Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, April 03, 1992, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    Pack 4 April 3, 1992
Warm Springs. Oregon
Spilyay Tymoo
E Coosh EEWA
(The way it is)
Letters to the Editor
Every newspaper has its own
policies and guidelines they fol
low on all procedures of reporting
the news. Some newspapers might
be more lenient than others, while
others may have a more firm stand
in which they view articles to be
published in a newspaper. Re
porters mingle with the public,
gathering news of interest for its
There arc several factors that
an editor must consider when de
ciding what to publish. One of the
most important factors is libel.
Libel is injury to reputation.
Words, pictures, or cartoons that
expose a person to public hatred,
shame, disgrace or ridicule, or
induce an ill opinion of a person
are libelous.
Action for civil libel result mainly from news stories that allege
crime, fraud, dishonesty, immoral or dishonorable conduct, or stories
that defame the subject professionally, causing financial loss cither
personally or to a business.
A second important defense is privilege. Privilege is one of two
kinds absolute and qualified. Absolute privilege means that certain
persons, in some circumstances, can state, without fear of being sued
for libel, material which may be false, malicious and damaging. These
circumstances include judicial, legislative, public and official pro
ceedings and the contents of most public records.
There is only one complete and unconditional defense to a civil
action for libel: That the facts started are "provably true". Quoting
someone correctly is not enough. The important thing is to be able to
satisfy a jury that the libelous statement is substantially correct.
We here at Spilyay have our own standards and ethics pamphlet that
we follow. Spilyay is probably one of the only departments in the
entire organization to have such a pamphlet. The pamphlets are
available for public view.. A portion of legal awareness, sense of
fairness reads as follows:
"Staff members display solid knowledge of libel, privacy, youthful
offender, open meetings and other tribal laws related to news. They
have the responsibility to ensure that stories are fair, balancing the
public's need to know with the rights of individuals. Staffers use this
knowledge effectively to identify material in stories that may be unfair
or potentially libelous.
"They are sensitive to legal concerns. Reporters and editors consult
on stories for which legal advice may be necessary. Staffers are
prepared to respond to situations involving closed courtrooms, free
dom of information issues and subpeonas. Decisions to seek advice
from the tribal attorneys are made in consultation with the editor.
Staffers ensure that all sides of an issue are represented fairly. They
spot subtleties that may cast subjects in an unfair light. They avoid
elements of bad taste. Situations that may require a published correction
of clarification are acted on promptly after consultation with the editor
and possibly the tribal attorneys.
In each edition of Spilyay Tymoo, on page 4 at the bottom left, is
the Editor's Note, which reads: "Spilyay Tymoo welcomes articles
and letters from its readers. All letters, preferably 300 words or less,
must include the author's name and address. Thank you letters and
poetry will be published at the editor's discretion. All letters are the
opinion of the author and do not reflect in any way the opinion of
Spilyay Tymoo. Spilyay Tymoo reserves the right to edit all copy OR
refuse publication of any material that may contain libelous state
ments." There have been issues received recently that have not been
published for the above mentioned reasons. If anything appears
libelous to the editor, it will not appear in the paper. AHH-NAH-CHI-TOONH
Toe Ness
There was this guy who had amnesia: "Hey doc!" the man said, Tve lost
my memory!"
"Calm down, man. When did this happen?"
The man looked at him. "When did what happen?" YIKES
SS ss ss
There was this General and Colonel walking, when they met a
Private the General would salute he would mutter, "And the same to
you." The Colonel asked, "Why do you always say that?" The General
said, "I was a private once and I know what they're thinking." YIKES
SS SS ss
A recruit was being given an intelligence test in the Army. "What
would happen if one of your ears was cut off by a bayonet?" asked the
examiner. "I couldn't hear so well." "What would happen if your other
ear was cut off?" "I couldn't see." "What do you mean?" "My hat
would fall down over my eyes." YIKES
Spilyay sez: "Politicians are often misunderstood because it's not
easy to talk and say nothing at the same time." YIKES
Spilyay Tymoo welcomes articles and letters from its readers. All letters, preferably
300 words or less, must include the author's signature and address. Thank you letters
and poetry will be published at the editor's discretion.
