Warm Springs, Oregon Junel9,i987 PAGE 5 Spilyay Tymoo Organic gardeners face Organic gardeners must deal with many limits on the types of mate rials they will use in the garden. Fertilizer is a good example. Since synthetic materials are out, sources of plant nutrients for the organic garden are compost, manure and some commercial organic ferti lizer. All gardeners should use com post and manure as much as possi ble. The use of organic matter in garden soil improves its water holding capacity and its ability to supply nutrients. Use a packaged potting soil or composted soil available at local garden centers. These soils make Garden weed wars are on the rise For home gardeners, the spring and summer weed wars are just now beginning in earnest. Weeds are a serious threat to vegetable gardens and unless gar deners wage a constant campaign to eliminate them they will com pete with and eventually destroy garden vegetable plants. Don't depend on chemical sprays to control weeds. The use of herbi cides on such a small scale isn't practical. There aren't any all-purpose her bicides available for use on the many different kinds of weeds that grow in gardens. You may find a chemical that will control some of the weeds but if it's good at killing weeds it will probably be effective on vegetable plants as well. The most efficient way to des troy weeds is through use of a hoe. Shallow cultivation is recommended in the garden, especially when the garden plants are young. Try to cut Weight loss combines several components Before choosing a weight con trol program consider how other dieters rate different methods of losing weight and maintaining that weight loss. In a recent survey a wide range of individuals were asked their opi nions on the most successful method . of achieving wejght Joss, Thirteen percent of the men and women surveyed preferred calorie restric tion only, while four percent pre ferred exercise only. The majority of those surveyed, 58 percent, said calorie restriction plus exercise was the most success ful method, notes Margaret Lewis, Oregon State University Extension nutriton specialist. None of those surveyed said that formula diets or pills were the most successful. Results were similar when sur vey group members were asked what method they believed most Communicate openly with aging parents Adults often find an aged parent needs support at a time when their own lives and responsibilities are the most complicated. If you are in your 30s, 40s or 50s you may feel pulled in several directions raising your children, being supportive to a spouse, helping aged parents and or working all at the same time. It's not unusual to wonder "Why me?" or to ask yourself, "What about my life?" You may be adjusting to your own age-related changes retire ment, reduced income, widowhood, or decreased health and may not be able to provide the assistance your parent needs. It is essential to communicate openly. Open, honest communica tion helps build and maintain effec tive relationships. Often times, family members are not honest or direct How to make delicious There's nothing quite like pull ing homemade jam from the freezer in the dead of winter. And, it's sim ple to make lower-caloried jams. Here's how. To prepare fruit for jam, sort and wash fully ripe fruit. Remove No-wipe window washing Now that the sun is finally begin ning to shine again, do your win dows look like they belong out in the barnyard? Jean Carlson, Ska mania County Extension Agent, had the best idea in her latest newsletter. Fill pail one-half full of warm water. Add: 2-3 tablespoons laundry or dishwasher detergent; I tables poon liquid dishwasher wetting agent. . Brush or sponge on window. Immediately hose off. Water will sheet off, no drying necessary. Cau tion: Be sure windows are tightly closed. Use only on outside of window. for excellent container gardening because they are light-weight, ste rile and drain well. A mixture con taining one part each of perlite or peat moss, sterile garden soil and sand can be made at home. Plant vegetable seeds according to the instructions on the seed package. After planting, soak the soil with water, taking care not to wash out the seeds. Vegetables grown in containers need fertilizer application regularly because the soil will leach the nut rients out more quickly than regu lar garden soil. A soluble, all-purpose fertilizer that can be mixed before- the weeds olt just below ground level with the hoc. Perennial weeds such as morn ing glory and quackgrass should be removed every week. A light scrap ing action with a hoe works best. If a rototiller is used to remove weeds, keep the blades as near the surface of the soil as possible to avoid damaging the root systems of the garden crops. To keep the garden clear of weeds, cultivate regularly and prefer ably by hand. Bonding between babies, parents A remarkable relationship is de veloped between parents and in fants during the early months of life. No one is exactly sure about the mysteries of bonding, but in the hours after birth, mothers, fathers and newborns start falling madly in love with one another. Some hospitals place newborns in moth- successful in maintaining weight loss. This study and others indi cates that the help of a support group increases the probability that the weight loss will be maintained. The best weight control program is one that includes several