Spilyav Tymoo Warm Springs, Okkgon September 8, 1989 PAGE 7 Listening to troubled friends is often helpful It doesn't take years of educa lion or a framed certificate on the wall to help someone who is troubled. You can help a distressed friend or acquaintance by simply talking and listening. People are often capable of solv ing their own problems if they arc able to talk it out with a counselor or good listener. Friends can also serve that need by listening, talking very little and making few or no suggestions. Just paraphrase, clar ify or ask for elaboration of what the person said. Persons in difficulty are much more motivated to solve their prob lems if they come up with the solu tions themselves rather than if some- Recipe offers a nutritious muffin Buckwheat Huckleberry Muffins 2 cups wholewheat flour 3 cups buckwheat flour 3 Tbsp. baking powder 1 cup date sugar 3 eggs 2',4 cups milk lA cup peanut oil 1 '$ tsp. nutmeg 1 tsp. all spice 1 tsp. cinnamon 2 cups huckleberries Mix all dry ingredients in a mix ing bowl. Combine all liquid ingredients in a bowl. Stir liquids into dry ingredients and stir well. Gently fold in huckleberries. Pour into greeased or lined muffin pans and put into oven and bake at 400 degrees for 10 to 15 minutes. one else suggests a strategy. To help a friend: Be sensitive and trustworthy. Be accepting and caring. Even if the person acts against your values, accept the behavior with out being judgmental. Remain objective and neutral. Try to develop a deep under standing of the other person's situation. Be patient while the person works toward the core of the stress. Talk where it is quiet, private, comfortable and free of interrup tions. if the issues arc complex and a clear solution seems too difficult, advise your friend to seek profes sional help. Self-destructive behav ior such as alcohol uHikc violent Individualize hand-me-downs Taking a little time to individual ize hand-me-down clothes can mean financial savings for you and greater pleasure for your chidlrcn. Individualizing hand-me-downs is becoming more attractive as the cost of outfitting a family con tinues to rise. Except for togs worn for rough and tumble play, most children's clothing is outgrown be fore showing much sign of wear. Many items are in good enough condition to become hand-me-downs for younger children or to be bargains in resale shops. After you make basic repairs, examine garments to see how you can individualize tor tneir new owner by adding trims, appliques, fancy stitching or buttons. Look in catalogs, magazines and children's clothing stores. Other ideas may strike you after a visit to a fabric stores' notions department. Consider personalizing a T-shirt or dress by embroidering a child's initials on it, adding a decorative pocket, sewing buttons along a side seam of a skirt, dress or pants, or sewing buttons on the shoulder scam of a shirt or blouse. Appliques here, there and every where are fun and in style. They arc especially popular for covering worn spots on jeans, w hich, when outgrown by one child, can still give more wear for another young ster. Ribbons, fringes, braids, and ric-a-rac offer many possibilities and fit in with today's popular looks. As you plan changes, think "washability". Washability is always important, especially for children's clothing. When redoing a garment, make sure the new fabric and any accessories are compatible with the original material, such as being washable and color fast. Since hand-me-downs usually have been washed, it is a good idea to wash any new fabric before adding it. Proper laundering also helps keep garments in good condition so that they successfully can be passed on to other youngsters. Wash clothes before they become heavily soiled. Pretest stains and spots before laundering. Repair split scams and tears promptly. outbursts or severe depression indi cate the need for professional qualified help. A good friend is someone who won't give answers, but will help guide a stressed person to his or her own answer and recommend addi tional help when it seems necessary. Discipline needed Good discipline includes creat ing an atmosphere of quiet firm ness, clarity and conscientiousness, while using reasoning. Bad disci pline involves punishment which is unduly harsh and inappropriate and is often associated with verbal ridicule and attacks on the child's integrity. One of the most impoitant goals we strive for as parents, educators, and mental health professionals is to help children develop respect for themselves and others. While arriv ing at this goal takes years of patient practice, it is a vital process in which parents, teachers and all caring adults can play a crucial and exciting role. In order to accomp lish this, we must see children as worthy human beings and be sin cere in dealing with them. Information on this page provided by the by the Warm Springs Office of the Oregon State University Extension Service Phone: 553-1161, ext. 238 or 239 Winter crops save soils Winter cox i r crops aren't v it a I to maintaining garden soil through the winter, but they do help. C'oxer crops reduce compaction of garden soil from winter