Spilyay Tymoo Warm Springs, Oregon July 28, 1989 PAGE 3 Families enjoy full day of fun, wrestling, sliding, softball and much more The third annual Kids' Jamboree was a smash hit this year with a larger crowd than expected. This year's most popular activity was "Billy's Mud Wrestlin" that had kids of all ages rolling in the mud. : a zr ' V .1- ?1 ft'"' f v X - i V ..... .'1.. .,- ' ' ' J' -.. . . .r. One ot many "take-downs" in the mud wrestling events. Oopsl This youngster came down the water slide all askew. He no doubt got back in line for another try. it 3 A softball tournament coincided with the Kid's Jamboree Day is VI - . -y r i i f -. if , v. . I Luanne Foltz gets her "mug shot. " The Kids' Jamboree Day wasn't a dav entirelv for the kids. Everyone looked as if thev were having a great time watchina the main event of the day, the mud wrestling. Spectators waited ud to a half hour for the "dirty" play time to begin. Julie Mitchell and Deanie Smith started this most popular event with a splash. There were several matches between kids of all ages. Another "cool" idea was the water slide that kept kids busy and wet throughout the afternoon. mere were also races, archery, a dunk tank and face painting. All activities were great ways to get wet and dirty without Mom and Day getting mad. An early evening picnic concluded the dav's activities and provided a time for evervone to kick back and relax before the mini-powwow. The weather was great and participation in the ithird annual event was better than expected. Photos and text by Tina Aguilar , , .... " . - r " $l- : f ' 1 v.TC i-- -1 Community members enjoying mud wrestling events. '-mm i s . r 1 1-4 " .