Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, January 24, 1992, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    Warm Springs, Oregon
January 24, 1992 PAGE 7
Snilvnv Tvmnn
Consider buying gifts of safety for your special Valentine
.... ... . .... .ll .l.. .r.i.. i..,;,.o uihlrh hnvi rnnimnnilv Nru ruinnl nr orant
Valcnf inA run mmf in mnnv dif
fcrtnt packages Mere are Valentines
related to safely and other household
topics suggested by Mary Ann S ward,
OSU Extension housing specialist
Up robes, slippers, indoor caps,
warm sweaters, blankets - just a few
ideas of warming gifts lo give that
special valentine. The benefits of
these gifts are increased comfort and
reduced heating bills, gifts welcome
in most Oregon homes!
Smoke detectors, fire extinguish'
ers, dead bolt locks, grab bars for the
shower or tub just a few items that
Help families
February is the month for love.
with romantic love often expressed
with flowers and candy.
Food is often used to express af
fection. By cooking delicious meals
for hoi iday s, preparing spec ial dishes
for company meals, or by making
desserts to reward good behavior.
"But the best way to express love
through food is to help our families
and ourselves to good heal th. A motto
to promote this month is Five a Day,
referring to the new recommendation
on fruits and vegetables," stresses
Margaret Lewis. OSU Extension nu
trition specialist.
. "The basic four reminded us to eat
four servings from the fruits and veg
etables group. The new recommen
dation is to eat at least 3 vegetables
and 2 fruits every day thus, five a
day," explains Lewis.
: Dietary guidelines include eating
less fat and more fiber. You can do
both by increasing the amount of
Do abstinence-only programs work?
Recent studies have shown that
abstinence-only adolescent preg
nancy prevention programs are in
effective. One million adolescents
experience a pregnancy annually.
"Nearly one half of them result in
live births. Many studies have docu
mented that the social, psychological
and economic costs of adolescent
pregnancy are staggering for the
mothers, their children and their
families," points out Jan Hare, OSU
Extension family life specialist
Because of this disturbing situa
tion, the federal government for a
decade has sponsored demonstration
abstinence-only pregnancy preven
tion programs. By law, the programs
must convey strong sexual abstinence
messages; discussions of contracep
tion and abortion are not allowed.
Also, by law, these programs must
be evaluated to determine their ef
fectiveness. : Recent evaluations of abstinence
programs delivered in middle
schools offered little support for abstinence-only
approaches to the pre
vention of adolescent sexual oenav-
, The results of the studies pro-
vided no support for the belief that
UiiS type oi primary prcveiiuuii yiu-
, .fTiiue cf,.i in orh.winT
Take advantage
; Dry weather in January and Feb
ruary in western Oregon offers an
opportunity for home gardeners.
: "If your garden soil is dry enough
to work, don't hesitate," says Ray
McNeilan, Oregon State University
(OSU) Extension home gardening
agent. "Even if it does seem a bit odd,
spading or rototilling the garden now
will get you ahead of schedule and
Maintain your
woodstove for
fire safety
If you've been heating with your
wood stove this winter, ash and creo
sote may have built up enough to
obstruct air flow, reduce heat trans
fer, and increase fire danger.
: It may be time to inspect, clean
and repair your stove and chimney to
jceep them operating properly. Sug
gestions you may want to consider
are the following steps recommended
by Larry Giardina, Oregon State
University Extension energy agent:
: Remove ashes from your wood
Stove before they block air inlets in
the firebox.
: Use a wire brush to remove
creosote that may block inlets or coat
thedoorperimeter, preventing it from
closing tightly.
Clean the chimney when creo
sote is more than one-quarter inch
thick. You can hire a chimney sweep
to inspect and clean your chimney,
or, with proper tools, you can do it
Check door and window gaskets
and gaskets around a removable top
for good seals. Replace them if nec
essary. Gasket material is available
from wood stove dealers.
: Check for cracks and to make
sure joints are intact. You may seal
joints and cracks with high tempera
ture cement or you may need to weld.
: Replace firebrick linings that
have broken down.
