PAGE 8 Junel4,1991 Warm Springs, Oregon .Spilyay Tymoo r Job openings Prospective employed will be requested to take a pre-employment drugalcohol screening test.. For information about jobs, con tact Employment Services at 553 3262. Museum Bldg. Maint. Supervisor MOIHS Carpenter Apprentice Employment Services (Apprentice ship Program) Power Sewing Machine Operator W.S. Apparel Industries Hydrologist Biologist Water & Aquatic Resources Police Officer (2 positions) Police Department Female Corrections Officer Police Department Full-Time Dispatcher (I) On-Call Dispatcher (2) Police Department Male Corrections officer (1) On-Call Corrections officer (I) Police Department Secretary Housing Pi-Ume-Sha will be no spouse passes given. In addition to the entry fee there is a $300.00 purse and there is no limit on the entries per event, with one go. In the team roping the contest ants are allowed two loops, and can enter twice, only with different partners. There is added attractions of ladies breakaway roping with an entry fee of $50.00 and a purse of $100.00, no limit to entries. The wildhorse race with the entry fee of $150.00 per team for the first 16 tea ms a nd $300.00 purse. The top 8 Vacancies announced Warm Springs Power Enterprise Class I - Enrolled member or non member who is interested in the economic and social development of the tribe and its membership and who has expertise in the field of energy or related matters. Appli cant must be a non-tribal member. Land Use Planning Committee The mission of the committee is to advise the Tribal Council on mat ters related to use of lands on the reservation to make recommenda- Happy Birthday to Gramma Libby from Toya Four-wheeler for sale 1985 4 Wheeler, Yamaha 200. $750.00 firm. Call Marie, 475-2387. Men'Hil health hint Changing --Now and Always There is always a time Part of changing is reflecting... Internal feelings to the Only change those things that... You deeply believe in... You are what you are. The person within is real... And can be shared with You can trust yourself... Changing is now and always. SUBSCRIPTION TO SPILYAY SEND SUBSCRIPTION TO: SPILYAY TYMOO, PO BOX 870, WARM SPRINGS, NAME ADDRESS CITY SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $9.00 PER YEAR IN THE U.S. ' $15.00 PER YEAR OUTSIDE THE U.S. All members of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs will receive the Spilyay Tymoo at no cost. Spilyay Tymoo is published bi-weekly by the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Research Assistant Community Counseling Center Secretary III Community Counseling Center Bus Driver Summer Recreation Program Realty Technician Real Property Management Engine Director Fire Management Maintenance Man UtilitiesTribal Bldg. Maint. College Intern Program Business Economic Development Cultural Resource Technician Natural Resource JOM Educational Assistant 7 hours a day Indian preference Title V Education Assistant 7 hours a day Indian preference Education Resource Center Edu cational Assistant 5 hours a day Information Analyst Govt. Affairs & Planning Director rodeo on tap in the finals. There will also be a Jr. Barrel race I2ycarsand under with an entry fee of $10.00, and prizes, one go. Also a calf scramble for kids 10 years and under Sunday. The awards include an Ail Around Saddle, buckles in the standard events and in the senior barrel race a beaded headstall and breast collar. The books open Monday June 17, 1991 at 2:00 pm and close June 19, 1991 at 8:00 pm. Office hours 2:00 to 8:00 pm. Call backs Thursday, June 20, from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. Phone entries tions to the Tribal Council on ac tions that will protect and develop tribal lands for future generations and provide homes for tribal mem bers. Applicant must be a Tribal member. Kah-Nee-Ta Board-The Board of Directors shall consist of seven (7) directors. Class II, one shall be a non-member of the tribe. Shall be interested in the economic and social development of the Tribe and its enrolled membership. Applicant must be a non-tribal member. Contact: Doris J. Miller, Tribal Council Secretary, Tribal Council office, PO Box 1299, Warm Springs, Oregon 9776 1 by June 21, 1991. Infant care needed In home infant care needed for five-month old child. Someone wil ling to