Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, December 01, 1989, Image 1

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P.O. Bo 870
Warm Spring, OK 97761
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News from the Warm Springs Indian Reservation
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VOL. 14 NO. 24
Coyote News
In Brief
Satellite tends training
The Warm Springs
Police Department per
sonnel have the oppor
tunity to receive training
by satellite transmission
through the Law
Enforcement Television
Page 2
New employees featured
Four new employees
have recently been hired
for BIA and tribal
Page 2
Log marketing workshop
Redmond is the location
of a log marketing work
shop December 13 cov
ering marketing, strate
gies, timing, selling,
competition and use of
Page 3
College requirements
If planning to attend col
lege in Oregon, certain
requirements must be
Page 5
Start holiday plans
Stress through the holi
days can be avoided by
making plans in advance
Page 7
Can we "handle" alcohol
People differ in their abil
ity to "handle" alcohol.
Studies show Impairment
may be observed after
small intake.
Page 8
3 p.m.
4-H Meeting Room
Learn the
Geology of
Warm Springs
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Tribal Council and representatives from the Bureau of Indian Affairs District students. (Left to right) Tribal Council member Karen Wallula
education office met with the 509-J School District Board of Directors turn and Bernice Mitchell, Wasco chief Nelson Wallulatum, and School
to begin a series of Joint meetings aimed at improving education for all Board member Steve Earnest participate in the November 27 discussion.
DECEMBER 1, 1989
Joint meetings
directed at
A joint planning meeting was
held during the regular 509-J School
District Board ot Directors meet
ing, November 27. Members from
the Confederated Tribes of Warm
Springs Tribal Council. Warm
Springs chief executive officer Ken
Smith and representatives from the
Bureau of Indian Affairs area edu
cation office met with the School
Board to begin a series of coopera
tive meetings directed at setting
and achieving educational goals in
the District.
School District superintendent
Darrell Wright briefly outlined the
uisinct and tribal relationship,
explaining that it began in theearly
1960's when two districts and the
BIA school in Warm Springs were
consolidated to form the District
area as it is today.
In 1985 a Memorandum of Under
standing was signed by the Tribe,
the BIA and the District which
called for mutual cooperation in
The education of the District's stu
dents. The planning meeting and
other scheduled meetings are a
continuation of the cooperation
that has been facilitated by the
agreement. Theupcomingjoint meet
ings will provide the opportunity
to take more direct steps toward
achieving mutual goals.
Those in attendance at the meet
ing expressed interest in providing a
quality education to the District
students, "especially Indian stu
dents, especially non-Indian stu
dents, especially all students,"com-
Continued on page 2
15 .49 30
,16 44 28
17 5f 40
18 55 33
19 61 25
20 60 29
22 60 42
23 47 33
24 55 36
25 50 30
26 46 , 35
27 45 32
Tribal Council posts adjusted 1990 operating budget
The Warm Springs 1 rioai coun
cil ratified, through resolution
7936, the 1990 tribal operating bud
get. In response to concerns ad
dressed at district and general coun
cil meetings in Octoberand Novem
ber, Tribal Council approved
changes within the budget that
reflect added emphasis in numer
ous areas. The changes do not alter
the bottom line of the budget.
Of the $18,545,150 operating
budget, $170,000 were shifted from
certain areas and redirected toward
child neglect and abuse, substance
abuse, education opportunities and
communications. Some of the
adjustments will allow for addi
tional positions, such as in public
relations and education. The deci
sion to change the appropriations
"was based on what was heard in
Jisinci and general council meet
ings," said Chief Executive Officer
Ken Smith.
Grant to fund exhibits
The M.J. Murdock Charitable
Trust has awarded Middle Oregon
Indian Historical Society a $300,000
grant, according to Delbert Frank,
Sr., the Society's chairman. The
grant will help fund the tribal
museum's education exhibits.
This is the fourth major grant
received since the October 27, 1988
$2.5 million tribal referendum was
approved by tribal voters. The funds
committed to the museum project
now total $3.8 million, according
to Dr. Duane King, executive direc
tor of MOIHS. "We're happy to
have received this expression of
confidence in our project from such
a prestigious funding agcncy,"said
Since its inception, the project
has always been percived as a part
nership among the Tribes, the fed
eral government, the State of
Oregon and private funding agen
cies, i his grant is tne second cut
from a major private agency in the
Northwest. The Fred Meyer
Foundation of Portland also
awarded the Museum a $300,000
grant. Federal grants have been
received from the National Endow
ment for the Humanities and Hous
ing and Urban Development.
