Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, August 26, 1988, Page Page 5, Image 5

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Spilyay Tymoo
Warm Springs, Oregon
August 26, 1988 PAGE 5
"If f f
Select children's clothing carefully-
With the ringing of ichool bells
just a few weeks away, it'i time to
begin thinking about, plunning for,
and buying children's full and winter
clothes. Clothing stores are now all
decked out in new fall styles and
Before you start shopping, do
some planning at home.
Take time to inventory your i
child's clothes. Can you add some
thing new to something old such
as a new top with old pants? What
can you revamp into a fashionable
item for fall? Can you make a dress
into a top. change the sleeve length,
or change a hem?
Once you have gone over last
year's clothes, make a list of the
new garments needed. What colors
should they be? Can you mix and
match? What are your child's mea
surements in case he or she can't go
shopping with you? How much can
you afford to spend?
People shop in many different
places today to extend (heir family
clothing dollar. You may find good
buys at a flea market, yard sale or
discount store.
But be a sharp shopper. Be aware
of seam finishes, fabric grain,
flaws, spots and stains, general
construction and discount store
Drink lots of
The Tuft's University Diet and
Nutrition Letter says that since the
body is one-half to two-thirds water,
without taking in enough fluids
you could become gravely ill within
a matter of days. This is particu
larly important to keep in mind
during the hot summer months,
when you lose more water than
usual through perspiration and
thereby run a higher risk of suffer
ing from chills, dizziness, nausea or
headaches that could be brought
on by dehydration.
Thirst is the brain's signal that
the body's water level is failing and
that it's time to replace lost fluid.
But people who increase their
physical activity in the summer
should not rely on thirst alone as a
guide for how much to drink. The
thirst mechanism simply becomes
less efficient as we age making
older pople less likely to feel thirsty.
Medications for the elderly
The elderly are a partic
ularly vulnerable group when
it comes to food-drug and
drug-nutrient interactions. Peo
ple over age 65 use more legal
drugs than any other group
in our population. Misinform
ation about nutrition and
health is often written specif
ically for the elderly.
Because the elderly often
have more than one medical
problem, physicians often pre
scribe several different medi
cines. Hypertension, heart dis
ease, emphysema, brain dis
orders, arthritis and cancer
are all health problems which
may require a prescribed drug.
These prescribed drugs may
then be combined with self
medication. Use of over-the-counter
drugs for pain, weak
ness, headache, nervousness,
gas, constipation or diarrhea
are common forms of self
medication. Another form of
self-medication is the use of
prescribed medicines meant
for friends or relatives.
Bull maintenance tips after the breeding season
After the breeding season, bulls
become a necessary evil or unwel
come visitor. Many producers might
like to forget about them for the
balance of the year and some almost
do. While it is true that bulls during
the post-breeding season do not
require much management, ade
quate planning and care which can
ensure that bull costs will be kept
within reason and that bulls will be
ready to go again the next time
they are needed.
In most cases the breeding sea
son will commence in the early
summer and extend for two to
three months. If a 60-day pre
breeding conditioning period is
allowed, this leaves a post-breeding
season of about seven months,
usually coming in the fall and win
ter. Goals for this period are basi
cally as follows: keep feed costs at a
practical minimum; keep the bulls
in modest condition; minimize
chance of injuries and allow growth
of young bulls.
Post-Breeding Appraisal
As bulls come out of the breed
ing pasture, one of the first steps
should be to appraise the bull bat
tery and sort them three ways. The
largest groups should be the mature
bulls in good condition that won
require any special care. Perhaps
the most important group is the
young bulls that are still growing
and need higher quality feed dur
ing the winter. Bulls that are ex
tremely thin or need special care
for other reasons can be placed in
this group as well. The last group is
policies for Irving on garments, (in
the store) and returning garments.
Also check for content and care
If possible, take your child shop
ping with you. Children like to
have a say in what they wear and to
look like their peers at school.
Shopping teaches decision-making.
Choose three or four garments
within your price range, and then
let your child make the final deci
sion. Children need to learn that
their clothes express their own at
titudes and personality.
Remember that the most expen
sive purchase is not always the best
buy. The choice you make should
depend on your answers to these
How many changes of clothing
docs your child have?
'How fast does your child grow?
How hard is your child on clothing?
Will the garment be passed on to
another child?
Is the garment a "classic" item
that will stay in style or a "fad"
What activities docs your child
participate in?
How docs the garment Tit?
How is the garment constructed?
It's very important to drink at
least six to eight cups of fluids a
day whether you are thirsty or not.
Water, juice and milk will do fine.
Alcoholic beverages, however, as
well as the caffeine in coffee, tea
and cola drinks increase water out
put and thereby raise fluid needs.