compo- jnents.Jh.es.e include moderate calo- :j, rie restriction, increased exercise, and weight loss goal of one to two pounds per week. Also, access to information on behavior change and someone to give you support in your efforts will increase your chances for success. To be successful the goals of a weight control program should be realistic for you. Don't expect to "diet away pounds"and then return to yotfr regular behavior patterns and stay at the lower weight. The name of the diet game is change, a permanent change in the way you eat and exercise. enough with each other. Adult sons daughters dont always tell the truth; sometimes they say only what they think their parents want to hear or what they think won't upset their parents. This tends to create mis trust and wastes energy as family members "walk on ice" with each other. "I" messages promote commun ication. With "I" messages, the individual speaks from personal feelings and identifies both the spe cific behavior or situation or con cern and its effect on him or her. An example of an "I" message is, "Mom, because of your recent fall, I'm concerned about your safety living in this house alone; I'm afraid you'll fall again and not be found for several hours or even days." Mother is much more likely to be willingly to discuss the situation if stems, caps and pits. Peel fruits such as peaches and apricots. Jams contain fruit pulp, or pie ces, which tend to stick to the kettle during cooking. Stir constantly to prevent scorching. The cooking time for the pectin recipes is one minute at a full boil. The full boil is reached when bub bles form over the entire surface of the mixture. Jams can be made without pec tin by the long-boil method. In place of sugar, you can substitute artificial sweetener. Use two table spoons liquid sweetener for each cup of sugar. Cook the crushed fruit with the liquid sweetener until the product has thickened slightly. The jam will thicken more upon cooling, but these jams will be thinner than jams made with sugar. Sugarless Peach Jam with Pectin (Makes one pint) 4 cups peeled peaches 3 to 4 teaspoons liquid artificial sweetener 1 tablespoon unsweetened lemon juke 'i teaspoon ascorbic acid special growing needs hand in water is the easiest type to use with container plants. This type of fertilizer should be applied every second or third day. Dry fertilizers sprinkled on top of the soil offer an alternative. If they are used, they should be applied every three weeks. Proper watering is also essential. The soil in containers can dry out quickly, especially on a concrete patio in full sun. Daily watering is not unusual. Water when the soil feels dry and continue watering until the water runs out the drain holes. However, do not let the soil become soggy and avoid leaving water standing on top of the soil. Plants may need protection from extreme heat caused by light reflec tion from pavement or walls. This is especially true with white plastic and metal containers. Simply move containers exposed to extreme heat to a cooler spot during the hottest Don't forget the "commons" Don't forget soda, vinegar and ammonia! A tablespoon of baking soda to a quart of warm water is great for cleaning the inside of refrigerators and freezers, vacuum bottles and corks, coffee makers that are not made of aluminum and glass cook ware with burned-on food. er's arms, next to her skin, breasts, and the sound of her beating heart. Fathers hold and caress their new born. All these things only enhance that bonding. Although baby's attachment to parents does not instantly occur, observers report some infants show preferences for parents voices as early as the third day. It is believed that the soothing effects of han dling, feeding and care of baby promotes attachment to them. Attachment is a special relation ship between a child and adult that endures through time. They need a continuously responsive adult who meets their need for positive inter actions and responds to distresses of hunger and discomfort. Infants need to be constantly reassured that the world is a Rood place in Thin vegetable plants Garden vegetables need room to grow. The gardener must provide this living space by thinning the vegetable plants. Many gardeners plant too much seed and then become so proud of how their garden is growing that they don't thin out the plantings enough. Rows of plantings that are crowded, with individual plants too close together, will yield stunted, poorly developed vegetables, or no you communicate feelings directly instead of with a "You" message (You must move, mom; this home just isn't safe for you.") Adequately expressing your thoughts and feelings to another person is only a part of effective communication. You also need to actively list and emphasize sense and understand the feelings and emotional needs of another. The worst thing to say to a person is "You shouldn't feel. . ."or "There's no reason for you to feel. . If you listen actively, the person to whom you are listening feels your care and concern. When older parents experience changes and losses, they may experience many feelings fear, anger, grief, helpless ness and frustration. Having an adult son or daughter who is wil ling to listen and understand such sugarless jams 1 -ounce package powdered fruit pectin Crush peaches in saucepan. Stir in sweetener, fruit pectin, lemon juice and ascorbic acid. Bring to a boil; boil