PAGK 4 Atiimst 7,1992 Warm Springs, Orkoon SIMI.YAYTYMOO Editorial E Coosh EEWA: (The way it is) Letters to the Editor A .4- - L "Spifyay Speaks" Well lets see what 's happening now that Huckleberry Feast is in the past. The county fairs arc in full swing here in the Northwest. Went to the Jefferson County Fair one day to sec all the exhibits and livestock that were on display. Fvcryihing imaginable, sewing, baking, vegetables. Kids with their 4-11 and I FA animals. They all looked just great. Going through the stalls where all the caitlc.hogs, sheep and stuff are kept. How can one animal win a blue ribbon, because they all looked like win ners. All combed up so shiny. On them prime steers I could just imagine those nice big steaks with all the trimmings made mc kinda hungry so I went to the concession stand and splurged, "Bought a Korn dog." Speaking of important events that take place around here besides the drought and fires and stuff, there has been several things taking place. Some very important things that effect the tribes as a whole. I guess what this point is, wc here at Spilyay Tymoo arc not aware of all the events that take place around the community until wc read about them in The Orcgonian, Bend Bulletin or The Pioneer. The Ribbon Cutting ceremonies for the new Childhood Education Center almost went by without the Spilyay Tymoo knowing about it. The ground breaking for the new IMS center another event that was cuuiu iii uk iti.M inuiiiuii. ii was iui luiiaic wc iuumu uui ui uicsc uiings in time. When wc ask reliable sources why wc were not told they say they thought wc knew. Another thing is everything around here seems to be so secretive. When wc make calls for information wc arc always put on hold, someone answers saying they don't have the authority to give any information, and that they will leave a message for the one who can get all the information. Wc never get any calls, but when the new Bulletin comes out the story Don t wc count? It would be appreciated if someone would call to let us know of events that arc taking place. Even if wc may happen to know it would be pleasing to know you called, "Nigh." Well now Saddam Hussicn has agreed to let the U.N. search team in to sec if he has weapons of destruction, they came out empty handed. 1 lussicn was holding out for those few weeks and not complying with U.N. wishes, waited until the last minute to let them in. By that time he has had all that time to hide them somewhere else. Now Bush ordered troops back to desert area again. This will probably stir up plenty of demonstrations against the movement of troops. Why didn't he just go ahead last year and finish off Hussicn while all the Iraqi troops were surrendering by the thousands. Today Saddam Hussicn is doing what he wants like if he just came out of Sunday school. Now troops and air craft carriers are moving into position for another offensive if needed. Ahh-Nah-Chi-Toon!!! Happy 18th Birthday to my brother Ron Ben Palmer love, your sister, Raynele Toe Ness Olc Tom went into the grocery store and asked the clerk. "How much arc your eggs?" "Sixty cents a dozen and thirty cents if they are cracked." Olc Tom; "Well then, crack me a dozen." YIKES SS ss Hey Goodwinc, "That horse you sold me is almost blind." "Well, I told you he was a fine horse but that he didn't look good." YIKES SS SS VISITOR: "How many people work here in your plant?" MANAGER: "Oh, about one out of ten." YIKES SS SS Three guy's went out hunting, two unexperienced, one became lost. "What shall we do?" The other said, "Shoot three times in the air, they say people will know wc arc lost and come looking for us." So he shoots three times in the air. They waited, shoots three more times in the air still nothing happened, no one came. "Now what shall we do? I have only three arrows left." YIKES ss SS There was this guy who had a lot of money riding on the basketball game and couldn't watch the game because he had a lot of work to catch up on. So he had his wife sec who won. After the game she went walking in. He said, "What was the score?" 1 20-1 1 8, she said. "Who won?" He asked, she said the team with 120." YIKES SS SS SS EDITOR'S NOTE Spilyay Tymoo welcomes articles and letters from its readers. All letters, preferably 300 words or less, must include the author's signature and address. Thank you letters and poetry will be published at the editor's discretion. All letters are the opinion of the author and do not reflect in any way the opinion of Spilyay Tymoo. Spilyay Tymoo reserves the right to edit all copy OR refuse publication of any material that may contain libelous statement. is all in there. So whatdo wc do? : fr Happy Birthday!! Leland. Sr. from, Shillie, Laneda, & Tony SS SS SS SS We want you To Higher Education Students, You arc about to leave for college and start a new academic school 1992-93 year. Some of you will be close to home and some of you will be farther away. You will be on your own. You may need advice or help. If you do, cal I us on our tol 1 free n umber I-8M-793-33I2 which was set up just for you. If something should happen to you and you need medical attention, call our Warm Springs Indian Health Service office 1-800-336-7162. You need to call them if you need glasses, prcscriplions.dcntalcarcormcdi'"'' Reunion set It's time once again for the the 9th Baker House Reunion, August 14, 15, 16, 1992. Come and meet old friends and make new ones. At 5 p.m., on Friday is open house and buffet Baker House; 7 p.m. NA speaker at the armory; and at 9 p.m. dance your shoes off to the sounds of your favorite DJ, James H. Saturday, August 1 5, start the day with a brunch and spiritual meeting at Wade