All letters are the opinion of the author and do not reflect in any way the opinion of
Spilyay Tymoo. Spilyay Tymoo reserves the right to edit all copy OR refuse
publication of any material that may contain libelous statements.
"Spifydjf SpBdfo"
Veteran teacher calls for strong leadership, careful planning
To the editor,
Recently a report was published
outlining proposed development
plans for the future educational fa
cilities needed in Jefferson County
School District 509-J. While some of
the ideas have merit and would cer
tainly provide more opulent facilities
than we now utilize, they're im
practical when compared to the
present cconom ic cl imatc in Jefferson
County and in the State of Oregon.
May I propose some alternate
concepts that I feci would adequately
serve the educational needs of our
community as well as achieve the
best dollar value.
(1) Have the present high school
facility house grades 10-12. Other
than some additional vocational fa
cilities, the lay-out would be ad
equate. Resort salmon
To all tribal members:
I would personally like to take
this opportunity to say a big heartfelt
"Thank You" to all of the cooks and
dance groups we had that made 1 99 1
our BEST Traditional Salmon Bake
season the tremendous success that it
Speaking for many of our guests
that wrote comment cards, the
Salmon Bake was very important to
them. They were excited to be able to
ask questions and learn about our
Native American culture, as well as
having enjoyed the variety of dances
performed by our groups.
It is truly one of the best ways to
share our culture to bring about a
better understanding to people off
the reservation of the Native
Family seeking
To the Editor,
The Hood Chalet Grocery in
Wemme was operated from 1948
until 1953 by Cleat Boyd. Some
Warm Springs Indians became his
customers, and friends. He fished on
the reservation. And he fathered a
boy Indian baby, who would be my
brother. We do not know his name,
but believe he was born in 51 or 52.
My sister and I want to find and meet
this brother we never had.
Please, if you could help us iden
tify and find him, we would be very
grateful. We realize the circum
stances surrounding this birth can be
sensitive. None of us chooses the
situation of our birth, but wants to
make the best of life. Please call me
person-to-person, collect. If you leave
a message on our answering machine,
please do not give any details. I will
honor your desire for confidential
ity, if necessary.
Heidi Boyd Martin
5133 S.E. Belmont
Portland, Oregon 97215-1741
- 233-8006
Apology extended
To the editor,
I have done something that nobody
should do at any age.
I have endangered lives of people
who might have been walking, to
people that were driving and also my
own life.
I know I should not have been
drinking in the first place, even if I
have personal problems.
I have learned that if I must drink,
not to drive. I shouldn't even be
I'm very sorry to you all.
Leon Chase
Happy 8th Birthday
April Juanita Scott!
April 1
Lots of love,
Grandma Iva
(2) Keep the present junior high
school building for grades 8-9. The
structure may be older, but it is struc
turally sound and it has been well
maintained for the most part It would
provide the needed academic and extra-curricular
facilities needed for
these two grades. Until the present
property achieved such value as to
defray the major purchase price of
additional property and the con
struction of a new school, realistically
I know of very few voters who sup
port such a concept.
(3) Buff Elementary is perhaps
one of the greatest travesties in our
school district If only they would
have completed the original plans
for the school, many past and present
problems would have been elimi
nated. The plant is unfinished! It
would provide an excellent facility
for a middle school of grades five,
bakes a tremendous success
American way of life, both past and
And here it is, 1 992, and our season
is once again, "right around the cor
ner!" If you have not participated as
a cook or dance group, and would
like to, please call me personally at
the Resort, 553-1 1 12, or leave your
name, address and phone number,
and I'll put you on the list.
If you do not want to be included
this year, please call and let me know,
so I can take your name off and
replace it with the ones that want to
be added.