work various day hours and can provide references. For more information call 553-33 1 5 Tuesday through Thursday or 475-6131 Monday and Friday from 8 to 5. After 5 p.m. call 553-1058. to change... external view of self... others... Mato Topa 1984 .STATE. Volunteers needed I am looking for six energetic, enthusiastic, able bodied people who are in the age group of 60 years and up. They will be attend ing a week long Health Promotion conference in Seaside, Oregon on October 27th through November 1st. The Northwest Wellness Con ference for seniors will be a week for you and others to experience health and well being. The confer ence will include keynote presenta tion by nationally known speakers, informative interactive workshops, team planning, time for recreation and relaxation, and numerous op portunities to become healthier. All expenses will be paid by the Senior Citicn program. So if you feel that you are one of these peo ple, then please call the Commun ity Center for Lucinda Green, 553-1361. White Swan rodeos. This was a Western States All-Indian Rodeo Association sanctioned rodeo. By this, all the points are added to what the cow continued (503)553-1366. Mail all entries to: Warm Springs Rodeo Association, P.O. Box 541, Warm Springs, OR 97761. All home town entries must have entry fees paid by 5:00 pm, Wed nesday, June 19, U.S. currency only, no personal checks accepted! Make money orders payable to Warm Springs Rodeo Association. Admission prices: Adults $4.00, children 12 and under $2.00, Senior Citizens free with proof of age. There will be a y4 mile horse race to be held during the rodeo. Open to Indians only. For more information call (503) 553-1366. Added attraction: Aerobatics Air Show to be held during inter mission, performed by Don Mob ley, from Madras, Oregon. Other activities during the weekend in clude: a Fun Run Walk, call (503) First time low mammograms For the fifth consecutive year, women in Jefferson County have the opportunity to receive a low cost cancer screening test. During the month of July, Mountain View Hospital and Nursing Home is sponsoring a breast cancer detec tion awareness campaign. Low-dose x-rays, called mam mograms, are the most effective method of detecting breast cancer. Mammograms can detect malig nancies long before they can be felt, women over the age of 35 who have never had a mammogram are eligible for the screening program. Women taking part in the screen ing should not be pregnant, nurs ing or have had an open biopsy or breast surgery within the last seven years are also eligible for the re duced cost screening program. Appointments for the screening are limited and will be handled on a Legal Notices The Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon vs. James J. Parkins Defendant Notice of Trial Hearing for Publication Case No. CV 165-91 To: James J. Parkins You are hereby notified: That the above cited casefs). as filed in the Warm Springs Tribal Court, has been scheduled for trial; hearing at 3:00 p.m., on the I2lh day of August, 1991. You are hereby ordered: To be and appear at the Warm Springs Tribal Court at the time and date shown to defend against the charge(s). You may be represented by yourself, by an attorney, or by a spokesman, at your own expense. You may bring any documents you believe are relevant to this cause, and you may bring witnesses to testify on your behalf. You may request the Court to subpeona your witnesses, however, you must submit your list of witnesses no later than two weeks prior to trial; failure to do so will not be considered sufficient reason to postpone the trial. If you have any questions, you should seek legal advice immediately. If you fail to appear as so ordered, the Tribal Court shall enter a complaint for contempt of court and issue a warrant for your arrest. Dated at Warm Springs. Oregon, on this 4th day of June. 1991. Walter l.angnese III Judge, Warm Springs Tribal Court i TYMOO OR 97761 ZIP. Watcr-auiz A special Warm Springs water negotiations logo T-shirt will be awarded to the person who correctly Identifies this water-quit along with a year's subscription to Spilyay Tymoo. Call 553-1644 with the location of this portion of a reservation stream after I, HO p.m. Monday, June 17. rodeo action boy nas already earned and all cowboys are