Your wood heating system will
operate more cleanly and efficiently
if you properly maintain it, Giardina
said. And most important, you'll re
duce the risk of a fire in your home.
would moke vour valentine's home
safer for the holiday and for yean to
come. Most of these items sell for
well under S50.00 dollars and most
Oregon homes and apartments are
missing one or more of these items.
Your valentine will benefit from
greater safety and perhaps a lower
home insurance premium.
Is the smoke detector that Santa
brought Grandma still under the tree?
Has it moved to the junk drawer or
onto the kitchen counter? Then, the
perfect Valentine's gift may be a
''coupon" to install the smoke detector
to good health
vegetables you eat. There are many
fresh, Irozcn and canned vegctaoics
to include. Potatoes, carrots, cabbage,
onions, and green peppers are a few
of the common ones. Greens such as
endive, spinach, romaine, kale and
beet greens add fiber and vitamin A
as well as color and variety to meals.
Vegetables can be eaten alone or
in combinations for interest Glazed
carrots and parsnips are oldies but
goodies. Steamed cauliflower, broc
coli and carrots add a note of color.
Children often like raw vegetables
better than cooked ones. Try raw
strips or chunks of turnips or sweet
There are so many vegetables to
choose from and so many ways to
serve them. Let your imagination
loose with a goal of five a day.
"St. Valentine is remembered for
his acts of love to others. Let one of
your acts of love be the gift of good
nutrition," Lewis urges.
"No Dositive chances were found
in premarital sexual attitudes, be
havioral intentions or sexual behav
iors," said Hare. In addition, there
were no changes in self-esteem or
family communication which poten
Promote your home sewing business
Owners of home sewing busi
nesses should promote their services
to attract the kinds of customers they
Word-of-mouth advertising is
wonderful, but it may not convey the
message you want to get across to
potential customers.
Business cards, ads in local news
papers and shoppers, spots on the
local radio or cable television sta
tions, and flyers at fabric stores and
laundromats are good promotion
"Think about some free exposure,
too," adds Ardis Koester, OSU Ex
tension textiles and clothing spe
cialist. "For example, a feature about
vou and vour business in the newspa
per, an interview on the local radio
station, or maybe an appearance on a
, - , , n "
local cable TV program.
of dry weather
ready to plant when spring tempera
tures warm up.
On the west side of the Cascades,
most garden plots could use an appli
cation of lime, McNeilan pointed out.
An application rate of five pounds
per one hundred square feet is rec
ommended. Spread the lime over the
garden and rototill it in.
On the east side of the Cascades,
where weather conditions permit
work in the garden, an application of
gypsum or sulfur should be used in
place of lime. For application rates
of gypsum and sulfur, check with the
local county office of the OSU Ex
tension Service.
Tilling an application of organic
matter or a fertilizer into garden soil
will also benefit spring vegetable
plantings. If a fertilizer is used,
McNeilan recommends a 5-10-10
"Remember that working garden
soil that is still too wet will do more
harm than good," NcNeilan says. "If
the soil is wet enough that it is still
fairly sticky, working the garden will
result in soil compaction, which de
feats the whole purpose of tilling the
soil in the first place."
Test the garden soil for moisture
by taking a handful and compressing
it in your hand. If the soil packs
together tightly in a ball, it is too wet
to till. If the soil crumbles, it is dry
enough to work.
Toll-free hotline offers recall status
Child safety seats are among the
most commonly recalled consumer
products. Last year alone, recalls
column alerted readers to problems
affecting some eight and a half mil
lion seats.
The problems areoften minor.but
they also include serious defects like
faulty buckles, broken shields, or un
secured harness straps. In most in
stances, the entire seat need not be
replaced. Instead, the manufacturer
will supply substitute parts and re
placement instructions free if you
Trouble is, safety-seat recalls
rarely make headlines. Few publica
tions other than consumer reports
or nihrr safely devices which have
been given or purchased but never
Other ideas for assistance which
might make welcome Valentine gifts
to people you care about: checking
and replacing batteries in smoke de
tectors, installing grab bars in the
bathroom, checking the fire extin
guishers, replacing security lighting
outdoors or bulbs that are hard to
reach like those lighting stairs,
changing the furnace filter. Any of
these tasks will improve the safety of
your Valentine's home, are fairly
inexpensive (cost of replacement
batteries or bulbs), and require less
than an hour to complete.