rains, and they add organic matter when plowed under in the spring, improv ing soil tilth and porosity. There are many cover crop types to choose from. Austiran field peas, also known as winter peas, are widely used. Annual rye is another variety. Don't confuse annual rye with annual ryegrass. Annual ryegrass can be used as a cover crop, but it may be dif f icult to get rid of in the sprinu. Oats and winter barley may also be used for a cover crop. Plant one fourth pound of seed per 100 square feet. Turnips arc another good cover crop. Simply broadcast the seed oxer the garden. There is no need to plant it beneath the soil surface. And if turnips arc a table favorite, harvest as many a you want and plow the remainder under next spring. Cover crops grow best if the plant remains from this year's garden are plowed under or removed. However, grass seeds may be scat tered over the partially harvested garden and produce a cover crop without working the soil. Difficult stains can be removed Helpful homemaker hints offered Q: I wash my clothes in cold water to save energy, but the detergent doesn't always dissolve and some times the clothes do not get clean. What do you suggest? A: Cold water washes are energy efficient, but detergents become less effective as water temperature decreases. In fact, below about 60 degrees F, detergents become com pletely ineffective. Also, the colder the water, the slower granular detergents dissolve, which reduces cleaning ability. Detergents clean better in hotter water because chemical action increases with heat. A hot water wash is recommended for most white clothes and heavily soiled colored clothes. A warm water wash is the best choice for most other clothes. A cold water wash is recommended only for very lightly soiled or brightly colored clothes. When using a cold water wash, either a liquid detergent or predis solved granular detergent should be used to avoid the problem of undissolved detergent. Q: What causes rust spots on some of my stainless steel flatware washed in the dishwasher? A: When stainless steel is made, a protective oxide film forms on the surface that makes it "stainless." When it is removed, corrosion will take place, though at a slower rate than with ordinary steel. Certain foods, like salt, acids (vinegar, salad dressing, fruits and tomatoes) will remove the oxide film. However, if the stainless item is washed, rised and dried tho roughly the oxygen of the air will heal the breaks in the oxide film and return the stainless property to the steel. If food is not washed off prompt ly for example, when dishes and flatware are left in the dishwasher until a full load accumulates the air cannot heal the break and cor rosion will take place. There is no permanent solution to the rustig of stainless steel, but polishing with silver or stainless steel cleaner may temporarily re move the corrosion. To minimize rusting, it is important to rinse or wash stainless steel as soon as pos sible after use. Q: How can I tell if a particular glass-ceramic utensil is satisfactory to use for microwave cooking? A: Use this .test to determine a utensil's suitability for use in mic rowave cooking. Place a glass measuring cup of water next to the empty dish to be tested in the mic rowave oven. Heat on full power for one minute, then check the temperture of the dish. If the dish is cool and the water very warm, the dish can be used. If the dish is slightly warm, it can be used for short term cooking only. If the dish is hot and the water is cool, do not use the dish. A hot dish means that the utensil is absorbing microwaves instead of permitting them to pass through, as they should for safe cooking. Q: What is the best way to clean an indoor grill? A: If heavily soiled, soak the grill, rock cartridges and grill grates in a solution of hot water and liquid detergent for 15 to 20 minutes. Then remove the burned on residue with a plastic scrubber or brush. Then run them through a nor mal dishwasher cycle or wash and rinse them in the sink. Lightly soiled grates and cartridges can be washed in the dishwasher without presoaking. The procelain drain pan usually cleans easily with soapy water or non-abrasive cleaners. For stub born soil, spray it with household cleaner or liquid detergent. Then cover it with several damp paper towels or newspapers and let soak for 30 minutes. Stains caused by substances con taining protein or starch can be removed usingthe same procedures. Some examples of these stains in clude blood, body discharges and vomit, aftershave applications, eye drops and mouthwash, cereals and starch. For washable fabrics soak the garment in a mixture of one quart of cool water, '$ teaspoon liquid hand dishwashing detergent and one tablespoon of ammonia for 15 minutes. Soaking allows time for the stain to break down. Rinse the garment to see if the stain was removed. If it is still there, soak another 15 minutes in thedetergent and ammonia solution. Rinse with water. It is important to remove all ammonia. If thestain is still present, further breakdown can be accomplished by soaking in a solution of one quart of warm waterand one table spoon of enyme laundry