Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, August 21, 1992, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    Spilyay Tymoo
E Coosh EEW
(The way it is)
Letters to the Editor
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The Olympic Games have
come to a close and is now a thing
of the past except for those fond
memories that linger in the minds
of the athletes. "Yep!" It's a great
honor for an individual to make
the Olympic team and represent
the U.S. against all the athletes
around the world.
While watching the games a
couple of things stuck out to where
it should be mentioned. The first
is how they kept saying that the
scoring would be more better be
cause it would be done on com
puters. But the more the games
went on the more it was evident
that the Olympic Committee should really clean house and get rid of all
the prejudice judges and start with a new group. No matter how even
or how equal the scoring will be by using computers, the same judges
will be using the computers to score the bouts.
It was said that all three judges had to push the button at the same
instant to score points. Well, if a judge didn't want a boxer to pile up
points all he had to do was not push the button. Like the Griffin bout
where the Cuban boxer beat him, and after a protest by the U.S. Team,
they agreed that Griffin should have won the bout but the computer
didn't record the points he scored during the match. This all goes to
show that the same judges are at the drivers seat. Any American just
about has to knock out his opponent to win the match. Also when a
Cuban boxer entered the ring they almost had him declared the winner
before the bout started. We all know that all the countries are against
the U.S. for having such fine athletes and the only way they can beat
, them is through these judges they use inthe Olympic games. By this the
1 U.S. boxers when they climb into the ring they have to face their
opponent and also the system and make an exceptional showing to win
the match if he can.
For sure everyone knows it takes the timed events where no one can
deny the winner like in swimming, track and field events where it is
clear who the winner is. But to sit and listen to excuses of saying the
computers were not recording the points because the three judges never
pressed the button at the same time to record the point.
The other thing I'd like to mention or ask, where docs NBC get their
interviewers? As U.S.'s Jennifer Capriati beat Steffi Graf for the gold
in tennis it appeared like a person right off of skid row done the
interviewing. Unshaven, no tie, looked worse off than many guys who
are down and out. It would appear that people who are going to be seen
world wide on TV, would have a little self respect and shave and wear
a suit and tie to do the interviewing of such a lovely young girl who just
won the gold for the U.S. It just ruined the whole picture and took the
glory away from the young girl who had played her heart out for that
medal. . , , .
Well, no one will take notice to what was said here but is pleasing
to get it off my mind, and makes me feel just, "Gooood."
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Spilyay Sez: "One word of advicc.don't give it." YIKES
"According to the accident statistics a guy gets hit by a car every 20
minutes," said John to his friend.
His friend, "Gosh! I sure wouldn't want to be that guy." YIKES
Well election time will be here soon and all the politicians are
blaming the other party for all the bad things that have happened. If
there was anyone to pitty it should have been George Washington. He
couldn't blame his trouble on the previous party. YIKES
I Now days we have two chances
I none. YIKES
Spilyay Tymoo welcomes articles and letters from its readers. All letters, preferably
300 words or less, must Include the author's signature and address. Thank you letters and
poetry will be published at the editor's discretion.
All letters are the opinion of the author and do not reflect in any way the opinion of
Spilyay Tymoo. Spilyay Tymoo reservesthe right to edit all copy OR refuse publication
of any material that may contain fibebus statements.
Happy 1st Birthday
(August 23rd)
Davina Lynn!
Having you in this last year
has helped me realize, "I m a
MOMand I got responsibility
now.Iknowifsbeenareal rough
year but I'm working on chang
ing it for the better. So you, your
brother and sister could have a
better life than what I've had. So
bear with me and I'll do the best
I could.
. Love you,
Your MOM
of becoming wealthy. Slim and
No future without past
To the editor,
Our Grandfathers fought and died
for what some say was land. The land
didn't belong to anyone nor did the.
sky and water. The Great Spirit made
it for them to use. They fought to
protect these things for thcirchildrcn
and grandchildren. Their lives were
for their children. They centered
everything around thcchildrcn.Thcy
were everything to them: Midwife,
Doctor, Teacher, Lawyer, etc. They
taught them to survive and to fight
for what they believed in.
Mexicans come into this Country
to live. They are told that their chil
dren have to go to school and learn
English. The parents don't have to go
to school if they don't wish to. They
speak Spanish in their homes and out
in public. They do not give up their
culturc.Thcy cat Mexican food.make
Mexican clothes, blankets, and etc. It
is now required in California to take
Spanish in Grammar School. If the
government takes away one person's
religion and culture, they would have
to take everyone's away.
The one who was named after the
Alcohol shows
To the editor,
I am currently seeking and finding
the tools I need to overcome this
weakness we know as alcoholism &
drug addiction. I'm in my second
week here at Puyallup Tribal Treat
ment Center and would like to rec
ommend to all my people who are
finding drugs and alcohol a problem
to deal with it and give our children
a fair shot at truly living. Really just
wanted to share this article I ran
across while here in treatment.
