Spilyay Tymoo Warm Springs, Oregon December 2, 1988 PAGK3 Survey shows substance abuse common Drug-free workplace policy adopted for organization It is the policy of the Confeder ated Tribes of Warm Springs to provide its employees with a safe and healthy work environment. In order to do so, the Tribe prohibits the use. sale, dispensing or posses sion of illegal drugs and alcoholic beverages in the workplace. All legal or prescription drug use which may impair employees in perform ing their jobs is regulated also. .( To accomplish the purpose of a Drug Free Work Place environ ment the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs: 1 . Establishes an Employee Drug Testing Program that; a. will test employees where there is probable cause to suspect drug or alcohol use in the work place; b. will test randomly not less than 10 percent of all management and supervisory employees within the work force each year; c. will monitor employees dur ing a period of one year following completion of a substance abuse rehabilitation program. 2. Recognizes the need to estab lish an Employee Assistance Pro gram (EAP) that will: a. help employees become aware and informed about the use of behavior altering substances. b. provide opportunities for supervisors and managers to be effective in assisting employees to be productive and in resolving How to live long enough to be The holiday spirit is here. It's the time of the year for rejoicing, for festive get-togethers and good times with family and friends. Whether you're the host or one of the guests, remember the holidays are also a time to look after each other. Don't take a chance on your holiday dreams turning into nightmares. Each year, 10,000 Oregonians are seriously injured and 300 more are killed because of drinking driv ers. Keep the holiday spirit alive for you and for your friends. Don't Statistics Although only 64 Native Ameri can AIDS cases had been reported in 22 states by May 24, 1988, it is estimated the actual figure is two to four times higher, since this number reflects only those American Indi ansAlaskan Natives treated by Indian Health Services (IHS), and not those treated by private, city or state health care agencies. For ex ample. IHS listed no Native Amer ican AIDS cases in the three state area of Washington, Oregon and Idaho as of July, 1987, while the Seattle-based Northwest AIDS Foundation listed 1 1 Native Amer icans with AIDS. 3 of whom had died. Most states do not bother to list Native Americnas as a specific category. Thirteen percent of Native Amer icans AIDS cases are female. The potential for AIDS to gain a foot hold in the Indian community if problems that interfere with that purpose. c. assist troubled employees who assume responsibility for tak ing the action necessary to correct their problems at the work site. 3. Will pursue all efforts to ter minate and prosecute all employees involved in drug trafficking. 4. Allows the Tribal Organiza tion WSFPI, Kah-Nee-Ta, WSAI, Warm Springs Power Enterprises work sites and other work sites under Tribal Council jurisdiction, to expand the drug free work place testing program within their own work site, and at the expense of thier work site, to include testing: a. all applicants prior to em ployment; b. employees in "critical" posi tions, as determined by each work site; c. all employees within their work site who are designated as supervisors and managers; d. randomly each year not less that 10 percent of all employees within their work site who are not designated as part of the manage rial or supervisory work force; e. employees for whom being drug free has become a condition of employment. The "Guiding Principles" for a drug free workplace, the "Condi tions and Procedures" will be covered in the next edition of Spilyay. drink and drive! Keep an eye on the holiday spirits It is illegal to drive in Oregon with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of .08 or more. At this level of intoxication, you might not notice any visible signs, especially among experienced drinkers. But while they might be able to cover up the outward signs, no one no matter what they say can change the body's reaction to alcohol. At just .05 BAC, reflex time and depth perception are impaired. And at on Indian AIDS victims scarce high. AIDS is a disease caused by a virus. If this virus gets into your blood, there is a good chance you will get AIDS. You might not get sick for months or years. Right now, there is no cure for AIDS. Most people who get AIDS will die. . Anyone can get AIDS. The