SpilyayTymoo ! Warm Springs, Oregon April 21, 1989 PagE7 Grazing in Grazing livestock in public and private forest plantations can save thousands of dollars in weed and grass control costs. Weed and grass conrol in re planted forest areas is a major con cern to forest managers because competition for water and soil nut rients can kill or severely stunt young conifer seedlings, delaying the establishment of the timber stand. Since it takes 60 years or more for a timber stand to reach matur ity, forest managers are anxious to get a new plantation off to as smooth a start as possible, which usually means a weed and grass control program for at least 10 years or more. According to a study in the Sius law National Foreest, controlling weeds manually cost S 1 1 5 per acre, while using herbicide sprays costs S 1 10 to S 1 43 per acre depending on the herbicide used. The third alternative is grazing livestock, sheep or cattle, in new Asparagus a Asparagus is an exotic vegetable of the lily family enjoyed for its delicacy of flavor and nutritive values from ancient times. Known to have been cultivated before 600 B.C., asparagus was propagated by the Greeks, introduced by the Romans to the Gauls, the Germans and Britains. Asparagus was popu lar in classical times as a vegetable (a potherb) and as having medici nal values in fact, asparagus was probably a medicine long before it was a food. The second-century Greek physician Galen described asparagus as "cleaning, desiccative and healing." Galen's teachings were law in the Western world for 1,300 years and claims for medicinal bene fits of asparagus persist to this day. Nutritionists know asparagus is Check forfood freshness, quality Check your canned goods shelf and freezer after you've finished the spring once-over of your house. Canned foods should be kept in a cool, dark place and kept clean and dry. Use within one year for optimum flavor and nutrition. Avoid storage near the furnace, water heaters and upper kitchen shelves. As long as the seal is not broken or cans rusted through, the food should be safe to eat longer than a year's storage; however, the nu trition, flavor and texture will v decrease with each year the food is stored. Frozen foods should always be Whole chickens save you $$ If your recipe calls for boneless breast of chicken, you can save money by buying whole fryers and cutting them up into parts. Bone and skin the breasts and save the other parts for another recipe. If you buy just the whole breast sec tions, then bone and skin them, you'll end up paying more per pound for the cutlets than if you had bought them skinned and boned in the first place. Buy the whole chicken and cut it up. Stock your freezer when chicken is on sale, but remember, whole poultry keeps its quality consider able longer than parts or cooked poultry. Whole frozen chickens last up to one year while fozen parts last nine months. Cooked poultry will only keep for a month. Learn to use the whole chicken. Wings, back and neck have little meat but they make excellent broth. Cook the broth and freeze it in small containers. Use it in recipes and for lunches. Frozen broth will hold its quality for about a month. Check around for best prices Finding low cost materials and supplies for your home sewing bus iness can be frustrating. Some wholesalers may not want to deal with you if your business seems too small. But dont give up. There are sev eral things to try. First, sewing publications list supply catalogs that can be very helpful for people with fairly small businesses. Local retailers may give you a discount for large purchases or may direct you to wholesalers nearby. Also, the Thomas Register, a directory of manufacturers, is avail able in many libraries. It lists sour ce' of all kinds of products. Manufacturers usually only want large orders, but you can call them to get a list of local wholesalers who carry their product. This can forests may plantations. Done right, it can benefit both the forest and the livestock at a cost of S10 per acre or less, and in some cases, the grazing may earn income for the forest landowner. This isn't a new idea, but a lot of the research on grazing cattle in forests has emphasized the nutri tional needs of the livestock rather than the needs of trees for relief from weed competition. An OSU study concentrates on the trees. Called the "Cattle Graz ing in Managed Forests" project, it began in 1962 uder the leadership of Don llcdrick, Kruegerand Marty Vavra. The project is designed to take a thorough look at the effect of graz ing livestock in new forest planta tions in both Eastern and Western Oregon over a period of several years. We've learned that management is a key to success. The numbers of cattle per acre in forest grazing tasty, nutritious vegetable an excellent source of vitamins A and C and for the minerals potas sium and phosphorus. A delectable vegetable of diuretic nature, it is very low in calories, averaging less than four calories per spear. A cup of cooked green asparagus has 1 ,940 units of vitamin A and 4.6 milli grams of