Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, April 07, 1989, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    Warm Springs, Oregon
Spilyay Tymoo
Team members' experience widely diversified
PACE 2 April 7, 1989
Ken Smith, tribal CEO Secre
tary Treasurer, recently announced
his selection of individuals who
will fill the five general manager
positions and two key staff posi
tions. Following arc brief resumes
on those people.
General Manager Human
Sylvester "Sal" Sahmc, Sr. is a
44-ycar-old tribal member. He is a
1963 graduate of Madras Union
High School. In 1969, Sal gradu
ated from Peninsula College in
Port Angeles. Washington with an
Associate of Arts degree in fisher
ies technology. Sal is a 1973 gradu
ate of the University of Minnesota
where he attained a Bachelor of
Science degree in Human Devel
opment and treatment-related
fields. Sal received a masters degree
in business administration from
Prometheus College in Tacoma,
Washington in 1979.
Sal has worked 14 years for the
tribal organization and has gained
experience in the management of
contracts and grants, preparing and
monitoring budgets, staff training
and supervising, program develop
ment and evaluation, public rela
tions and immediate and long-term
planning. Sal played a vital role in
completing the tribal Comprehen
sive Health and Social Service Plan.
Sal is currently the tribal health
planner, a position he has held
since early, 1980.
General Manager Natural
Charles "Jody" Calica is 42 years
of age and a 1 963 graduate of Mad
ras Union High School. He is cur
rently assistant to the Community
Services Manager.
In 1965, Jody enlisted in the U.S.
Navy. During his service, Jody
attended radarman 'A' school.
From 1966 to 1968, Jody was sta
tioned aboard the USS Reeves
with his home port in Yokosuka,
Japan. He was awarded a com
mander U.S. Seventh Fleet citation
and numerous written commenda
tios for outstanding service. He
was honorably discharged in 1972.
After attending Central Oregon
Community College and Portland
State University where he studied
engineering, and the University of
Oregon where he studied political
science pre-law education, Jody
attained a Bachelor of Science
degree in education and a basic
teacher's certificate from Oregon
State University in 1974.
Jody began working for the Con
federated Tribes in 1978.
General Manager Public
JamesMCdNManion, is currently
the community services manager,!
position he has held since March,
I9K0. Prior to assuming thut posi
tion, Ed was enterprise manager
from 1976 to 19X0; tribal housing
manager from 1974 to 1976;
assistant manager at Kah-Nce-Ta
from 1972 to 1974 and resort man
ager from 1966 to 1972. Ed was
manager of Kah-Ncc-Ta village,
when the Tribes assumed owner
ship in 1961. until 1963. He has
also been self-employed, as he was
owneroperator of the Rainbow
Market and Frontier Restaurant.
Ed has been involved in many
construction projects including
Kah-Nee-Ta, HUD housing units,
tribal homes, tribal garage, the
JPTA housing program and num
erous other projects.
AccordingtoSmith, Manionwill
have a four or five year contract
during which time he will layout
the progress and specific plan for
the position. It is intended that a
tribal member will assume his posi
tion at the end of the contract
General Manager Busi
ness and Economic Devel
opment Charles Jackson, 39, is a 1968
graduate of Madras High School.
He attended Columbia University
in New York from September, 1968
until June, 1971, when he studied
economics, and again from Sep
tember, 1972 until June, 1973, when
he studied government. He also
attended Portland State University
part time from 1978 to 1984 to
study business management.
Charles is currently a BIA field
representative in Chiloquin, Oregon
for the Klamath tribe. He was
reservation programs officer for
the BIA in Warm Springs from
1985 to 1987. From March, 1983 to
March, 1985, Charles was adminis
trative manager for the BIA at
Chemawa Indian School. He was
previously employed by the Tribe,
froml977tol980whcnhe worked
as a management intern and spe
cial assistant to the general man
ager. He has gained knowlede of
fedral Indian policy, tribal trust
and resource issues, business and
economic principles and operations
including strategic and financial
planning, analysis, marketing, con
trol and accountability.
Chief of Police
Jeff Sanders, 51, is not new to
the position of chief of police or
police work. Jeff, in August, 1966,
was patrolman for the tribal
police department. About a year
later, he was promoted to sergeant
and two years later, he was named
lieutenant of the police force. In
1 974, Jeff became chief of police, a
position he held for nearly 10 years.
Most recently, Jeff has been a
part of the management team,
working in the department of pub
lic works and as a staff analyst for
the secretary treasurer. Jeff has
had 27 continuous years' service
with the Tribe. Jeff also served
three years in the Army, during
which time he reached the rank of
Jeff is currently the chairman of
the alcohol and drug council, chair
man of the information fair com
mittee and chairman of the tribal
action plan. Lst year. Jeff became a
member of the 509-J school board.
Director of Human Re
sources Garland Brunoe, 42, is a gradu
ate of Madras High School. In
1974, Garland attained a Bachelor
of Science degree in marketing
from Southern Oregon State Col
lege in Ashland, Oregon. Garland
is a Vietnam veteran and was
honorably discharged from the
Army in 1968.
Garland is currently employed
in the credit department as a
manager trainee, lie has held the
position since September, 1987.
Prior to his credit position, Gar
land was a student with Youth
With A Mission. He and his family
toured three, third world countries
before their return to Warm
Springs in 1987. Garland was the
first tribal member general man
ager of Kah-Nee-Ta from 1980
until 1 986 when he accepted a posi
tion in China as front office man
ager at the Kun Lun Majesty Hotel
in Beijing.
