Spilyay Tymoo Warm Springs, Oregon June 15, 1990 PAGE 3 Hundreds attend museum ceremonies .V? Vs i r " '1 , - ar -'ii'ii.in"W' Him i J fc-.,, 7 ' i 4 v ... iN " "- . ' '- 'f P70fo albums, school annuals, architectural plans, an eagle feather fan and many other items were included in the fire-safe, airtight time capsule that will be open in 2090. .. f ... j yVarm Springs .Chief Delvis Heath looks on as Wilson Wewa, Jr. turned the soil near the cornerstone. ;!. l It! ''"VU ,m I -ll-VrM WJ -h . mAH mL h rl H hi I . M Piin I tlx V i .'-it' 111' ' 1 7 liiii -irfi 2' 7)e f7ree sisters sang honoring the birth of the museum. a ; Vv -lAi ! 11 7M - ziviMhi - H ' -.,i)f W - The Pine Grove Juniors provided drumming while the colors were posted. The early morning hours of Sunday, June 3 couldn't have been more distressing, as the rain storm resembled a cloud burst. But as the morning wore on, the rains subsided and the weather improved considerably. The Warm Springs museum cornerstone setting ceremonies were spared. Nearly 1,500 people attended the event at the site of the new museum. A traditional dress parade opened the festivities and approximately two dozen rode into the temporary arena on horse back. The mood was bright during the day's events. Friends met up with friends and new acquaintances were made. It was a day of rejoicing the birth of the museum that will explain the true story of the Confederated Tribes. Following introductions and speeches, a lunch ' of salmon, salads and fry bread was served. The wind blew, but not even that could dampen the mood. More than one person could be heard asking, "I wonder what the museum grand opening will be like?" Come back in 18 months and you'll find out. ! ' . ... ,. tJ i " i it. 4 I Spilyay text and photos by Donna Be trend VFW members posted colors during the museum ceremonies.