AIDS virus doesn't care what race you are or if you're a man or woman, young or old. You can still get AIDS. You can get the AIDS virus by: Having sex with someone who has the AI DS virus. (They may not know they have it.) Sharing needles to shoot drugs. If you are pregnant and have AIDS, you can give it to your baby. Before 1985, a few people got AIDS from blood transfusions. Now a special test makes blood A survey conducted this summer among tribal. Warm Springs Forest Products Industries, Warm Springs Apparel Industries, Kah-Nee-Ta and Bureau of Indian Affairs employees shows that 99 percent of the 470 participants feel there is a drug problem in their workplaces. (Sec chart on this page.) Nearly 18 months ago. WSFPI management became concerned with the possibility of drug and alcohol use of employees while on the job. A number of steps were taken to curb the use of drugs and alcohol at the mill. One such effort was the employment of security personnel. Drug testing was also suggested as a way to curtail the problem. Tribal Council appointed Bob Jackson, tribal health branch man ager, Larry Adams, a tribal consul tant and John Anderson, an ana lyst of information systems in charge of human resources to assist WSFPI and tribal departments deal with the problem. A 12-qucstion survey dealing with drug and alco hol use on the job was formulated and presented to employees. Twenty-eight percent of the total work force participated in the survey. Participation was on a voluntary basis. The results and recommendations of the survey were presented to Tribal Council in October. Coun cil passed Resolution 7687 which stated the increase of alcohol and drug abuse has created problems. The results also showed that the use of alcohol and drugs on thejob has resulted in a loss of money to employers and social costs to workers, families and the commun ity. WSFPI proposed pre-employment screening for drug and alco hol and testing of workers for on-the-job substance abuse. Tribal Council stated durg and alcohol use in the workplace is unaccepta ble and felt any testing should be applied uniformly among all tribal employees. Jackson, Adams and Anderson were charged with developing a broad alcohol and drug testing pol icy which would include testing in the workplace. Council also wanted a cost analysis of the project plus the projected savings and expected Guiding principles detail conditions, The intent of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, Oregon "Drug Free Workplace" policy is not to diagnose alcoholismchem ical dependency but rather to re spond appropriately and consist ently to inappropriate work be havior that could be the result of a variety of causes. The Confederated Tribes takes the position that alcoholism and chemical dependency is an illness and that an employee with this illness should have the same oppor tunity to rehabilitate as any other illness should they choose to do so. However, this position in no way circumvents the discipline pol icy already being utilized by the Tribal Organization, WSFPI, Kah-Nee-Ta, WSAI, WSPE and other work sites under Tribal Council .08, the odds are increased six times that a drinking driver will cause a crash. So watch how much you drink. And how much your guests drink. It's the best way to tell for sure. Guests dont live on bread alone Serve unsalted, high-protein food, especially before you serve alcohol. Although food has no power to sober anyone up, it does slow down the rate of alcohol absorption in the blood stream. If there's food around, your guests transfusions much safer. Exchanging blood, semen or vaginal secretions with an infected person. You don't get the AIDS virus through touch, food, coughs, snee zes, toilet seats, mosquitos or cloth es. AIDS is NOT spread by casual contact. You cannot get it by hug ging. You won't get AIDS by shak ing hands, sharing a drink, a home, a classroom or a workspace with someone who is infected. Most of the time, you can't tell if you or someone else has the AIDS virus. So you need to konw how to protect yourself. It is up to each of us to take the responsibility of pro tecting ourselves. You can protect yourself by following these safety precautions: Use a condom for all types of sex. Also use foam, cream or jelly with nonoxynol-9 in it. This chem ical may kill the AIDS virus. impact should such a program be inactcd. After the program is pre pared and submitted to Tribal Council for review, community meetings will be held to explain the program. 1 he "Drug Free Workplace Pol ta.poratotal IqlofHl 219 of 112 29. 