Spilyay Tymoo Warm Springs, Oregon March 9, 1990 PAGE 7 Vacations provide break from routine ' Can't afford to take a vacation? Maybe you can't afford not to take one. In these fast-paced and stressful times, a vacation may be an investment in a person's health and family well-being. Vacations provide more than an opportunity to visit relatives or catch a few fish. Vacations allow us to recharge both mentally and physically. Unfortuntely. many people ignore these benefits, and even though entitled to vacations from their jobs, they never take them. Vacation skippers are more likely to make errors and to be irritable with co-workers. Productivity isn't measured solely by hours on the job. A vacation provides a change of pace, enables a person to do a bet ter job upon returning to work, helps maintain closeness among family members, and helps indi viduals prepare for future leisure time. Whether a vacation involves an elaborate trip or staying at home, try to make the time-off a complete break from routine. If your job requires mental activ ity, let your vacation include doing someting physical; if you deal with people daily, try some solitude; or if your life is constantly ruled by deadlines, try some unstructured days. Spending some vacation time with the whole family strengthens family unity, but equally impor tant for spouses is to have time alone together. In planning a vacation, avoid common vacation pitfalls-fatigue, expenses, and unrealistically high expectations-which can turn a seemingly ideal vacation into a nightmare. One of the first steps in planning is to be sure everyone is happy with the vacation plans. It's important to resist the family member who says. "You decide where to go." If only one person is seen as responsible for the decision on where to vacation, that person will be blamed for the weather, the mosquitoes, bad meals, and noisy motels. Make everyone responsi ble for the trip. Find out what each person wants in a vacation. For example, if one person wants a break from cook ing, others should be prepared to pitch in on cooking chores or plan ning restaurant meals. A person who is tired of daily commuting and the "rat race" may preter to sit on the beach, reading and relaxing. If this is the situation, other family members should be prepared to do sightseeing without the person along. Sadly, some vacations fail be cause many people try too hard and plan too many activities or sights to see. They may go at vaca tions with the same intensity they devote to their jobs. To avoid this kind of tension plan shorter, less taxing trips and pre-p'-n your stops. Few things are more discourag ing than a fruitless search for a motel room when everyone is exhausted after a long day's drive. For young children, it often helps to make a trip seem as much like home as possible. Take along some famililur and comforting objects such as toys or books, and try to keep up daily routines for meals, naps and bedtimes. And don't rule out staying at home as a vacation option. Vaca tions at home can be among the most relaxing and creative. The trick is to fill your days with new activities. Ask yourself, "if we lived far away and came here for a vaca- Information on this page provided by the Warm Springs Office of the Oregon State University Extension Service Phone: 553-1 161, ext. 238 or 239 Use thinking words with kids Kids need to know that their parents mean it when they set lim its. Parents need to know that there are ways to say "no" without wag ing a major battle. I wish your kids would thank you for having the strength to set limits. But kids have never been known to say, "Thanks, Dad. 1 feel a lot more secure now that I know you mean what you say. Thanks for loving me enough to set these limits." Instead, they may pout, complain, stomp around, run to their rooms, whine or talk back. This often leaves the adult angry and confused. Why are kids so testy when we are giving them limits that will help build their sense of security and self-confidence? Children need to test limits just to make sure that the limits are firm. Each youngster seems to have hisher own special testing routine. Some use anger, some use guilt, some are sneaky while others use forgetting to test your resolve. Saying yes to something else: It helps parents to remember that kids hear the word "no" far too often. It seems to be a call to arms, a fighting word. A child often wages war against "no" in a very subtle way by trying to get the par ent to do all the thinking while the kid stands back and criticizes. Making kids think: You can turn the tables on children, forcing them to do most of the thinking. Just replace "no" by saying "yes" to something other than the child's explicit requestdemand. Use "thinking words" instead of "fight ing words." For example: Fighting words: "No, you can't go out to play. You need to prac tice your lessons." Thinking words: "Yes. you may go out tn plav as soon as you prac tice your lessons." Most youngsters will try to argue when faced with thinking words. However, since you started the conversation with yes instead of no, you need feel no guilt, and you need explain or justify nothing. State-of-the-art arguing is now in your hands. No matter what the child says, simply agree that it is probably true. Then add the word "and". Follow this by repeating your first assertion. Learnable tools such as this one can be used to eliminate fights with your children. 