iron, a mineral very diffi cult to amass without taking diet ary supplements. It is one of the richest sources of rutin, a drug whose chief value is strengthening the walls of capillaries. For the best quality, select straight, green stalks with closed, compact tips. Look for spears of uniform size, so all stalks will cook in the same amount of time. Thin, medium and thicker spears are equally tender and flavorful. stored at 0 degree F. or lower and stored in moisture-and vapor-proof wrap. Improperly wrapped foods will get freezer burn. You can lose as much quality in three months at IS degrees F. as in one year at 0. degree F. Meat, poultry, fruits and vege tables can be stored up to one year. Ground and cured meats, cooked meats, fish and breads should be used in three to six months for optimum quality. Growing vegetables at Don't let lack of yard space ruin Your vegetable garden plans. With the help of a few containers, you can turn a patio, porch, balcony or windowsill into a small but pro ductive garden. Unfortunately, where garden space is limited, vegetable selection is also somewhat limited. For instance, growing corn on a bal cony may not be practical. On the other hand, tomatoes, peppers, egg plant, carrots, beans, squash, rad ishes, watermelon, chard and spin ach are all good container garden possibilities. Use dwarf and minature varie ties where available and if they are adapted to local growing condtions. Put vine crops in hanging baskets or train them vertically on stakes or railings. The amount of sunlight should Prepare your children for self-care Self-care children, those child ren caring for themselves on a regu lar basis, need to be prepared to stay alone. They need to know how to react when they are: locked out, afraid, bored, lonely or having argu- be time-consuming, but it wil pay off in lower costs for supplies to produce your product. "'JAPANESE COOKING Wok demonstration and taste testing Wednesday, April 26 7 to 8:30 p.m. 4-H Center (Old Boys Dorm) $2.00 per person Thirty people maximum, first comefirst served. Please sign up at the Extension Office. Pay $2 fee when signing up. be beneficial to many areas and the timing of the grazing are important factors. In a portion of the study con ducted on Hall Ranch acreage at the Eastern Oregon Agricultural Research Center, cattle were grazed on five-acre plots at the rate of 1.3 animals per acre in reforested areas Elanted with ponderosa pine, ouglas fir, western larch and west ern white pine. Those trees were planted 23 years ago. Observations since then indi cate conifer growth is significantly greater in plots grazed by cattle compared to plots where cattle were excluded. And the grazing was beneficial Plan for "Summer Fun" Spring has sprung! The grass has risen. You'd be surprised how much fun summer is in Jefferson County especially if you are involved in "Summer Fun 1989." To keep its freshness longer, refrigerate asparagus upright in two inches of cold water. Cover loosely. Wash and snap off stem ends at the point where they break easily. Save for soups. Steam spears upright with tips extending out of water for five to eight minutes, until tender. Add spears to boiling water, and simmer gently for three to five minutes. Place asparagus in non-metallic baking dish and V cup water, cover tightly and microwave on high two to three minutes turning once dur ing cooking. Cut spears diagonally into one to two inch pieces; add" to small amount of butter or oil over medium-high heat. Stir-fry for three to five mintues, stirring occasion ally. Soil from food, perspiration and other oganic matter attracts moths. The larvae feed on the soil and, in the process, eat some of the fibers in the cloth, leaving holes in your garment. This happens not only on wool garments but also on synthe tics. To protect clothes against moth damage, use paradichlorobenzene or naphthalene also known as moth balls or flakes. Or store clean clothese in a sealed container. determine the choice of crops. Root crops and leaf crops (beets, tur nips, lettuce, cabbage, mustard greens) can tolerate light shade. But vegetables grown for their fruits must have at least six hours of direct sunlight each day. The container can be a bushel basket, metal drum, gallon can, plastic tub, wooden box, flower pot or cut-off bleach jug. The size of the container will vary according to the crop selec tion and the space available. Six to 1 0-inch pots are good for green onions, parsley and herbs. For plants with larger root systems, such as toma toes, peppers and eggplant, five gallon containers are best. No matter what type of con tainer is used, adequate drainage is a must. Place an inch of coarse gravel in the bottom of the con ments with their brothers and sis ters. Parents have to be clear and firm about having friends in, cooking and use of kitchen equipment, snacks and meals, talking on the phone and duties to be completed while home alone. Self-care chilldren need to know: Good telephone skills, includ ing where to find emergency num bers; what to say in an emergency; how to