PAGE 4 January 25, 1991 Warm Springs, Oregon Spilyay Tymoo Editorial E Coosh EEWA (The way it is) Letters to the Editor A rv .,. .8. A. h-- - - t 'tyityay Speaks" Kindness during recent ioss appreciated Spilyay Tymoo would like to let all the boys and girls who are in the Armed Forces know that we are proud of them and fully support their efforts in this time of disrupt in the Iraq-Kuwait situation. We want them to know that there are a lot of people who fully support them. It's hard to face situations such as this when the young boys and girls have to face war. It's too late to turn back now as things have gotten underway with the "fighting in the Far East. No matter how hard it is to face we should all stick together and back up our Armed Forces.. ..that is if you are not a Saddam follower. Sometimes I think all these anti-war demonstrators are sent in by Saddam to disrupt all the people of the U.S., and believe me some are real suckers. Those professional demonstrators could make Saddam look like a hero. Everyone is against war but lets face it, we're in now and we've go to do whatever there is to do. I praise all those parents who have children in the service and say they are against war but are in full support of their children who are involved in the "Desert Storm." Many of them have experienced times like this themselves during the WWII, Korean and the Vietnam wars. Many, many veterans have feelings toward whats happening but they support the action that is taking place at the present time. Let's not let the boys and girls feel they are doing wrong in their indeavors where ever they may be. Those demonstrators can cause a big problem and I feel they are playing right into Saddams hand. So I say down with those anti-war demonstrators'. Because, many of us have relatives who are involved now and all we can do is hope and pray for a fast end to the situation and everyone comes out well. Ahh-Nahh-Chi-Toon. The taxman cometh To the Editor, To all those who were so sup portive and kind during the loss of our loved one: We were all saddened when God called Edward Henry, Sr. home. We know he will be missed by all who knew him as a father, grand father to many, uncle to many, a friend, a relative, a beloved brother and a dear husband. He was loved by all who knew him. Thanks for the beautiful letters of condolence, the many sympathy cards, words of encouragement, the acts of kindness, the beautiful flowers, and all the necessary services rendered from the heart during the time of grief. All the love and concern shown in many ways is greatly appreciated. The list would be so long to name all who were so supportive to us. We just want everyone to know, we thank all of you for all that was done to help us through this sad time of our lives. Your kindness Thanks for tournament support To the Editor, We'd like to give acknowledge ment to all the sponsors, saying thanks. God bless you all, for your support to this annual event for the kids. It's people like you folks, that makes the activities worth-while, giving the kids something to look forward to on weekends. It's too bad there can not be more put out for the youth of our community, to try keeping them off the streets. Regardless of the outcome of the Lil Britches Tournament, January 12-13. 1991. held at Warm Springs Community center. I'd like to say to those who all participated, You're all champions. Just to make the effort to practice and play is great. Being able to belong and participate makes it worth-while, to be able to look forward to something to do each week. I commend the other coaches also, for taking the time and effort to work with the children. Just making it to practice is a responsibility in itself. Which I commend our players of the We Baaad and Roadrunners 12 and under teams, also to the parents who support their kias in these activities. We don't win them all, but we have fun trying, giving the kids experience and knowledge of the sport. A special thanks to Caroline Tohct. For the small give away for the visiting coaches, on behalf of her grandchildren who participated in the tournament. May he above watch and guideyou always. Tournament Directors Big Rat & Mercedes Suppah will remain in our hearts forever. There will always be good memo ries of our loved one for his kind ness, concern for others, for his enjoyment to spend time at the YMCA among friends, watching family youth participate in sports and all the good times he shared with everyone. In God We Trust Elizabeth L. Henry and family Edward's children and grandchildren Ellen Henry Johnson Vernon Henry and family Harriet Henry and family Elmer's children and grandchildren Joe Henry Harry and Lorraine Hintsala and children Aaron and Colleen Arthur and children Theron uBonesHand Judy Johnson Carolyn Johnson and children Wally Lujan and Althea Wesley Apology extended Please attend Sr. party meeting To the Editor, To the Editor, I would like to apologize to the people of Warm Springs Reserva tion for the substance, Marijuana, that 1 offered to your community. It was a fast way to make a dollar. I got caught and now paying my dues. I would like to express myself to the young people of the com munity, "Don't get involved in substance abuse, cause it just makes things worse." Again, my sincere apologies. Sincerely, Ray Moore Dear Parents of the Class of 1991, Please come to the second general meeting of the senior par ents as we further plan "Aloha Cruise '91." The meeting will be held on Monday, January 28, 1991 at 7:30 p.m. in room 23 of Madras High School. We would like to thank all those parents who have helped with the : i On February 4 & 5, 1991, the Tax Preparation Workshop will be held at the Administration Build ing. Appointments will be made in half hour increments: Monday, February 4, 12:00 p.m.-7.00 p.m. and Tuesday, February 5, 8:00 a.m.