Alcohol is a product of amazing
versatility. It will remove stains from
designer clothes. It will also remove
the clothes of your back, If by chance
it is used in sufficient quantity, al
cohol will remove furniture from the '
Employee picnic successful, enjoyable
To the editor,
The annual employees picnic was
held on Wednesday, August 12, 1992.
The committee would like to express
their appreciation to everyone who
sold and especially to those who
bought tickets to support this func
tion. We would like to thank Geraldine
Blodgett who cooked the salmon.
She was notified on short notice, but
still took time out of her busy schedule
to come down and help us out.
We want to thank the Tribal
Council for letting us use the
Longhouse and for the salmon do
nation. All the employees were ap
preciative of the General Managers
and Tribal Council members who
came back from their meeting in
Hood River to support their em
ployees and make an appearance at
the picnic. Made us all feel appreci
ated for all our hard work.
We want to apologize for the
people who were supposed to handle
the games and were unable to attend.
We do not know the reason for the
misunderstanding, but it all turned
out alright as it rained during our
The attached list is to let everyone
know who won the raffle prizes and
if you see your name on there and we
have not contacted you; please come
to the Finance Department and pick
up yourprize. We want to thank Herb
Graybael's crew who supplied the
tables and benches and the P.A.
system. And again we would like to
thank Clint Smith for bringing our
eating ware and for hauling our raffle
There's no excuse
To the editor,
This letter is to inform the con
cerned members of the Warm Springs
community that I am writing my
apology for my wrong doings on or
about June 29.
I know there is no excuse for it
However, like many others I'm sure
we regret it. Thanks for letting me
have my say.
Monica Wahnetah
ycllowish-grccn shooting star, tried
to bring an tribes togctner as one. i
don't believe he was trying to get
them all in one place but together as
friends of an Indian Nation. Things
arc still not right. One Indian can't
make that One's dream come true.
More voices have to try to be heard.
We can't fight like the one's that
have past over a hundred years ago.
Now we have to fight with words.
We arc suppose to have freedom of
Look how Indian's dress, eat, and
talk. Don't you think that some day
Indian's will be called what our
Grandfather's fought against? I'm
not getting down on Indians, I myself
am part Indian. The blood of my
ancestors runs in my heart. I care for
all Indians.
I say again, without the past, there
can be no future. If our Grandfathers
hadn't fought and died for their be
lief, where would we be?
Catherine Nelson
P.O. Box 552
Hamilton, City, CA 95951
home. Rugs from the floor, food from
the table, lining from the stomach,
vision from the eyes, and judgment
from the mind.
Alcohol will also remove good
reputations, good jobs, good friends,
happiness from children's hearts,
sanity, freedom, spouses, relation
ships, man's ability to adjust and live
with his fellow man. And even life
itself. As a remover of things. Alcohol
has no equal.
I thank you and I will remember
you all in my thoughts and prayers.
May Grandfather Great Spirit guide
you and watch over each and every
one of you, God bless you.
La-Wat La-Wat
prizes to the picnic area.
This year's picnic KingandQucen
were Alfred Wolfe and Amelia
Tewee. They will reign until we
crown new ones next year.
Let's all start planning ahead for
next year and make it a better annual
affair. If anyone would like to volun
teer to be on the picnic committee
please call Benson Heath at Employee
Employee Picnic Committee
Employee Picnic raffle items and
Two Bedroom Cabin Tent -
Cariane Johnson
Complete Music System - Bunski
Summer House - Delvis Heath
Filing Cabinet - Pauline Allen
Stand Fan 16"- Maxine McKinley
Tough Trike - Paula Brisbois
Ultimate Water Gun - Ray Shike,
Shoe Set - Albert Bryant, Sr.
Gumball Machine "Tasmanian" -Joe
Harry Henderson Doll - Flora
Pedal Float - Keith Charley
Emergency Road Kit - Kahseuss
J sc It son
Backpack "Backup" - Paul
Backpack "Sesame Street" - Oils
Backpack "Color Slick" -Dorothea
Soft Bat n Ball - Ernie Sconawah
Lawn Shower Sprinkler - Patches
Thank you friends, for support
To the Editor,
This letter is to thank all those
friends I didn't know I had who were
so supportive aJid helpful after my
recent accident near the mill. I'm
getting back on my feet now and am
looking forward to the senior citizen's
trip to Green Bay, Wisconsin toward
the end of this month. I sustained a
bump on my head and shattered my
shoulder, which wsis repaired in sur-
A belated birthday greeting
Alexander R. Tohet
May you enjoy and live the
life of peace and love
From, Mom Maxine, Teresa,
Ftosanne & Maximino
Tho Indian Nurso
The following poem was written and submitted by Violet
Higgins, Director of Nursing, at Browning, and is Indicative
of the wide range of interests and talents among Billings
Area MS nurses.
