Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, June 19, 1987, Image 1

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I Spilyay Tymoo
A News from the Warm Springs Indian Reservation A w
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JUNE 19. 1987
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VOL. 12 NO. 13
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4 powwow is a time to celebrate and what better way to end the school Students took part in dancing a number of dances they had practiced,
year, a powwow. The Warm Springs Elementary student body and The rabbit dance was just one oj the social dances dancers participated in.
teaching staff participated in a mini-powwow on the last day of school.
Pi-Ume-Sha schedule noted
Friday, Jom 26, 1987 7:00 f.u -Powwow Grand Entry
Community Center (C.C.)
Slowpltch tournament
. , , C.C. ballfields
SliflrJiy, JuM 27, 19S76:00 1 -Buckaroo Breakfast
10:30 a.m. Agency Longhouse
8:00 l.ai Intertribal Sports Run
S. Hollywood at C.C.
15th Annual Fried Bread Golf
tournament at Knt. Golf Course
Slowpltch tournament at
C.C. ballfields
10:00 l.n Traditional Dress Parade
Warm Springs St., Agency area
Nick Kalama Memorial Endu
rance Race, W.S. Shaker church
on Shitike Road
12:00 aooa. . . .-Te-Wah-Nee Benefit Concert
at Knt. Village
1:00 f.m Powwow Grand Entry, after
noon session at C.C.
Stlckgame tournament, at stick
game shed at C.C.
Pl-Ume-Sha Treaty Days
Rodeo at rodeo grounds on Knt.
Road Hwy. 3
7:00 f.m Powwow Grand Entry, even
ing session, C.C.
9:00 f.m. to . . .Rodeo Queen Dance at Knt.
1 Aft m M I nna
Sunday, Jiim 28, 1987 6:00 l.n.' ft . . . -Buckaroo Breakfast at the
. i. A .
iwiw m.m. agency Longnouse
, 6:00 a.m. Is . . . -W.S.R.A. Buckaroo Breakfast
. - V. j.;v . .at the .rodeo q rounds.,. - -
' 8:00 a.m. . . . . Fried Bread Golf tournament
, at Kah-Nee-Ta Resort
Rodeo Slack at rodeo
9:00 a.m Slowpltch tournament, at the
C.C. ballfields
1:00 f.m Rodeo at the rodeo grounds
Powwow Grand Entry at C.C.
with the championship dances
immediately following
3:00 f.m Slowpltch championship
games at the C.C. ballfields.
For a more complete schedule of the Pi-Ume-Sha Powwow turn to page 8.
Members asked for input...
Town Center design underway
School levy to be presented again
Plans for a "shopping and town
center" took another step forward
June 11 when Tribal Council di
rected staff to begin the conceptual
design process. Still under consid
eration is the campus location,
although the Council wants to know
the community's reactions to design
ideas before making a final site
The location issue was brought
to the table at a recent community
meeting when about 20 tribal mem
bers expressed their preference for
a site away from the campus. Their
recommendation was to deve
lop the area east of the campus,
including the old senior citizens
homes and the alfalfa fields on
Hwy. 26, along the Shitike Creek
Business Application Forms
Now Available
The tribal planning office is distributing application
forms to tribal members interested in starting a retail
business. The applications initiate the process of work
ing with potential business owners in the planned
"Shopping and Town Center." Applicants are asked to
complete and return the forms by June 25. Further
information can be obtained from the planners at 553
1161, extension 270, in the Administration Building.
floodplain. It's near the area under
consideration by the MOIHb tor
the museum site.
The Council expressed concerns
about development costs in the
floodplain, remembering the 1964
flood. They decided to proceed at
this time with the campus site based
on the recent community survey
which indicated a majority of tribal
heads of households agree with the
campus location. Planners expect
that the final design would have to
be sensitive to the historical char
acter of the campus.
A second levy election is set for
June 30 in an effort to pass the
509-J district school budget. Voters
will be asked to decide on a
$3,69 1 ,233 for general operation of
the schools.
The same amount was presented
to voters at the May 19 election but
failed to pass by six votes.
