn Hensley
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New store
PeUonStorehasa newlook. Through the efforts of Portland General Electric,
P elton Park has been refurbished and reopened. The park was closed for safety
reasons when geologists analyzed the area to find the land shifting toward the
water. Both overnight and day-use facilities are available.
Raneva Dowty
Fish A Came OfficerPolice Dent
Police OfficerColumbia River
Tceney Tappo
Special OfficerPolice Dept.
Tceney Tappo
Corrections OfficerPolice Dept.
Tceney Tappo
Sales KeprcscntativcKTWINS
Valeric Lytic
Part lime AnnounccrKTWINS
Valeric Lytic
Sports AnnounccrKTWINS
Valeric Lytic
Maintenance WorkerHousing
DcntVC. Johnson
Bookkeeper- AccountantHousing
Di'ptTC. Johnson
Secretary lllIlant Management
S. Greene
SecretaryBranch OfficeMargie
Cuttcr-LayupsWS ClothingB.
Power Sew Machine OpTWS
ClothingB. Courtney
On Patrol
Identify the location of this rock on the Reservation and win a year's subscription for younr(J or a friend. Call SSJ -1644
after I p.m. on Tuesday, September 8.
by Captain Don Courtney
Police Cadets avyartfetf
Following the grading of the final
examinations and analysis of the
physical fitness testing, the following
cadets were recognized for their
achievements this year.
Recognized as the "1992 Overall
Cadet of the Year" was Ben Hintsala
who recently returned to the Warm
Springs area to participate in this
years program. Cadet of the Year
being quite an honor is selected by
the overall standings in academics,
physical fitness, overall profession
alism, participation & involvement
with officers and staff, and overall
performance in the line of duty.
This year's "Academic Award"
goes to Floyd Calica who performed
very well in his studies and testing
over course material and practical
knowledge learned from the field.
Calica finished this year with an
overall average of 97.3. In addition
to this years program, Calica has also
participated in the Central Oregon
Reserve Academy while attending
his regular responsibilities during this
last school year, he attended a
Kiwanas Law Enforcement Acad-
Court Notices
cmy at the Oregon Police Academy,
and currently represents Warm
Springs as a member of the Cadet
squad in Bend, Oregon.
Recognized for overall improve
ment in physical development was
Rusty Calica who showed major im
provement in all but one category of
the battery of physical fitness testing.
A combination of the Oregon Police
Academy and the BIA Enforcement
physical fitness standards go toward
development of officers. The cadets
participated twice in physical testing
with other physical fitness activities
planned throughout the eight week
Appreciation Awards went to Ri
chard Tcwcc and Lynn Graybacl for
their overall participation in this
year's program. Along with the oth
ers, Tcwcc and Graybacl are to be
commended for their hard work in all
areas of the Public Safety Branch.
Cadets this year went to Chcmawa
Indian School earlier this summer
where a presentation on the "DARE"
program was given at the Safety &
Prevention camp addressing ap
proximately 75 kids between 10-14
years of age. Other areas of study this
summer included report writing, ap
plicable forms used in report writing,
the radio codes & use, an informa
tional fair, vehicle inspections & re
sponsibilities as an operator, geo
graphical areas of the community &
trouble spots, courtroom layout along
with roles and responsibilities, the
role of prosecution & victims assis
tance, defensive tactics, policy &
procedures, crime prevention, lead
ership development, firearms, and
public relations.
Departments worked in during the
summer for the cadets included:
Prosecution, Patrol, Fish & Game,
Corrections, Dispatch, Police Ad
ministration, Investigations, and Fire
& Safety.
Sparkles litter poos out
In another showdown between inter-departmental
ri valsPolice vs. Fire
& Safety; the campus field was the
site where Red Heat overpowered
Sparkics Litter in a friendly revenge
game of sofiball.
Between Captain Courtney gctung
nailed at the pitchers mound to Chief
Dowty hitting a double to the pile-up
at home plate, competition continues
to bring both divisions closer as a
unit within the Public Safety Branch.
This informal get together was
the "pay-off" pizza debt incurred
from the Police loss in basketball a
few months back where an official
contract was drawn up between the
two divisions. Officers from the Po
lice Department donated $5.00 each
to provide pizza and soft drinks for
the Fire & Safety Department.
