PACE 2 December 30, 1 987 Warm Springs, Oregon Spilyay Tymoo Year of 1987 reviewed in photographs " r .. .iui,iii .1 inn ; Pi Ume-Sha drew dancers of all kinds to Warm Springs this year, not unlike past years. Miss Warm Springs for 1986-1987 was Sara Scott. - n 4 I- ,: y I'll . -v-v . t . TAe housing shortage was somewhat alleviated with the construction of 53 new mutual help homes. i ;1 "I; w . J 5 1 ! ! 1 . 1 X, ... . ? 1 1 Vernon Henry was sworn in as Paiute Chief. Pictures from past featured in 1988 calendar Performance recognized at BIA luncheon "From out of the past" describes the Spilyay Tymoo 1988 calendars. The annual calendars will be on sale Monday, December 21 at the Spilyay office for $2.00. The 1988 calendars feature pho tographs taken of Indian people of the Warm Springs reservation. Twelve pictures provided by the Middle Oregon Historical Society taken from the Ida McKinley col lection have been used. Also fea tured on the calendars are special holidays, dates, events and the dead line dates for the Spilyay. The Spilyay Tymoo office is located in the Old Girls' dorm basement, now known as the Com munity Counseling Center at 1 1 15 Wasco Street. Entrance to the office is located on Autumn Street at the back of the building, facing west. Fishermen Continued from page 1 fish received 30 days in jail on one instance and a fine with no jail time in another. The Yakima Tribal Council has asked President Reagan to com mute the Yakima people's senten ces. The health of the elder Sohappy makes immediate action imperative. Spilyay Tymoo Spilyay Tymoo Staff MANAGING EDITOR Sid Miller ASSISTANT EDITOR Donna Behrend PHOTO SPECIALISTWRITER Marsha Shewczyk REPORTERPHOTOGRAPHER Pat Leno-Baker TYPESETTERCIRCULATION . . Priscllla Squiemphen-Yazziei FOUNDED IN MARCH, 1976 Spilyay Tymoo is published bi-weekly by the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs. Our offices are located in the basement of the old Girls Dorm at 1115 Wasco Street. Any written materials to Spilyay Tymoo should be adressed to: Spilyay Tymoo, PO Box 870, Warm Springs, Oregon 97761 Phone: 553-1644 or 553-1161, extensions 274. 285. 321 or 286. Subscription rates: Within the U.S. $6.00 per year Outside U.S. $12.00 per year. Could the initials "P.R." stand for performance and recognition? To most people these initials repre sent, "Public Relations." On December 17, 1987, the Bureau of Indian Affairs had their Christ mas luncheon at the Community Center, where all branches of the BIA gathered to pay tribute to their employees for their faithful performance during the year. The lunch was a potluck affair as eve ryone brought a dish. Opening remarks were by Supt. Bernard Topash, focusing on the outstanding service from various employees and the number of years they have been with the Bureau. Topash gave a little rundown on each branch and their function here in Warm Springs. In present ing awards to the employees Topash turned the floor over to the imme diate supervisors of the employees who received pins for their years of service. There were ten incentive awrads of which nine went to Forestry Personnel and one to a roads emplo yee who is Cheryl Patterson. The nine from forestry are Kelli Earn est, Myron Ami, Frank Hilman, James Knibbs, John Kelly who is now with the Peace Corps, Jim Anderson of POA, and those not present were William Apgar, Wil liam Donaghu and Joyce Robinson. There were nine employees who received ten year pins, six from forestry who are Ronald Recker, Paul A. Brna, James Knibbs, Gary Kindberg. Franklin J. Marsh and Michael E. Cunningham. Two from the roads dept. Gerald P. Chiche noff and Ellison David, and Eve rett Patt of Realty. There were four 20 year pins recipients who are Clarance Jefferson and Cecil Seyler both of Facilities dept., William Donaghu and Eugene Keane both from forestry. There was one award for 30 years of service but the recip ient was at work sanding the roads, that was Terry Courtney, Jr. Ms. Alice West, Administrative Officer, gave a run down on all the . new employees, the list totaled to 15 of which nine were in forestry who are David Harding, Thomas Branson, Roberta Steele, Clifford Walker, Kelly S. Tulee, John V. Arena, Terry Shand and Calvin B. Herrera. Others were Olney Patt, Jr , Dorothy Camerera, Jana Walder, Frank S. Alby, Michael Parker and Roderick Obi, Sr. ' , !,' 'V , -' i Iff i 10 year award James H. Knibbs and Superintendent Bernard Topash . " ' 'i , fa I 4 4. Left to right T heron Johnson, Frank Hileman, Myron A mi and Eugene Keane