Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, January 16, 1987, Page Page 4, Image 4

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January 16, 1987
(The way it is)
Letters to the Editor
' n
" Spealts"
Appreciation for support expressed
Basketball tournaments around
here are as common as having
breakfast everyday. We've had
so many tournaments so far this
year that its getting to the point
that they are not interesting
anymore. There was the Warm
Up tourney, a 6 foot and under,
30 year and older, the no frills
tourney, the Travelers tourney
and some others. What it all
boils down to is everytime there
is a tournament the same teams
come. Most of the time visiting
teams can't floor a full team so
all the local's fill up the teams
where it turns out that mostly
locals are claying each other.
looks like the I B A practice nights,
no excitement at all.
Tnnriiamfnfs usually come at certain intervals either to kick off
some league or to end a season and not just when someone feels
like having a tournament. It would be more impressive if time and
planning behind these tourneys would occur. To bring a good
talent and have a guarantee from all the teams that they are going
to make the tournament.
Take the holiday tournament which just concluded just recently.
It is a annual event with good planning done before hand to get the
best possible teams for the program. Good teams come from all
parts of the country as it was evidenced. There were several games
that went into overtime shows that there were some good games
with excitment.
Another thing to consider, that might be of interest to the
spectators. That is to schedule special games on Saturday nights.
One game to start at 7:00 p.m. and a feature game at 8:00 p.m.
Something like that would probably draw a good crowd. It would
be good to see the Community center iun aunng games
To our people of Warm Springs
and Yakima:
We, the family of Cyril Wolfe,
would like to take this time to
express our appreciation for all the
love and concern shown during the
time of son's hospitilization; grati
tude especially for your prayers,
and because of these, my son is at
home once again regaining his health
and strength and enjoying the com
pany of his beloved daughter, whom
he missed very much.
God bless all for the financial
assistance that was badly needed
during those four crucial months,
and thank you. Tribal Council for
the assistance during his last month
in the hospital in Portland.
We appreciate and thank Rhonda
so much, as she was right by his
side during all this time and kept
his spirits up.
I would also like to take advan
tage of this time to encourage all
you young people to think about
what you can do and what you
should refrain from doing in order
to stay strong and healthy for your
family and for your own future
family for whom you will be respon
sible. There are a lot of people out
here who love you and worry about
you everyday. YouH experience
these same Iccltnes when vou become
a parent. But for now, please think
about the ones that love you and
quit hurting them by indulging in
all these harmful, damaging epi
sodes you think you need or enjoy.
There are more safe, pcrmissablc
activities that you can take up for
Again, thank you everyone, and
I ask that you continue with all
Thank you, Jody!
To the Editor,
Parents of students who are going
to school in Chemawa would like
to give a special thank you to Jody
Calica, Education, for all his help
and concern finding a way for the
Chemawa students to come home
for their vacations, and also, the
trip back to school. Some parents
don't have cars to go back and
forth and we really appreciate this.
We know Jody finds a way to help
his tribal people.
Adults urged to enlist in ABE
Adults of all ages who want to
improve their reading, writing, and
math skills can enroll in Central
Oregon Community College's Adult
Basic Education (ABE) program.
ABE helps approximately 1,000
students to improve basic skills,
complete high school diplomas,
and prepare for the GED high
school equivalency test.
The ABE teachers develop an
individual study plan to meet the
needs of each student. Because all
instruction is based on individual
needs, students can enroll in the
program any time during the quarter.
ABE students gain satisfaction
from reaching personal goals, such
as completing a high school diploma.
Each student then has new life
ontions available. A number of
students have gone on to earn two
year college degrees.
Warm Springs classes are from 9
a.m. to noon and 1 to 3 p.m. on
Tuesdays and Thursdays, and 6:30
to 9:30 p.m. on Mondays and Thurs
days. Classes started on Monday,
January 5, and will continue until
March 20.
The basic skill building classes
are free, adult high school diploma
classes are $20, and GED classes
are $10. Books for each class cost
between $10 and $25.
Warm Springs classes are taught
at the COCC Community Educa
tion Center at the Office of Train
ing Services, 101 Wasco, Old Bovs
Tribal Council Agenda MHS boys basketball schedule
Monday, January 19 Tribal Council Meeting
1. 9:00 a.m. Business
2. 10:00 a.m. W.S. Shopping Town Center Proj.
