SpilyayTymoo Warm Springs, Oregon July M988 Pack 7 Open Indian rodeo action went without WSIRA sanction it. .. l: f t few " I !T1F If' J 4 . a. i .... . 4 :m , ""MS f C3 n o n 1 . V Waltzing with a cow, Keith Garcia oJNeveda mugged a cow for Gordon Scott, Warm Springs. Joe Scott of Warm Springs took top monies ' - - - ' Raymond Hurt ado, Warm Springs looked great but the bull won the struggle. No one qualified for a score in the bulls. -f Ik l H 7 - t ' jr" " ' " 1 'XI' ' ? j : r 1'' rs( r.. X . 4- . w - I s , . , . 1 ' ' - y " r v 1 '' . , ' . J --,-'1. y s , ,! I TV ' f f JA(Ufr.' r J j I ; - ' - - . I . A W - f j'- i , . . - -- . - - W- ." a,, nii..lt,..,, , w,,. .,-t.-.,i-. .r" . . . 4 IT HUT" r- s jut! LiiMimimirii 1st, I . iUi IV- The annual Warm Springs rodeo scheduled during the Pi-Ume-Sha weekend June 25 and 26 went a new direction this year. The rodeo was withdrawn from being a sanctioned Western States All-Indian rodeo Association and went to the status of being an open show for Indians. With the possible threat of being fined by WSIRA, a majority of the members of that organization chose not to compete at Warm Springs. WSIRA cowboys are cowboys from the states of Washington, Oregon, Northern California and Nevada. The number of contest ants for the Warm Springs rodeo was at a low for the first time in years. With a lack of participants the rodeo committee selected to have all contestants perform on Saturday. A jackpot rodeo was held on Sunday. r. Results of the rodeo are as fol lows: bareback Jeff Thrasher of Warm Springs; saddle bronc Ken nv Catches of Owvhee. Nevada: bulls No qualified rides-the bulls Simnasho roper, Tom Begay put a quick time in on roping his calf to earn second place monies. won; wild cow milking Joe.Scott, of Warm Springs; calf roping Keith Garcia, of Nixon, Nevada; senior barrel racing Bridgett Scott, of Warm Springs; team toping Danny Scott and Gordon Scott of Warm Springs; wild horse race Buck Smith team of Warm Springs; junior barrels: Israel Scott of Warm Springs; and calf riding Justin Tom of Warm Springs. Lee Tom of Warm Springs won the Matthew Wewa Memorial trophy for all-around cowboy. ;''". t . ,. t - 0 ' This year "Ole Mother Nature" took care of the dust at the arena on Saturday as it rained for a cou ple hours in Warm Springs and made conditions great for the spectators. A picture of a great ride, Kenny Catches ofNeveda cashed in on his saddle bronc ride for top monies in that event. I J, t I Spilyay Tymoo photos and text by Pat Leno-Baker L j ? " lit" 'M! ' I 1 1, YIW fr fit- drK'VJM 4-- It r r . if - 1 , fti. t 7"ein M'orA between ropers and horses are needed for top times in team roping. Warm Springs ropers, Ron Clements (left) and A Ivis Smith, Jr. (right) were one team who gave it a go during the one day rodeo. ' fir i aw ' J, . " - . a Jeff Thrasher, WarmSprings, showed the determination needed in the A single wild horse is quite capable of giving three man wild horse racing team an idea ofjutt who is the foss. i ne norse tery open necomes bareback event. H e took first in the event. the winner of the race leaving men sitting in the dust. I ! J