Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, December 15, 1989, Image 1

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v. 14
no. 25
Dec 15,
I 9ft 9
SOU rjri EUGENE, OR 97403
pity ay Jiymoo
NCWS from the VVarm sPrinRs Indian Reservation A
VOL. 14 NO. 25
Coyote News
In Brief
Pleasant times revisited
Old photos bring back
memories of Warm
Springs in years gone
Page 2
Classes begin In January
Central Oregon Com
munity College credit
classes and community
education classes begin
in January. Register at
the COCC office located
on the second floor of
the old boy's dorm.
Page 3
Attention girls 18 to 25
Applications for the Miss
Warm Springs pageant
must be submitted by
January 19..
Page 3 ' """" '"""""
Buy what you can afford
Overspending only leads
to stress. Keep gift pur-
cheses within realistic
Page 5
Share time
Help children learn to
appreciate family activi
ties and traditions by
spending time with them
during the holiday
Page 5
Merry Christmas
from the staff
of Spilyay Tymoo
28 54 20
29 44 22
30 39 27
1 33 24
2 47 30
3 40 28
4 67 40
5 47 35
43 36
7 38 35
8 56 36
9 58 40
18 47 29
11 41 18
30 15
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Warm Springs Elementary music
Numerous activities bring
sparkle to holiday season
The Christmas holiday season creates many memories for
people; in fact, there are as many different memories as there
are people. Among those memories are the various activites in
which people participate. Warm Springs, during the last couple
of weeks, has had events that will remain in the minds of
people for years to come.
The annual Christmas tree lighting ceremony drew a large
crowd. Participants sang songs and could enjoy a hay ride and
refreshments. The tree stands tall on the campus, bringing
bright lights to a small city.
The annual Christmas bazaar was better than ever this year,
as a record number of exhibitors showed their wares at the
Warm Springs Elementary school children entertained nearly
all of Warm Springs during the Christmas program December
12. Voices rang clear as the classes made their way through
numerous holiday tunes.
Tribe seeks
-i-i... .,.o.h
The Conteaeraiea i noes ot the
Warm Springs Reservation of Ore
gon is seeking proposals from qual
ified tribal members or a consor
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The "Drug-Free Class of 2000" district second graders met in front of the City Hall in Madras, Monday
December 4 to hear what the mayor ofMetolius, the Sheriff, and others had to say regarding the fight against
drugs. The "Class of 2000 "has agreed to remain smoke free until the year 2000 when they will gradual e. A long
with Madras, the communities of Warm Springs, Culver andMetolius have joined together for this cause. The
week of December 3 to December 9 has been designated the "Cities Fight Back Against Drugs Week."
instructor George Klos helps children
proposals from qualified tribal members
.-i..wT4,.k..i m.mk.r. ,.,t, a r,t i a r p t h p rp m n vn I a n H nr entire oneration, including the TheConled
tium including tribal members who
would like to buy or lease the
Warm Springs Chevron Station or
would like to lease the physical site
P.O. Rut 870
Wurm Springs. OK 97761
Address Correction Requested
prepare for Christmas choral concert.
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A llison Mitchell sells beaded items
and negotiate the removal andnr
replacement of the existing struc
ture. The prime retail site is located
along busy U.S. Highway 26. The
at Warm Springs Christmas Bazaar.
huildine. eauioment and inventory,
is available for lease or purchase.
The land is available on a lease
basis only from the Confederated
With expected sales in excess of
$360,000, the two-bay service sta
tion building is complete with can
opy, restrooms, equipment and all
fixtures. The facility also includes
two gasoline tanks and one diesel
tank with a total of four pumps.
Proposals will be accepted until
5 p.m., December 15, 1989.
Christmas program schedule
Warm Springs Elem.
Buff Elementary
nun graae
Madras High School December 14, 7:30 p.m.
Buff Elementary December 15, 1:15 p.m.
sixth grade
Metolius Elementary December 18, 7:30 p.m.
Madras Elementary December 19, 1:15 p.m.
grades K, 1, and 2
Madras Jr. High December 19, 7:30 p.m.
Madras Elementary December 20, 1:15 p.m.
grades 3 and 4
All community mer T -.M. ,
FecPived on:
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I'.S. Pioligf
Hulk Kate I'rrmil No. 2
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crDTAI c. SECTION rff1.
DECEMBER 15. 1989
The Confederated Tribes of
Warm Springs is in the process of
applying for a HUD Community
Development Block Grant for the
purpose of providing sewer system
expansion cast along Highway 26
to the Deschutes Crossing Restau
rant. The project will also include
the Industrial Park on the Kah-Nee-Ta
Schematic plans and application
packages are open to review at the
Warm Springs Planning office,
located in the Administration
Building on Tenino Road.
A "Clean and Sober Feast" will
be held at the Simnasho Long
house on Thursday. December 21.
The feast, organized by Simnasho
elders, is in recognition of those
people who have been keeping clean
and sober'and are" tio long using.'"
drugs or alcohol. The feast coin
cides with the winter equinox which
is the Indian New Year. All com
munity members are invited to
Holidays to
close schools,
The upcoming Christmas holiday
will cause the closure of school and
tribal and federal businesses.
Jefferson County 509-J School
district students will be released
early from school December 21.
School will resume January 2, 1990.
Tribal and federal offices will be
closed Christmas Day, December
25. Office will reopen December
26. New Year's will also be observed
as tribal and federal offices will be
closed January 1.
TheConlederated Tribes reserves
the right to reject any and all pro
posals or parts thereof and retains
the right to negotiate with any and
all parties that have submitted a
Interested parties may obtain
additional information or receive
copies of the Request For Propos
als from: ,
Robert A. Raimondi; Economic
Development Department; Con
federated Tribes of Warm Springs;
PO Box C; Warm Springs, OR
97761. Phone: 553-3314.
December 12. 7:30 D.m.
Warm Springs Comm. Ctr.
December 14, 1:15 p.m.
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