4-H Photography Weekend April 20, 21 and 22 in Baker City, Oregon $30 tor all three days or $25 for Saturday only You do not have to be involved in photography projects to attend. Contact the Extension Office for more info. Registration forms are due by March 30. Low-cal recipes offered Have holes in clothes? Washer Problem: Holes and tears in clothes after using chlorine bleach. Solution: When used correctly, chlorine bleach works very effec tively on spotted, stained or dingy fabrics. But it can damage fabrics when it's not used properly. For best results: Don't use chlorine bleach on wool, silk, spandex, acetates or Helpful ways to eliminate unneeded fat I Use nonstick pots and pans to preparefoods that "require some fat, such as pancakes, omelets, sau teed vegetables, browned meats and for rehating leftovers. Use the end of a stick of marga rine or pastry brush dipped in oil to give a light coating of fat, instead of adding a chunk of margarine or a spoonful of oil to the pan. Or, coat the pan with a nonstick veget able spray. For some foods, you can skip the cooking fat altogether and use a nonfat liquid instead, such as chicken or beef broth, or tomato juice to prepare vegetables. Trim off all visible fat from meat before you cook it. Broil or bake Use your sense of humor Encourage your child to see the humorous side of an event. Show you can laugh at yourself. Take care never to be laughing at your child. Encourage self-appreciation: "You sound pleased with your work." Accept and value the child's uni queness: "You're very imaginative." Be positive: "I'll bet we can fig ure out a solution. What ideas do you have?" "I know you're sad to move away from this neighborhod, but our new house will be close to the park." on a rack to drain excess fat. Remove even more fat from the meat by dabbing with paper towels after cooking. Bake or broil meats, poultry and fish instead of frying them. Plan ahead when you cook foods like stews that contain expendible fat. If possible, cook them in advance and cool then skim off fat before reheating. Surprise the family Successful family building doesn't rely on big chuncks of time. Familly relations can be refreshed by adding an element of surprise. You don't need to do all these things in one week. Do them all year long. Keep you family guessing. Fill someone's closet with bal loons. Write a note on each one. Take your chid or your mate out for a special treat. Throw a party for some nor mally unheralded event like the first snowfall, a pet's birthday or the first robin. Designate a day or evening of the week when the family meets for recreation. Begin a new family ritual or tradition. Put an "I appreciate you" box somewhere in the house and encourage family members to place notes of thanks in it. Periodically open the box and, as a family, read its contents. Follow instructions For the cleanest dishes in town, follow these suggestions: Read and use the care informa tion that-comes with your dish washer. The information should be filed with the machine's warranty for easy access. For best results, follow the five basic guidelines for getting the best from your machine. The five guide lines are load properly; set the water heater temperature correctly; check the filter regularly; use the recommended cycle and soak heav ily soiled pots and pans before running them through the dish washer. For persons buying used dish washers, ask a local dealer who handles that brand for a user's manual, that way you'll have the use and care information you need. flame retardant fabrics. Do follow directions on garment care labels for use of bleach. Always measure bleach and never use more than one cup for a full load. Use less in compact washers. Add bleach correctly. Put deter gent and soiled load into washer, start wash cycle, then pour mea sured bleach into dispenser. No bleach dispenser? Then dilute mea sured bleach in one quart of water. Let the washer fill and begin agitat ing the load and detergent. Pour diluted bleach around agitator not directly on the load. Problem: Elastic in garments los ing elasticity. Solution: Elastic is sensitive to soils and heat and can be damaged by both. To care for them properly, follow these suggestions. tlastic picxs up and holds body oils, causing it to deteriorate. Wash items with elastic often to help reduce such damage. Use hot or warm water and enough liquid detergent to remove oils. Dry at lowest temperature set ting and don't overdry. Remove such items from the dryer while they're slightly damp. Join 4-H Recipes for low-calorie salad dressings: Red French Dressing (20 calories per tablespoon). 6 oz. tomato juice (34 cup) 1 I2 tsp. catsup 2 Tbsp. corn oil I Tbsp cider vinegar I2 tsp. prepared mustard I2 tsp. Worcestershire sauce I 8 tsp. celery salt Place all ingredients in blende on low setting 30 seconds. Creamy Italian Dressing (10 calo ries per tablespoon) I2 cup mock sour cream I8 tsp. each crushed basil and oregano. I8 tsp. garlic salt I8 tsp. salt 1 1 4 tsp. Worcestershire sauce 1 tsp. cider vinegar 2 Tbsp. water Place ingredients in small con tainer; blend thoroughly. Best if flavors allowed to blend for a few hours or overnight. Plan now for 4-H Summer Week The Youth Conference manage ment team had its first meeting on January 1 5 in Hood River. As a result, this year's conference will be called "4-H Summer Week The New Decade" and will be held J une 1 8-22, 1 990. The SI 25 fee will include a T-shirt. County registra tions are due in the state 4-H office by May I. Creamy Cucumber Dressing (9 calories per tablespoon) 12 cup mock sour cream 18 tsp. dill (14 tsp. if using fresh dill) 14 tsp. Worcestershire sauce 18 tsp. salt 112 Tbsp. chopped cucumber 1 tsp. chopped onion 14 tsp. capers, drained (optional) 112 tsp. water Place ingredients in small con tainer; blend thoroughly. Orange Dressing (12 calories per Tbsp.) 12 cup mock sour cream 2 Tbsp. frozen orange juice con centrate, thawed 34 tsp. lemon juice 18 tsp. salt 18 tsp. paprika dash garlic salt l-l 12 Tbsp. water, to desired consistency. Place ingredients in small con tainer; blend thoroughly. Delicious on both green and fruit salads. Russian Dressing (II calories per Tbsp.) 12 cup mock sour cream 1 12-2 Tbsp. chili sauce, to taste 18 tsp. paprika 2 Tbsp. water Place ingredients in small con tainer; blend thoroughly. Mock Sour Cream (10 calories