Director of Governmental
Affairs and Planning
Larry Calica. 42, began his work
history with the Confederated
Tribes at theageof 16 when he was
crew supervisor for the youth camp.
His professional experience with
the Tribe began in 1973, when he
worked as treatment coordinator
at the tribal group home. He held
the position until 1978, when he
became the director of health, wel
fare and probation. From 1980 to
1983, Larry was manager of human
resource systems. During 1 983 and
1984 Larry was administrative
assistant to the tribal secretary
treasurer. From 1984 to this year,
Larry was tribal secretary-treasurer.
He is currently an "unassigned"
staff member.
Larry has served on various tri
bal committees and boards includ
ing the health and welfare commit
tee, energy committee, Kah-Nce-Ta
board of directors and the water
board. Larry was a tribal council
member from 1977 to 1980 and
from 1983 to 1986.
Larry attended a college prep
program at Haskell Instutute;
attained a Bachelor of Science
degree in social science; attended
graduate school at the University
of Oregon and at Portland State
Special Projects
In this position, Doug McClel
land will be working on special
economic projects including the
possibility of a rcmanufacturing
plant at WSFPI, a shopping cen
ter, a bank and the possibility of a
log exporting business.
Doug began working for the
Confederated Tribes in 1974. He
has held the positions of adminis
trative manager and fiscal service
manager during his 14-year history
with the Tribe. While here, Doug
has been involved with numerous
projects, including federal and state
negotiations, hydro electric project,
development of the tribal forestry
program and others.
Agency District
Run-off Election
Tuesday, April 25
Tribal Membership
Tribal Council
Court Committees
Special Public Affairs
Doug McClelland Rudy Clements
Planning and
Larry Calica
John Henning , Garland Brunoe
Business and
Charles Jackson
Jeff Sanders
Jody Calica
Ed Manion
Sal Sahme
Preregister for Head StartTribal Preschool
j ; If
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Rita Squlemphen
Uren Leonard
It's time again to begin prepara
tions for registering your child in
the Head Start Tribal Preschool
programs for the 1989-90 school
Your child is eligible for the pro
grams if heshe turns three years of
age on or before September I,
1989. There are dates scheduled for
begin enrolling your child. Please
mark these dates on your calendar
so that you will plan on attending
as it pertains to you.
May 3 Lab work: Hemotocrits
and urinalysis for all new three
year olds, pre-kindergarten four
year olds and striders. 8:30 a.m. to
2 p.m. at the Community Center.
May 4 Physical examinations
and immunizations for pre-kindergarten
children and striders (Head
Start, Head Start Day Care, Tri
bal Preschool four year olds and
Day Care) 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the
Community Center.
June 1 Physical examinations
and immunizations for all new
three-year olds. 8:30 a.m. to 1:30
p.m. at the Community Center.
It is very important that you fol
low through beginning May 3, with
the lab work and be at the Com
munity Center on the day of the
You may pre-register your child
for Head StartTribal Preschool
programs on June 1, 1989. Required
information that you will need to
bring with you on that day to com
plete your child's registration are:
Proof of Income: Check stub from
your paycheck on the 10th of the
month, verification from your
employer of your correct salary,
W-2 form, social security (copy of
check), or a copy of what you
receive from Welfare and or food
Social security numbers of all adults
living in your household.
Two emergency contact (local) with
phone numbers.
Children entering kindergarten
who are enrolled in the Head Start,
Head Start Day Care, Tribal Pre
school program and Striders from
the Day Care will also receive phys
icals and lab work. It is very impor
tant that your child follow through
on these dates. Children can also
be pre-registered for Kindergarten
on May 4.
These services are provided and
organized for you and your child
by IHS and the Head Start pro
gram to serve you more efficiently.
Should you have any questions,
please contact Nancy Kirk, Paren
t Health Coordinator, at the Head
Start office at 553-1 161 , ext. 241 or
242 or stop by the Head Start office
at the Community Center.
Spilyay Tymoo
Staff Members'
Spilyay Tymoo is published by-weekly by the Confederated Tribes of
Warm Springs. Our offices are located in the basement of the Old Girls
Dorm at 1115 Wasco Street. Any written materials to Spilyay Tymoo
should be addressed to:
Spilyay Tymoo, PO Box 870, Warm Springs, Oregon 97761
(503)553-1 644 or (503)553-1 161, extensions 274, 285, 321 or 286
Annual Subscription Rates:
Within the U.S. $9.00
Outside the U.S. $15.00
Bonus for parents
Receive the biggest bonus life has to
offer by attending a prevention program
for parents:
Preparing for the drug-free years
The goal of this program is to teach parents skills to reduce the
risk that their children will abuse alcohol or other drugs. This
program consists of five two-hour workshops held one evening
each week for five consecutive weeks. Topics include:
How to prevent drug abuse In your family (April 4)
How to develop a family position on drugs (April 11)
How to say "No" to drugs (April 18)
How to express and control your anger (April 25)
How to strengthen family bonds (May 2)
Workshop is limited to 30 families. Contact Anita Davis or William
Moses at the Community Counseling Center for more information,
553-1 161. Ext 205.
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Spring fashions have Just arrived at the Kak-Xee-Ta Lodge gift shop.
Hazel Smith unpacks boxes of T-shirts with designs celebrating Kah-Kee-Ta's
25th anniversary.