The Murdock award is in the
form of a "top-off grant which
requires that all but the last $300,000
of the $4.5 million goal be raised
before the funds are made availa
ble. At present, $700,000 is still
needed to reach the goal. Two
proposals are now pending, includ
ing one with the State of Oregon
Regional Strategy Program, w hich,
if funded, will bring the project
very close to the campaign goal.
"We're very optimistic about
reaching the fund raising goal in
time for the ground breaking cere
mony, scheduled for spring. 1990,"
said King.
Areas that include decreases are
the office of the chief executive
officer, governmental affairs, pub
lic safety, utilties, personnel and
development, human services, fi
nancial services, economic devel
opment and natural resources.
The CEO's budget was reduced
when special projects revenue was
cut back by $30,000. Another
$34,500 was added when an addi
tional position was added to the
public relations office. Net increase
is $3,500.
The projects portion of the
governmental affairs budget was
reduced by $10,000.
Public safety reduced their budget
by $ 1 0,000, but added $40,000 with
personnel changes. Net increase is
Public utilities reduced their
operating budget by $10,000.
The personnel and development
branch budget, specifically the
computer training center, was
reduced by $25,000.
The human services branch re
duced their budget by $21,000,
with small portions coming from
numerous departments. The in
crease in the branch comes from
intensified drug testing and another
position in education. Net increase
is $76,000.
Financial services reduced their
budget by $50,000.
Economic development reduced
their budget by $10,000 while the
natural resources branch reduced
their budget by $5,000.
Copies of the budget are posted
at Macy's, the administration build
ing and the post office.
Workshop discusses CRAN
A workshop will be held Tues
day, December 5, 1989 for parents
and teachers who want to learn
new and unique ways for motivat
ing Indian children. Using the
CRAN concept, (Culturally Related
Academic Needs), teachers use
native mythology and symbolism
to improve student critical think
ing skills and motivate learning.
Bobby Lake, professor of Indian
Education at Gonzaga University,
will be the featured presenter. Lake
has taught Indian education to
school districts and Indian reserva
tions across the Northwest.
The workshop will begin with
dinner at 6 p.m. and conclude with
remarks from Lake. The session will
be held at the United Methodist
Church at 12th and B Streets in
Madras. All parents teachers, tri
bal education and JOM
committee members. Early Child
hood Education teachers and all
other interested adults are encour
aged to attend.
To register, call 553-1428 or, if a
509-J teacher, contact the building
principal. There is no charge for
the workshop.
The workshop is the result of a
cooperative effort between the 509
Jefferson County School District,
Central Oregon Community Col
lege, the Confederated Tribes of
Warm Springs, the Northwest
Regional Lducational Laboratory
and the Region III Indian Educa
tion Center at Gonzaga University.
Funding is provided by the JOM
Miss Warm Springs Committee seeks applicants
It's that time ot yearagain. and it
is getting close so girls you better
prepare yourself for the Miss Warm
Springs Pageant.
Interested girls ages from 18 to
25 may come in and pick up a Miss
Warm Springs application. The
pageant will be held in December.
Qualifications are as follows:
1. Any girl must be 18 to 25 years
of age, as long as the girl reaches
the age of 18 before the Miss
Indian America Contest. She must
never been married or have
2. She must be a member of the
Warm Springs Confederated Tribes
and a resident ol the reservation
for at least one year.
3. She must retain residency of
the reservation for at least one year
after she wins the title.
4. As Miss Warm Springs, she
will always maintain and present
herself in a proper and responsible
manner throughout her term, as
will her alternates.
5. If for some reason Miss Warm
Springs cannot meet her obliga
tions, her alternate will represent
the tribes.
6. Be able to represent the Tribes
by traveling, being involved in other
pageants, social events, public rela
tions lunctions and w herever neces
sary. 7. Must bededicated and willing
to learn.
8. If the contestant holds another
title, she must attend and represent
the Confederated Tribes as Miss
Warm Springs if the Tribes are
financing that particular trip or
Entry forms must be turned in to
the Tribal Council office or the
Culture and Heritage office by
December 19, 1989 at 5 p.m.
For further information call
Anna Clements at 553-3290 or
Carroll Dick at 553-3257.