The amount of the levy to be
presented to voters is the amount
necessary to operate the district
schools explains 509-J Superinten
dent Darrel Wright. Nothing was
put in the original budget that
could be cut. The budget is up only
four percent, says Wright.
Passage of the levy would result
in a tax increase of 14.3 percent for
property owners. They would pay
$ 1 1 . 1 9 per $ 1 ,000 assessed valua
tion. This is in addition to 64c per
$1,000 for passage of a school bus
levy June 19.
As always during an election, it
is important that voters go to the
polls and vote.
What, no Fourth of July?!
What would Warm Springs be
like without a Fourth of July cele
bration? Well, community members
may find out this year if no interest
is shown in the preliminary plan
ning stages. All community members
are encouraged to attend a plan
ning meeting Thursday, June 18 in
Carol's room at the Community
Center. If people don't attend this 7
p.m. meeting, there may be no
Deschutes bridge undergoing renovation
Four injured in accident
Four young people, ages 19 and
20, were injured in a single-car
accident June 1 3 on highway 9 near
milepost 2.
According to Agency Special
Officer Rob Moran, the driver of
2 80 56
3 91 46
4 96 60
5 75 65
6 85 45
7 87 57
g 77 64
79 49
10 80 44
11 92 49
12 94 52
13 98 53
14 94 62
15 67 65
16 65 42
the 1984 Toyota 4x4 pickup with
canopy lost control of the vehicle.
The pickup rolled onto the pas
senger side and skidded approxi
mately 200 feet until it rolled over
two-and-one-half times and came
to a stop.
Occupants of the vehicle were
Jennifer Lin Lefors, 19 years of
age, KimberlyGayeRego, 19 years
of age, Jeffery Scott Randall, 20
years of age. and Kimberly Ellen
Bryan, 19 years of age.
Lefors. of Portland, suffered mul
tiple fractures and internal injuries
and was listed in critical but stable
condition at St. Charles Medical
Center in Bend. Rego. of Van
couver. Washington, received head
and neck injuries and abrasions
and was listed in critical condition
at Kaiser Permanente Sunnyside
Hospital in Clackamas, Randall,
of Vancouver, and Bry an, of Port
land, were both treated and released
at Mt. View Hospital in Madras.
According to Moran. the acci
dent is still under investigation and
no cause has yet been determined.
After more then 50 years since its
construction, the Oregon State High
way Department is renovating the
narrow Deschutes River Bridge at
the southern entrance of the Warm
Springs Reservation.
The 53-year-old bridge will be
almost doubled from the current
width of 30 feet to a total width of
56 feet including two, 1 2-foot travel
lanes; two, 10-foot shoulders and
two, six-foot walkways. All widen
ing will occur upstream from the
existing bridge, bringing the outer
edge of the shoulders adjacent with
the Deschutes Crossing Restaurant
sign. There will be no turn lanes
into the Crossing or Rainbow Mar
ket because of lack of space.
According to project manager
Jerry Thackery work will stop in
early July because "traffic is too
intense" in the summer. Work will
resume immediately after Labor
Day weekend and continue until
December when the steel beams
are put in place. Work will cease
until late February when crews will
resume work until the project is
completed, in July or August, 1988.
Warm Springs employees com
ing from Madras have been faced
with short, intermittent trafficdelays
while construction workers haul
dirt, dig up, replace and resurface
pavement. However, delays are to
be no longer than 15 minutes and
should cease altogether within two
Hamilton Construction Company
of Springfield is the primary con-
tractor ot the project, with Deschutes
Ready-Mix and J AL Construction
being subcontractors. The contract
amount on the project is
$1,450,133.50. According to tribal
employment coordinator Hamilton
Greeley, as many as eight local
people have been working on the
project as flaggers. night watch
man, concrete laborer and jour
neyman and apprentice carpenters.
Ellis Runk. project foreman for
Hamilton Construction, commended
Greeley for "all the personal effort
he's put into" his job. He also
stated that they've had "really good"
success with the locals recruited to
work on the project.
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Work on the Deschutes River bridge has tied up traffic for short periods of time. Traffic stops win probably
cease next week.