t S'"'VAV TYMOO W'AHMSI'm VSOinxON 97761 January 16, 1987 17 Satellite map provides wild life habitat information Proper habitat is essential for abandoned wildlife populations. Suf ficient cover and forage areas and the manner these areas are spa cially arranged encourage the growth of both deer and elk herds. Optimal habitat for big game consists of both shelter areas and food producing land. In times of severe weather occurances such as' very hot or very cold periods, big game animals seek out sites which produce the most favorable condi tions for them. These sites for deer and elk, arc. typically, thick fore sted stands with a dense canopy of overhead branches. The branches producean umbrella-like li ke effect . t ra ppi ng a poc ket of air between the ground and the tree canopy. This pocket of air is olten likely prosper and activities of big game animals can more accurately be determined. This information will provide .Warm Springs wildlife managers warmer !'- I. L - i Y - " v - . "' ' J'f 10 to 20 degrees coller or "with a scientific tool for evaluating it than nearby, sites which 'certain areas, exnl ;iin lrih.il hmliv. A i.. t. " j ii... r' . ' aic nui uinsi-iy lorcsicu. use 01 these sites allows animals to con serve energy and. thus survive and Natural Resources Forestry technician trainee Marissa Stradley works on satellite mape of the Warm Springs reservation. The map helps determine predominant vegetation in certain areas. prosper on the reservation Knowledge regarding the amount of available habitat on the Warm Springs reservation is necessary , for efficient management of its big game populations. Such manage ment was difficult prior to July ; 1985. Natural Resources personnel ; had a general idea of the vegetation ! and habitat conditions on various ' parts of the reservation but exact ! conditions over the entire area ' remained unknown. Certain areas had been pinpointed as harboring big game animals and were moni tored for use but the entire picture was not easily analyzed. In July a scene of the reservation was taken from NASA's Landsat-I satellite orbiting 438 miles above the earth. Using a multispcctra! scanner the earth's surface was surveyed and data collected from four regions of the elecromagnetic spectrum. The resulting photograph indicate ditterent vegetation areas by color. The photograph of the reserva tion was then scanned by computer at the Environmental Remote Sens ing Applications Laboratory located at Oregon State University. Each different vegetation area was assigned a symbol which repres ents 1.19 acres of land and a prin tout of the symboled map was produced. Wildlife managers can now view the computerized map to deter mine where wildlife would most gist, Terry Luther. Managers will now be able to make detailed recom mendations regarding timber sales and forest operations taking into account the alfect on wildlife popu lations. These areas can be evalu ated to determine what impact a forest operation will have on wild life habitat-whether a plan will have a negative, positive or stable impact and the effect of the opera tion on the watershed area as a whole. 1 I I i i i u ; :::::::"i:;:::::JM::;::::;;;;;:::i:i!,,:: .1: iiiii Mill in mi .I tiitti i : II MI: -in hi fiffifi II !! U ,111::::::::::;;; ::;.T,ii;::::fS! . H ( j, 1 ... , !::.:.,::::? ,,!;, , :::i!:!i:;2:::::!i? i;m i; -mmit-m inn tut ti 1 ,11 inn ---ii ii .......... Mill ........... ft 148 M5 HI- it...... f 1 1. ...... tt. ...... mt i i-i .zirnrr r:::rr: lt III ... . mmm ....... 1--.. .. tt- Ifllll--------- ------ t 1 1 Ml 1 .......... i iinii it mi ttt i ittiutt ........ niiiniMii "i ii unit...., . Ill t ftittittnri ittt It MtMK IMI.IM ... 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IM1--1I -.-. ........... f "i!:!!!; m titt ntfi IMMII .,f ft t Mill lit I ., Ill HImi.hh imi Mt MlMIt tmt Mini i ttttM tint. .tit iiini t mt mil iitt-ni mtt mi :JiM ..IIIII1 "m Miimi -mi timttt mitii i tit t it n 1 1 mint ititt i!-iiiit i "ii -nil inituiii fffi-iMnii nut llllllMltllli-ml ill-mil t11lltlll1lf--IM fit 111 mitt t till! t---Hftl1---M in ii i ii mint. i iii i Illnnnllllllll UJ Computer printout ofLandsat map indicates various vegetative areas by use of symbols. 'arm Springs Elementary News Film to be shown I he Warm Springs Community Counseling Center is sponsoring twoscparatc showings of I he Honour of All." a two-part series that tells of the dynamic and inspiring story of Alkali Lake where all residents stopped drinking. The first showing was January 14. The second showing will be Monday.January26.at I and 6:30 p.m. Lor more information contact Charlotte I lerkshan or Anita Davis at 55M 161. ext. 205. Move trees gradually That living Christmas tree you moved indoors gradually before decorating must be moved back outside to its permanent home in the home landscape the same way. Any kind of contaneried tree used as a living Christmas tree needs your help getting ready for the move back outside. Trees grown in containers have well-developed root systems and are hardier than those simply dug and transplanted to large pots. To successfully move the tree outside, reverse the two or three stage relocation procedure you used to bring the tree in. Initially you wanted to help the tree adjust to warmer inside temperatures. Now. of course, you want to adjust the tree to cooler outside temperatures. first, place the tree in an unheated room in the house for a few days. Then, if possible, place the tree in an unheated garage for 3-4 days. As you move the tree out gradu ally don't forget to test the con tainer soil surface daily and add water when the soil feels dry. The biggest problem people have with getting living Christmas trees to survive is failure to water the tree enough. As a result it dries out and the roots are damaged. by Jane Westergaard-Nimock Warm Springs Elementary budget development for ,v ., tJcvery other employee