A wide community crowd gath
ered as the final score of the game
showed the Police ahead of Fire &
Safety by a score of 26-21.
According to Chief Dowty &
Captain Courtney, the next scheduled
competition is an arm wrestling tour
nament where each division through
their respective divisions will narrow
the challengers down to four males
and one female. In addition, a tug-of-war
challenge in on the horizon.
From the Captain's Desk
With the advent of the most recent
road construction going on, Public
Safety urges motorists to exercise
caution at the intersection of Holly
wood Boulevard and Tenino.
While made public, some motor
ists are still stopping on Hollywood
as they are turning left onto East or
West Tenino. If you are following
another vehicle on Hollywood about
to turn left, make sure to leave some
space between yourselves in case the
driver in front of you stops.
On the other hand, motorists com
ing off of Tenino are at times still
expecting motorists to stop on Hol
lywood. Near miss motor vehicle
crashes have already been seen. In
any event, please drive defensively.
With the new council and current
management looking toward all
Branches to justify all planned dollar
expenditures for the next year, I was
most shocked to learn the following
as I was doing an analysis of the
Patrol division's overtime budget
keeping in mind that Public Safety
generated approx imatc I y 2 ,000 more
cases than previous years.
On average per the Prosecutor'!
office, there are about 20 cases
scheduled for trial per week. With
that there arc 52 weeks in a year
which brings the number of trials to
1,040. With approximately 50 of
these gctung postponed, rescheduled,
etc., we should add another 520 cases
to the yearly figure bringing the total
trials or court appearances per year
to 1,540. If you take this total and
multiply this number by an average
of two officers per case at their
overtime rate of pay, the total comes
to $40,810 per year. What should
also be mentioned, is that this over
time budget also has to absorb nine
special functions and holiday cover
age per year which has been estimated
at $19,000.
Public Safety & School
With the school year close at hand,
the Public Safety Branch would like
to remind motorists to use caution
when in and around the school areas
including the Warm Springs El
ementary School, the Early Child
hood Center, school bus stops, and
any other area where children are
present. Take note that the speed
limit on the campus area is 15 mph,
and 25 mph on Kotnum road. A lot of
motorists have been noted to be ex
ceeding the speed limit in these areas
however with the opening of the ECC
building, officers will be strictly
enforcing the speed limit.
A reminder about the signs that
were placed along Kotnum road near
the Agency Longhouse, parking is
no longer allowed along this portion
of the roadway due to the extreme
congestion and possibility of a motor
vehicle crash with another vehicle or
Confederilfd Triba of th Warm Spring!
Reservation ' Oregon
Confederated Tribef of the Warm Spring!
Retervatlon of Oregon
Alfred G. Eillmo,Sr.
Case No.: do45-91
To: Alfred G.Eillmo, Sr.
You are hereby notified that the above cited
casc(s), as filed in the Wum Springs Tribal Court has
been scheduled for a show cause hearing at 4 p.m. on
the 23rd day of September, 1992.
You are hereby ordered to be and appear at the
Warm Springs Tribal Court at the time and date
shown, to show cause why the suspended sentence of
September 1 0, 1 99 1 should not be imposed for your
failure to comply with the sentence imposed against
you. This hearing, will not be a full hearing on the
merits of thecase; youmusl appear and defendagiinst
a complaint that you failed to obey the Order of the
If you fail to appear as so ordered, the Tribal
Court may enter a complaint for contempt of court and
issue a warrant for your arrest If you have any
questions, you should seek legal assistance immedi
ately. Dated at Warm Springs, Oregon on this 21 si day
of August, 199Z
Lola Sohappy
Judge, Warm Springs Tribal Court
Happy 2nd Birthday!!
"BaVy Shawn"
September 13, 1992
Love, Toya, Saphronia, & Sky
Subscription to Spilyay Tymoo
Send subscription to:
$9.00 per year In the U.S.
$15.00 per year outside the U.S.
All members of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs will receive the Spilyay Tymoo at no
cost Spilyay Tymoo is published bi-weekly by the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs.
David Suppah
To: David Suppah
You are hereby notified: That the above cited
case(s), as filed in the Warm Springs Tribal Court, has
been scheduled for trialhearing at 1 :30 p.m. on the 1 st
day of October, 199Z
You are hereby ordered: To be and appear at the
Warm Springs Tribal Court at the time and date
shown to defend against the chargefs). You may be
represented by yourself, by an attorney, or by a
spokesman, at your own expense. You may bring any
documents you believe are relevant to this cause, and
you may bring witnesses to testify on your behalf.