Have you considered giving
yourself a gift for Valentine's day
that will keep on being useful for
years? Consider taking a first aid or
CPR class offered this winter in your
Job placement programs to consider in job search
Private Employment Agencies
Private employment agencies arc
listed in the phone book's yellow
pages. They offer three types of ser
vices: Bringingtogcthcrapplicantsand
employers Placement fee is usu
ally paid by the hiring company, but
when it is a secured.
Executive Search when com
panies seek the help of employment
agencies to find the right person for a
Counseling Services provide
skill identification and self-evaluation,
as well as resume preparation.
Payment is made by the job seeker
before service is rendered.
tially could influence adolescent
sexual decision-making.
The federal policy of rely ing solely
on abstinence-only programs has
clearly been called into question,
concludes Hare.
by writing down some thoughts about
your business.
What do you do and what do you
not do?
What's special about you and
your services?
What are your qualifications?
Your accomplishments?
What other interests or hobbies
an reflected in your business?
Save money
Everyone is looking for ways to
save money these days. Studies show
that people can save as much as 50,
or more, by sewing garments at home.
Savings are greater for fashion gar
ments and less for garments that can
be mass produced.
To get the most for your sewing
dollar, plan carefully. Take time to
look at ready-to-wear in stores. De
termine the colors, styles, and fab
rics that are popular. Try on garments
similar to those you plan to make to
determine how they will look.
Compare ready-to-wear prices to
" costs of fabric, pattern, and notions.
Consider your sewing skill when
selecting a pattern and fabric. Check
the construction details involved to
Take the Granola
Bar Exam
Does a Quaker Chewy peanut
butter granola bar have less fat than a
stalk of celery with two tablespoons
of peanut butter on it? If you answered
yes, you're on your way to passing
the "Granola Bar Exam."
The Granola Bar Exam is the title
of a new brochure designed to clear
up some common misconceptions
about one of today's popular snacks,
granola bars.
The Granola Bar Exam features
easy-to-understand bar charts, which
show how the leading granola bars
stack up against each other in fat and
calories, and how granola bars com
pare with a variety of other snacks. It
also includes a fun quiz to test your
snacking knowledge. Consumers will
learn that the healthiest choice is not
always the obvious one.
To receive a free copy of the bro
chure, please send your name and
address to: Quaker Chewy Granola
Bars, "The Granola Bar Exam,"
Department M, 847 West JaJcson,
Fifth Floor, Chicago, JL 60607-3098.
routinely publicize them. The Na
tional Highway Traffic Safety Ad
ministration has established a toll
free hotline so consumers can find
out the recall status of specific
models. The number is 800-424-9393.
Before calling, you'll need to
know the brand, model, and date of
manufacture. That information ap
pears on every seat
Later this year, the NHTSA will
require manufacturers to provide a
registration card with each scat Once
completed and returned, the card will
allow a company to notify seat own
ers automatically if a problem exists.
For now, only Century and Fisher
Price provide registration cards.
community. New parents or grand
parents may DC especially inicrcstca
in brushing up on the latest first aid
and CPR techniques for children.
Hopefully, you will never need toput
your new knowledge to use, but
knowing that you are prepared is a
wonderful gift of peace of mind.
The puppy that was so cute at
Christmas is about ready for begin
ning obedience training now. The
rewards for taking your pet through
obedience training arc many: the pet
understands what you expect of it,
you learn how to reinforce good be
havior and discourage bad behavior,
your relations with neighbors will be
enhanced by good pet behavior, and
the risk of pet damage to your house
and home furnishings will be less
ened. Your vet or the local humane
society will have information about
training opportunities in your area.
When selecting a private employ
ment agency, consider your needs
and their type of assistance. Ask
questions about services, payments
and the experience they have had in
placing people with your skills.
Job Training Partnership Act
JTPA provides a variety of job
training and placement services to
meet people's needs from vocational
counseling to job searching. Special
emphasis is placed on serving unem
ployed and low-income people. They
may provide supportive services such
as transportation and child care.
Contact your local Job Service Of
fice for information. Warm Springs
Employment Services 553-3263.
