Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, September 23, 1988, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    PACE 4 September 23, 1 988
Warm Springs, Oregon
Spilyay Tymoo
E Coosfa EEWA
(The way it is)
Letters to the Editor
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Duo should be commended for job well done
Old West Revisited
The Pendleton Round-Up,
sometimes referred to as the
"Grand Daddy" of rodeos in
the western United States, once
again has the same familiar
The days of the old West
were relived in the northeast
ern corner of Oregon in Pen
dleton, where each year tour
ists come by the thousands to
see an action-packed week full
of all sorts of activities. The big
attraction is always the cow
boys who come to Pendleton
from all parts of the country
each year to compete for the
prize money that ranges in the
thousands of dollars. Some of
the best rodeo stock, from the
top stock producers in the country, is assembled to give the cow
boys all they can handle. Some of the bulls have never been ridden
the required eight seconds so far this year. The top ropers are on
hand to match skills in the calf roping and steer roping events. The
nation's best bull riders, such as Lane Frost, Ted Neuce and others
such as Lewis Fields and Clint Johnson, were also on hand. Many
names ring a familiar bell, such as Larry Mahan, Doug Brown,
Casey Tibbs and Jim Shoulders, but as time passes, new names
blossom to fill the spot light.
Another highlight of the Round-Up is the famous Happy
Canyon Pageant which is always a sell-out. Year after year, Happy
Canyon is one of the most popular events and a top attraction
which makes the Pendleton Round-Up so unique. The Westward
Ho Parade is one of the largest demotorized parades in the coun
try. All floats are drawn by animals or pepole on foot and winds its
' way through the streets of Pendleton. Tom McCall, Bob Sfraub
and Vic Atiyeh, all past governors of Oregon, have been Grand
Marshalls of the parade.
The Teepee Village, on Round-Up grounds, is another popular
place where tourists' cameras can be heard clicking as they get
photos of tiny tots donned in Indian regalia. The Teepee Village
draws tribes from all parts of the northwest each year. Tribes such
as the Nez Perce, Cayuse, Umatilla, Blackfeet, Kootanai, Kalispel,
Spokane, Colville, Shoshone-Bannock, Wasco, Yakima and Warm
Springs all congregate to share good times and friendship. The
tribes all put on their traditional dance outfits for the spectators in
the area during the rodeo performance. Each year there is an
Indian beauty contest which is a very difficult task for the judges to
decide who is the most beautiful. In between events there is also the
excitement on the track of the Indian Buck race, the Indian Squaw
race. Bareback Relay race, a Free-For-All race, a Baton race and
the rough Wild Horse race.
This is just part of what happens at the Pendleton Round-Up.
For some events that take place across the country, some people
say, "If you've seen one, you've seen um all." But, if you've been to
the Pendleton Round-Up once, you'll want to return once again
and again and again...
To the Editor,
I would like to share some infor
mation with our community and to
also commend two men who have
committed a lot of their personal
time and efforts to promote a com
munity service.
We have in our midst an active
volunteer group that is composed
of adults and young people who
have made the commitment to form
the Warm Springs Search And Res
cue All Volunteer Group.
The youth of this group are
Senior and Junior cadets that have
taken time out of their busy sche
dules to learn about safety, track
ing, outdoor survival skills, rescue
methods, search patterns, rappell
ing and much more. These people
have made the choice to be involved
in a community serve and to pursue
a positive alternative to the drug
problem that is prevalent in our
country. I am impressed that they
have the strength of will to say
"NO" to drugs and peer pressure
for negative activities.
These young people are an asset
to our community and I'm sure
their support group is proud of
them. The people who form the
support structure for the cadets are
the parents, relatives and other
interested community people. The
Substance abuse adultery
interest shown by the adult members
and other supporters will be an
ongoing incentive for the cadets to
continue in their training, practice
and concern for their community.
Finally, at the core of this group
are the two men who have taken
Search and Rescue from a back
burner incidental status to a fully
active, involved project for the
benefit of our community, our
youth, and, in emergency situa
tions, our peace of mind. The guid
ing force and instructors of the
Warm Springs Search and Rescue
All Volunteer Group are Vinson
Macy and Keith Baker.
In the beginning, Vinson and
Keith promoted and enhanced
Search and Rescue on their own
time and out of their own pockets.
As the idea and interest grew, they
inspired the Search and Rescue
volunteer project. Now, the whole
group functions basically on their
own time and out of their own
pockets. But the key is that it is a
group with a united goal to provide
a knowledgeable, trained service to
our community.
For their efforts, energy and
interest, Vinson and Keith deserve
recognition and support for this
Thank you, Vinson and Keith,
for making W.S. S.A.R. A.V.G. a
reality for our community and a
future for our youth. You are truly
Marcia A. Macy
To the Editor,
I want to talk about a new twist
to a very old act. The act is to
commit adultery. By definition
adultery is sexual relations between
two persons, either of whom is
married to another.
To be committed, to trust some
one in a relationship is the flower
bed for love to grow. To be married
is to be at the greatest level for the
greatest of love to pour out of a
relationship. Adultery dishonors
this love. It destroys the trust and
ruins a good llower bed. Without
having gone to court, divorce has
come into a couple's life.
In Warm Springs there is the
other woman, the other man. But
now the other woman or man is not '
human. The shifting of commit
ment in the act of adultery now
goes to alcohol, cocaine, grass,
pills', heroin. Yes, there is no physi
cal sex with this partner, but the
Appreciation expressed
To all Delia's friends and family
Words cannot express the grati
tude and appreciation felt by our
family in our hour of need. All the
thanks in the world could not ex
press our gratitude to those who
came to help and share in the final
wishes of our mother.