one minute. Remove from heat. Continue to stir two minutes. Pour into freezer containers, leav ing '5-inch head space. Cover. Store in freezer or refrigerator. One tablespoon equals 10 calor ies. Hoe, hoe, hoe As garden vegetable plants begin to grow, dont forget to use your hoe on the weeds. It's worth repeating that one of the most important garden chores at this time of the growing season is the removal of weeds that compete with vegetable plants in the home garden. And. dont forget that the hoe is the preferred instrument for get ting rid of garden wteds. Using chemical sprays to elimi part of the day. Plants also may need to be shel tered during severe rain or wind storms. However, organic materials alone won't produce fertile garden soil in a single gardening season. It takes time. During the first year, only about 50 percent of the nutrients in manure are available to plants. The rate at which the nutrients are available to plants also differs. Gene rally, the nutrients in poultry manure are more readily available to plants than nutrients in other types of manure. Don't count on one source of fertilizer to supply all the nutrients that vegetable plants need. The three primary nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) that plants need are seldom all con tained in one type of commercial organic fertilizer (such as blood meal, rock phosphate or wood ashes). Washing soda cleans drains and traps, gas burners and greasy pots and pans. It also softens water. Vinegar cuts grease and removes cloudy film on windows. A solution of suds, vinegar and ammonia will cut soil buildup behind the range and refrigerator. which to live. That assurance comes from dependable caregivers who may be a parent or an adoptive parent. Parents of ailing babies should be encouraged to handle their infants in the nursery as much as possible so bonding will occur. The skills of mothering and fathering do not require special knowledge or social graces. They do require awareness and a deci sion on the part of parents to give a child the best start they can. Smiles, gentle pats, kisses and hugs give baby a different message than frowns, impatient handling and lit tle touching. Your manner of atten tion tells infants how worthwhile they are. Infants' responses are limited at first. But sometime in the second month, don't be surprised if baby stops in the middle of feeding vegetables at all. Most seed packets indicate the proper spacing between plants. Follow these seed packet instructions carefully. Onions, carrots and beets need space to grow both above and beneath the ground surface. The leaves of these plants are essential for gathering the sunlight the plant needs to manufacture the carboh ydrates stored in the edible root or bulb. feelings makes it easier for parents to talk openly about their situa tion, concerns and feelings. An example of an active listening response is, "I sense you're feeling angry and disappointed because neither Bob or I came to visit you last week." The acceptance that you give through active listening may help to break down old barriers and allow a new relationship to develop. Inaccurate interpretation of mes sages often causes needless misun derstandings and conflict between parents and adult sons and daugh ters. If you receive unclear or con flicting messages, request clarifica tion using statements such as, "I'm not sure what you mean by. . ."or "Is my understanding of what you said. . .correct?" Sugarless Berry Jam (Long-boil method) 4 cups crushed 'strawberries, raspberries or blackberries 8 tablespoons liquid sweetener Measure crushed berries into a kettle. Add sweetener and stir well. Boil rapidly, stirring constantly until the mixture thickens. Fill and seal containers. One tablespoon equals 10 calo ries. those weeds! nate weeds in a home gaidcn just isnt practical. Hoeing out the weeds may be a more physical task than spraying, but hoeing is more effec tive and efficient. With a hoe, you take out the spe cific plants that are unwanted. -, Chemical sprays may be good at eliminating undesirable plants, but the chemical may kill some, or all. of the wanted plants as well. So dont be afraid to do a little garden hoeing. Your garden will appreciate it. A Th Warm Springs Extension Service provides equal access to II Its activities and programs. Improper storage shortens food life Improper storage of commercially-canned foods may result in loss of quality in the food as well as food spoilage. Shelf life of canned foods is reduced when storage temperatures are high. Canned foods should be stored in a cool, dry place. Avoid storage near hot pipes, radiators, and stoves. Temperatures above 70 degrees F can cause undesireable changes in the flavor, texture, color, and nut ritive value of canned foods. Also, harmless bacteria that survive the canning process will grow whrn begins at to look lovingly at you. In later months, you will notice that your infant, who has had steady, gentle attention to cries and is picked up and handled frequently, will fuss less and be more alert than those who haven't had this advantage. Some things seem to go together attention from parents and trust ing, confident children. During the first year a sense of trust or mistrust of the world and people develops. Infants whose needs are promptly met, are played with and talked to, get the idea that the world is a safe place, and peo ple are helpful and dependable. How do parents build attach ment and trust? Respond promptly to baby's cries. Talk to babies, all the time tell ing them what you're doing. 