Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, February 07, 1992, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    February 7, 1992 Page 5
Spilyay Tmoo
Take a look at your situation before deciding which bills to pay
... . . .. ... rrr. . rrvntinn i rdvniial to How much monev is nee
Kccpina a roof overhead is an
important concern when you lose
income. If you rank your bills in
order of priority, chances arc hous
ing is at or near the top of the list. '
When you're under the financial
stress of reduced or lost income, one
of the biggest expenses is housing.
Housing expenses include (in most
situations) mortgage or rent pay
ments, insurance, taxes, household
maintenance and repair, utility bills,
furnishings, and cleaning supplies.
When your income drops, careful
planning can help you avoid eviction
from your rental unit or the loss of
your house.
If you rent, tell your landlord about
your situation before the rent is due.
Ask for a temporary postponement
Money management
There's no one way to handle
money in your marriage. In fact, what
you do will change with time. How
you handle money is less important
than how the financial practices make
you feel about yourself and your
marriage," says Alice Mills Morrow,
Oregon State University (OSU) Ex
tension family economics specialist.
Money is an everyday part of
marriage; financial practices and
decisions should reflect the philoso
phy of your relationship and, in fact,
enhance the marriage relationship,"
the specialist adds.
That means you need to under
stand the philosophy and nature of
relationships and make sure you de
fine the terms used, Morrow points
out. For instance, "sharing" future
income and expenses can mean sev
eral things.
For instance, sharing could mean
that each person pays his or her share
of expenses. Sharing could mean that
people share income, with each per
son paying a share of expenses pro
portionate to his or her share of their
combined incomes. Sharing might
mean that all or most of the income is
put into a common fund from which
all or most expenses are paid.
Morrow notes that couples often
use one of three money management
The "three Dot svstcm sees each
IIV W IM tJ ww. " -
Should you be concerned about
In the past few months, there have
been numerous media reports about
lead. The concern is the presence of
lead in our neaf environment - in
homes, water and the air we breath.
What are the issues and what
questions should Oregonians be
asking about their own homes, water,
dishes, crystal, and air? The follow
ing article is the first in a scries of
short articles about various issues
related to lead.
Lead has been known and used by
humans for over 5,000 years. It is
durable, malleable (easily formed into
the desired shape), is resistant to
corrosion, and it was readily avail
able. The Romans used lead to line
their water systems so that less water
was lost to leakage or evaporation.
Pewter, widely used in colonial
America and across Europe for
drinking vessels and plates, was
originally a tin and lead alloy (mod
ern pewter does not contain lead).
Lead was used worldwide as a com
ponent of glazes for ceramic ware
(earthenware or stoneware pottery,
porcelain china), especially in low
fire glazes (glazes fired at relatively
low temperatures).
As human culture has developed,
so has our ability to determine risks
posed by substances in Our environ
ment. As our ability to identify and
treat diseases has advanced, long
term health effects of substances on
the human body have become clearer.
In the United S tates and other nations,
.doctors are required to report many
diseases to state health authorities.
These reporting systems make it
easier to identify trends in human
health and the factors that may be
involved. As factors (such as lead)
are evaluated, standards for human
exposure are developed or updated.
We now know that continued ex
posure to high levels of lead can have
toxic effects. Once ingested (through
eating, drinking or breathing), lead is
stored in the bones, kidney s, red blood
cells, and nervous system. Symptoms
of mild lead poisoning include de
creased hemoglobin in red blood cells
and kidney abnormalities. Long-term
exposure severely damages the ner
vous system, kidney, liver, and re
productive organs.
The degree of risk associated with
lead ingestion depends on the length
and amount of lead exposure and the
persons age. Fetuses, infants, and
young children are especially at risk.
During rapid growth, they absorb
greater proportions of lead than
Pregnant and nursing women
should be aware that fetuses and
breast-fed infants can have symptoms
of lead toxicity , even when the mother
suffers no ill effects.
There are numerous sources of
lead in the environment Three are
addressed here: old house paint, wa
ter, and ceramic ware.
Lead (specifically, lead carbonate
and lead chromate) was once com
monly used as a pigment and
opacifying (making opaque) agent in
until vour income resumes. Offer to
provide some service, such as paint
ing in exchange for rent. Suggest
making smaller payments for a month
or two. With the understanding that
you will catch up when your income
increases again.