We will miss Mom forever. We
hope her zest for life will serve as an
inspiration to all who loved her.
The Estimo Family
Love forever,
Spilyay recently received a tattered and torn request from a subscriber to cancel his subscription because he
was having "trouble with the dumb post office. " The note was unsigned, but our only subscriber from Iowa is
(was) Clark Livingston. He has since refused to accept any further mailings from Spilyay. We wonder if the
postal service b aware of Clark's decision.
Spilyay Tymoo welcomes articles and letters from its readers. All
letters, preferably 300 words or less, must include the author's
signature and address. Thank you letters and poetry will be published
at the editor's discretion.
All letters are the opinion of the author and do not reflect in any way
the opinion of Spilyay Tymoo. Spilyay Tymoo reserves the right to
edit all copy OR refuse publication of any material that may contain
ibelous statements.
1910 Warm Springs Indian Shaker Church
Oregon Washington Convention
October 13-16, 1988
Meals daily
Meetings nightly 7:00 p.m.
Raffle drawing Oct. 14, 6:00 p.m.
effect is the same. The person in a
relationship no longer has their
mate in life, but the drugs and
booze do.
When does it start? It begins
when someone enters into recrea
tional drug use for so-called good
reasons: To get away from it all; to
relax or to be accepted by fellow
mill, -logging, -resort or -office
The key to enter this world is the
lie of drug use "I am in control of
my drugs. You aren't but the . i . .
booze and drugs are. Their control MQIiy ttianKS lO TOCeO SUDDOrterS
umigj mm Sinn in a iciauunsinp
To the Editor,
that causes a person to yell, "I want
to beat up someone, but how do
you beat up dope?"
To find out more please call the
counseling center or one of the pas
tors in the community.
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Rick R. Ribeiro
Friday, Saturday and
possibly Sunday
I would like to extend a big
thank you to all those who donated
to and participated in the roping
held at the Warm Springs Rodeo
Grounds September 10. -
A special thank you to those
who donated for the buckles: Macy's
Market, Warm Springs Forest
Products Industries, Rainbow
Market, Madras Auto Parts and
the Squiemphen family, especially
Rita, because when she heard, she
came to the house with her dona
tion. Others who donated were BelAir
Funeral Home, Ahern's, Les Schwab
Tires, Thomas Sales and Service,
Brunoe Logging and Erickson's
Thanks to all local ropers who
came out to support my roping.
We'll do better next year. And spe
cial thanks to my sons Anson and ,
Mackie for their help. Also, thanks
to Jabbar P.avi$,who came to help
after his cross country race.
I appreciate Buck Smith, who let
us use his steers and I'm glad that
Starla Green ran the roping chutes.
I'd like to thank Joann Norton,
Yvonne Sappington and her daugh
ter, Jody, for running the books,
taking the entry fees and timing. I'd
also like to thank Spilyay and Fire
and Safety.
Tom Begay
0L 1 ' s; ' ' ' DAMAGED IN HAND! ING '''n'
Hatfields, Coast to Coast, Bruce
September 23, 24 & 25 announcements
10 a.m. to dark each day
. . Lucille Meredith Michelle Polk
Horse and
4309 Tommy Street
in Upper Dry Creek
Moving sale make an offer!
"Sweet Sixteen"
. Birthday
September 21 HI
from Mom
Parents, Dixon Leonard and
Annette (Holliday) Polk would like
to announce the arrival of a baby
girl, Lucille Meredith Michelle Polk.
She was born at 5:55 a.m. on
August 29, 1988. She weighed
eight pounds and one ounce and
was 20'4 inches long.
"Lil Lucille" joins one brother,
Dixon Leonard, Jr. and a sister,
Korina Kelly.
Her maternal grandparents are
James J.T. and Lucille (Schuster)
Teeman and Don Holliday. Her
maternal great granndparents are
Ellison Schuster and Evelyn (Dick)
Sam and Sherman and Velma
Paternal grandparents are Ernst
and Lucille Alberta Lillie and the
late Leonard Polk, Jr. Her pater
nal great grandparents are the late
Dixon Yallup and Matilda Tillie
(Stahi) Jim and the late Leonard
Polk, Sr. and Bertha (Whiz) Polk.
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Lucille Polk
Teri Jo Squiemphen-Yazzie
Edison Yazzie and Priscilla
Squiemphen-Yazzie are the par
ents of a baby girl, Teri Jo Squiemphen-Yazzie,
born at 10:10 a.m.
September 13, 1988 at Mt. View
Hospital in Madras, Oregon. Teri
Jo weighed eight pounds and eight
and one half ounces and was2I
inches long.
Her maternal grandparents are
Earl and Rita (Smith) Squiemphen
of Warm Springs and her paternal
grandparents are the late Pete, Sr.
and Polly Yazzie of Chinle, Arizona.
Happy belated
birthday to our
other children, tool!
Tribal Council Agenda
Monday, September 26, 1988 Tribal Council Meeting
9 a.m. Business
9:30 a.m. Mark Phillips Conference Call
10 a.m. 1989 Proposed Budget Review
Tribal Council and Committees
1:30 p.m. Other Tribal Programs
Tuesday, September 27, 1988 Tribal Council Meeting .
9 a.m. Business
1989 Proposed Budget Review
Call Back
Wednesday, September 28, 1988 Tribal Council Meeting
9 a.m. Business
1989 Proposed Budget Review
Call Back
Thursday, September 29, 1988 Tribal Council Meeting
9 a.m. Business
1989 Proposed Budget Review
Call Back