They should not be considered as
part of the six to eight cup daily
Add variety
More adults are packing lunches
to work. With careful planning,
these meals can easily be made
nutritious, flavorful and safe.
A nutritious lunch has four parts:
a protein source (meat, fish, poul
try, eggs or legumes); bread or
crackers; fruits and or vegetables
and milk. A sandwich usually com-
Reasons for misuse of medica
tions: Elderly
belief that if a low drug
dose is ineffective in relieving
symptoms , a higher dose will
produce the desired effect;
hypochondriasis, overly con
cerned about one's health;
health-related obsessions
(e.g. preoccupation with bowel
function leading to laxative
difficulty in keeping track
of when to take a medication
and how much to take;
use of drugs prescribed for
advice from mass media.
prescriptions from several
inadequate review of patient
care plans;
failure to relate drugs in use
to actual health problems pre
sent; drug dose unrealted to cur
rent body weight.
for the old or crippled bulls that
have completed their productive
life and are to be marketed.
All bulls should have access at
all times to a high-quality mineral
mix. Phosphorus is a critical min
eral for successful reproduction and
is not present in adequate amounts
in dry or harvested forage. Good
sources of supplemented phospho
rus are steamed (feed grade) bone
meal ordicalcium phosphate. These
can be mixed with trace mineral
salt in equal parts or two parts salt
to one part mineral.
Vitamin A nutrition also is impor
tant to the resting bull. Natural
sources are green growing plants or
high quality hay with good green
color. Supplemental vitamin A can
be added to the mineral mix or fed
with a supplement. It can also be
administered in the form of an
intramuscular injection once or
twice during the winter, although
the oral supplement in cheaper.
Mature bulls in good condition
can exist very well on an essentially
all-roughage diet. While the amount
will vary some with the size of the
cattle, a good rule to remember is
about two percent of their body
weight in dry feed per day. Protein
needs will parallel closely those of a
dry pregnant mature cow in the
middle-third of gestation, so it can
be supplemented as needed.
Yearlings should be left with the
cow herd for 60 days or less. Beyond
What type of care does the garment
Consider growth features for the
prc-school and early grades child.
Room for growth is an essential
fiart of good design and fit. Look
or garments with expandable fea
tures such as:
'Adjustable shoulder straps,
Deep hems for lengthening.
'Undefined waistlines in one-piece
Roomy armholcs,
Adjustable cuffs.
Elastic waistlines, and
Stretch or knit fabrics.
To get the best purchase for your
clothing dollar, have your child try
the garment on and then have the
youngster sit, bend and stretch.
How does the item measure up? A
garment that is too big not only
looks sloppy but is a safety hazard.
One that is too small confines the
Calcium: We
Did you know.. .that active young
women have a special need for
calcium? It's true: Your future good
health depends on getting adequate
calcium now! Lack of sufficient
daily; calcium during the young
adult years makes your bones sus
ccptible to the painfuly destructive
disease osteoporosis in later years.
Did you know.. .that your bones
are living tissue? It's true: They
don't stop needing calcium when
you stop "growing". Bones continue
to increase in density and thickness
to age 40 and unless they get ade
quate calcium they may never
reach maxumum strength and mass.
Did you know.. .that dairy foods
are the best dietary source of cal
to lunches
bines protein and bread in one neat
Although you may prefer en
riched or whole wheat sliced bread,
you can vary the pace. For exam
ple, pita or "pocket" bread is easy
to fill and wrap. A hamburger or
hot dog roll could also be stuffed
with a favorite filling.
Celery sticks, carrot sticks and
green pepper slices are good veget
able choices that add crunch to
meals. . Fruits with a firm texture
(such as slightly underripe bana
nas)'?faVel well. If desiredcanned
fruit or applesauce can be packed
in small plastic containers with
tight covers.
An insulated lunch box is a good
investment to guarantee food safey.
Bacteria can grow in perishable
foods left at room temperature
longer than two to three hous.
Moist, protein-rich sandwich fil
lings (such as tuna, meat, egg salad)
must be kept cold. If possible,
freeze the sandwich overnight. Add
tomatoes and lettuce just before
packing it in the lunch box.
If it is impossible to keep sandwich
filling cool, select less perishable
protein-rich foods (such as peanut
butter), or use small cans of meat
that can be opened at lunch time. A
thermos of hot soup, stew, or chili
adds variety.
food resouces
human nutrition
that time their condition will fall
off to such a degree that it may
have long range effects upon their
growth. After removal from the
cow herd, yearlings should be kept
separate from the older bulls at
least through their second winter.