Apprenticeship is one way that
individuals learn to be skilled
craflworkcrs. It is a formal arrange
ment involving employers, unions,
state government, vocationaltech
nical schools, and individuals who
want to learn a skilled craft such as
plumbing, carpentry, tool and die
making, or cosmetology. The ap
What extras do you provide?
Delivery, evening hours, overnight
What's your philosophy about
the service you provide?
Koester suggest creating a catchy
10 words or less description of the
business. The phrase could be used
on business cards or in other materials.
by making your own garments at home
a t.
he certain that vou can create a pro
fessional looking garment, one that
is comfortable to wear and fits well.
Making something that will only hang
in the closet is not saving you money 1
Purchase notions needed to com
plete a garment at the time the pattern
and fabric are selected. That way
colors will match and there will be no
need for extra trips to the fabric store
What is your
Families developing financial
plans to reach long-range family
goals, or to adjust to changed finan
cial situations, need to know their
current financial situations.
A net worth statement and an in
comeexpense statement are useful
tools in determining the current fi
nancial situation.
The net worth statement shows
assets and liabilities. The difference
between the two is net worth, explains
Alice Mills Morrow, OSU Extension
family economics specialist. A net
worth statement prepared about the
same time each year will help a family
Use proper storage containers
Manv insects are Dests no matter
what the season, but some of them
that often infiltrate stored foods in
the fall seem especially bothersome.
Protecting stored foods in the
home from insect infestation is a
matter of keeping storage areas clean
and using airtight storage containers,
says Ray McNeilan, Oregon State
University (OSU) Extension home
gardening agent. Hungry insects of
ten prefer cereals, flour, corn meal,
spices, dried fruits and nuts.
"The chance of insect infestation
is greater where people buy large
quantities of food to store and use
over long periods," says McNeilan.
Flour beetles (or bran bugs) such
as the sawtooth grain beetle are
common pests. They are reddish
brown, hard-shelled insects about
one-eighth inch long. Although adults
are usually the first observed, the
brownish-white larvae of these
beetles also feed on flour, cereals
Become a
Plan to attend 4-H
If you're a Jefferson County 4-H
member in grades 7-12 you should
be planning now to attend 1992 4-H
Summer Week at Oregon State Uni
versity, says Carol Stevens county
Extension intern.
Summer Week, June 22-26, "is a
prentice is paid while learning. The
employer pays required schooling
costs and pays the apprentice for
both hours worked and hours in
school. The pay averages about 60
percent for the salary of a skilled
worker in that occupation.
Apprenticeships usually last three
to five years. Some occupations such
as cosmetology and meat cutting can
be as short as two years. Contact the
local Job Service Office for further
information. Warm Springs Em
ployment Service 553-3263.
Information obtained from the
University of Wisconsin Extension.
Mowing your
Despite the arrival of winter
weather, home landscapes should
keep their lawn mowers handy.
You may still have to do some
mowing in the winter to keep the
lawn healthy, according to Ray
McNeilan, Oregon State University
(OSU) Extension home gardening
Whenever the grass blades grow
one-third taller than normal mowing
height, you should mow your lawn,
he pointed out.
"If you let the grass continue
growth beyond this height the blades
will topple over and smother the grass
underneath. This causes slimy, dead
areas in the lawn that will be hard to
patch up later," said McNeilan.
Of course grass growth slows
considerably during the cooler
after the project is begun. It also will
help you avoid selecting a fabric that
is difficult to match with tnreaa, zip
per, buttons, and other notions.
Shop fabric sales whenever pos
sible, but avoid overpurchasing.
Stockpiling fabric that you do not
use ties up money that could be used
to meet other needs. Buy sewing
notions that you use often, such as
current financial situation?
see how their net worth changes from
"An incomeexpenses statement
is a picture of your income and how
you spent it during agiven time in the
past. This helps you compare income
and expenditures to your financial
goals and to what you think is im
portant," Morrow points out.
An OSU Extension circular,
"Family Financial Planning: Pre
paring and Using Financial State
ments," is available to help. The
circular, prepared by Morrow, ex
plains how to prepare both state
ments, how the information can be
and condiments.