product for 30 minutes. Launder the gar ment in cool water. If the stain is still present, soak again in the enzyme laundry product and launder again. For a blood stain that is not completely removed, wet the stain with hydrogen peroxide and add a drop of ammonia. Do not allow mixture to remain on the garment more than 15 minutes. Rinse with water and launder again. The following methods for re moving protein stains from carpet ing are damaging to wool. Call a professional to remove the stain if you have a wool carpet. If you are trying to remove the stain from carpeting other than wool, soak a folded towel in the liquid hand dishwashing detergent and ammonia solution, then lay it on the stained area. To rinse the area, blot with a towel dampened with water to remove loosened staining material. If there is still stain visible, soak again with the detergent and am monia solution. Wait 15 minutes for the break down of the staining material. Repeat the rinsing with a dampened towel. For stains that are still visible, soak a folded towel in one quart of water and one tablespoon enzyme laundry pro duct, then lay it on the stain for 30 minutes. Rinse with a dampened towel. Blot the carpeting as dry as pos sible with absorbent towels. Allow to air dry completely Vacuum or rake to restore nap. Watch cookie contents to ensure nutrition Cookies are a popular part of our lifestyle. With the current emphasis on cutting the sugar and fat content of the American diet and the concern about obesity, let's examine the nutritional and caloric values of cookies. Are cookies nutritious? It is true that food energy is needd by the body and part of that energy can be provided by the calories in cookies or other desserts. However, coo kies, like any other combination of ingredients in foods, can be more or less nutritious depending upon which ingredients are used. Sugar gives cookies their sweet taste, as well as a particular tex ture. For example, honey and Homemade mix has various uses Skillet Dinner with Home made Sauce Mix Va cup flour 1 Tbsp. grated parmesan cheese 1 Tbsp. nonfat dry milk 2 tsps. instant beef bouillon granules Vi tsp. onion powder Vt tsp. garlic powder 1 lb. ground beef, pork or turkey Water and or tomato juice Noodles, rice or macaroni For Homemade Sauce Mix: Combine flour, parmesan cheese, milk powder, bouillon granules, onion powder and garlic powder. Store in tightly covered container or use immediately in Meat 'N' Rice Dinner or Meat 'N' Macaroni Dinner. Serve with: Mixed vegetables or whole wheat bread or peaches or skim milk. Meat W Noodle Dinner: Brown meat in skillet; drain off fat. Stir in three cups water, 113 cups noo dles and sauce mix, heat to boiling; reduce heat and simmer, uncovered, ten minutes or until noodles are tender. Each serving provides 250 calories; 5 grams fat and 500 mg. sodium. Meat TV' Rice Dinner: Brown meat in skillet; drain, stir in three cups water, cup rice and sauce mix. Heat to boiling; reduce heat and simmer, uncovered, for 15 to 20 minutes. Each serving provides 2 1 0 calories, 5 grams fat and 500 mg. sodium. Meat TV' Macaroni Dinner: Brown meat in skillet; drain off fat. Stir in two cups water, one cup tomato juice, one cup macaroni and sauce mix. Heat to boiling; reduce heat and simmer, uncovered, 10 min utes or until macaroni is tender. Each serving provides 250 calories, 5 grams fat and 475 mg. sodium. Use specialty patterns Larger sized women, size 38 to 60: Great Fit Patterns 221 SE 197th Portland, OR 97233 Cost: $1 for catalog MaternityNursing: Raindrops and Roses 8 SE 199 Ave.' Portland, OR 97223 Cost: $1 for catalog Lord Lass Box 26 Albuquerque, New Mexico 87125 Cost: $1 for brochure Elizabeth Lee Designs PO Box 419 Tabiona, UT 84072 Free brochure with a LSASE Babe Too! 3457 E. K4 Highway Person's age can affect taste, smell Have you ever heard older peo ple complain, "This food just doesn't as good as it used to.'? Younger family members might not pay much attention to such a com plaint, but the older person is probably right. We tend to take our sense of taste and smell for granted, but for many of us in later life, these senses become less acute. Our senses of taste and smell are largely responsible for the flavor of the foods we eat and the beverages we enjoy. They also help us to detect leaking gas, the smell of something buring or food that has spoiled. Although taste and smell seem to work together, each fulfills a special role. Taste enables us to determine the sweetness or sour ness of a food as well as how salty or bitter it is. Smell gives us the odors that play such an important part in determining the flavor of foods. As many as two-thirds of our taste sensations may bedependent upon our ability to smell foods. Thus, a stronger taste or odor is required for some older people to be able to detect its presence. Not all people are affected this way. Of the ones who are, not all are affected to the same extent. For people who have suffered a sensory loss, there are a number of ways to enhance enjoyment of odors and tastes. First, there are spices and herbs, such as garlic, pepper, peppermint, spearmint, cloves, onions and