eyeing that trip to Albuquerque. New Mexico in the fall. from page 6 553-1606 or 475-7182; Powwow, call 553-1735; Endurance race, call 553-1161 Ext.3257; Golf Tourna ment, call 553-1 112. Golf shop; Softball Tourney, call 553-1915 or 553-1227. Stick Game Tourna ment, call 553-1366. AAAh!!! To appease that appe tite there is a Buck-A-Roo Break fast on Saturday and Sunday at the Agency Longhouse from 6 a.m. to 1 1 a.m. for just $4 a plate (all you can eat!) There is also a raffle sale lor 2 nights at Kah-Nee-Ta Lodge, sponsored by Kah-Nee-Ta, tickets are $ 1 .00 each or six for $5.00, for more information call (503) 553 1783 or 553-1328. The Warm Springs Rodeo As sociation is not responsible for accidents, injury or theft, or divorces!!! cost to be available first come, first serve basis. The cost for the cancer screening, which includes the radiologists fee is $50. To make an appointment for the screening or for more information, call Shirley Wetzler at 475-3882. Items for sale The following items are for sale. Call 475-2805 for more information. Chainsaw, Husqvarna, Model 61. Fewer than 10 cords wood cut; $350. Video Cassette Recorder, 4-head HQ, cable ready, wireless remote; $225. 1980 Ford Fl 50 4x4, trailer spe ciality, air, auto, 351 VA, $4,500; Offers considered. Leupold Spotting Scope, 20x50 window mount and tripod; $325. The Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon Jolene K. Howtopal Defendant Order to Show Cause for Public Notice Case no. DO 73-90 To: Jolene K. Howtopal You arc hereby notified: That the above cited casefs), as filed in the Warm Springs Tribal Court, has been scheduled for show cause hearing at 1:30 p.m.. on the 8th day of August, 1991. You are hereby ordered: To be and appear at the Watm Springs Tribal Court at the time and date shown to show cause why the suspended sentence of 32291, should not be imposed for your failure to comply with the sentence imposed against you. This hearing will not be a full hearing on the merits of case; you must appear and defend against a complaint that you failed to obey the Order of the Court. If you fail to appear as so ordered, the Tribal Court shall enter a complaint for contempt of court and issue a warrant for your arrest. If you have any questions, you should seek legal assist ance immediately. Dated at Warm Springs, Oregon, on this 29th day of May. 1991. Walter Langnese, III Judge, Warm Springs Tribal Court The Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon vs. Lila M. Jack Defendant Order lo Show Cause for Public Notice Case no. CV 115-91 To: Lila M. Jack You are hereby notified: That the above cited casefs). as filed in the Warm Springs Tribal Court, has been scheduled for show cause hearing at 1:30 p.m.. on the 8th day of July. 1989. You are hereby ordered: To be and appear at the Warm Springs Tribal Court at the time and date shown to show cause why the suspended sentence of 4 3, 91. should not be imposed for your failure lo comply with the sentence imposed against you. This hearing will not bea full hearing on the merits of case: you must appearand defend against a complaint that you failed lo obey the Order of the Court. If you fail to appear as so ordered, the Tribal Court shall enter a complaint for contempt of court and issue a warrant for your arrest. If you have any questions, you should seek legal assist ance immediately Dated at V. arm Springs. Oregon, on this 29th day of May. 1991. W arret tangnesc. III Judge. W ana Springs Tribal Cowl continued The YIRA officers consist of Mel Sampson, president; Linda Walker, secretary; Arlen Moses, vice president; Alta Sanchey, his torian; and Cecil Sanchey, treas urer. The Board of Directors include Ralph Sampson, Tony Spencer, Cecil Cox. Carroll Palmer. Sandi Palmer, Jack Robbins and Tommy Eylc. The Ail-Around saddle was sponsored by "Mudd" Walker and family, in memory of Jim Walker. There were several other memorial trophies sponsored by families in different events. The memorial bareback buckle in memory of Jim Walker. The Phillips Memorial calf roping buckle donated by the Phil lips family, the memorial saddle bronc buckle sponsored by the George Sanchey family, in memory of G.I. "Bone" Sanchey, the Team Roping buckle sponsored by Pacific Power, the Wild cowmilking buckle sponsored by the Charley