Flour moths like the Indian-meal
moth, the Mediterranean flour moth
and the meal moth, are gray or reddish-brown,
and have a wing span of
one-half inch or more. These moths
flying in homes are often the first
sign of an infestation. The Indian
meal moth may be a special problem
in stored walnuts. Mealworms are
one-half to three-quarters of an inch
long and have a dark brown to black
hard shell.
For control of these pests, first
locate and destroy the source of in
festation. Discard all contaminated
food and clean food shelves thor
oughly. A vacuum cleaner with at
tachments designed for use in hard-to-reach
places is handy for remov
ing food particles lodged in cracks.
Store seldom-used food products
in containers with tight lids.
"Coffee cans with plastic lids will
keep out adult insects, but the larvae
can get under the lids," said
McNeilan. "Ajar with a screw on top
is better."
In addition to careful storage of
foods.check dried foods periodically.
Usually, thorough cleaning is the
only control needed. However, if
thorough cleaning is not possible,
use a pressurized household insect
spray to treat encks and corners of
shelves after removing all dishes and
Information provided by:
Warm Springs OSU
Extension Office
1131 Paiute Street
Summer Week
place to make new friends." "it is a
place to have fun and participate in a
scries of terrific classes." "That's
what a survey of about 400 4-H'ers
attending the 1991 program showed.
Another highlight was thcclasses.
This year, each 4-H member can
choose up to nine classes. More than
16 hours of action-oriented learning
will be offered in the areas of horses,
sports, fashion and personal devel
opment, leadership arts, drama, and
Rounding out the week will be a
scries of special events such as sports
contests, a celebration of talent, a
pizza party, swim panics, and dances.
Summer Week delegates live in an
OSU residence hall where they'll
meet new friends while getting to
know people from this area even
More information about the pro
gram, registration and costs will be
available at the Warm Springs Ex
tension Service. Please contact Carol
Stevens at 553-3238.
lawn in winter
weather of winter, but some growth
does occur JslcNeilan said.
Make the difficult iob of trimming
a wet lawn easier by keeping mower
blades sharp and selecting a relatively
dry day for mowing. Try dragging a
hose across the lawn early on a day
when no precipitation is expected.
This will knock dew drops off the
grass blades. Then let the lawn dry
for a couple of hours and it should be
easier to mow.
Lawn grasses that are allowed to
grow to three or four inches in height
should be raked after trimming,
McNeilan said. Clippings from
overly shaggy lawns are long and
will tend to mat over the turf, suffo
cating the grass underneath. If the
lawn clippings are short, one inch in
length or less, let them lay.
thread in basic colors and interfac
ing, when they are on sale, advises
Ardis Koester, OSU Extension tex
tiles and clothing specialist.
Always carefully examine fabric,
especially sale fabrics that cannot be
returned if flawed, before purchase.
Even when the price is adjusted,
flawed fabric may not be a good buy
if you cannot use it as planned.
used, and gives instructions and forms
to use.
"Family Financial Planning," EC
1381, is available for 50 cents from
the Jefferson County Extension Of
fice, or include 50 cents for shipping
and handling and write to Publica
tions Orders, Agricultural Commu
nications, OSU, Administrative
Services A422, Corvallis 97331 -2119.
Try a little
fashion color
Have vou resolved to be a trimmer.
more shapely you? If you eat sensi
bly and exercise regularly, you'll
achieve the results you want - slowly,
surely, and permanently.
Meanwhile, try a little fashion
color magic. Color can create the
illusion of height. And height is
Color has three components - hue,
value, and intensity. Hue is the name
of a color. Value is the lightness or
darkness of a color. Intensity is the
color's brightness or dullness.
When planning an outfit, think
about the placement of color on your
body. Generally, a taller effect is
produced by wearing colors of darker
value on the lower portion of the
body and having stockings and shoes
be the same color value as the garment
Using variation in values of hues
also adds to the illusion of height.
Colors of grayed values have a
slimming effect on the body.
When coordinating an outfit of
two intense colors, select the lighter
one for the upper body and use the
colors in unequal amounts. Intense
color used only on the upper body
also can be figure flattering, points
out Ardis Koester, OSU Extension
textiles and clothing specialist
Colors of like-intensity are easier
to harmonize. Bright colors work best
with bright, dull colors with dulL