Williams field; at 6 p.m. a spaghetti feed at the Extension building; at 7:30 attend the AA speaker meeting at the Extension building; and at 9 p.m. enjoy dancing and games at the Extension building. Sunday, August 16 at 10 a.m. is AA breakfast at Koppcr Kitchen. i i i VVcuCll lOSt Lost a Black Hills gold watch and ring at the Burger Inn July 29, 1992 between 7:30 and 8 p.m. If found please return, they were keepsakes. There is a $ 1 00.00 reward if returned, no questions asked. Call Michelle at 553-32 1 2 during the day, at 553-1789 after 5:30. August event to We have organized ourselves from many tribes, to bring national and international recognition to our Na tive American Warriors who fought in defense of their homeland in the various wars, conflicts and police actions around the world. We feel the time is right to brine this national and Happy Belated Birthday Lei Callca age 12 July 20 fr., Marty, Mornlngstar, JR Happy Birthday Bobbie Callca age 16 August 28 and Regan Callca age 17 August 6 fr, Marty, Morningstar, JR Happy Anniversary Chief & Shillie August 14 from, Selena, Tony, Tonya, George, and Leanna f 'j ; S I '. to succeed care. The outside private doctor needs to call our IHS (503) 553-1194 or (503) 553-1 195 so your medical bill can be invoiced and paid properly. Ask for Norma. Wc, as a department arc here to help you succeed in your academic educational goals. Wc, as a tribe arc sponsoring you. You arc our future. Please do not let us down. Study hard. Good Luck! Myrna Courtney. Director Ramona Tanewasha, Career Counselor Carroll Dick, Secretary Happy 1st Birthday Dillon Xaslir Begay August 17, 1991 Parents-Ceclia Walsey, Rod Begay, Sr. of Celilo, Oregon Grandparents-Anita Walsey, Richard Walsey, Sr., Lucy Jim Begay, Roger Begay, Sr. "'W f honor Native American warriors international honor upon our Native American Veterans. We are also organized to have traditional ceremonies performed to bless the final resting place for those whose bodies were never returned to s Happy Birthday!!!! Leland Thompson, Sr. (grampa) August 10 from, Selena, Tony, George, Tonya, & Leanna Jasmine S. Caldera Happy 8th birthday Sweet heart! I love you and I miss you very much! love, Mom, Grandma, Grandpa & Uncles fr Happy Birthday Uncle Ronnie love. Darreck & Tashavlal N A Very Happy Birthday Tinker & Howard (Howie) Patt Life is fun and worth the living huh bro and sis? as always, your sis, Evette Patt Hanov 20th Anniversary Lorene and Alvis. Jr. August Witn a lot of love and memories,Alvis III, Mona, Su-Yenn, Tom, K-Lgi, Martin. Sofie. Juanita-Babv. Gram. Ronna. Katrina, Ryan Jr.. Ronnie Apologies extended to community To the people, I am truly sorry for the condition was in at the grounds. Being intoxi cated during Pi-Umc-Sha weekend, it was inexcusable, please forgive mc. Tribal member, Tyree Stormbringer To the community, I apologize for Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants on the early morning of June 20, actually it was 4:00 a.m. Thank you. Martin Ray Spino To the editor, I apologize to the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs for being intoxicated at the Pi-Umc-Sha grounds. Tony Broncheau To the editor, I am truly sorry for my misbe havior which happened March 23 up and around Shitikc Creek road. Please except my apology, my friends and relatives of Warm Springs, I'll try my best to not have it happen again, thanks loads. Luv you all, Leggs Tufti To the editor, I'm sorry for getting intoxicated during the festival on June 24th. Thelma Dickson their people. Although the individual tribes have honored their fallen warriors, there has never been, as far as we are able to determine, a tradi tional memorial ceremony to bless the final resting places of those Continued on page 8 Red Sky Walker Indian from Heaven Suppah, was born July 4, 1992, 8:26 p.m. weighed 9 lbs 8 oz. and was 21 II 2 inches. Parentsare Tony and Lucille Suppah (pictured above). He joins his bigbrolhers:LeifJohnSuppah,Obedt Travis Suppah, Lil Bull Owl Suppah. And his big sisters: Cheryl Suppah, Sherri Suppah, Littlefawn Suppah, andValerieSuppah (above right). Also pictured is Tonya Thompson. i ; 4. i i . ' . ;, n r .' f p i..r-J 'i ..: :,:; To the editor, I would like to opologic for be ing dctoxed during Pi-Umc-Sha Maury Rhoan To the editor, I would like to express mv anol ogy for being intoxicated at the Pi Umc-Sha grounds. Sincerely, Louie Aripa To the editor, I David Ruiz, apologize to the family and the people of Warm Springs for my actions I committed against a minor. I committed this crime under the influence. It wil never happen again. Sincerely David Ruiz To the editor, I Karen Bronchcau am apologiz ing to you, the people of Warm- springs Reservation. I was incbri atcd on Sunday during Pi-Umc-Sha days and was arrested for Disorderly conduct, l am sorry and 1 send my apologies to each and every one of you. Sincerely, Karen Broncheau To the editor, To the community of Warm Springs. I am sorry for being drunk at the rodeo. Jack Shadley Happy 12th Birthday Jesse G. Reese Monday, August 3, 1992 Have a great one! Love ya always, Saphronia, Sky and Toya Katchia Happy 21 st Birthday Barbie Lynn Tanewasha Thursday, August 6, 1992 Have a great year! Love your bud, Saphronia R. Katchia Happy 21st Birthday! Monica Lee Sampson Saturday, August 8, 1992 Love ya sis, Saphronia R. Katchia George & Ella Aguilar, thank you for all your prayers and understanding. The support is great and very encouraging. Love you all, Becky Hey there! Hi There! To Jammin, Aaron & An thony: I love you & miss you much! love Mom Happy 13th Birthday GOLDIE Love always, your auntie Dinah, Uncle Wilbur, and your cousins Goldie" Davis