Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, June 19, 1987, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    U0 W"1 -t-ntj ,m 1 ' WHTTI mi" ' 1 11 l " " I I '" '-. , . j , .iinn. ,..rii,ii -i ii ,. i .w I
PAGE 4 Junel9,1987
Warm Springs, Oregon
Spilyay Tymoo
E Coosh EEWA:
(The way it is)
Letters to the Editor
Mj&p IJj ! l
fipM tiipsp are hiph school aeed
returning college students try to find jobs in their field of study.
All the departments who have taken students for the short time
should be congratulated for taking the time to create jobs for them.
This gives them a chance to see how each department functions
and perhaps helps them to decide on what type of jobs they would
like to do later on in life. There is such a wide variety of future
opportunities a child can choose from for future study while
heshe is employed during the summer months.
For the smaller children there is the summer recreation program
at the Community Center where parents can sign up their children
for daily activities. There is a small charge involved to help defray
msts for the field trios during the summer. Each Friday they go on
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aiieiairip.asininepasnncyiidvcgu.ic.uv,. . .., ,,
thi- mast and manv other Dlaces of interest. I he small tee is jiu ior
One Child J13 IOr tWO ana JZU ior mrcc Ulliuicn num laiuny. i
Summer Recreation Program has plenty to offer the youngsters
during the summer vacation. Each day they do things different,
such as swimming, all sorts of r-ii les, arts and crafts, hikes, etc.
At one time many yean ago, during the summer vacation
months Berry Picking and Hay Hauling were some of the Prime
jobs for the youngsters. There jobs where one had to produce in
order to earn money. Of course if one wanted to goof off, he would
get no pay. Working in the farm fields was no picnic by no means.
The more one produced with longer hours the more money was to
be made, but it was a back breaking chore because what else was
there for the youngsters to do to earn some spending money.
It would be very important at the present time for all the
students to pay attention to their jobs, this could help them
determine just what type of field or occupation they would like to
enter later on in life. So these summer jobs are very important in
many ways for the kids.
Raffle winners
To the People,
The Warm Springs 1910 Shaker
Church would like to thank all the
people that supported the church
in the raffle held during Easter
Listed below are the prizes and
winners. Those listed in bold print
are winners who have not picked
up their prizes. Contact Laura Switz
ler at 2378 Oitz Loop or telephone
her at 553-1777.
Winners were:
Lester Poitra. buckle; Lucy Smith, buckle;
Nancy Richardson, children's moccasins;
Daffy Windyboy, necklace; Bobby James,
necklace; Ray DeMarris, necklace; Miller
Ford, necklace; Dave Hamilton, medallion;
Mike Clements, earrings, Charlene White,
earrings; L J. Greene, buckskin pouch; Linda
David, medallion; Rosana McKinley, tur
quoise ring; Pal Bennett, belt; Rena Sup-
Confucious Say
work. Y1KES
A streaker is
There was this guy who didn't get any respect. . .He went on his first blind
date and he waited on the corner until a girl came along. He said, "Are
you Louise?" She said, "Are you Rodney?" He said, "Yeah. She said,
Still no respect. . .On a date with a girl he said, I'd like to see what your
apartment looks like." She drew him a sketch. . . YIKES!
Spilyay Tymoo welcomes articles and letters from its readers. All
letters preferably 300 words or less, must include the author's
signature and address. Thank you letters and poetry will be published
at the editor's discretion.
All letters are the opinion of the author and tidmmnezmMymy
the opinion of Spilyay Tymoo. Spilyay Tymoo reserves the right to
edit all copy OR refuse publication of any material that may contain
libelous statements.
Now that the summer vacation
here all the kids will have
plenty of time on their hands,
makes one wonder what can be
done to keep them occupied for
the next three months.
For the older ones who are of
working age there arc several
jobs available throughout the
organization under the student
trainee program. This will contain
a majority of them for a short
duration with temporary jobs
such as office help are out in tne
field with the Fish and Wildlile,
forestry and right on down to
the litter patrol along the
roadways on the reservation.
As of June 15, 1987, several
students started their summer
jobs in offices throughout the
organization as well as in the
kids and vouneer, while the
.-.l.'t : d-4A t .
pah, choker; Bill's Home Center, key chain;
Amos Simtustus. Jr., key chain. Keith Moo
dy, yarn bag; Geneva Charley, pillow; Lor
raine Alzono, drum with eagle; J.R. Smith,
dried corn; Debbie Yahtin, shawl; Kathe
rine Barr, bear sleeping bag; Ursula Little,
tote bag; June Sutterlee, car robe; Packy
Heath, throw blanket; June Sutterlee, sheet,
set; Mike Clements, fish (qt. & I pt.); J.R..