4t HolM VAX 279 4.0t 41 of 14t 19. t i . J:...?...';.... , JLILL. ......LL: luparlaora lot In tuparalaora ill lot luparvlaora M IM auoarvlao'a lOOt at j tuparaitora " Taa I 1 ll lhara problal labor ItX Taa labor 4V Taa labor l" " ' I" ' lout lit Taa . loul m laa , Total Win , loial ll aa , I loial lot aa . ion I low i mi torn i j mi , , I 1 ltw unr 11 wtitl In group 51 aorkart IB group " no'kara In froup 24 ""l t'Oup I" wkara In group COaorkartT I I I I Iww luUf tl If 1.0 iwrkara ualng (Tt) 4. a orUr utlng (151) 1.1 norkare utlng (9t) .a mrtara ualn (l j . vortart utlng (S NOrfctrt uaing at work? , , . I ' m i in i in i mi 211 i I I Infw luur l if .9 dyatunctlonal 1.4 dVafunetlonal 1.9 oVafunctional .4 Anlwiml 1.1 dyafunctlonal orktrt it ork Hlth 6X Influanctd) (t Influancad) (11 litllwitHI Ot Influancad) t Influancad) "hanoovar"! in i ux i ? mi j f 5 Orutt or Mcohol a 791 alcohol tat lcohol Ut alcohol tvt alcohol 951 alcohol blootr problan? 211 Orugt . UX Orugt , 19t Orugt , 1t Orugt . 5t Orugt , I in tit am I mi ?u i I I 1. Harljuana 2t 1. Karlluana l?t 1. Harljuana - lit I. KarliM lit 1. alcohol 2U t Oruat aoit utad? Cocalna 2tt 2. Cocaino IM j I. Cocaina ItX 2. alcohol 27 2. arlutna I At I . alconol 15t 1. Alcohol tt j 1. alcohol rx 1. cocaittt 1't 1. Cocaint IX I I 1. lOMd . 51 . P . t LB , lit . 5?t alt ( 5M I trx I tot I I 1 if 1 aviraot iwMr ol drug .2 accldmli .1 tccldonti l.t accldomt 1.1 tccldtnla .Ot acclcMnll j alcohol -rtlatod (1 par 1 tnployvoi) (I par 2 mviart) j (1.1 par 1 tcvloyta) (1.1 par 1 avloyaa) (1 par U taployata) i aceldtntl at work? , j . s It 111! I lit 11 511 I ( I I I j tvtraga nuar wrkart 1.1 dlaclpllnad (Vt) 2.t dlaclplinad (St) .1 dttclpllntd (5t) l.a dlaclpllnad (tt) .t dlaclpl Inad (tot) Idlaclpllrwd for uaa? 9t I 81 51 I tt 10 t II Suparvlaora 6!t fcawrviaora tt itaiarvlaora - ott tiaiarviaora loot Kvarviaora 71t f 9 fmr dnt toatint? TZX labor 76t labor 741 labor 59t labor - 71t Labor an Total lot , Total - 7at , Total tit . total TtX , Total - Ut , 96t 981 9fJt 1001 Ut (10 araa of axaataat naaa? 35t fvaryvnart , lit IvaryWma a 2tt varyiawra , Ut WFI , lit HtfPI , Tt 7t i ait i Tat i m 11 Uorkara abuilng? t Manaanant 5t - Manaeeaant It - HanagcMant tt - Nanagmant Ot Nanaoeaant tt Nanaaanent t labor j lit labor , lit labor , It! labor . 11.51 labor . 1lt labor . tot 47t I 4t lit Ut a. 1. Drug Taatlng 24t 1. Orug Taatlng 7t 1. Education lit 1. Toughar Lam 1. (ahabllltatlon lot 2. Education 22t 2. ftahabllltatlon 211 2. Toughar law lit 2. Taatlng - 27t 2. Education 281 12 Kaconaintlad actlona 1. aahabllltatlon 21t 1. Tanalnatlon 18t 1. tahabltitatlon 151 I. Olacipllna 22X 1. Toughar Lava - 1tl j 4. Tanalnatlon 171 t. Toughar lam Ut a. Tatting 131 4. Education lit 4. Tanalnatlon 2t j 1. Toughar lM 15 5. Education. - lit S. Dltclpllna Ut 1. Cournallnj , 72X 701 72 78t 491 It j WACE LENGTH of ffVlC 1.6 Teara 11.1 Teara 1.9 Taara .7 Taara t.4 Taara I I I Parcant of raspondantt amwrlng quaation jurisdiction. Therefore, any "reas onable request" of an employee by a supervisor that is refused will be handled through existing policy and procedures. The drug free workplace condi tions and procedures, established to carry out the intent of the "Drug Free Work Place Policy", are as follows: a. Alcoholism chemical depen dency is recognized as a disease for which there is treatment and reha bilitation, and for which the em ployee has individual responsibility; b. Employees or covered family members (immediate) who suspect they may have an alcoholdrug problem are encouraged to seek rehabilitation through the Em ployee Assistant Program (EAP) the life of the party will tend to drink less and enjoy your party more. Holiday Hosting Select a bartender who'll pour single drinks for your guests. If there's no bartender, have several jiggers placed at the bar so guests will measure their own drinks and regulate their intake. Don't rush to refill glasses. Respect a "no thanks." The body can generally handle one drink per hour. Have sex with only one person. This lowers your chances of getting AIDS. But still you need to use condoms to be safe. Don't share needles. Hugging, kissing and touching are safe. Abstinence (not having sex) is the safest. Don't mix drugs, alsohol and sex. Drugs and alcohol may impair your judgment and reduce your ability to make wise decisions. AIDS is serious. AIDS is dan gerous. AIDS can kill. There is no cure for AIDS. Learn about AIDS and practice safety. AIDS is affecting the child bearing population. We need to protect our future generations. If