Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, November 17, 1989, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    PACE 2 November 17, 1989
Warm Springs, Oregon
Spilyay Tymoo
Johnson O'Malley Committee Budget Report
through June 1, 1989
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ECE fundraising Continued from page 1
munitv .earning Center will even- adult education. Central Oregon Learnina Center has been dev'e-
tuallymcludcan elementary school, Community College and Oregon loped by Moreland Christopher
the Cultural and Heritage Depart- State University courses. Mylcs Architects of Portland. Con-
mcnt and classroom buildings for Design of the Early Childhood struction contractors will be selected
early next year.
Center restrooms vandalized
Vandals expended considerable
energy removing the upper rail
from the cyclone fence around the
Papoose Field at the Community
Center and using it to punch a hole
in a wall and destroy a steel door.
Damage to the restrooms at the
ballfield is estimated "between $ 1 ,500
and $2,000." says Utilities Depart
ment manager Herb Graybael. Conc
rete blocks will have to be replaced,
one steel door repaired and another
replaced, along with the rail on the
cyclone fence replaced.
"What's sad about this," says
Utilities groundskeeper Jasond
Luey, "is the energy expended."
Vandals had to go to much effort
to cause this destruction.
The Tribe spends thousands of
dollars annually to repair com
munity property destroyed by van
dals. Luey reviewed some of the
vandalism that has occured includ
ing removing signs, spraying cars
and buildings with paint, damag
ing Longhouse restrooms and tri
bal houses, breaking windshields,
cutting fences, pulling up trees and
making community areas unsightly.
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Cooperative Education
Warm Springs Mediators
Summer Library
Washington D.C. Deposits
Portland Youth Conference
Self Image
Women's History
Scott Moses Travel
Snakes and Reptiles
Artist in Residence
High School P.M. Class
Human Sexuality Conference
Recreational Therapy
Portland ConferenceMarie Calica
Fashion Show
Steen Mountain Camp
Jr. High Summer Program
High School Summer Program
Honorary Pages
ParentHealth Coordinator
Sub-ContractJefferson County
4-H OSU Summer Classes
WS Elem. Summer Library
Uren Leonard Student Trip
UNITY Conference
Washington, D.C. 2 Students
Alaska Trip 3 Students
Prevention Conf. Sunriver 2 Stdts.
Expenses Each Quarter
Percent Expended
Total Expenses to Date
Total Budget
Amount Remaining
Percent Remaining
To 1288
169 thru 389
$ 150
489 thru 689
73.130 12.282 11.972.30
72.33 84.48 96.32
73.130 85.414 97,386.30
JOM committee meetings have been changed to the second Thursdays of each month. Meetings
begin at 6:30 p.m. and are held at the Housing Conference Room. The committee welcomes ideas.
Get the most out of parent-teacher conference
Parent-teacher conferences will Ask your child if there are any
be held Friday, November 17. Fol-1 questions heshe wants answered,
lowing are a few helpful hints for 4 Attend the conference with
parents to follow to get the most your spouse if at all possible.
Plan to Ipavc the child and anv
brothers or sisters at home unless
the techer requests their presence.
Do remember that babies can be
disruptive and that older children
out of their conferences with
What is parent-teacher confer
ence? It's a chance for parents to meet
s teacher tn person to can and do repeat what they hear. .,
discuss their, child's education., At,, If your schedule ts difficult feel J(
the conference youH discuss your , free to check with thesychoolbbut "
child's ability to do school work,' arranging a special time for your
If you can't make the confer
ence as scheduled, please call and
notify the teacher.
At the meeting
Arrive promptly because the
teacher will probably have other
appointments scheduled.
Ask what you can do on the
home front to aid your child's
If you have a specific point to
discuss or have a complaint, listen
their child's teacher in person to can and do repeat what they, hear. ..to the teacher's viewpoint before
criticizing, , , .., . .
Leave promptly to allow other
parents to have as much time as
you had with the teacher. If you
' feel the need to continue the con
1 ference, schedule another one with
the teacher.
. 0M "if
Vandals destroyed a wall in restrooms at the Warm Springs Community
Center ballfields.
current levels of reading, compre'
hension and math, special interests
and other things. You'll probably
see samples of your child's school
work. You'll also have the oppor-,
tunity to learn more about the
school and its curriculum. You can
ask questions, share information'
and discover what your child will
learn this school year.
Before you go " : '
Write down what questions
you want to ask. Be as specific as
you can. You may want to ask
questions about grading policy,
homework, school services and pro
grams, extra-curricular activities,
or discipline policies.
