SlMLYAY TYIMOO WAKM SPHINGS, OltKGON 97761 March 27, 1987 Pap efreshed resort reopens following closure Kah-Nee-Ta Resort has undergone major renovation In recent months. And, after a four-month closure, has reopened, sporting a fresh new look and marked improvements. Most major among the renovation efforts is the extensive revamping of the Village pool. According to resort manager Don Courtney, $195,000 was spent on the extensive repairs to the pool and adjacent area. The worn and aging decks and glass walls have been replaced, the cracked and somewhat smooth concrete has been repaired and all electrical wiring and plumbing were replaced to ensure safety and efficiency.. After eight years as a residence for resort assistant managers, the Chiefs' Suite has been put back in the renter's pool. The Suite is newly painted, recarpeted and redecorated. The soft, pastel hues emphasize the serene atmosphere guests seek at the resort. And for even more relaxation, a hot tub has been installed in one corner that has a view of the surrounding scenery. The Juniper dining room has a new look, complete with new furnishings and carpeting. The colors of central Oregon have been incorporated into the scheme of the dining room as well as the Teepee Lobby. New tables and chairs have been addded to the restaurant and new seating has been added to the Lobby. The furnishings and carpeting have added a warm and pleasant atmosphere to the Lodge. Also included in the $718,000 renovation package was work on the Fountain Room, golf course and the acquisition of the tele phone system. A satelite TV system will be added later. A new computer system may be purchased later, also. Safety chains and peep holes were added to all lodge room doors and smoke alarms were installed in all rooms. "We're bringing the resort back to code," said Courtney. The changes and improvements will"ensure customer satisfaction." Not yet started is the work on the River Room at the Village. Courtney stated that the restaurant is in need of serious repair. A total of $275,000 has been committed for that job. Also, one cottage, number 9, has been completely done over to the tune of $19,000. It, like the Chiefs' Suite, has a hot tub, new furniture, appliances, carpeting and paint. If you haven t visited the resort recently, plan to do so soon. You'll discover a special and pleasant surprise. Gone is the Hotel , Spa and Modified American Plan . In their places are the familiar "Lodge", "Village" and the pricing practices which we all know. Instead of being invited to find "Another Culture" and a place that "Outshines All The Rest", guests are invited to "Bask in the Warmth. ..of Ancient Tradition." not only is there tradition, there's familiarity. ...a familiarity that's been improved and updated. jfl) A V W - ww . uLu N. I I , " ft l J - , , , L- J 'J.-:, ! 4 I I r I .lf The Teepee Lobby at Kah-Nee-Ta Lodge offers a warm and pleasant atmosphere in which guests can relax. f - . V 4 r f1 1 . 1 ", - i -. .-i ft - J p- in - ' 5T mT MCI r 1 11 'I ' 4W ir ' -. .. st-i-jsgBft- : i it 'fas,,,,, Wv, T79 Juniper Dining Room was refurbished, complete witn new carpeting and color scheme. I - I . 1 4 4 1 1 , ! I ..e---------. r - Aiumn tt n- nf-J ' t1 J f " ...o x - k. " -SI n pace o the work station on the lower level of the dining room there are now two booths. I tr' ; A; - The Chief's Suite has been redecorated offering guests a peaceful and restful motif. A hot tub has The rooms adjoining the main portion of the Chief's Suite have been redecorated in pastel hues and also been added. oak furnishings. I ... At '..-if'-' Spilyay Tymoo text and photos by Donna Behrend ffte 143 rooms at the Lodge are expected to be full during much of the upcoming season. 1