UK' CO (J. .Zt, a v. 13 no. 7 Apr M , VOL. 13 NO. 7 Coyote News in brief Play scheduled Madras High School drama class will be presenting Finnian's Rainbow. Times and admission prices are listed. Page 2 Diabetes information given Diabetes among Native Americans is due to changes in lifestyle, particularly changes in eating and exercise habits. . , Page 3, Run successful Results of the Kah-Nee-Ta Mini-marathon are listed. Over three hundred runners participated. Page 6 Nah-Nah Land visited Spill Way News offers a "foolish" look at Nah-Nah Land. Page 7 Informational meeting regarding elimination of long distance charges between MadrasCulverMetolius Warm Springs at Madras Elementary 7:30 p.m. April 13, 1988 Representative from Pacific Northwest Bell and Public Utility Commission will be available at the meeting to answer ail questions. Weather March High Low 23 50 38 24 49 31 25 65 41 26 63 49 27 48 30 28 56 28 29 61 32 30 55 32 31 66 28 April 1 75 32 2 6! 49 3 55 41 4 52 32 5 70 34 Jfr " . ,...v. " - i lit V : jA. '"'If 1- . i. 1 fV - tr X : , v ' Y ' : x" ' , - ' t Spilyay Tymoo photo by Sheweyk Following the Root Feast, held April 3, many community residents began gathering roots. Piaxi is already beginning to wither but is still abundant as isLuksh. A Ithough xaush matures a little later, root gatherers are able to collect it at this time. Telephone customers to receive "toll free" ballots An additional $2.14 will be added to monthly telephone bills if local telephone customers decide to approve a line hook-up to the Madras system for the cities of Metolius and Culver. The two towns are currently con nected to the Redmond line which results in their having to pay long distance charges for calls back and forth to Madras and Warm Springs. Two years ago the Metolius City Council circulated a petition ask ing Culver and Metolius residents Notice of Community Meeting The Land Use Planning Committee and planners have scheduled a community meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Tues day, April 19, 1988. Pending Tribal Council approval, the meeting will be held in the Agency Longhouse and include dinner at 6:00 p.m. Agenda I. Review of proposed Primary Zone Maps (Commun ity, Forest, Range, Agricultural, Wilderness and Spe cial Protection Zone). II. Review of Agency Traffic Circulation Plans III. Status report on rural area plans and capital project priorities. IV. Questions and Suggestions. puyay i,, News from the Warm Springs Indian Reservation "N II.. ... ,1. . ..... TN-JttSfk - P.O. BOX 870 WARM SPRINGS, OREGON 97761 t 7 - HS A ... "v f . 4 1.' . ,1 J'.-'" 41 4 !- if they would like to join the Mad ras system. Over 1100 signatures were collected. However, because a charge increase was not mentioned in the petition the Public Utilities Commission requires approval by customers that would be affected. A ballot has been prepared by the PUC and Pacific Northwest Bell to submit to telephone custo mers. The ballot askes the 4200 customers to vote yes or no for the hook-up. A charge of $2.14 per month for 10 years for all custo- 00105 TtnN 1,.- .J J v wWAUimrl' 1 .1 7 - f ! - -'..A". '.Ti -- .4 '' J, 7. mers will be charged for the service. According to PNB representa tive Esther Nelson the cost of addi . tional equipment necessary for the service totals $370,000. The tele phone company will be losing long distance revenue with the system change. The company is asking res idents to iicip recoup at least three years estimated lost toll revenue. Metolius City treasurer Ginger Morrison says, "Metolius and Culver want to be part of Jefferson County." The connection would save tax payers money as well. She points out the county offices often call the two cities. The school district offi ces also communicate frequently with the schools in Metolius and Culver. Morrison also points out that Metolius is only four miles from Madras while Culver is just 10 miles away. Although many people do not call Metolius and Culver, Madras mayor Rick Allen feels the connec tion is important in unifying the community. Traditionally costs for services to members of communi ties is spread over the entire popu lation. The telephone connection for Culver and Metolius 'would be good for the community as a whole." he feels. An informational meeting is sche duled for April 13 at Madras Ele W,Vr.V. 2X . . ;; i .... Woman dies from stab wounds A 42 year-old Warm Springs woman died from a stab wound to the heart following an altercation between the woman's niece and a 29 year old hispanic male in Bakers field. California April 1. 