in f this" Tcliool district, the staff of Warm Springs Elementary is cur rently in the process of developing a hudget for our school for the 1987-88 school year. Although this is a process that continues through out the school year, during the months of December and January, this staff works to develop a writ ten budget proposal to submit to the Budget Committee at their first public hearing on February 10. It is during these hearings that the Budget committee and the public can learn the details of the proposed budget from each school and support services. Many considerations go into the development of our building budget. Our proposal will represent our best estimate of the goods and ser vices that will be required to meet the wide range of student needs during the next school year. Some of these considerations are: Needed equipment, supplies, and repairs to insure the safety of each student are a top priority for our expendi tures. Our Safety and Playground committee is currently making recom mendations for improving the quality of our playground equipment and the surface beneath the equipment; Next in priority are textbooks, supplies, and equipment needed to conduct the daily classes. By the end of this school year, the district reading committee will be making recommendations for new textbooks for our reading program, making up our largest textbook expense for next year. In the state of Oregon, textbooks are newly selected every six years in each subject area; Another high priority considera tion is the make-up of the staff. From our projected enrollments for each year, we reevaluate our staff make-up to determine if we will have the necessary personnel to continue to serve the students effectively and efficiently. Ouranaly sis may result in either an increase or a reduction in staff, according to the educational needs of the child ren; Careful thought is given to maintenance of the school build ing. Students at Warm Springs Elementary have an impressive record for taking care of their school. In return, we do our best to provide the needed supplies, equip ment, and maintenance which will keep our school building a comfor table environment and a place in which the children and community can feel pride. Many discussions and conferen ces are held between the staff and myself in the development of the budget. Follow ing these discussions, I go over all budget requests in detail and make an initial determi nation of w hat items are a priority for the next year and should be included in the proposal or what items should be deleted or submit ted in following vears in order to allow us to stay within a reasonable percentage of the previous year's budget. Next I meet with thesuper itendent and assistant superinten dent to analyze in further detail our budget proposal. Their input assists me in making decisions about what to include or exclude from the budget from the perspective of the total district. For example, if one building had a need that was of a higher priority than some of our needs. I may be able to make an increase in their proposal to accomo date their need. Additional discus sions are held between the total administrative team about still further analysis and adjustments for the total budget school. Finally, the total district budget is presented to the District Budget Committee, as I mentioned above. At these meetings, each building administrator gives a detailed expla nation of their building's proposal. The public is welcome and encour aged to attend any or all of these meetings. After carefully reviewing all of the proposals, budget com mittee members make their recom mendations for further adjustments to the budget before adopting it, or adopting it as submitted. A levy amount is then determined to be voted on by the public. As you can see, much time and careful thought goes into each pro posal before the public is presented with a school budget for the com ing year. I hope you will be able to attend some of the budget meetings in February and March. It is at these meetings that you will have an opportunity to assist in priorit izing needs for our students. I look forward to seeing you there. In the meantime, if you should have any questions about the process or our specific proposal do not hesitate to give me a call or stop by the school. November outstanding citizens Outstanding citizens for the month of November are: kindergarten Molly Fuentes. Paulette Henry, Trevor Hurtado. Harlan Wahen eka; first grade Jessie Adams. Brian Renfro, Charlie Hellon; Second grade Jordan Patt, Walter Waheneka, Yvette Bruno; third grade James Sam. Jamie Winsor; fourth grade Reuben Henry. Lacey Frank. Heather Steele; fifth grade M ichael Leecy. Ellis Langley. December outstanding citizens At the December awards assem bly. Verbena Greene presented these awards to the following students: kindergarten Lynn Knight, Nikiya Courtney. Emily Mitchell. Amanda Tom; first grade -Taralee Suppah, Fred Sanders. Michael Speakthun der, second grade Josephine Alon so. Rose Brown. Ramona; third grade Kelly Wewa. Eldred Smith; fourth grade Jaclyn Tulee. Maria Colazo, Little Fawn Suppah; fifth grade Jennifer Tufti, Angie Wolfe. Outstanding math students Denver Sensibaugh proudly awarded Aldo Antunez, third grade. the November Outstanding Math award. Maria Yahtin, fifth grade, won the December award for out standing work in mathematics. W.S. Elementary goals for 1986-87 - As you may remember from my last newsletter, one of our goals for this year is to develop classroom activities for teaching Indian cul ture throughout the curriculum grades K-5. During the month of December, the Indian Cultural Aware ness committee developed another lessonfor our Indian Culture manual which teaches the children about the tradition of selecting a Miss Warm Springs each year and the role that she plays in the commun ity. We are very thankful to the Miss