Yearlings should be placed on
the best available roughage, such
as regrowth from hay fields or high
quality hay. Their supplemental
feeding regime can be equated to
the program for bred-yearly heif
ers. These cattle still are growing
rapidly, in addition to replacing all
the condition they lost in breeding
pasture. Extra care and feed of
yearling bulls after the breeding
season will result in stronger, more
attractive mature bulls with a much
higher salvage value.
Salvage Bulls
Often bulls that have completed
their productive life because of age
or injury can be marketed to
advantage after a brief period of
high-energy feed program. Bulls
will vary greatly in condition at the
end of the breeding season, depend
ing upon the number of cows per
bull, the length of the breeding sea
son and the quality of the feed
However, most bulls will gain
very rapidly and efficiently after
the breeding season if they are pro
vided with the necessary nutritional
level. These bulls should be placed
on excellent pasture or free-choice
hay of high quality and then fed a
full feed of the concentrate feed
that provides the most economical
child's physical activity.
Check the quality of workman
ship against the price of the gar
ment and the use of the gamcnt. Is
the garment:
Reinforced at points of strain?
Evenly stitched wihout any
Finished with seams that lie flat
and smooth; designs that are well
Finished with closures that are
flat, securely attached and easily
Finished with a hem that
firmly stitched, even and deep?
Designed for easy care?
Labeled with fabric content and
care instructions?
Comparison shopping allows you
an opportunity to get the best buy
for your clothing dollar. If you do
not have much time for compari
son shopping, start with some arm
chair shopping at home. This will
save you time, energy and money.
all need it
cium? It's true: Dairy foods contain
nutrients such as lactose and vitamin
D that help your body use calcium
more effectively. Did you know..
That even when you're watching
calories, dairy foods are still your
best food choice for calcium? It's
true: Reduced calorie, lowfat milk,
yogurt and cheeses are especially
high in cal cium and give you other
valuable nutrients as well. Cut cal
ories, not nutrition.
Did you know.. .that most women
do not consume the recommended
amount of calcium each day? It's
true: You need 800 mg of calcium
daily. A cup of milk or yogurt, and
two ounces of cheese will supply
about 34 of it. The rest can come
from a balanced diet and delicious
recipes such as youll find in this
Calcium from Dairy Foods..
Delicious... And so important!!!
Before you call
Almost 40 percent of all appliance
repair house calls are unnecesary,
according to the Association of
Home Appliance Manufacturers.
laundry tips
Does your home have a college
bound youth? Why not get him or
her started in the ABCs of "doing
laundry" while you're able to look
over the novice's shoulder? And,
when packing up your collegian's
home-away-from-home necessities,
include some practical extras such
as laundry products, a plastic
measuring cup and directions to
help with the first few washing
Put the laundry products in a
suitable sized plastic bag to prevent
spills. Find a creative way to in
elude your laundry hints-attach
them to the bag or place them in it.
The hints could be suggestions
for sorting instructions (wash dark
colored shirts, pants and towels
separately from white underwear
to prevent pastel colored or gray
underwear), special care tips (Use a
pretreatment product or liquid de
tergent on heavy wear areas to
prevent soil build-up), or impor
tant reminders ("Don't overload
the machine!").
energy source (usually a cereal
grain). Concentrates can be fed at
the rate of 20 to 25 pounds per head
per day, although when fed at this
level the concentrate should be
split into two equal feedings. At
this nutritional level bulls can be
expected to gain between three to
five pounds per day for at least 60
Mature cattle also make excel
lent use of silage, if that feed is
Bull Pastures
It is a good idea to have a bull
pasture that is somewhat isolated.
Bulls kept away from cows will
remain quieter and will fight less. A
pasture with adequate area also
will encourage exercise and will
reduce confrontations betwen bulls.
One additional consideration is
to make sure that bulls have ample
protection from extreme weather
stress. Spring blizzards can cause
frost bite of bulls' scrotums affect
ing the normal function of the
testes and eqididymis. Since devel
opment and maturation of sperm
takes about 60 days, stress in March
and April can cause poor semen
quality in May and June.
Bull Health
Bulls should be included in the
normal herd health pgoram. They
appear to be especially vulnerable
to external parasites, so preventa
tive steps need to be taken to avoid
flies in the summer and grubs and
lice in the winter.
Clay Penhollow
Mollie Marsh
Arlene Boileau
Debbie Scott
2126 Warm Springs Street
Drama Club
4-Hers will learn to perform
mini-drama scenarios as well as
learn to deal with people in today's
society and personal goal setting.
Club members will gain insight
on themselves as well as selfcsteem.
First performance will be "The
First Thanksgiving." Other per
formances will take place through
out the year.
Through club work, 4-Hcrs will
learn life skills for their future.
