Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, October 05, 1990, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PAGE A October5, 1990
Warm Springs, Oregon
Spilyay Tymoo
E Coosfa EEWA:
(The way it is)
Letters to the Editor
., 'Id m-t
"Spifyay Speais"
To the Editor,
After receiving some very inter
esting information about your Tribe
from the Museum office, in partic
ularly from Mico Chase, I would
very much like to correspond with
someone in your area.
My people, like yours, give thanks
for the many goodnesses offered by
our creator.
Please write to:
Josephine Sutherland
5, Hythehill
Lossiemouth Monchire, Scotland
Toe Ness
There were these two NOT SO-f BRIGHT guys who went hunt
ing. They came upon a buck and shot it. One guy said, "It's quite a
ways to the truck, but if we each took a hind leg we could drag it
over there." They had a pretty tough time, tugging and pulling on
the buck. Finally, another hunter came by and saw what was
happening. He said, "You know, if you'd each take ahold of the
antlers and drag him it would be much easier because of the way
the hair lays." So these two guys take ahold of the antlers and start
to drag the buck. They go for quite a while when one says, "You
know that guy was right. It is easier dragging the buck this way."
His friend said, "There's only one thing wrong. The more we drag
the buck, the further the pick-up gets." YIKES
A guy said, "If you're such a good fortune teller, you should be able
to tell me the score of a football game before it starts tonight.
"Well," said the fortune teller, "before the game the score will be
nothing to nothing." YIKES
Patient: Doctor, my right foot really hurts.
Doc: Oh! That's just old age setting in.
Patient: Well, my left foot is just as old. How come it don't hurt?
Sobriety opened new doors for member in treatment
Sometimes I wonder how our
younger generations will get
along. Especially with the rapid
increase of population. How
many students will have the
opportunity to continue the
climb up the ladder to a success
ful future. How can a small
community such as this keep
abreast with the growth of the
younger generations. Will the
reservation be able to meet
these challenging events, to be
able to support this rapid in
crease. It's a fact the educa
tional standards is on a rapid
increase and one day they can
compete with the outerworld.
We have always taken the role
as the lower class group all these
years. Who's to say who is the better class? There are three classes
of people in the country today, the high class, the middle class and
the lower class. But the majority of people claim the middle class.
The higher middle class or the lower middle class, never the high
class or the lower class.
Getting back to the future of our younger generations. Someday
something has to change. We will have to stop enrolling people to
the tribe or give the three year residency clause the boot. For sure
in the near future our younger people will have to go elsewhere to
find a decent job because there won't be enough jobs around here
to handle everyone unless you want everyone to be unemployed by
living here for three consecutive years so they can enroll their
children and to maintain the tribal traditions.
We tell our children to go to school and get an education,and
make something of yourself. But when they do get an education
and have a family they want their children enrolled members of the
tribe they must give up their good jobs in order to fulfill the
residency clause by living here three consecutive years. No matter
how long they live on the reservation it won't make them anymore
Indian than they already are. I must say it can make them the same
as everyone else and that's UN-EMPLOYED..
Scot seeking local penpal
Dear People,
am writing to share a little inspi
ration poem that I wrote while I
was in a treatment program. In
what was a means of finding myself
as a sober person. But it opened
new doors for me. to live a clean,
free life. Thank you.
My life was fast as I wanted it to
be, but it got too fast before I knew
it. 1 wasn't moving as fast anymore,
life was real, but I wasn't. God gave
me a second chance, to prove to
myself. That I had a life, I looked
and I looked. I waited and waited. I
finally realized why I had to wait.
Grandfather showed me patient.
to grasp at it, if it weren't there, but
to meet it when it came. What did I
sec? I saw a person before me, and
it was me. Who am I? I am the
image of myself. I found a new life.