When you're between jobs, the
Eaychccks may stop coming but the
ills don'L When you don't have
enough money to cover your basic
living expenses and pay all your
creditors, you face some difficult fi
nancial decisions.
When your income is reduced,
your spending habits must change.
The sooner you change, the more
likely your financial problems can
be lessened. Your family should be
part of the decision making process,
in marriage differs
contributing to a household account
for joint expenses while maintaining
separate accounts for individual ex
penses. There's the "two pot system" in
which partners keep income separate
and each controls his or her individual
There's the "common pot" ap
proach in which all income is pooled
and distributed according to need.
Guide for Cancer Survivors available
Approximately 6 million Ameri
cans have had cancer. A guidebook
called Facing Forward: A Guide for
Cancer Survivors, is now available
to help them and others know what to
expect after treatment.
Issued by the National Cancer In
stitute, the 43-page ill ustratcd booklet
reviews important survivor issues.
For example, some cancer patients
experience severe anxiety months or
years after treatment. This anxiety
usually decreases over time.
Facing Forward offers practical
ideas to help survivors and family
members, such as:
Be kind to yourself. Focus on
what you want to do, instead of what
you should do.
HclD others. Reduce stressful
both interior and exterior house paint.
Although lead has not been permit
ted in house paints manufactured in
the United Slates since 1971, many
homes in Oregon have old lead paint
under newer lead-free layers.
Lead paint is a risk only to persons
who ingest it. Children may actually
eat chips of paint. This form of lead
intake is generally assumed to be
limited to young children who live in
old, deteriorating homes and lack
adult supervision. Adults and chil
dren may be at risk when old lead
paint is converted into dust due to
paint chips falling on the floor or
when surfaces are sanded and par
ticles of the old paint are released.
Lead levels in drinking water are
likely to be higher than acceptable if:
1) the home or water system has lead
pipes or lead connections to the city
water system, 2) the home is less
than 5 years old and has copper pipes
with lead solder (lead solder is no
longer permitted by law in Oregon,
but individuals who do their own
plumbing repairs may be using old
solder), 3) the home has copper pipes
with lead solder and you have soft
water, and 4) the home has copper
pipes with lead solder and water sits
in the pipes for 6 or more hours.
Lead may be present in ceramic
glazes. It is used as a flux, an agent
that makes the ingredients in the glaze
melt and flow together to form a
smooth, shiny surface. Cadmium,
also a toxic element, enhances the
vividness of the glaze colors. If the
glazes are properly formulated, ap
plied, and fired, the final product will
be safe to hold food.
There is no way to tell if ceramic
ware has been safely produced by
looking at it. Be wary of ceramic
ware manufactured in the United
States before 1971, antique pieces,
and pottery made with low-fire glazes
or techniques (raku, Native Ameri
can pottery, ovcrglaze hand-painted
china, iridescent glazes such as
lusterware, or raised-slip designs).
Imported ceramics are also suspect,
especially those items that can by
pass U.S. Food and Drug Adminis
tration (FDA) import testing pro
grams. These include some catalog
items and personal purchases made
outside the United States.
Two federal agencies develop and
enforce the standards related to hu
man exposure to lead. The U.S. En
vironmental Protection Agency
(EPA) handles water-related issues.
The FDA deals with lead in food and
products used in the storage and
serving of food.
The EPA standards limit the
amount of lead in water to 50 parts
per billion (ppb). In light of new
health and exposure data, the EPA
has proposed tightening the standard
to 20 ppb. If tests show that the level
of lead in household water is in the
area of 20 ppb or higher, you should
reduce it, especially if there are
children or pregnant women in your
The FDA established action lev
since their cooperation is essential to
carry out your plans.
When your billsexcccd the money
to pay them, contact the people to
v. horn you owe moneyyour credi
torsand explain your situation.
Creditors will usually work with you
to adjust your payments because they
want their money.
Before you can talk to your credi
tors, you need to take a hard look at
your situation and make some deci
sions about how much and when you
can pay. First, answer the following
How much income can you count
on each month?