cinnamon. Or we can use other flavorings, such as mus tard and horseradish sauces. Enhanced flavor results in more enjoyment of food and an increased dietary variety and intake, all of which contribute to better nutri tional status. Stain be gone! If you like the convenience of a spray prewash stain remover, then save yourself the packaging and advertising costs and make your own. Into a pint spray bottle pour 12 cup of ammonia and 12 cup liquid laundry detergent. Fill the rest of the bottle w ith water, shake it up and spray it on the stain. Wait at least one minute before putting the stained fabric into the washing machine. Assaria, KS 67416 Cost: $1 for a complete catalog (refundable) Maternity Lingerie Upfront Fashions 641 Cumberland Avenue Teaneck, NJ 97666 Cost: $5.50 for pattern Large Size Girls, sizes 7'2 to I6'2 Amy Leigh Fashions, Inc. PO Box 10056 Oakland, CA 94619 Free catalog Did you know... ...there are many ways to season foods without salt? For pot roast or meat loaf, try allspice, garlic, marjoram or thyme. For pastas, try poppy seeds or savory. Season tomatoes with basil or oregano. Serve rice or bulgur with basil, curry powder, onion powder, or tumeric. Season cooked cabbage, broc coli, brussel sprouts or cauliflower with caraway seeds, curry powder or marjoram. Flavor cooked carrots or beets with caraway seeds or cloves. molasses give a moist, chewy tex ture to baked products. Cookies have that nice brown color because heat causes changes in the sugar and other ingredients. If you reduce the amount of sugar you not only change the fla vor of the cookie, you also change the texture and the way it looks. You may reduce the amount of sugar by one-fourth in some recipes and still have a good cookie. How much nutrition is added to cookies by substituting honey or molasses for the sugar? When substituting honey for sugar, remember that most recipes call for a little less honey than sugar. Molasses will increase the amount of iron in cookies and con tribute smallamounts of other min erals. However, to get a significant amount of these minerals you would need to eat the whole batch of cookies! Flour (all-purpose) is generally used in cookie making. Either bleached or non-bleached will make tasty cookies. Be sure to use enriched or whole wheat flour to get the vitamins and minerals lacking in unenriched white flour. Substituting whole wheat flour for part of the white flour will add some minerals without changing the calorie content. Fats supply a major part of the caloires in cookies as it does in all other foods. Different kinds of fats give different flavor to cookies. The type of cookies makes a differ ence in the fat calorie content of cookies. Consider the following types of cookies: Rolled cookies: The crisper they are, the higher the sugar and fat content. Ice box cookies: Extra high in fat. Bar cookies: Cake-like mixture w ith more flour and less fat. Drop cookies: L ike bar cookies with less liquid. About 45 percent of the calories in rolled and ice box cookies comes from fat. while about 30 percent of the calories in drop and bar cook ies comes from fat. Compare the calories of one cup of: Butter & Margarine 1,630 cal. Cooking oil Lard Peanut butter White sugar Brown sugar Corn syrup Honey Molasses 1,925 cal. 1,850 cal. 1,550 cal. 770 cal. 820 cal. 960 cal. 1,040 cal. 800 cal. Other ingredients may be added to cookies. They may add some vita mins or minerals, but are usually high-calorie foods. Check the fol lowing listing. Calories are per cup. Coconut Chocolate chips Walnuts Raisins Oatmeal Granola 275 calories 860 calories 780 calories 420 calories 330 calories 480 calories While nuts and some B-vitamins and minerals, they are high in calo rie because of the high fat content. Dried fruits are relatively high in calories because the water is removed. Zucchini has little nutrient con tent. Carrot and pumpkin are some times used to make a moist cookie. They do add vitamin A, but one cup of these vegetables in a recipe is not enough to classify the coolies in the fruits and vegetables group. Yogurt has the same nutrients as milk. It's a nutritious ingredient, but most recipes call for so little yogurt that there's little nutritional effect per cookie. In conclusion: To evaluate cookies, see how they are used. If cookies and pop are a lunch substitute, they don't measure up very well. If oatmeal raisin cokies are a snack instead of a candy bar, they look pretty good. No one food item should be judged by itself the diet as a whole should be considered when looking at nutrition! The best way to get needed vita mins and minerals is to select a var iety of food including vegetables, fruits, meats, meat alternates, beans, rice, cheese, eggs, etc, breads, cereals, and milk products. Meet the nutrient needs from a variety of foods and then cookies or other dessert foods can be used to supply enough calories to meet energy needs. Because all cookies are high in fats and sugars, they are not good sources of nutrients, but they do supply food energy (calories). Sign-up for 4-H begins during the first week of October! Contact the Extension office at 553-3238 for more information.