April 15, 1 will mail all who want
Thank you for submitting articles
The Middle Oregon Indian His
torical Society would like to take this
opportunity to give a big "THANK
YOU" to all the people that partici
pated in the Time Capsule. In the
year 2091 A.D., all of the relatives
receiving letters, momcntos, or even
artifacts will surely cherish the
thoughtfulness of the following
Jeanne Thomas, Frank family,
Mary Tohet, W.S. Elementary
School, Soliz's 2nd grade class, Muff
Ike, VFW, Cyril Wolfe, Richard
Craig, Sharondce L. Mitchell, Steno
Pool, Leota Switzler-Saunders, Ellen
Henry-Johnson, Josephine & Jason
Hintsala, Faith P. Smith, Leah Henry
& family, Benson Heath family,
Agnes-Truman, Lumpmouth, Merle
Kalama-Tewee family, Viola
Wallulatum-Kalama, Eliza Brown,
Eric Miller, Edna M. Johnson,
Thelma Dickson, C.R. & Anson
Warriors Challenge
To the Editor,
On behalf of the Warriors Chal
lenge Tournament committee, we
would like to write a short letter of
It was five years ago when we first
started our tournament and a goal for
our little group was to prove a posi
tive atmosphere forouryoungpeople
so that they could demonstrate some
of their athletic abilities. With this as
our guide, we feel that our efforts
have been successful and we would
like to thank those who assisted us.
We would like to first thank the
grandparents and parents of the
players who found the time to come
and support their children. It has al
ways made our committee feel good
to see grandparents such as Margaret
and Franklin , Caroline Tohet, Lizzy
Rhoan, Ellen johnson, Marena Miller
come to the gym and support their
grandchildren. This is a veery posi
tive motivation forouryoungpeople.
We would also like to thank Char
lotte Herkshan, Winnona Moody,
Ellen Thompson, Fay Suppah and
Ann Morrell for their hard work in
the kitchen. If it weren't for the good
food, some of us wouldn ' t have made
it We appreciated the volunteers who
came forward to help in the gym;
Levi and Nadine Herkshan, Darrell
Smith, Wolfman Suppah, Hobo Patt
and Joseph Boise. A special thank to
four young men who worked very
hard at keeping the floors clean and
helping with cleanup Wamblee
Wallulatum, Jordan Patt, Froggy
Spino and McKie Suppah.
Our little committee has always
made an effort to recognize those
who support our youth, for it is re
assuring to sec a member of our
community stand in support of your
activity. In the past we have recog
nized people like Fern Begay, Enos
and Charlotte, the Grandmothers and
Grandfathers of our players, and our
six and seven. The land area and
location arc excellent, but it needs
additional lavatories, a library, mu
sic room, gymnasium, restoration of
the cafeteria, etc.
(4) Madras Elementary has an ex
cellent location but needs some addi
tional rooms to care for grades K-4,
especially for the special programs.
This would allow restoration of mis
used present facilities, thus returning
it to a fine facility for minimal in
vestment. (5) With the redrawing of the
boundaries again, Mctolius Elemen
tary with grades K-4 could be used to
counter balance the enrollment at
Madras Elementary. Its attractive
location has plenty of room for the
addition of some additional class
rooms, a music room, and few other
(6) Every time I contemplate the
to participate, a packet that will in
clude new policiesprocedures as well
as a copy of the 1992 schedule.
We will begin Memorial Day
weekend and go through Labor Day
weekend, and as last year, we will
not schedule a brake during Pi-Umc
I want to invite all of you to share
in our 1992 Traditional Salmon Bake
season It will be our best one yet!