respond when someone calls; when to call for help and for the cattle too. Yearling heifers Jut on the Hall Ranch forest acreage 0 days of the year had weight gain ranging from SO to 80 pounds for the one-month period. The Hall Ranch research also looked into tree seedling damage caused by livestock grazing, or browsing, on tress as well as grasses and weeds. Observations taken over a period of several years show no increase in tree seedling mortality in planta tions where there are cattle graz ing. Some seedlings die in all refo restation areas, but we haven't found livestock grazing to cause more seedling mortality. Summer hun is a program de signed to provide quality youth activities for the kindergarten through high school age youth of Jefferson County during the sum mer months. Summer Fun is a coordinated effort between the OSU Extension Service and the cities of Madras, Culver, Metolius, the Juvenile Commission and private donors. The program will begin Mon day, June 19 this summer and con tinue through August 18. The many activities will be compiled into a "Summer Fun" catalog which will be delivered to the schools in May. There will be a S5 registration fee per child for the first five activities and an additional S.S0 charge per activity above the first five. This one-time charge covers insurance, newletters, and other costs. Addi tional money may be charged for particular activities. Scholarships will be available. The catalog will also include a registration form and an Oregon 4-H health card. In order to sign up for "Summer Fun," the individual registration form and health card will need to be filled out and mailed, along with the registration fee, to OSU Extension Service, 530 D Street, Madras, Oregon 9774 1 . You may also stop by the Extension office located in the Old Court house building in Madras between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Keep your eyes open for the "Summer Fun" catalog and start now to schedule a summer full of new experiences, opportunities and friends. If you have any questions, con tact Kathy Burke, Summer Fun Coordinator at 475-3808. home in small pots, plots and lots tainer and drill drain holes along the side about one-half inch from the bottom. Vegetables can be grown from seed, or they can be set in the con tainers as transplants. Use a packaged potting soil or composted soil available at local gar den centers. These soils make for excellent container gardening be cause they are light-weight, sterile and drain well. A mixture contain ing one part each of perlite or peat moss, sterile garden soil and sand can be made at home. Plant vegetable seeds according to the instructions on the seed package. After planting, soak the soil with water, taking care not to wash out the seeds. Vegetables grown in containers need to be fertilized regularly be cause the nutrients will leach out of when to handle the situation them selves. Good personal safety skills, including how to answer the door when alone; how to lock and unlock doors and windows; what to do if approached by a stranger on the way home; what to do if they think someone is in the house, and how to give basic first-aid. It's important that parents talk with their children about their fam ily's ground rules and the skills needed for self-care. Knowing these things will give new self-care chldren confidence in themselves and assure them of your love, too. Camps offered Fourth through sixth graders are urged to contact the Extension Office if interested in attending Round Lake 4-H Camp June 24 through 30. Any students in the ninth grade or above who are interested in being a camp counselor this summer are encouraged to attend camp counselor training May 19 and 20 and June 8. Applications for train ing are due May S. Information on this page provided by the by tho Warm Springs Office of the Oregon State University Extension Service Phone: 553-1161, ext. 238 or 239 Solid foods Nothing quite pleases a toddler like being able to eat grown-up food. And parents take equal delight in their child's accomplishment. Conquering solid foods, however, takes practice. Until they have all their teeth and are able to chew their food well, children are inclined to swallow certain foods whole. That can cause choking, which is especially dangerous because of a child's narrow airway and under developed ability to cough up ob structing foods. If you are caring for a child under five, the following steps may help prevent choking. Avoid giving young children hot dogs, hard candies, grapes and nuts. A study at Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health blamed these four foods for more than 40 percent of all child hood food-choking deaths. Encourage vigorous chew ingprobably the best way is to demonstrate it from time to time. How to prevent wrinkles in your home laundry Preventing wrinkles from setting in your clothes takes a little work, but it is a manageable task. In the washer Never use less than the medium water level when washing perman ent press. Clothes must have room to circulate freely in the