Smith, huckleberries; Les White, blanket;
Elfreda Mitchell, yarn purse; Roosevelt
Suppah, buckskin pouch; June Sutterlee,
basket with surprise; Ava Smith, slippers;
Delia Walsey, vase with bowl; Daffy Wind
boy, mug set; Julia Wolfe, dish set; Shirley
Sanders, salad bowl set; Gene Greene, steam
iron; Pat Bennett, candle holder; Teenie
Miller, candle holder; Aldene Pevo, sta
tionary; Les White, coffee maker; Lisa
Suppah, crystal set; Pierson Mitchell, glass
set; Linda Langley, pitcher; Elizabeth Henry,
huckleberry jam; Lester Tanewasha, cologne
set; and Centralia Fur, butterfly barrett.
Thank you and Cod Bless You,
Warm Springs 1910 Shaker Church
" ,
who is unsuited tor nis
Police involvement at school appreciated
To the Editor,
I'm writing on behalf of the
Warm Springs Elementary School
to express our gratitude to the
Warm Springs Police Department
for the involvement they have had
this year in our school.
That involvement was extensive
including a police officer in the
cafeteria one day each week lunch
with the kids and another helping
students construct models as part
of our self managers program.
Also as part of ourself managers
program the police department con
ducted tours of the Warm Springs
Jail every other week during a
period of four months. Our kids '
Education put to use
xo the Editor,
Thank you Head Start. Fire and
Safety and Warm Springs Police
Department for the lives of our
children. We have nothing but a
burnt shell of what used to be our
family van.
Our son Matthew, who attends
Head Start, had told us of a visit
from the Fire and Safety and Warm
Springs Police Officers to his class
room earlier this school year. We
never thought he would ever have
to use the education taught to him.
Thanks for
To the Editor,
I would like to take this time to, ,
thank all of my family members ,
menus wi
and mends who helped me obtain
thc honor 0fMs..Tiin-o,wir fan
time for me, but also alot of hard
A special thank you to those
who continually supported and encou
raged me during the time I was sel
ling tickets. Anita Davis, Captain
Moody, Charlotte & Enie Herk-'
shan. A special thank you to Hilda "
Culpus for the cutbead belt buckle '
she donated during my fundraising '
sale. ", ,, . ' i!
I enjoyed traveling and meeting
people from other tribes from all;
over the nation, and Canada. To
me, wearing a banner and crown
requires respect not only to the
committee and powwow but to all -tribes
and Indian people. The eagle
feather is the one who causes us to
gather and to enjoy each gathering.
Miss Tiin-o-wit 1987-88
Danielle Gabriel .
Will services free to members
For those Indian persons desir
ing to make a last will and testa
ment, this service is provided free
of charge by the realty office staffs
probate administration in tribal
court, and the tribal attorneys. For
those persons who do not wish to
utilize these services, they may retain
a private attorney at their own
In those instances where a con
flict arises between family members
and enrolled member, the tribal
attorney cannot draw the will and
the requesting party will be referred
ww r;ii j t !LL..n
nappy Diruiuaj Ljivuyu
Happy birthday Mom! I hope
your day is filled with lots of
joy an(J memories of the past
yearS- ;
Love .lways,
SaDhroR ooMs'e
aapnroma K. LOOCmse
found the officers to be personable
and efficient. Certainly the coo
kies, balloons, and gifts didn't hurt
as far as the kids thinking posi
tively about police. Some students
were given an extra treat of riding
to the jail in the police car which
escorted the group.
To top off the police depart
ment's involvement in our school
this year, Lietenant Foncs and Cor
poral Cowdcn visited every class
room explaining that the police are
here to help people and assist them
in any way possible. The students
learned that police are friends and
that students are not to hesitate to
call should they need assistance.
Because of the actions and exten-
on those days.
While I was in the house packing
for a picnic, Matthew ran into the
house to tell me the van was smok
ing. When I got to the van it was
already on fire with all three of our
girls in back of the van! No sooner
had I taken the girls out of the van
was the front seat fully on fire.
We thank God for having His
hand on us, and thank you folks
for your time and commitment to
the safety ed ucation of our children!
George and Valerie Aguilar
to the Realty Office, Tribal Court
or other private attorney services.
If there are any questions, con
tact the Realty office at 553-1 121,
ext. 419.
dinner set
The family of Abraham Hunt,
son of Ernest Hunt, is honoring
Abraham and his new wife with a
wedding reception dinner at the
Agency Longhouse June 19. The
dinner will begin at 6 p.m. All fam
ily and friends and the entire com
munity are invited to give them a
teal "Warm Springs welcome."
The Oregon Musuem Associa
tion (OM A) will hold its quarterly
meeting Monday. June 29 at Kah-Nee-Ta
Resort. Hosts of the meet
ing are the Confederated Tribes of
Warm Springs and the Middle Ore
gon Indian Historical Society.
On the agenda is an introduction
of MOIHS by executive director
Dr. Duane King, a presentation
titled "Starting a Museum" lunch
at the Agency Longhouse. tours of
artifact displays, fish hatchery.
WSFPI. hydro plant and the Infor
mation Center.
For more information contact
Beulah Calica at 553-1161. ext.