I don't look anymore. I don't wait
anymore. I take it as it comes. I live
one day at a time. I watch instead
of look. I listen to what I hear. I
learn what I'm taught. But where
do I sec it from? where I do I learn
it from? You speak your Heart,
and it'll make sense, you think
from your Heart and you'll feel
good. Your Heart is the sound of a
drum beat. One stick, one drum,
one Heart. I have learned respect
for life. Life respects me. I feel
good about me, my life isn't fast,
like I wanted it to be. But it's going
by, the way I want it. I am free, I
am strong, and I am me.
Ricky Arthur
To all who showed love, support: Thank you
To the Editor,
My peopleThank you for vour
love, support, kind messages of love,
flowers and. most of all, your pres
ence during our family's time of
great need.
The Lord was gracious, and with
your helpful prayers, he gave our
beloved Marilyn, a mom, sister,
grandmother, cousin, niece and
most of all, wife, back to us. Thank
fully, through this kindness of the
Lord, we have our family member
with us.
There is a special thank you the
Powwow set for April 5,6&7at Simnasho
wow which will be held at the Sim
nasho Longhouse April 5, 6 and 7,
1991. I know a lot of you tribal
members aren't aware of this pow
wow because it hasn't really been
Dnn cafe rffarar4 publicized before. But I've decided
MGy iGlS OllurGU to publicize it in the paper, so more
people wouia oe aware oi h.
The name of the powwow is the
"Northwest Traditional Travelers
Powwow". How the powwow got
here was by a bid. The powwow
originated in Yakima, Washington.
The Nez Perce people of Lapwai,
Idaho had the powwow for the past
two years. Pierson Mitchell and
Dallas Winishut, Jr. put in the bid
to bring the powwow here to Warm
The powwow honors veterans
and those who are living a clean
Hello Friends and Relatives,
I'm sending this letter to the pub
lie in regards to an upcoming pow
To the Editor,
I regret that I can't make back to
Warm Springs for the Wolfe and
Thompson family memorials.
I send my sinccrest condolences
to the families. God be with you to
help you through this most diffi
cult time.
Nancy Zamora
1010 Virginia Apt. 08
North Bend, OR 97459
and sober life. It is open to eve
ryone who wants to attend. I iust
Continued on page 8
Apology stated
To the Confederated Tribes of the
Warm Springs Reservation of
This is an apology for something
I supposed to have done while I
was intoxicated.
The police report said I was
stealing gas from a pickup truck at
the Rehab.
I don't remember the incident
but would like to apologize.
Eliza Patt Greene
Police officer, others to be commended
To the Editor,
I am very grateful today each
time I hold my 3 month old grand
son, Theodore Joseph Stwyer
Greene, infant son of Wendell
Eagle Greene. T.J. is a chubby and
happy baby, but he might not be
here today if not for a very special
patrolman. My daughter, Eliza
decided to take a peek at her
nephew when she noticed he had
an odd blue color and obviously
wasn't breathing. She alerted me
and immediately called 91 1. There
was an immediate tone-out, thanks
to a knowledgeable dispatcher.
Our home was in complete chaos,
crying like a bunch of coyotes and
running from room to room with
the baby. Patrolman Jack McClel
land arrived soon after the tone
out and immediately gave mouth
to mouth resuscitation until the
baby blinked and started respond
ing. It was very hot weather at the
time but patrolman McClelland
unselfishly continued his task of
saving our grandson. I had CPK
training and also have nurse-aide
certification but when this hap
pened I drew a total blank and pure
panic overcame me. We are deeply
indebted to Jack as too many times
our police officers are taken for
granted and overlooked. When an
award may well be in order. I am
taking this initiative to seek a way
to recognize our police officers for
outstanding performance they de
serve. A big Thank-You Jack is
just not enough.
A thankful Grandmother
Neda Wesley
Tribal Council for helping the
We are most appreciative to the
Shaker, Full Gospel, Presbyterian
and Baptist churches for their
prayers and unending support.
There isn't enough paper to write
the heart-felt thanks to the Mt.