washbasket. Avoid overloading. Permanent press loads should be smaller than regular loads. Use the permanent press cycle, especially if washing clothes in hot water. This cycle automatically pro vides a cool-down rinse to mini mize wrinkling. Avoid laundering heavy perma nent press articles such as work clothes and heavy pants or jackets with lighter permanent press arti cles such as shirts or blouses. Proper use of fabric softeners will help minimize wrinkling. In the dryer Always use the permanent press cycle. the soil more quickly than from regular garden soil. A soluble, all purpose fertilizer mixed in water is the easiest type to use with con tainer plants. This type of fertilizer should be appied every third day. Dry fertil izers sprinkled on top of the soil should be applied every three weeks. Proper watering is also essential. The soil in containers can dry out quickly and daily watering is not unusual. Water when the soil feels Continue to when using Last year a warning was issued regarding the Wade'Rain Model 70 mover unit. This is once again a reminder do not operate the Recipes offer variety Meatless Chili 1 15 oz. can kidney beans 1 15 oz. can garbanzo beans lA clove garlic, minced 1 onion, chopped 1 cup tomato sauce '$ cup whole tomatoes lA tsp. each of oregano, thyme, cumin and basil 1 tsp. chili powder Place all ingredients in large pan and simmer. Hearty Corn Bread 2 cups cornmeal 'A cup whole wheat flour xh tsp. baking soda I tsp. baking powder 1 Tbsp. brown sugar 2 egg whites 2 Tbsp. oil 2 cups skim milk or buttermilk Stir together dry ingredients. In small bowl, stir together egg whites, oil and milk. Combine all ingre dients and stir only until just mixed. Pour into a lightly oiled 8"x8" pan. Bake at 425 degrees for 20 to 25 minutes. For moister bread add xh cup more milk or I cup grated carrots, whole kernel corn or applesauce. I a challenge Monitor all eating sessions. For kids under three, cut up solid foods in small pieces and serve them in small quantities. Don't allow kids to eat while talking, running or jumping. And no one at any age should eat or drink while lying down. Don't let kids toss foods into their mouths or pour small candies from the package into their up turned mouths. Brands needed Any tribal member needing to register a brand for inclusion in the 1989 edition should come into the Natural Resources department. Range and Agriculture office to fill out a registration form. All new brands should be in by May 31, 1989. Brand book will be available by September. Use the proper temperature and dryness setting. Do not overdry. Be sure to remove clothes from the dryer immediately when the tumbling stops. Dry only a single washer load; do not combine loads for drying. If only one or two article are being dried, add a few similar arti cles, even though they are dry, to ensure proper tumbling. If an article has heat-set wrinkles from laundering, it should be ironed to restore a smooth surface. If you follow all these suggestions and wrinkling still occurs, the perma nent press finish on the garment has deteriorated due to normal 'wear and laundering. In this case ; there is little you can do and iron ing will be necessary. Some fabrics, even though they are made of no iron fibers, may require some touch-up ironing. This is especially true if the fabric is woven rather than knit. dry. Continue adding water untl it runs out the drain holes, but don't let the soil become soggy or have water standing on top of it. Plants may need protection from extreme heat caused by light reflec tion from pavement or walls. This is especially true with white platic and metal containers. Simply move them to a cooler spot during the hottest part of the day. Plants also may need shelter dur ing severe rains or wind storms. use caution mover unit Model 70 mover unit without the yellow safety cover closed and in place. Failure to keep the yellow safety cover closed when operating the unit can result in serious per sonal injury. If the yellow safety cover is damaged or missing, do not operate the unit until a new one is installed. In addition, during the past sev eral years, Wade'Rain personnel have been installing, at no charge, additional secondary guards under neath the yellow safety cover on all mover untis which have been lo cated. If the guards have not been installed on your units, call (503)692-5353 immediately. The company will have someone install a guard as soon as possible at no charge to you. However, it is important to remember that the additional guard is not a substitute for the yellow safety cover and does not change the requirement that the over unit is to be operated with the yellow safety cover closed and in place. If you have sold your Model 70 mover units, please advise the com pany of the name and address of the person who purchased your units. Contact Wade MFG Co., 10025 S.W. Allen Blvd., Beaver ton, OR 97005. 4-H Thought If you can't be a highway, then just be a trail; If you can't be the sun, be a star; It isn't by size that you win or you fail; Be the best at whatever you are.