Vou may request the Court to subpoena your wit
nesses, however, you must submit your list of wit
nesses no later than two weeks prior to trial; failure to
do so will not be considered sufficient reason to
postpone the trial. If you have any questions, you
should seek legal advice immediately.
If you fail to appear as so ordered, the tribal court
may enter a complaint for contempt of court and issue
a warrant for your arrest.
Dated at Warm Springs, on this 27th day of
August, 1992.
Walter La ngnese, in
Judge, Warm Springs Tribal Court
Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs
Reservation of Oregon
Roscoe Thompson, Jr.
To: Roscoe Thompson, Jr.
You are hereby notified that the above cited
caae(s), as filed in the Warm Springs Tribal Court has
been scheduled for a show cause hearing at 1 :30 p jn.
on the 1st day of October, 199Z
You are hereby ordered to be and appear at the
Warm Springs Tribal Court at the time and date
shown, to show cause why the suspended sentence of
February 22, 1991, should not be imposed for your
failure to comply with the sentence imposed against
you. This hearing, will not be a full hearing on the
merits of thecase; you must appearand defend against
I complaint that you failed to obey the Order of the
If you fail to appear as so ordered, the Tribal
Court may enter a complaint for contempt of court and
issue a warrant for your arrest. If you have any
questions, you should seek legal assistance immedi
ately. Dated at Wum Springs, Oregon on this 27th day
of August, 1991
Walter Lantnoe, III
Judge, Warm Sprints Tribal Court
Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs
Reservation of Oregon
Jerry Jones
To: Jerry Jones
You are hereby notified that the above cited
casefs), as filed in the Warm Springs Tribal Court has
been scheduled for a show cause hearing at 1 :30 p.m.
on the 1st day of October, 1 992.
You are hereby ordered to be and appear at the
Warm Springs Tribal Court at the time and date
shown, to show cause why the suspended sentence of
March 16, 1992, should not be imposed for your
failure to comply with the sentence imposed against
you. This hearing, will not be a full hearing on the
merits of thecase; you must appearand defend against
a complaint that you failed to obey the Order of the
If you fail to appear as so ordered, the Tribal
Court may enter a complaint for contempt of court and
issue a warrant for your arrest If you have any
questions, you should seek legal assistance immedi
ately. Dated at Wsrm Springs, Oregon on this 27th day
of August, 199Z
Walter Langnese, III
Judge, Warm Springs Tribal Court
Trip possible
Continued from page 4
seven days with their husbands.They
had many projects going so they
would be able to go. With all your
help, Susan was able to purchase her
plane fare and hotel room.
The backbone of my project was
my husband, Alvis Smith, Sr. With
out his help, this wouldn't have
succeeded. A million thanks to all!!
On September 7, 1992, from 12
noon to 1 p.m., a thank you meal will
be served at my home on campus to
all my faithful customers who made
this project possible.
Shirley Chamema Smith
Happy Birthday
Moon Shadow
t -
HAVE YOU SEEN Peter Stroschein
andhis daughter Samantha since their
disappearance in early 1992?
Samantha, about a year old in this
photo, will turn three on September
10. She was taken, without permission,
from her grandmother's home in
Elliott Heights earlier this year by her
father. Samantha 's mother is Rhonda
Starrand her grandmother is Ramona
Starr. If you have information on their
whereabouts, contact the Warm
Springs Police Department, BIA Law
Enforcement or the Starr family.
Testing results
continued from page 5
Grade 4, 35-46 pcrcenule, highest
Math Concepts, lowest-Spelling;
Grade 5, 42-55 pcrcenule, highest
Math Concepts, lowest-Spelling;
Grade 6, 42-55 percentile, highest
Math Concepts, lowest-Math Com
putation; Grade 7, 28-52 percentile,
highest-Language Mechanics, lowest-Math
Computation; Grade 8, 27
50 percentile, highest-Reading Vo
cabulary, Reading Comprehension,
Total Reading, lowest-Math Com
putation; Grade 10,43-59 percentile,
highest-Reading Vocabulary, lowest
Math Computation.