331. Deadline to register is June 24.
vGlosure set)
The Cookhouse Cafe at the Rain
bow Market will be closed June 18
until at least June 29 due to con
struction work on the bridge.
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sive efforts made by the Warm
Springs Police Department this year,
I'm sure that our students will find
it much easier to see police officers
as friends and helpers.
Thanks especially to Chief of
Police, Raymond Calica, Bl A Spe
cial Investigator, Rob Moran, and
Dentist says
To the People of Warm Springs,
It has been four years and it
seems like the time has gone by
much tooquickly. lam writing this
letter to all of you to express my
gratitude in having had an oppor
tunity in working and providing
you with dental care.
Providing health care, in my
opinion, has always been and should
always be a "privilege" and not a
"right" just because you hold a
degree. You have allowed me that
privilege and I appreciate your
I will miss many of you, espe
cially those who I have come to
know very well.
As many of have heard, I have
Help appreciated on first call
To the Editor,
I would like to express my respect
and gratitude to those who were
involved in my first call at the Sim
nasho Fire and Safety station. I
had been patiently waiting for my
first call out of the Simnasho area
(in stress), since my hire as a part
time employee for Fire and Safety.
Co-workers have helped by telling
$ me that my first call would be a
r Trail-ways bus accident. :
My first call was last Saturday,
June 13, 1987; It was a serious one
car accident with four patients.
I would like to extend my thanks
to the police personnel: Chief Ray
Calica, Investigator Steve Caddy,
Officer Dave Hill, Officer Jack
McCellan; Fire and Safety person
$20 reward for lost bill fold
Black tri-fold wallet belonging
to Wayne Saunders, containing tri
bal I D. card and family pictures,
was lost earlier this week. These
items cannot be replaced. If found
CPR class to
A public education class in CPR
(cardiopulmonary resuscitation) will
be held at the Warm Springs Com
munity Center on Tuesday, June
23 from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. The
class is offered by the Warm Springs
Fire and Safety department. CPR
classes will be offered throughout
the summer months are the fourth
Tuesday for each month.
A class in M ulti-Media First Aid
will be held for the public on July 6
Tribal Council Agenda
Monday, June 22, 1987 Tribal Council Meeting
1. 9:00 a.m. Business
2. 10:00 a.m. Superintendent's Monthly Report
3. 1:30 p.m. OEDP Final Report
Tuesday, June 23, 1987 Tribal Council Meeting
1. 9:00 a.m. Business
2. 10:00 a.m. Law Enforcement Jurisdiction
3. 1:30 D.m. Fish and Game Enforcement
Wednesday-Friday, June 24-26, 1987 National Congress of American
Indians Mid-year Conference, Portland, Oregon
Monday, June 29, 1987 Tribal Council Meeting
1. 9:00 a.m. Business
2. 10:00 a.m. Enrollments
3. 1:30 p.m. Ken Smith Monthly Report
4. 3:00 p.m. 1988 Budget Allocation
Tuesday, June 30, 1987 Tribal Council Meeting
1. 9:00 a.m. Business
2. 9:30 a.m. Realty
3. 1 1:00 a.m. Warm Springs Apparel Industries
4. 1:30 p.m. Land Use Code
Let us
For fastest service,
fill In your new
address. Mall to
Spilyay Tymoo 0 state.
P.O. Box 970
Warm Spring, Oregon 97761
Place old address label here.
Lieutenant Foncs for initiating this
effort. Without their leadership and
cooperation this important step
toward improving relations between
the community and police depart
ment would never have happened.
Mrs. Jane Westergaard-Nimocks
recently been accepted to an
Advanced General Practice Resid
ency program in Tahlequah, Okla
homa. This program is sponsored
by the Indian Health Service and
will give me an opportunity to
further develop my skills in the
fields of Dentistry and Public Health.
The people of Warm Springs
will be a lasting memory in my
heart for many years to follow.
Thank you again for your trust,
cooperation and support.
Michael S. Bell, DMD
Chief Dental Officer
Warm Springs Health Clinic
322 Hickory Drive
Tahlequah, Oklahoma 74464
nel: EMT Sara Scott, EMT Brenda
Yordy, EMT Tom Wright, First
Responder Bruce Yeo; and to the
Air Life crew, plus the valuable
assistance provided by the bystan
ders. Thank you,
Keith Baker
Mobile home
' For sale-1 984 V4lx66' S'lcyline
Jeffri mobile home. In excellent
condition. Three beddroom, two
bath. Currently set up in Redmond,
will need to be moved. Assumable
Contact Karen Adams at 553
1161, ext. 316 or call 548-6772 in
please leave wallet at the Warm
Springs post office or mail to P.O.
Box 1114, Warm Springs, Oregon
be offered
at the Community Center from
8:30 to 5 p.m.
If you have any questions con
tact Fire and Safety at 553-1161,
ext. 200 or 208.
Items for sale
For Sale: Double box springs
and mattress, set for $35; a roll
away bed for $35; and a 1975 400
Honda dirt and street bike for
$550. Call 553-1550.
know before you go.