Le Anne Patterson
BanquetCatering Manager
Kah-Nee-Ta Resort
Begay, Byron F. Kalama, Judy
Kalama-King family, Schwan's
George-Tryon, Pierson Mitchell,
Chelsea Hudson, Kim Lorna
Wheeler, Muriel Mico Chase, Randy
Scott, Margie Kalama, Myrtle
Adams, Liz Cross & sons, Josic
Wolfe, Marvin Meanus, Pricilla
Frank Ike, Carroll & Chucky Dick,
M.J.H.S., Kate Keo Jackson, Scotty
Miller, Native American Student
Union, Education Committee, Doris
Miller family, Lauraina Lcda John-son-Hintsala,
Uren Leonard family,
Caroline Johnson-Louey, Victoria
Katchia family, Dorothy Pebbles
George, Mcrrifield-Davis family,
Nicole Videll Jack, Angeline J.
Smith, Levi Van Pelt family, Sarah
Thompson, Pamela Smith-Gardcnas
& family, Mclinda Polk, Saraphina
& Rollin Morning Owl, Brigette
Scott, Katie M. Smith, Beulah &
Raymond Calica, Leander George,
committee offers thanks to supporters
cooks, with small tokens of our ap
preciation. This year, as in the past,
we selected and gifted a champion's
jacket to Franklin Suppah, for he has
provided a positive role model for
his many grandchildren. Franklin has
always taken part in our tournament
and we thank him.
We would also like to thank those
people who found it possible to con
tribute to the tournament to help cover
some of the expenses: Pi-Ume-Sha
committee, Rainbow Market, Jody
Calica,Fritz Millcr.Pierson Mitchell,
Jim and Julie Quaid, Winnona Moody
and children, Tyrone Spino, Aaron
Wilson, Roscoe Thompson, David
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Have you seen this pony? Charlent Wainan wit is seeking help in locating this
miniature pony. It is now 10 months old, 33 inches tall and has a gray halter.
It is a gray appaloosa and has white legs, mane and tail. A reward is offered.
CaU 553-1310 with your information.
inadequacy of the Warm Springs El
ementary School, I'm appalled that
this antiquated condition has been
allowed to exist by the citizens at
Warm Springs. If I were a parent,
resident or leader at Warm Springs I
would not be satisfied until the school
facilities were modernized to pro
vide for grades K-7. It disturbs me
greatly to realize the numbcrof hours
most Native American students have
to spend daily just riding buses, es
pecially far away from their homes.
The present school's location is a
wonderful business location but a
poor site for a school when you
consider the other support facilities
available in the immediate area.
I'm completely confident that
there arc several outstanding leaders
in the Confederated Tribes of Warm
Springs that could utilize their ex
pertise to arrange for the primary
funding of the construction of a new
Obviously, there arc several other
issues to consider, and not all of
these ideas could be initiated at the
same time. But the time has come for
some strong community leadership
to be exerted in this vital matter.
Harold II. Moore
' Designs for sale
Jim Scott has over 100 bead work
design patterns for sale. The largest
he has is 18x24 and has various
smaller sizes.
You can view his artwork at 4452
Upper Dry Creek Rd. Or call Jim at
for time capsule
Miller, Colleen F. Greene & family,
William Moses, Louis Scott,
M.O.I.H.S. staff.
Forgive us if we had overlooked
your name, but if your item was
marked it will hopefully reach your
relatives when the capsule is opened.
I'm sorry, Selena
To the editor,
I would like to make a public
apology to my wife, Selena, for
something that I did.
It was wrong. And after I left I
found out I really do care a lot for
you. So much that I want to quit
drinking, smoking and get a job and
some counseling. I know you are
willing to do the same.
So, for all that it's worth I love
you and I'm truly sorry. Love you
Morrell, InterTribal Sports, Dan
O'Brien, Bob Jackson, Pat
Tanewasha, Val Lawrence and Ron
We believe that the committee
did everything possible to keep the
tournament fair and honest. The
committee has already had discus
sions and we have committed to a
1993 tournament. Again, We would
like to thank everyone who gave us
assistance and encouragement during
the tournament.
Enos Herkshan, Jay Suppah
and Captain.