you need information about AIDS, contact the Wellness Program. I. H.S. or your local County Health Department. icy" was presented to Tribal Coun cil November 1 5. Council accepted the poicy because it addressed the "needs" of the Tribe and "its enter prises." Resolution 77 1 6 was passed approving the policy. I he resolution states "that the Warm Springs Drug-Free Workplace Employ! Surviv Results (torUutlxll ( 1VM) in order to arrest the disease as early as possible; c. Any person having this disease will receive the same consideration that is presently extended under the existing benefit plans to those having any other disease; d. These conditions and proce dures apply to instances of alco holdrug use which affect thejob performance of the individual, the safety of co-workers and the pub lic, the reputation of Warm Springs work sites, and the violation of fed ral, state and local laws; e. No employee will have job security or promotional opportun ities jeopardized by a request for rehabilitation for an illness; f. Referral for diagnosis will be based on job performance, safety factors andor test results (as Non-alcoholic drinks should be as inviting and accessible as alcoholic drinks. Keep the festivities going with games, music and food. Stop serving alcohol about an hour before the party ends. It gives the body time to absorb some of the alcohol. Serve coffee, punch and holiday desserts instead. Watch for warning signals If you see any of the following behavior patterns, there's a good chance your guest or friend has had too much to drink and can't drive. Lack of coordination Trouble lighting cigarettes Difficulty walking, or unusual gait Rambling conversation Trouble remembering Overly friendly or annoying Acting aggressively Radical changes in behavior Slurred speech Loud, boisterous or crude be- havior Clothes or hair messed up Bloodshot eyes Depressed, sullen, crying or moody Home for the holidays Your guests should be responsi ble for themselves and appreciative of your efforts for their safety. However, if you're concerned that anyone has had too much to drink, dont let them drive. Dont take "I'm fine" for an answer. Be polite, but be firm. Do one of the following: 1. Suggest that you drive them home. 2. Suggest that they stay over night at your home. 3. Take their car keys away if they insist on driving. community be informed of this policy by publication of an article or articles in Spilyay Tymoo, noti ces to employees and community meetings." I he policy is to be implemented no later than March I. 1989. procedures specified); g. The refusal of the individual to accept referral for diagnosis or to follow prescribed treatment will be handled through existing disci plinary procedures; h. The confidential nature of the EAP records of individuals with substance abuse problems will be strictly preserved, separately main tained from the personnel files unless disclosure or release is required by law or given written consent by the individual and will be destroyed upon successful reha bilitation by the employee; i. Employees utilizing the EAP will be expected to meet existing job performance standards, safety standards and established work rules within the framework of exist ing agreements. 4. Physically restrain them if necessry. 5. Call a taxi. 6. If other measures fail, call the police. Some people think they can drink too much and drive. They don't think about Oregon's tough law because after they've had too much to drink, they can't think straight. But over 20,000 Oregonians lose their licenses each year. And that's the least they lose. Be the life of the next party Select a "designated drive" who won 't drink alcohol all even ing and will drive you home. Offer to be the designated driver sometimes. Know your limit. Eat while you drink. Don 't drink fast and only take a drink when you really want one. Don 't drink to relax when you really need sleep or a change of pace. Buckle up. It 's your best de fense against drinking drivers. Sometimes Dl'II is a symptom If a frined or loved one regularly drinks too much at parties, the problem may be deeper than irre sponsible drinking and driving. This is especially true if they already have one or more DL'II arrests. Your friend may be a "problem drinker" or an alcoholic. It's not a moral issue: it's a medi cal issue. Like anyone who is sick, your friend needs help. Call the County mental health program or Community Counseling Center in Warm Springs at 553-1161, ext. 205. They II be able to help, or they'll refer you to someone ho can.