Make plans ahead for aging parents needs
.... . .i 1nnAa 1 it a f'tmiln mmkiM hfkifA nrvl Rn rrt. ITirrl nccAft if rtn r nuin ahilifiW
"Ynnr mnihcr can no lonecr live
alone," the doctor says. Most of us
aren't ready to hear that statement,
and have avoided planning for it.
A rash reaction often follows. You
may rush home and tell your family
you must quit your job to care full
time for your ailing mother. This is
the typical response of an adult
daughter suddenly faced with the
responsibility of parent-caring. But
it is not always the best solution.
It's an impulsive decision. Alter
natives have not been explored.othcr
brooding by reaching out.
Say no. Stay in control with a
polite but firm refusal.
Talk about your concerns. Re
duce anxieties by talking to a friend
or health professional.
Pace yourself. Stop before you
get tired.
Give in sometimes. Not every
argument is worth winning.
Exercise. Release tension and
aggression in a positive way.
Make time for enjoyable activi
ties, whether a hobby, club or special
Set priorities. Divide your list
into manageable parts.
Solve problems. Identify the
problem and write it down so it's
clear in your mind, list the options,
lead in our near
els for lead in ceramic ware in 1971.
The FDA standards do not limit the
amount of lead or cadmium in the
glaze or clay body; rather, they limit
the amount that can be leached in
testing. The standard is designed to
prevent incorrect formulation and
production of ceramic products.
You can determine the levels of
lead in your home by testing your old
paint layers, water, and ceramic ware.
The testing procedure is different for
each of these materials. Ask for a list
of state-certified testing laboratories
at your county office of the OSU
Extension Service. Call one or more
laboratories on the list to get infor
mation about prices and collection of
Some lead intake from water can
be reduced without treating the wa
ter by taking three basic steps: 1) use
only cold water for all cooking and
drinking (hot water tends to leach
more lead than cold water), 2) don't
drink water first thing in the morning
until the water runs for about one
minutes (water standing in the pipes
overnight has had several hours to
leach lead), and 3) during the day let
water run a little while before drink
ing, or keep a supply of water for the
day in the refrigerator.
Water treatments that are most
effective in removing lead are reverse
osmosis and distillation. These are
relatively expensive water treatments
and distillers in particular require
frequent maintenance.
If unacceptable levels of lead are
detected in ceramic ware, it should
not be used for the storage, prepara
tion or serving of food. If you have
antiques or pieces with sentimental
value, clearly mark on the back that
they are not to be used with food. If
you have dishes you wish to dispose
of, break them first so no one else
with unknowingly be exposed to the
If you have crystal tested for lead,
follow the same guidelines as for
ceramic ware. Be especially cautious
about using decanters to store wine
or other beverages. The best idea is
not to use decanters for storage be
cause the liquid is slightly acid in
content and tends to sit in the decanter
for long periods of time-often much
longer than the 24 hour period which
Garlic in oil mixtures can be poisonous
fiarlic in oil can be a deadly com
bination. Several cases of botulism
food poisoning have been caused by
garlic-in-oil mixtures stored at room
temperature in homes and restaurants.
The bacteria causing botulism are
commonly found in the soil, the
water, and even the air. They grow
on foods that are low in acidity when
oxygen isn't present Storing garlic
(a low acid food) in oil (an oxygen
free environment) creates a perfect
medium for bacterial growth.
Commercial garlic-in-oil mixtures
are required to have food additives
which prevent bacterial growth. At
How much money is needed to
cover your essential monthly living
How many creditors do you owe
and what is the total amount you
How long is your present finan
cial situation likely to last?
What assets (savings, items that
could be sold) do you have that could
be used to pay off your debt?
What debts are the most impor
tant to repay first?
What debts could be satisfied by
voluntarily surrendering, or giving
back, the item?
familv members have not been con
sulted, and most importantly, the
aging parent probably was not in
cluded in the decision-making pro
cess. Such hasty decisions usually are
unwise, bring stress and heartache,
and can be damaging to family rela
tionships. Of course, different degrees of
parental dependence require differ
ent decrees of assistance. There are
several factors to consider when an
aging parent needs help.
and choose a plan. List the steps to
carry it out, set a deadline, and act.
Focus on the positive. Think
about all the good things you have
Eatand sleep properly. Maintain
a healthy diet and good sleep habits.
Laugh at least once a day. Re
member, laughter can sometimes be
the best medicine.