per Tbsp) 12 cup low-fat cottage cheese 12 tsp lemon juice 34 tsp. chopped onions or chives (optional) Place ingredients in blender and mix for two minutes or until smooth. Deal with cattle lice during winter months Lice cause losses in all types of beef cattle operations. Some anim als that develop extremely large lice populations may abort their calf or die from anemia caused by blood loss but the major loss results from poor feed conversion. In cow-calf operations, lousy cat tle produce less milk and will wean lighter calves. Cattle feeders will find lousy cattle require more feed for each pound gained. Louse-infested cattle appear unthrifty and have dry looking skin. They also damage fences, corrals and feeder Consumer Product SAFETY ALERT FROM THE US CONSUME PRODUCT SAFETY COMMISSION. WASHINGTON. DC XXI CANCER HAZARD! CPSC Warns About Asbestos in Consumer Products FURNACES AND WATER HEATERS Asbestos Paper Tape WOOD STOVES LABORATORY EQUIPMENT -? A S paper H ft m-rnl jrl Asbestos f-f Asbestos "x i"-""" p """"i Asbes,os Jfi1 rTf -'vw f -JL Gasket flSfe-W bestcs C Cement - p1 S& s 5as;: Asbestos A J Asbestos Gloves ' V -5 Sheet t WARNING These products contain asbestos. Handling these products may release asbestos fibers, and breathing asbestos fibers may cause cancer. bunks by rubbing on them to relieve the irritation caused by lice feed ing. Lice are primarily a wintertime problem because sunshine, rain, self-grooming and short summer hair coat make poor con ditions for their development. Cattle are the only host of cattle lice. Usually one or two percent of the cattle in a herd are carriers that will harbor high numbers of lice year around. Bulls are often carri ers since they have denser coat and cannot self-groom as easily as the other cattle. Lice spread by contact from carriers to other animals in the herd. Cattle lice spend their entire life on the animal and will live only a few days off the host if removed. Lice can pass from egg to adult in three to four weeks. Eggs that fall off the host will not hatch unless the weather is hot and then the young must find a host within two to three days or they will die. Each time cattle are handled they can be examined for lice in a few seconds. Part their hair with your fingertips and examine the animal in several places including the neck, withers, brisket, shoulders, midback, tailhcad and behind the rounds. There are four species of lice that infest cattle. Three of these species feed by piercing the skin and suck ing blood. The fourth feeds on the scales of the skin and causes irrita tion. It is reddish colored instead of blue like the bloodsucking lice and it is usually found at the base of the tail or withers of cattle of all ages. Chemical Control Herds rou tinely treated forcattle grubs, hom ilies, or faceflies may not develop lice infestations which require treatment. If grubby cattle are to be treated for lice, use a systemic insecticide after the first frost in the fall. If this can! be done, wait until late January to treat to prevent anaphylactic shock to the animals which results from drying grubs present in their bodies. It treatment for lice is needed in late fall or early winter, use a non-systemic insecti cide. Systemics will not kill lice that are not feeding or eggs of lice. A second treatment may be needed in herds with large infestations. Sanitation Following simple sanitation practices will help you limit the spread of lice in your cat tle. Isolate newly purchased animals and examine them. If they have lice, treat them before you move them into the herd. If bed ding, feeder bunks, sheds or trucks have been contacted by lousy cat tle, keep other cattle away from them for two days in winter or 10 days in summer, or sanitize them before reuse. ImportantlAll insecticides are poisonous. Read the label on the package and follow precautions carefully. Avoid contaminating the skin, eyes and clothing with any pesticide. Do not contaminate feed or water. To protect fish and wild life, keep pesticides out of ponds and streams. Keep pesticides away from children and domestic anim als and safely dispose of used containers. Warning The recommendations in this article are based on the best information currently available for chemical use. If recommendations are followed carefully, residues should not exceed the tolerance established for any particular chemical. To avoid excessive resi dues, follow recommendations carefully with respect to dosage levels, number of applications and minimum intervals between appli cations. The cattleman is responsi ble for residues. Diseases often fatal The Clostridial diseases are a group of mostly fatal infections caused by bacteria belonging to the group called Clostridia. These organisms have the ability to form Youngsters can be contradictory Six- to eight-year-olds are: Sensitive to criticism, and don't accept failuie well. Are easily motivated and eager to try the new. Should be reminded that all learning involves' language. Learn best ir physically active. Have experimental, explora tory behavior as part of their development. Have strong desire for affec tion and attention of adults. Deal with here and now and their interest span is short. protective shell-like forms called spores when exposed to adverse condtions. This allows them to remain potentially infective in soils for long periods of time and pre sent a real danger to the livestock population. Many of the organisms in this group are also normally present in the intestines of man and animals. Watch the next few issues of the Spilyay Tymoo for more on Clostridial diseases like blackleg and tetanus. A homemaker is... Homemaking is more than cook ing arid sewing. It is learning how to maintain a family budget; how to protect one's family and home; how to deal with the outside world; how to establish goals within a family and achieve them and how to croat. a happy home.