View staff for all the help they put
forth over and above their assigned
Again, thank you all for your
loving support.
The family of Marilyn Lawrence,
Ernest Hunt and Family
Gale Lawrence, Sr. Family
Laura Stwyer Family
Evelyn Sam Family
Daisy Ike Family
Wants to write
To the editor,
I am looking for pen-pals. I am
full blood Indian from the Papago
reservation in Arizona. I am 27
years of age, single, never married,
no children. I would like to corres
pond with Indian women 18-30
years of age to create a strong
friendship. All letters will be an
swered. I hope you will place this in your
Luther Escalanti
3901 Klein Blvd.
Lompoc, CA 93436
Emergency Numbers
Poison Control:
494-8968 or Toll Free 1-800-452-
7165, 24 hours.
Health Related Questions:
24-NURSE, 24 hours.
Health Related Questions:
ASK-A-NURSE, 24 hours, 256-
ft J
Janice M. Gilbert
Family REALLY needed help
To the Editor,
Earlier this month there was a
medical emergency situation. I per
sonally went to the tribal welfare
department to try to get some help
for a family member who has spe
cial diet needs.
1 was then told I had to have a
valid doctor's statement or verifi
cation of the medical condition. I
immediately went to the IHS and
had Lee Loomis phone the welfare
office for verification as all the doc
tors were busy. I then returned to
the welfare office to again beg for
food assistance. Low and behold I
was informed, I quote, "This fam
ily qualifies for $25."
Continued on page 8
Robin H. Gunshows
c5atarda, Octoiiet27, 4990 at 3 p.rrv.
at trie imriaijxa ibcmaamc
SuAaiv ')lioa a-oUoM QlCbVil ami
Spilyay Tymoo welcomes articles and letters from its readers. All
letters, preferably 300 words or less, must include the author's
signature and address. Thank you lettersand poetry will be published
at the editor's discretion.
All letters are the opinion of the author and do not reflect in anyway
the opinion of Spilyay Tymoo. Spilyay Tymoo reserves the right to
edit all copy OR refuse publication of any material that may contain
libelous statements.
Powwow scheduled
The Mid-Columbia River Pow
wow will be held October 26-28 in
Celilo, Washington. The commit
tee is seeking candidates for the
powwow. Titles are Queen. Jr.
Queen, and Little Brave. For more
information contact Gloria Jim at
(509) 848-2451 or Tina Antone at
(509) 773-4020. If information is
needed for concession or arts and
crafts call Theresa Jim at (509)
Tribal Council Agenda
Monday, October 8 Tribal Council Meeting
9:00 a.m. BusinessMinutes
9:30 a.m. River Planning Update
11:00 a.m. Smithsonian Update
1:30 p.m. Mark Phillips - Legislative Update
2:00 p.m. Revised Draft Agreement Title IV-E
3:30 p.m. Endangered Species Act
Tuesday, October 9 Tribal Council Meeting
9:00 a.m. Business
9:30 a.m. Range Committee - Grazing Plans
1:30 a.m. Pension Plan Amendments
Wednesday, October 10 Tribal Council Meeting
9:00 a.m. Business
9:30 a.m. Timber Committee - Wood Cutting Permit
1 :30 p.m. Higher Education and Vocational Education
ThursdayFriday, October 11-12
Monday, October 15
Tour - Metolius'
12:00-1:30 Tribal Water Negotiations Team Meeting
Tuesday, October 16
Water Negotiations Meeting
INFORMATION FAIR 3:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Wednesday, October 17
6:00 p.m. Potluck 7:00 p.m. Meeting
AGENDA: Proposed 1991 Budget
Thursday, October 18
6:00 p.m. Dinner 7:00 p.m. Meeting
AGENDA: Proposed 1991 Budget
Sylvester Smith Residence
6:00 p.m. Dinner 7:00 p.m. Meeting
AGENDA: Proposed 1991 Budget