Space is provided throughout the
booklet to record information about
resources, questions for doctors, and
key facts about medical care.
For a frcecopy of Facing Forward:
A Guide for Cancer Survivors, call
is the FDA standard. These two con
ditions (acidity and contact time) are
the primary conditions under which
lead leaching occurs. '
If you have lead paint, recognize
that removing the paint is a job for
professionals and poses a risk of in
troducing lead dust into the home.
Unless the painted surface is flaking
or other wise deteriorating, two coats
of a high quality latex paint is a
practical solution. The latex paint
has a bit of elasticity so it remains
slightly flexible and thus is resistant
to flaking. The latex layers protect
the lead paint layer from exposure to
rubbing and flaking and thus have
the effect of limiting human expo
sure to the lead.
Finally, if you are concerned about
the possibility of excessive lead in
take, contact your physician or pe
diatrician. A blood test will reveal
whether your family members have
excessive lead in their systems.
Try these easy to make salmon recipes
Quick Deep Dish Salmon Pie
2 10-12 oz. cans pea or as
paragus soup
1 pint canned salmon
12 cup milk
1 lb. can small potatoes,
1 lb. can small onions, drained
18 tsp. pepper
14 tsp. oregano
14 tsp. basil
1 package refrigerator butter
milk biscuits
In sauce pan combine soup, liquid
from can c?f salmon and the milk. Stir
in salmon, potatoes, onions and sea
sonings. Heat until sauce begins to
simmer, stirring occasionally. Empty
into a 2 quart casserole or baking
dish. Top with biscuits. Bake in pre
heated 400 F. oven for 15 to 20 min
utes or until biscuits are brown.
Serves 4.
Speedy Salmon Supper
1 pint canned salmon
this time, the OSU Extension Ser
vice doesn't have a research-based
recommendation for preventing bac
terial growth in homemade garlic-in-oil
You can avoid becoming "another
statistic" by handling homemade
garlic in oil mixtures safely. Although
bacterial growth is most rapid in the
"dangerous temperature zone" (40 to
140 degrees), even refrigerated
storage doesn't guarantee safety of
homemade garlic-in-oil mixtures.
Therefore, garlic-flavored oil should
be prepared as you need it rather
than made ahead and stored for fu
Host homes needed for
Jefferson County and Warm
Springs will be hosting the yearly
foreign txenange siuacnt tour, inis
First, assess vour own abilities
and limitations in being able to help.
Forexamplc.you mightask yourself,
"Can mother and I really live happily
in the same house?" Think about
what you are willing and able to give.
Then, consider the impact on your
own family. It's important to talk
with your spouse and children about
your feelings, concerns, and respon
sibilities for your aging parent. You
need their support.
Another important step is listen
ing to your aging parent and ob
serving carefully so you can decide
together what the needs really arc.
Too often, aging parents don't com
municate their needs for fear of los
ing independence or becoming a
On the other hand, one of the
easiest mistakes for adult children to
make is tooverreact Taking too much
responsibility for an aging parentrobs
him or her of that important feeling
of independence.
Also, be sdre to involve your
brothers and sisters, if any, in the
decision-making process, even if they
live far away. Sharing responsibili
ties with them can prevent overload
for you and possible future under
mining of the decision that is made.
Once a plan is determined and set
into action it's important to evaluate
its effectiveness. It is meeting the
needs it was intended to meet? How
are you being affected? Is youraging
parent happy? Plans may need to be
It's a mistake to think that making
a decision is a one-time task. Your
needs and abilities, and those of your
parent, may change. There may be
further declines or perhaps a recov-;
eiyfrorn an Bidets,' - '
OF Course, fch'e main message is to
be prepared. A common error that
adult children and aging parents make
is not looking ahead to times when
parents may need a.'dstance. It's a
good idea to talk with one another
about possible plans and desires for
help before the needs exists.
There is more information in two
Extension publication dealing with
these issues, Schmall notes. One is
Aging Parents: Helping When Health
Fails, PNW 246, which costs 50 cents,
and the second is Living Arrange
ments in Later Life, PNW 318, which
costs $ 1 . Copies are available through
the Warm Springs Jefferson County
Extension Office or may be obtained
by writing Publication Orders, Agri
cultural Communications, OSU,
Administrative Services A422,
Corvallis, OR 97331-2119. Please
enclose 50 cents for shipping and
1 can (10-3.4 oz.) condensed
cream of celery soup
1 package (10 oz.) frozen peas,
cooked and drained
Drain and flake salmon , reserving
liquid. Combine salmon liquid with
soup in saucepan. Heat to a boil,
stirring. Fold in salmon and peas.