3. 1:30 p.m. Update on State Gas Tax, MOU for Metolius
River Lake Billie Chinook and MOIHS Jim Noteboom
Tuesday, January 20 WSPETribal Council meeting Portland
Wednesday, January 21 U.S. National Bank-Portland
Monday, January 26 Tribal Council Meeting
1. 9:00 a.m. Business
2. 9:30 a.m. Economic Development
3. 1:30 p.m. Realty
Tuesday, January 27 Tribal Council Meeting
1. 9:00 a.m. Business
2. 9:30 a.m. Enrollments
3. 1:30 p.m. Board Appointments: MOIHS, Kah-Nee-Ta,
and W.S.A.I. . . .
Wednesday & Thursday, January 28 & 29 Tribal Council Meeting
1. 9:00 a.m. Business
2. 9:30 a.m. Committee Annual Report
Friday, January 30 Tribal Council Meeting Kah-Nee-Ta
1. 9:00 a.m. Secretary Treasurer's Office
MHS boys wrestling schedule
January 17
January 16
January 17
January 20
January 20
January 22
January 23
January 27
January 31
February 5
February 12
February 14
February 17
March 17-21
at Ontario
at Baker
at Madras, Wasco
at Madras, Wasco
at W.S., Redmond
at Madras, Mac Hi
at Bend
at Burns
at Crook Co.
at Madras, Vale
at Madras, Bend
at Wasco
Mt. View
at Mac Hi
at Redmond
at Madras, Crook Co
at Madras, Baker
at Vale
at Nyssa
at Eugene State
JV. Varsity
JV, Varsity
JV, Fr.
JV, Varsity
JV, Varsity
Fr, JV, V
JV, varsity
JV, varsity
JV, varsity
JV, Varsity
JV, Varsity
4:00, 7:30
4:00, 7:30
5:45, 7:30
4:00, 7:30
3:30, 7:30
January 21
January 24
January 30
January 31
at Madras, Nels OchsJV, Varsity 2:00
at Crook Co. Fr., soph. 4:00
at Stevenson, WA Varsity 10:00
at Burns JV, Varsity 4:00
at Madras, Baker JV, Varsity 2:00
at Culver Fr., soph. 11:00
at Mt. View Fr., soph. 4:00
at Redmond JV, Varsity 6:00
at Madras, Ontario JV, Varsity 2:00
at Nyssa JV, Varsity 6:30
at Vale JV, Varsity 1:00
Toe Ness
Happy Birthday, Corinna!
With love,
The Sohappy Family
There was this girl who came up to Spilyay and said, Say can I take your
picture in the nude?"Spilyay looked at her for a while and said, I m sorry
lady, but youll have to wear a robe." YIKES
There was this girl who was very shy. Especially when it came to telling
her age, she was about ten years shy. YIKES
Confucius say: "Shoulder strap on beautiful lady's dress keep attraction
from becoming sensation!"
Happy belated birthday to Nathan
From Alison, Wendal, Margaret
and Jasper Switzler and Pat and
Alvin Schuster and kids
Happy Birthday MT.J." Tristan
Jeff Henry! Who will be a really
Big Boy of "four" December 24,
Love you Grandson,
from your White Swan
Grandma Delores Bennett Miller
Grandpa Morris Miller, Jr.
SDilvav Tymoo welcomes articles and letters from its readers. All
letters preferably 300 words or less, must include the writers
signature and adjreSs. Thank you letters and poetry will be published
Ml miicio o'p r e:iwa Tumnn reserves the nQilt tO
VaTcopyR7eVe JJS'S W -Fera, that may contain
We are accepting applications
for the Women's Program for the
1987 year. Our requirements are
Tribal Member, single, head of house
hold with dependants. Our dead
line date for applications to be
submitted is set for February 4,
1987 at 5:00 p.m.
Stop by the Education OTS office
and pick up an application. For
more information contact Levi Bobb
at 553-1 161, ext. 262263.
"Every imperfect soul is self
centered and thinketh only of his
own good. Butashisthoughtsexpand
a little he will begin to think of the
welfare and comfort of his family.
If his ideas still more widen, his
concern will be the felicity of his
fellow citizens; and if they still
widen, he will think of the glory of
his land and of his race. But when
ideas and views reach the utmost
decree of expansion and attain the
stage of perfection, then will he be
interested in the exaltation of human
kind. He will then be the well
wisher of all men and the seeker of
the weal and prosperity of all lands.
This is indicative of perfection.
Abdull Baha
Dorm. I n addition, classes are taught
in Bend, Redmond, Frinevilie, sis
ters, Madras and LaPine. For more
information, call Adult Basic Edu
cation at 382-6 1 1 2, ext. 33 1 , or toll
free 1-800-422-3041.
vour prayers and encouragement
to my son, for it will be a few
months before he is completely
healed again, before he can even
think of any strenous labor. We all
love you, Cy!