'Hold babies securely while bathing as you let them feel the warm water around them. Divorce decisions have long-range impacts The financial decisions made at divorce have long-term implications for each person concerned. Unfortunately, these decisions are being made at a time of emo tional turmoil and in a setting that doesn't always lend itself to rational discussion. Adding to the confusion is the fact that many couples have only a sketchy idea of their financial situa tion, including income, debts and total assets. Economic information and under standing is critical to the decisions being made. However, there have been few ideas available to help couples develop the information they need at that time. That's why the OSU Extension Service has published a new circu lar called "Making Financial Deci sions when Divorce Occurs: An Oregon Guide." Written by Alice Morrow, fam ily economics specialist, the publi You can change your mind The law says that if you buy something at your front door that costs more than $25, you have three business days to cancel your purchase. This rule also applies if you invite a merchant to your home and sign a contract for, say painting or wallpaperting. To cancel, all you need to do is sign the cancellation form that should be included with the con Cutworms could be working The disappearance of toiiage and stems from plants in the home garden is a good indication that cutworms are at work. The cut worm active in the spring is the stem-cutter type. It feeds on young seedlings as they emerge from the soil. When full grown, cutworms are about one inch long. They vary in' color, but are usually gray, brown or black. , Cutworms have good appetites and can do a lot of damage in home gardens. Dark green droppings around he plants are a sign of their activity. Cutworms curl into a c shape when disturbed. These pests can be controlled in small gradens by handpicking them from the plant while they are feed ing at night. During the day. cut worms can be found in the soil around the base of the plant. Slight ly scraping the soil with the fingers OREGON 5TAT6 UNIVERSITY eCTGNSION SGRVICG Eraina Palmer Secretary Jonl David Program Aide Arlene Bolleau Extension Intern Motile Marsh Extension Agent Clay Penhollow Extension Agent storage temperatures are high. As gas forms, cans swell, and the contents may leak. This is a hazard to food safety. Cans should be inspected before use. Any that are bulging or leak ing should be discarded. Cans that are badly dented along the seam may be more prone to leak. A regular turnover of stored cans is recommended. For best quality, use canned foods within a year. By marking the purchase date on each can, it will be easier to use older products first. young age Plav with baby's toes, fingers. hair, cheeks and legs. Cuddle baby closely while feed ing and relaxing together. Concentrate on smiling at baby's face when dressing or diaper ing. Will all this attention spoil in fants? No. Catering to infants in the first year usually results in a happier, more alert one-year-old. Infants act to satisfy their needs of the moment. The more adequately needs are met, the more satisfied they become. Crying is normal, waking at night is normal and curiosity is natural and desirable. Infants have a hard time if par ents expect them to understand directions and obey rules before they are able. Lots of child abuse occurs to children under two. Par ents become angered when infants do not remember or behave accord ing to adult expectations that are beyond baby's capability. cation includes nine worksheets which a couple can use in determin ing their financial picture. Work sheets have been included and cover such topics as estimated proceeds from sale of the house, debts, life insurance, and child raising costs. Morrow, who is an attorney, worked with family court counse lors in Clackamas County as well as other attorneys and counselors in developing the publication and worksheets. M orrow feels the publication fills a void in the decision-making pro cess faced by divorcing couple. "Although no one goes into a mar riage expecting it to end in divorce, many marriages do. The publica tion simply addresses the need peo ple have when they face that situa tion," she points out. Copies of the publication. EC 1 242, may be obtained from the Warm Springs Extension Office free of charge. tract. If there is no lorm, send a letter by certified mail and request a return receipt. The seller must refund any money you have paid within 10 days. For details, write for: "Cooling Off Rule Booklet" (50t) from R. Woods, Consumer Information Center. P.O. Box 100, Pueblo, CO 81002. usually uncovers them. Methoxychlor, used according to label directions, is an effective control agent, especially for young cutworms. Another control measure is to cut I quart milk cartons into thirds and place each third around young plants. These should be placed about I to 1 !4 inches into the soil. Buying your own teiephone saves $ If you're still renting a telephone, you're paying from $20 to $40 a year for the privilege. Better to buy once and pocket savings from then on. Quality phones range from $40 to a basic desk model to over $! 00 for designer or high-tech models.