Spilyay Tymoo Warm Springs, Orison August 21, 1992 Pack s Bumpy ride through forest reveals logging activities One thing about it, togging roads are not tor the mild at heart, nor tor that matter, are most otthe roads made tor anything less than a A wheel drive vehicle made to go where no man has gone before. All bumps aside, getting out into the forested areas of the reservation can be a very revitiliung thing. Getting back to nature, so to speak, does one good after being cooped up in an office tor most of their adult lite. One definitely appreciates a logger's way of lite. Up before the crack of dawn and on the run (or the entire workday. Loggers must be pretty wicked, if the saying "no rest for the wicked" is true. Recent weather conditions have necessitated a change In the existing class III fire precaution level, Deeted up a notch to level IV, me new classification has caused a complete shut down of industrialforest activities unless waivers were obtained by woodsworkers. Special fire precautions, such as additional water sources and extended tire watches, have been man dated. Even though being out In the woods recharges the system, the predictable air conditioned comfort of an office is truly appreciated. The steady , familiar hum of the heat pump, to mostls more ploasing to tho ear than mo sound of a chalnsaw. And mo road to mo Spilyay office Is usually much smoomer than tho road to a logger's office. ... , i i . . . " " r-.. 4 T "1 .--w - - jr- 'V. i v '-W-. - ' -4 - -.'if ' I J V A ; - . . - v TA rifzi Cflffww area looks as through a bomb went off. But, on careful examination, many young, healthy seedlings can be found. WissleSmith'sshoveloperatorSnuffSmUhhelpsdriverMarkStevens tighten binders. : ' ..- Mostly smaller logs were harvested in Wissie Smith's unit. The unit is being prepared for replanting. I m 'wmi m A loaded truck, carrying a total weight of 80,700 pounds, makes its way out of the woods toward WSFPI. JO I ; . 0 Careful manipulation of logs is required to ensure an even load and safety once the truck is on the road. J -. ' A Smith-Greene shovel loads a truck with cull logs headed for a chipper in The Dalles. Spilyay text and photos by Behrend Vehicle courtesy of Forestry i