Heat through. Serve over rice, toast,
biscuit, waffles, or fry bread. Makes
4 servings.
Salmon Supper Loaf
2 pints canned salmon
1 cup chopped celery
1 cup chopped onion
14 cup melted butter, marga
rine 12 pound fresh mushrooms,
coarsely chopped
2 cups soft bread, crumbs or
salt and pepper to taste
2 Tbsp. chopped parsley (op
tional) grated rind and juice of two
ture, use.
Although storage of garlic in oil
presents a food safety risk.otherfood-in-liquid
combinations may not For
example, dried tomatoes may be
safely stored in oil because they are
high in acidity. However, garlic
cloves shouldn't be added for sea
soning. Herb or garlic-flavored vinegars
also are safe. The acidity of the vin
egar will preventClostridium botuli
num growth.
For recommrndations on preser
vation of garlic, contact the Jefferson
County Extension Office.
Information provided by:
Warm Springs OSU
Extension Office
1131 Paiute Street
foreign exchange students
year it win take place on Marcn is
25, 1992. Host homes will be needed
for the students to stay during this
time. If there is anyone interested,
please contact OSU Extension office
Pay attention to
financial tasks
when planning a
In the excitement of planning a
wedding and starting a new house
hold, it s easy to forget some im
portant financial and record keeping
Alice Mills Morrow.Orcgon State
University Extension family eco
nomics specialist, emphasizes that
"it's important to pay attention to
financial and record keeping details
as you begin this new phase of your
life. For instance, it's easy to forget
that your mother is the beneficiary of
your life insurance and not your new
It's also important for the new
household to organize a family record
storage system. Some records can be
kept at home in a filing cabinet or
desk. Others should be stored in a
safe deposit box or fire-proof home
safe. The system should include a
place to keep records, a routine for
attending to records and who is to be
responsible for record keeping.
Two OSU Extension publications
are available to help.
The first, "When You Marry:
Some Financial and Record Keeping
Tasks," FS 317, is available without
charge. The second, "Organizing
Your Family Records," EC 1302, is
available for 75 cents plus 50 cents
for postage and handling.
Both publications may be ordered
from Publications Orders, Agricul
tural Communications, OSU, Ad
ministrative Services A422,Corvallis
Strengthen your family
Here are several ways you can
nurture and strengthen your family:
1) Express sincere appreciation to
your partner and children for indi
vidual acts of kindness, helpfulness
and thoughtfulness.
2) Plan more family activities that
everyone finds enjoyable. Say no to
some outside demands that are less
important than your family.
3) Make time to talk and listen.
Allow feelings to be expressed, even
when they are difficult feelings.
4) Share responsibility for deci
sions that affect the family.
5) Maintain flexibility in who does
what in the family.
6) Try to anticipate changes that
will require your family to adapt
Plan ways to cope before a crisis
... k m A
2 eggs, beaten
12 cup milk
Flake salmon, reserving liquid.
Saute celery and onion in butter until
tender. Add mushrooms and saute 5
more minutes, stirring often. In
mixing bowl combine cooked veg
etables with bread crumbs, salmon,
reserved salmon liquid, seasonings,
parsley and grated rind and juice of
lemons. Add eggs and milk and mix
well. Grease loaf pan. Pack salmon
m ixture into a pan . Bake in preheated
oven (275 F.) for 45-50 minutes.
Serve as is - or - decorate top with
mashed potatoes. You may want to
brown the top of the potatoes by
placing the loaf under the broiler a
short time.
Salmon Loaf
2 pints canned salmon
2 eggs, beaten
salt and pepper to taste
dash dry mustard (optional)
2 Tbsp. minced onion
3 slices dry bread crumbed or
crushed crackers
1 can cream of mushroom soup
12 cup milk
Combine all ingredients in a bowl
and mix well. Place in a loaf pan and
bake at 375 F. for 35-40 minutes.