Consider making a list for your '
child's teacher of things that will
help create a better understanding
of your child; for example, family
conflicts, feelings about school,
hobbies, special health problems.
When you get home
Jot down important points you
discussed. Review them with your
child. This could mean new rules
on watching television and doing
homework. Explain to your child
the reasons for any changes.
Check back with the teacher in
a few weeks to discuss your child's
progress. ...
. .fraise, .yPRr, children, about
somethingiseusfed at theconfer
ence. Let them know you're proud
of them.
Be positive. The better your
children feel about themselves, the
better they'll do in school.
Thriftshop opens doors to public
Declaration signed Continued from page 1
ship-directed high seas salmon fish
eries. 2. Seek additional measures to
reduce the impact of the high seas
squid fleets on salmon, albacores,
seabirds, marine mammals and
other living marine resources.
3. Establish new convention in
the North Pacific which include
Canada, Japan, the USSR and the
United States which would pro
hibit the harvesting of salmon on
the high seas, whether the catch is
directed or incidental.
4. Form the Pacific International
Council for Exploration of the
Seas to be a multinational research
5. Secure long-term, increased
financial and personnel commit
ments for monitoring and enforc
ing international agreements.
6. Negotiate international agree
ments to prohibit the sale, import
or transhipment of salmon illegally
harvested on the high seas.
In April, Governor Goldschmidt
sent letters to President Bush and
Spilyay lymoo
Staff Members
Spilyay Tymoo is published bi-weekly by the Confederated
Tribes of Warm Springs. Our offices are located in the base
ment of the Old Girls Dorm at 1 1 1 5 Wasco Street. Any written
materials to Spilyay Tymoo should be addressed to:
Spilyay Tymoo, PO Box 870, Warm Springs, OR 97761
(503) 553-1644 or (503) 553-3274
Annual Subscription Rates:
Within the U.S. $9.00
Outside the U.S. $15.00
the Oregon congressional delega
tion expressing his concern about
the threat foreign driftnet fishing
poses to anadromous fish return
ing to Oregon.
"The State of Oregon and the
federal government have spent mil
ions of dollars to restore and en
hance fish runs because of the large
economic benefits to our citizens
and nation. Foreign high seas drifts
netters, which are largely unregu
lated and unmonitored, are taking
a substantial number of American
salmon and steelhead," said the
Choplto receives
IHS Employee of
the Quarter award
Gloria Chopito, Field Health
Secretary had been awarded the
"Employee of the Quarter" on
November I, 1989 for the new
fiscal year 1 990.
Chopito has been employed with
the Indian Health Services as the
Field Health Secretary since
December 1987.
Each new quarter, one employee
from Dental, Administration,
Medical and the Field Health
departments meet with the Service
Unit Director and recommend a
co-worker that they feel are
outstanding in their over-all
performance. The Service Unit
Director then makes the final
The new "$ N Sense" thriftshop
opened its doors to the pubhc on
Novernber 3, 1989. Tribal elder,
Caroline Tohet, was given the honor
of cutting the ribbon during grand
opening ceremonies. It was esti
mated over 200 people came to the
grand opening throughout the day.
The blessing and prayer service
was held November 2 with tribal
elders Nettie Shawaway,
Matilda Mitchell and Sylvia Wal
lulatum conducting the services.
The Tribe, through the Employ
ment Assistance Pre-Employment
office, has been looking for innov
ative projects which will help tribal
members learn basic skills in small
business and marketing. The thrift
shop is one way to accomplish this,
as it is a "step toward offering
entrepreneuring, a part of the miss
ing link," said Marcia Soliz, direc
tor of employment and training
services :
The monies generated from the
thrift shop and other projects will
be used for training for pre
employment work program partic
ipants and for new projects. The
thriftshop is an example of what
can be done to help develop and
establish training sites for on-the-job
experience. It could continue
as a training site or eventually
could be turned over to a tribal
member in training. This effort
also fulfills a need for the
In September, 1989, the project
was activated, with space secured,
equipment ordered, participants
selected, training started on inven
tory, cash register operation and
handling money. Pick-up service
started so that donations could start
coming in. Donated items were
Continued on page 3
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Everyone got into the act at the grand opening otheSN'S ense Thrift
shop November 3.
Caroline Tohet, far right, cut the ribbon during grand opening ceremonies November 3. Shown with her are
(from top, down) Frances A Hen, BillieJo McConville, CassemeraRhoan,Arlene Tenorio, Mary Smith, Julie
George, Floriene Davis and Walter Wainanwit. The thriftshop is located in the mobile home behind Macy's