God Bless everyone,
Beulah and Raymond
Daughter Cassandra Beulah
Rhonda Nadine Clements
Grandmother Elvina St family
Brothers Kanet, Norman, Gary
Church to
hold annual
To All Presbyterians,
Sunday, January 18 will be our
annual meeting.
It is a time to discuss the future
of our church.
Worship: 11:00 a.m.
Potluck following(bringadish).
Annual Meeting.
Reverend Rick R. Ribero
Deadlines given
Newsletter's Deadline Dates Publish Dates
Vol. 2 Ho. 1 January 7, 1987 January 8, 1987
Vol. 2 No. 2 January 21, 1987 January 22, 1987
Vol. 2 No. 3 February A, 1987 February 5, 1987 . ,
Vol. 2 No. 4 February 18, 1987 Fettriiry 19,'J1987
Vol. 2 No. 5 March 4, 1987 March 5, 1987
Vol. 2 No. 6 March 18, 1987 March 19, 1987
Vol. 2 No. 7 April 1, 1987 April 2, 1987
Vol. 2 No. 8 April 15, 1987 April 16, 1987
Vol. 2 No. 9 April 29, 1987 April 30, 1987
Vol. 2 No. 10 May 13, 1987 May 14, 1987
Vol. 2 No. 11 May 27, 1987 May 28, 1987
Vol. 2 No. 12 June 10, 1987 May 11, 1987
Vol. 2 No. 13 June 24, 1987 June 25, 1987
Vol. 2 No. 14 July 8, 1987 July 9, 1987
Vol. 2 No. 15 July 22, 1987 July 23, 1987
Vol. 2 No. 16 August 5, 1987 August 6, 2987
Vol. 2 No. 17 August 17, 1987 August 18, 1987
Vol. 2 No. 18 September 2, 1987 September 3, 1987
Vol. 2 No. 19 Spetember 16, 1987 September 17, 1987
Vol. 2 No. 20 September 30, 1987 October 1, 1987
Vol. 2 No. 21 October 14, 1987 October 15, 1987
Vol. 2 No. 22 Octoner 28, 1987 October 29. 1987
Vol. 2 No. 23 November 11, 1987 November 12, 1987
Vol. 2 No. 24 November 24, 1987 November 25. 1987
Vol. 2 No. 25 December 9, 1987 December 10, 1987
Vol. 2 No. 26 December 22, 1987 December 23. 1987
Spilyay Tymoo's Deadline Dates Publish Dates
VOL 12 :;o. 2 January 9, 1987 January 16, 1987
Vol. 12 Ko. 3 January 23, 1987 January 30, 1987
Vol. 12 :;o. 4 February 6, 19S7 February 13, 1937
Vol. 12 Ko. 5 February 20, 1937 February 27, 1987
Vol. 12 :;o. 6 March 6, 1987 March 13, 19S7
Vol. 12 No. 7 March 20, 1987 March 27, 1957
Vol. 12 No. 8 April 3. 1987 April 10. 1987
Vol. 12 No. 9 April 17. 1987 April 24, 1987
Vol. 12 Ho. 10 May 1, 1987 Kay 8, 1987
Vol. 12 IJo. 11 May 15, 1987 May 22, 1987
Vol. 12 So. 12 May 29, 1987 June 5, 198?
Vol. 12 Ko. 13 June 12, 1987 June 19, 1987
Vol. 12 Ko. 14 June 26, 1987 July 2, 1987
Vol. 12 Ko. 15 July 10. 1987 July 17, 1987
Vol. 12 No. 16 July 24, 1987 July 31. 1987
Vol. 12 Ko. 17 August 7, 1987 August 14, 1987
Vol. 12 Ko. 18 August 21, 1987 August 28, 1987
Vol. 12 Ko. 19 September 4, 1987 September 11. 1987
Vol. 12 Ko. 20 September 18, 1987 September 25. 19E7
Vol. 12 Ko. 21 October 2, 1987 October 9, 1987
Vol. 12 Ko. 22 October 16, 1987 October 23. 1987
Vol. 12 Ko. 23 October 30, 1987 November 6, 1987
Vol. 12 Ko. 24 November 13. 1987 November 20. 1987
Vol. 12 Ko. 25 November 27, 1987 December 4. 167
Vol. 12 No. 26 December 11. 1987 December 18. 1987
Vol. 12 So. 27 December 23. 1987 December 30. 187
libelous statements.