She is unique, this care giver, this healer.
Did not anticipate what this profession would deal her.
Began with a dream, a goal somewhere in time.
Things fall into place, details mesh, is this a sign?
On to Nursing school, University life encountered.
Often of a different group from the norm, out num
bered. . ......
Cultural differences, ruled by time and study, building
self motivation.
What strange concepts? Generally not utilized on the
Personal problems to contend with, those at home.
Aging parents, growing children with problems of their
Many dealt with loss of beloved Individuals, no time to
After many years, months, and days, finally...goal
Back home to work among her own kind.
A chance to utilize the knowledge burned into the mind.
What joy, unmeasured rewards, and sadness.
A dichotomy this profession, joy and sadness.
The added element of fear in each and everyone.
Will that day come when she is struck dumb!
Will She encounter on that stretcher or in that bed.
A loved one, not knowing if alive or dead.
Caring for patients and their family, often a relative or
Comfort through touch, shared tears and hurt, attempt to
An eclectic group, those "Indian Nurses," their fates are
Found at bedsides, behind desks, in emergency situa
tions or out in the field.
It is ultimately worth it, the hard work, the stress.
Nursing is our profession, we will accept nothing less!
We are proud of goals achieved, of our culture.
Of our knowledge and expertise, of those we nurture. ,
We are many, and will eventually be more.
Role models mentors, for those yet to pass through that
Frisbee "Ninja Turtle" - Eugene
Greene, Sr.
Frisbee "Super Pro" - Charles
5-Piece Brush Set - Norma Kaudle
Fishing Flys - Paula Brisbois
School and office value pack -
Marty Martinez
Picture Album - Raydine Yallup
Bic Rad Writer Set - Priscilla Ike
Batman Lunch Pail - Herb
Lawn Chair (Indian design) -
Austin Greene
Spilyay Mug - Patty Smith
KWSO Sweatshirt - Taco Sam
WS Apparel Sweatshirt - Priscilla
Spilyay Mug - Rachel Smith
Spilyay Mug - Ante Pamperien
KWSO Mug -Janell Smith
KNT Water Bottle - Jo Hintsala
KWSOT-shirt - Myra Shawaway
KNT Hat -Priscilla Ike
KNT T-shirt (buffalo) - Randall
KNT Hat - Pat Speakthunder
KNT Water Bottle - Alice
Spilyay Mug - Sid Miller
KNT Water Bottle - Lenora Doney
KNT T-shirt - Sheryl Courtney
KNT Hat - KKJ (Kate Jackson)
KWSO Mug - Charlotte Herkshan
KNT Hat - Allee Rae Tewee
KWSO Sweatshirt - Ernie
Spilyay Mug - Norma Smith
KNT Water Bottle - Cordelia
KWSO T-shirt - Norma Smith
Spilyay Mug - Marty Martinez
jery last week.
I would especially like to thank
my son Bobby for being here to help
me out, Matilda Mitchell for her help
and to my mom, Fanny Waheneka,
for taking care of me. I'm also very
grateful that my grandson Carlos is
Again, I thank you all for your
concern and caring.
Faye Waheneka
Thank you all who cared for me
To the editor,
I would like to thank my family
and friends for being my support
while away from home. For being
there for me and for all the B-day
cards and gifts I received which made
To my son-my grandson &
my great grandson
Maxtmino Rulz-McKlnley
Happy 1st Birthday!
May your many years to come
be joyous ones.
Love, your mom Rosanne,
grandma Teresa, & Great
yi ai iuii iu iriMrtiiiv nw. ....wj .
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Victim recovering
To the editor,
We the family of Victor Becerra,
Jr. want to say a heartfelt "Thank
you" to all our people who prayed for
Victor during his crisis. He really is
a living miracle today. As the doctors
told us he may not make it through.
That he would be behind as he was
shot through ear to ear. Victor can
see and is himself again. We can only
give the Lord praises for his mercy.
Again thank you all my people,)
relatives and friends. And all church
members and ministers.
Maxine McKinley and all her
children and grandchildren
Apology extended
To the editor,
I'm writing to Warm Springs
community to say I'm sorry that I
was drinking at Pi-Ume-Sha rodeo
on June 27 and I will try not to let it
happen again.
Thank you,
Albert Bryant
me feci verv loved.
I appreciate everything all of you
have done for me. I hope and pray
that someday, someway, somehow I
can return all the love that you all
have shown for me.
Continued on page 8