Finanicial letters available
The Warm Springs Extension
office, in cooperation with Oregon
State University, will mail to you,
at your request, a series of four
letters about financial planning.
"Your Money MatterS", because
it really does matter to you and
because you spend a lot of time
earning your money, will cause you
to spend some time thinking about
how to spend your money.
When you enroll in this free pro
gram, some of the things youll
for a repair
More often than not, the appliance
fails to perform because of a simple
problem the average person can
fix, knowing what to look for. Fol
lowing are the most common causes
of unnecessary service calls:
Temporary electricity or gas shut
off jn the area
Extension cord pull not firmly
inserted into outlet
Fuse burned or circuit breaker
tripped on circuit serving appliance
Overload circuit breaker on
appliance and needs resetting
Appliance switch not "on" or
not switching properly
Ducts, vents, filters plugged
Before attempting do-it-yourself
Plug an appliance you know is
working into outlet to rule out cir
cuit or outlet problems
Disconnect appliance or trip cir
cuit breaker on circuit serving
appliance before attempting any
repair work
Refer to use-and-care manual
for information about routine mal
function. Recipes
Zucchini Bread
2 cups zucchini
1 cup pineapple juice
2XA cups brown sugar
XA cup poppy seeds or nuts
XA cup currents or raisins
4 eggs
1 tsp. cinnamon
XA tsp. mace
tsp. cloves
1 Tbsp. baking powder
3A cups buckwheat or any type
Mix first nine ingredients in a
mixing bowl. Combine the last two
ingredients in a separate mixing
bowl. Combine all, stir well. Pour
into two loaf pans and cook at 350
degrees for 50 or 60 minutes.
Wing Dingers
Are you looking for a recipe that
you can use to impress guests, take
on picnics or simply serve your
family? If so. you'll enjoy the fol
lowing recipe!
I envelope onion soup mix
'A cup molasses
V cup soy sauce
Vt cup taco sauce
1 to 2 tsp. hot pepper sauce
lA cup lerron juice
18 chicken wings (approximately 3
In a large bowl, combine soup
mix, molasses, soy sauce, taco
sauce, hot pepper sauce and lemon
juice. Add chicken wings; toss to
coat well. Cover, refrigerate at least
two hours or overnight.
In a I5xl0" jelly roll pan, place
chicken wings and marinade in
single layer. Cook in 350 oven for
20 to 30 minutes or until golden
wings into three pieces, reserving
the tips for another use.
Eraina Palmer
553-1 161, extension 238
Family participation is invited.
The 4-H Drama Club is open to
all children between the ages of
nine and 12. Club size is limited to
The first meeting will be Mon
day. September 19. in the4-H Cen
ter, below Day Care, from 5:30 to
6:30 p.m. The first meeting will
consist of responsibilities, scene
scenario, costume fitting and care.
Club leader will by Daisy Ike.
learn are:
How to make a family spending
How to manage your use of
How to protect against finan
cial loss; and
How to make your money
Many young couples make mis
takes managing money because they
lack information and experience.
Let the Extension Service point
you toward financial health and
stability. Sign up now by calling
553-1 161, ext. 238.
Thank you to the
volunteers who made the
1988 4-H Challenge
Camp a great success!
Vinson Macy
Keith Baker
Mark Fritsch
Doug Dunlap
Rick Krause
Les Peratrovich
Re Id a Peratrovich
Rose Lucei
Emily Lucei
Starla Green
Woody Picard
Rick Ribiero
Lucinda Green
Joni David
Mickey Boileau
Zucchini Quiche
4 cups grated, unpeeled zucchini
1 cup coarsely chopped onion
Vi cup butter
2 Tbsp. parsley flakes
lA tsp. salt
Vj tsp. pepper
lA tsp. sweet basil
'A tsp. oregano leaves
2 eggs, well beaten
8 oz. mozzarella cheese
1 8 oz. package quick creescent
dinner rolls
Heat oven to 375. In a 10-inch
skillet, cook zucchini and onion in
butter until tender, about 10 min
utes. Stir in parsley and season
ings. In large bowl, blend eggs and
Separate dough into 8 triangles.
Place in ungreased 1 1-inch quiche
pan; press over bottom and up the
sides to form crust. Mix zucchini
and cheese together and pour into
Bake at 375 for 1 8 to 20 minutes
or until knife inserted near center
comes out clean. Let stand 10 min
utes. Serves six.
Make your own
If you like the convenience of a
spray prewash stain remover, then
save yourself the packaging and
advertising costs and make your
own. Into a pint spray bottle, pour
XA cup ammonia and 'A cup liquid
laundry detergent. Fill the rest of
the bottle with water, shake it up
and spray it on the stain. Wait at
least one minute before putting the
stained fabric into the washing
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