Lewis family. The bull riding buckle donor was Stephanie "Snuffy" Sutterlict in memory of Grandmother Lucille Cordero Hoptowit. The Phillip Winnicr memorial trophy by his family. The memorial steer wres tling buckly in memory of Ron Luke by family and friends. The old timers breakaway buckle donated by Ralph and Catherine Sampson. The female breakaway roping buckle donated by Paul "Pauley Boy" Brisbois. The wild horse race donor of two buckles was Cockrill, Weaver and BJUR, attorneys and counselors. The Yakima Nation Credit Enterprise donor of one wildhorse race buckle. Team roping buckle donor Lind sey Lockers. The Eagle Seelatsee memorial buckle donated by the Seelatsee family. When all the dust settled after the last whistle blown in the events the winners are from each event are Students The following are the Higher Education Graduates for the 1990 91 school year: Casey Greene-Heavy Equip ment, West Coast Training; Lau rain Johnson-Education, Univer sity of Oregon; Terry Macy-Fine Arts, University of Oregon; Robert Miller-Heavy Equipment, West Coast Training; Debbie Smith Interior Decorator, Bassist Col lege; Delton Trimble-Truck Dri ver, Commercial Training Service; Marcus Mosely-Bachelors of Fine Arts, Pacific College of N.W.; Steven Courtney-Business, Cen tral Oregon Community College; Jason Smith-Agriculture, Oregon State University; Elizabeth Woody Humanities, The Evergreen State; Howlak Annette Lynn Enrolled member of the Con federated Tribes of Warm Springs, Annette Lynn Arthur-Scott, age 35, passed away June 1 1, 1991 after an extended illness. She was born October 4, 1 955 in Redmond, Oregon to Larry Ar thur and Irene Cloud. Arthur attended schools in both Warm Springs and Madras. She also attended the University of Oregon and then completed her secretarial training in Salem. She was em ployed as committee secretary for Tribal Council for the Confeder ated Tribes. She enjoyed bead work, drying fish, picking berries, and doing traditional craft work. The dressing ceremony was held Wednesday. June 12, 1991, 3 p.m. at Bel-Air Colonial Funeral Home Chapel with overnight services fol lowing at Simnasho Longhouse. Burial service was held Thursday. . , f . from page 6 as follows: Bareback 1st Frank Paz 2nd Shawn Best 3rd Mike Brown Saddle bronc 1st Shawn Best 2nd Jerry Frazicr 3rd Dave Best Bull Riding Dave Best won it all Calf Roping 1st Spike Guardipee 2nd Robert Hicks 3rd Gary Sutton Steer Wrestling 1st Todd Cline 2nd Byron Cheney 3rd Ron Johnson Wild Cow Milking 1st Ken Peppers 2nd Ralph Rogers 3rd Spike Guardipee Team Roping 1st Sam BirdSpike Guardipee 2nd Dale Small Mel Joseph 3rd Jim Gladstone Ollie Benjimen Barrel Race 1st Gypsie Williams 2nd Marilyn Collifiower 3rd Henny Bruisehcad Squaw Race 1st Stacy Speedis Pony Express 1st LeeRoss Showaway Old Timers Breakaway 1st Bill Duffy 2nd Frank Brady 3rd Jim Hooper Jr. Barrel Race 1st Jenny Monroe 2nd Tess La Mere 3rd Sadie Johnson Ladies Breakaway 1st Crystal Collifiower 2nd Fawn Elesbery 3rd Charline Starlight graduate Judy King-Journalism, Central Oregon Community College; 01 ney Patt, Jr. -Journalism, Univer sity of Oregon; Alicia Santos Nannies, N.W. Nannies Inst.; Heather Schut-Business, Central Washington University; Mavis Shaw-Fish & Wildlife, Eastern Oregon State; Kenneth Allen Heavy Equipment Operator, West Coast Training; William "Hobo" Patt-Truck Driving, West Coast Training; David Kalama-Cosmo-tology Manicuring, Phagan's Beauty School; William Wilson Alcohol Drug Counselor, Sereni ty Lane; Edith Walsey-Business, Yakima Heritage College; Ann Binder-Medical Assistant, Blue Mt. Community College. Tichum Arthur-Scott June 13, 1991, 9 a.m. at Simnasho Cemetary officiated by Thompson Sampson. Survivors include: her father Larry Arthur of Warm Springs; her mother Irene Cloud of Yaki ma, Washington; Her children, Jacob Spino, Samantha Frank and Virginia Arthur all of Warm Springs; her brothers, Roderick, Kendrick and Matthew Arthur all of Warm Springs. William and Charles Shawnee and Tim Olney of Yakima, Washington; sisters, Nanita. Etta, and Alvira Arthurall of Warm Springs. Paula Pinkham and Carla George of Yakima, Washington. Along with numer ous aunts, uncles and cousins. Arthur was preceded in death by her grandparents McKinley and Jessie Arthur, and her husband Ivan. i