Warm Springs Committee for so generously loaning us the regalia of Miss Warm Springs to display at the school for the children. During January, the committee will be developing lessons for the children about legends. They have been most pleased to be able to add listening to the legends that are broadcast over K WSO to the activ ities suggested in the manual. When you are in the school, remember to stop by our display case to see the display about legends that has been put up for the children. November outstanding class of the month Our November Outstanding class of the Month was awarded to Ms. Laurie Sensibaugh's third grade class. This class was recognized for their ability to work cooperatively to help each other. Ms. Sensibaugh's class is working with a technique called Student Team Learning. In this program, they learn to work with each other and to depend on each other for help. As they are working with each other and to depend on each other for help. As they are working through a pro ject, they must decide how they can work together to complete the pro ject. When a problem develops, they must first try to work out a problem within the group, before they ask the teacher for help. In order to ask for assistance, they must have found that no one in the group was able to solve the prob lem. As they go through the prob lem solving strategies, they learn to communicate better w ith each other. Ms. Sensibaugh uses team tour naments in her math class. Team tournaments are one of the skills used in student team learning. These tournaments are challenges between the different groups during a cer tain activity. As they w ork through an activity, their group can earn points for each part completed cor rectly. The team with the greater number of points at the end of the period, wins the tournament. During one math period, they were given five different activities to work through. These activities worked with visual and special awareness, weighing, shape puzzles and quisennaire rods. The class was very enthuisatic about getting underwav w ith the v a net v of activ ities. When they completed an acti vity, they would call Ms. Sensi baugh to verify the completed work. The work was then recorded and the group was given the next activ ity. They tried to work through as many activities as they could dur inggiven time. Each group worked eagerly and cooperatively through each of the given activities. They are truely becoming whizzes at using their problem solving strate gies. In watching them, one would think that they have been using this program lor some time. But this was only the second time in which the class had done team tourna ments. They knew exactly what they needed to do and went right to work on completing the given task. December outstanding class of the month Donna Roger's first grade class was selected for this award for the month of December. Watch for a article about this class in our next newsletter. Birthday lunches A reminder On the last Wed nesday of the month we plan a celebration in the cafeteria for those students who have birthdays dur ing that month. The "birthday kids" eat together and share a wonderful cake baked by our head cook. Donna Spencer. You are invited to join your child for their birthday celebration. (July and August birth days are celebrated on the second Wednesdays of April and May, respectively). All you need to do is stop by the office to purchase a lunch ticket before you to the cafeteria. Adult lunches are S 1 .60. When you arrive at the cafeteria just fall in line behind the students. When you reach the front of the line, give your ticket to the cook and she will then serve you lunch. Then bring your tray to the birthday table and we will make a place for you. other community members. If you have any comments or questions about our school program, please take a moment to write them to me. Then just mail them or drop them by the school office. I will read each and every comment and do my best to respond to your "sugges tions, concerns, questions, or com pliments. School lunches for January January 19 pizza, relish tray, fruit salad and milk. January 20 weiner wraps, hash browns, green beans, fruit and milk. January 21 hamburger deluxe, lettuce, tomato, pickle, oven fries, cheese stix, jello with topping and milk. January 22 beef noodle soup, grilled cheese on a bun, bar cookies and milk. January 23 corn dogs, potato rounds, frozen peas, apple wedges and milk January 26 tacos with lettuce and tomato, herb rice, mixed fruit and milk. January 27- chicken nuggets w ith dip, cole slaw, biscuits-butter, apples and milk. January2K hamhurgerdcluxe, lettuce, tomato, pickle, hash browns, green beans, cookies and milk. January 29 nachosand cheese, sauce-bean dip. stuffed celery, wheat rolls-butter, fruit and milk. January 30 fishwiches with tar ter sauce, oven fries, season peas, fruit crisp and milk. Second Quarter ends On January 23rd the second quar ter of this school year will end. Students will be dismissed early that day to allow their teachers additional time to complete report cards. The cards will be sent home with the student on the following Friday. 1 30, 87. Please do not hes itate to stop by before or after school, or call to make an appoint ment for another time, to talk with your child's teacher about your child's progress. Although we do not have regularly scheduled par ent guardian conferences at the end of this reporting period, you are always welcome and encour aged to meet with the teacher sev eral times during the year to learn more about your child's program and to keep updated on his her progress. Your comments welcome I have always appreciatd the feedback we have received from the families of our student and if-- . y . f ' y Three-year-old Heed Start student Joseph A euilar dawm hh jack et t he reedin himself for frreek from the clawwm Ihfl t,nt ha t2f Students enr-'Urd