-l:00 p.m. Mr. Glenn Munro, CPA, of Isler & Co., Eugene, will do tax prep arations as a service provided by the Tribe. As in the past, the forms will be ready for mailing. Bring your necessary tax docu ments (W-2's; 1099's; social secur ity numbers of dependents who are at least two years old; state and federal forms or cards, and other pertinent information.) Cooperation of the tribal mem bers in filling up the appointments would be greatly appreciated, as this service is provided and paid for by the Tribe. Call Jo Ann Smith, Secretary, Finance Office, 553-3217 to sched ule appointments. da""' . M Soldier's address Included To the People, We would like to take this time to thank all of the people for the encouragement and the prayers they gave while attending the going away dinner for Wayne Miller. A special thanks to Larry Dick, Raymond Calica, Sr., and Rever end Allen Elston for their words of encouragement. Anyone wanting to write to Wayne can mail a letter to: PVT Wayne'Robert Miller APLAPO NY 09310 Please pray for my husband and our son. Thank you Mary Calica Miller, Lucille Schuster, James Teeman & family Briton seeks Indian pen friend Happy 9th Birthday Benita Love, Dad & Mom Truman & Adrienne Toe Ness To the Editor, I am writing in the hope that you can help me in some way in finding a pen friend. I have tried a number of Indian organizations but with out much luck I'm afraid. I am thirty seven years old, married, with two children. I enjoy reading about the American Indians, paint ing, rock music, hill walking, (I believe they call it back packing in "You Ve got a place in heaven " SPILYAY SEZ: "Some people bring happiness wherever they go, others whenever they go. " YI K ES The Professor was demonstrating before his class the ill-effects of alcohol. He took a worm and dropped it into a glass of water and the worm continued to wiggle about. Then he dropped the worm into a glass of alcohol and immediately the worm died. Then the Professor asked the class what that proved? A young man from the back of the room replied, "Well Sir, that just proves that people who drink don't have worms." YIKES dreamt one night I passed away SS SS SS And left this world behind And started down the lonesome trail Some of my friends to find Came to a signboard on the trail Directions it did tell Keep right to go to Heaven Turn left to go to Hell I hadn't been too good on earth SS SS SS just a hopeless boozing rake , And knew there at the cross There were these two guys who were talking when one said, roacjS "You've got to hand it to thoe tax people. If you don't, they'll -rne path I'd have to take come and get it." YIKES . . . . . . So I started down the rocky SS SS SS Patn That leads to Satan s place Drug Free work force: When asked to take a drug test, the nurse told the employee, "After filling out these forms, see that bottle on the shelf, I'll need a specimen." Employee, "Golly, from here?" YIKES And shook within not knowin' Just what I'd have to face SS SS SS EDITOR'S NOTE Spilyay Tymoo welcomes articles and letters from its readers. All letters, preferably 300 words or less, must include the author's signature and address. Thank you letters and poetry will be published at the editor's discretion. All letters are the opinion of the author and do not reflect in anyway the opinion of Spilyay Tymoo. Spilyay Tymoo reserves the right to edit all copy OR refuse publication of any material that may contain libelous statements. 01' Satan met me at the gate What's your name my friend? I said I'm just old Sober John That's come to a sad end He glanced through some files You've made a mistake, I fear You're listed as an alcoholic We don't want you here I said I'm looking for my friends And a smile stole o'er his face If your friends are alcoholics They're in the other place So I went back the other way 'Til the crossroads I did see And turned right to go to Heaven As happy as can be St. Peter smiled and said come in For you I have a berth You're listed as an alcoholic You've been through Hell on earth I saw 01' Cal, and blind Nick too Bill W. and friend called Nell An brother was I tickled "Cause I thought they'd gone to Hell So brothers all take warning Learn something from my trip You've got a place in Heaven If you try hard not to slip If someone tempts you with a drink When you're not feeling well Just tell him you're going to Heaven And he can go to Hell America) and just reading in general. I would be very grateful for any help you could give me. Yours sincerely Ken Birch 4, Ravensworth Grove Hartbum, Stockton-on-Tees, Cleveland TS185PN England Please write To the People, Our son and brother Raymond Calica, Jr. is participating in the war at Saudi Arabia. We all pray for him every day and we know that someday we will reunite with him, either here on earth or in heaven. So if you would please take the time to write an encouraging letter or just drop a line, here is his address: SPC Raymond Calica 543-86-4654 CCo317Engr BN Operation Desert Shield APO NY 09760-0640 Thank you Ray Calica, Sr. Wauna Calica Floyd & Rusty Shielyn & Mary can and bottle drives and also those who have been busy working on the party committees. We will have progress reports at the meet ing. There is so much left to do, so please come and be a part of mak ing this a memorable night for your graduate. This party promises to be fun and a great night of celebration! it is planned at Griffith Park Athletic Club in Beaverton on Saturday, June I, 1991. For more informa tion please call Eileen Hackman or Virginia Runge. Sincerely, Eileen Hackman-Chairman 475-7105 Virginia Runge-Co-Chairman 475-3524 Sorry... To the Editor, "To the community of the Warm Springs Reservation. I would like to express my apologies for having marijuana in my home and en dangering my four children." Again, my sincere apologies. Sincerely, Brenda James Beads wanted To the Editor, I'm doing beadwork and would like to know if you have any trade beads for sale or what kind do you have there? How much are they? Please send all information you have. Will be waiting for your reply. Thank you for your time and cooperation on this matter. Sincerely, Ernie Wiggins 1505 Madison Sp 61 Klamath Falls, Oregon 97603 (503) 882-5648 Bingo set The Warm Springs Catholic Indian Mission, Blessed Katcri, is sponsoring Bingo games Saturday, January 26, at 1:00 p.m. at the Warm Springs Community Center Social Hall, along with the youth basketball tournament. Fun for the whole family. There will also be a raffle and concessions. Tribal Council Agenda FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, 1990 Tribal Council Enrollments Workshop All Tribal Council Members to be present JANUARY 28, 29, 30,1990 Licensing and relicensing issuesFERC Outreach Pro gram For The Northwest Sheraton Airport Hotel Portland, Oregon TO BE SCHEDULED: Warm Springs Power Enterprise ABA Water Law Conference Columbia River Gorge Commission Management Plan Employee Pension Plan Charley Property Sherars Bridge Tour Financial ForecastReport on Funds 4