1988, accord ing to Warm Springs Bureau of Indian Affairs investigator, Rob Moran. Moran stated that his depart ment was informed of the death by police officials from Bakersficld, California. According to police reports. Barbara Annie LeClaire, 42. an enrolled member of the Con federated Tribes of Warm Springs died Friday afternoon. April I of a knife wound to the heart. Bakers field police related to Moran that the LeClaire women and her niece, Regina Leslie LeClaire, 28, were involved in an altercation with a 29-ycar-old hispanic man in a pool hall in Bakersfield. According to reports both Bar bara and 'Rejiria receive kttifiS ' wounds during the altercation with Roberto Gomez Guerrero, address unknown. The stabbings which occurred about 4:30 p.m. April I at Lazo's Ringside Club. When police arrived at the club they found Bar bara LeClaire dead and Regina LeClaire injured. At that time the Plant seminar begins A Cultural Plant Seminar is scheduled for April 7 and 8 at Kah-Nee-Ta Resort on the Warm Springs reservation. The seminar is spon sored by the Warm Springs Cul ture and Heritage Department, Culture and Heritage Committee. Workshops for the two day seminar include: explanation of ceded areas and traditional use areas; overview of culturally used plants; significance of traditional Body discovered The body of a Warm Springs man was found in the Dry Creek housing subdivision early April 6. Warm Springs police were alerted by the man's family that he was "down and not brea thing." Upon arrival at the mentary beginning at 7:30 p.m. Representatives from Pacific North west Bell and the Public Utility Commission will be available to answer all questions. Ballots will be mailed to all tele phone customers. It is important that they returned with a yes or no vote. Introduction to the "toll-free" ballot includes an explanation: "The Oregon Public Utility Com mission is seeking your vote on an important issue affecting your local telephone service. "You are asked to consider a proposal by which Pacific North west Bell would install the neces Take Pride in Warm Springs April 18-25 Spring clean-up time I'.S. Postage Bulk Nate Permit No. 2 Warm Springs, OK 97761 'dress Correction Requested iLtA APRIL 8,1988 hispanic male had fled the scene on foot, according to reports. A short time later police received a call of an attempted armed robbery at a used-car dealership located about four blocks from the club. When police arrived at the car dealership they found Guerrero walk ing down a street with an eight-inch blade. At that time the police ordered Guerrero to stop. He attempted to run away from police and was wounded by police. Guerrero was shot in the leg by police. Police placed Guerrero under arrest at that time in connection with the stabbings. He was charged with murder, attempted murder and armed robbery. Regina LeClaire was taken to Kern Medical Center where she was treated and released. Guerrero was reported to have undergone surgery at the Kern Medical Center and was listed in stable condition. It was reported that the stab bings occurred after Guerrero and Regina LeClaire began arguing at the pool hall. Barbara LeClaire was stabbed when she attempted to intercede and stop the argument. The incident is still under inves tigation by the Bakersfield police. food plants in contemporary cul ture; range and ecology of culture food plants; impact of land man agment practices on plant range; legal protection aspects of cultural plant management. A field trip to various cultural food plant areas on the Warm Springs Reservation is included in the agenda along with a traditional dinner. ' scene, police discovered that the man, whose identity has not been released, was dead. The incident is under investigation by tribal and BIA officials. Details will be made available for the next issue of Spilyay Fymoo. sary equipment to provide toll-free calling between customers in Cul ver Metolius(546 prefix) and those in Madras Warm Springs (475 553 prefix). Telephone service for Culver and Metolius would be pro vided from the Madras Warm Springs telephone exchange, and Culver Metolius customers would receive telephone numbers that begin with the 475 prefix. The 546 prefix would be discontinued. Toll-free calling between these communities would become a perm anent service. To pay for this ser vice, an additional monthly charge of $2.14 would be billed on everv Continued on page 2