Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, January 02, 1987, Page Page 5, Image 5

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    Spii.yay tymoo
January 2, 1987 ap
Frostbite is a condition in which
tissues of the part of the body, usu
ally an extremity car, nose, or
check become frozen or partially
frozen as a result of exposure to
cold. To avoid frostbite, however,
you must protect yourself, not only
against cold, but also against the
conditions that increase body heat
loss such as moisture and wind.
Proper clothing for winter weath
er provides insulation from cold,
ventilation so that perspiration can
evaporate, and protection against
wind, rain or snow. Avoid one
heavy bulky or constricting gar
ment and instead, wear several lay
ers of light, loose clothing. For
ideal protection wear underclothing
made of wool or polypropylene.
Wear layers of wool or synthetic
between underwear and the outer
layer of water repellant or wind
proof covering. Waterproof cloth
ing is not recommended since it
holds in moisture produced by your
Protect your head and neck with
a scarf, hat or hood and your face
Ease transition of growing old
Growing old can be tough, but
there are ways to ease the transition.
For example, you can simply
decide not to accept the negative
stereotypes about aging. A positive
attitude always brings more enjoy
ment to life than a defeatist atti
tude. Try to have a positive atti
tude toward others, and an openness
to new ideas and thinking that are
different from your own.
A part of growing old that can be
glossed over is experiencing loss.
Loss of job, friends, family, a spe
cial pet, even changes in the daily
living routine are a reality.
The trick is to avoid getting, and
staying, depressed. Acknowledge
that you have lost something im
portant to you and grieve over that
loss. It's only natural.
It may take one to two years to
overcome a major loss such as a
spouse or career. But don't stop
there. It's important to move on
and find something to fill the gap
created in your life.
Focusing on what you can do
rather than on what you cant do or
don't have. Also focus on your
assets rather than your liabilities.
For example, rather than being
continuously sad because the fam
ily has grown up and moved away
or are very involved in their own
lives, look at the increased time
One-Dose vaccine approved by USDA
The first one-dose vaccine for
the prevention of pinkeye in cattle
has been approved by the USDA.
BovEye vaccine manufactured by
"Quilt In A Day"
January 17 & 24, 1987
9 t.m. to 3 p.m.
4-H Center
Limited to 12 people
Instructor. Eraina Palmer
Microwave Cooking
January 19 & 26, 1987
6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
4-H Center
Instructor. Mollie Marsh
Sewing Class
January 22 & 29, 1987
7-8 JO p.m.
4-j! Trrter
Instructor: Mollie Marsh
Any tewing level, work on your
favorite project.
care and treatment of frostbite
with a mask. Wear two pairs of
socks and well-fitting boots which
are high enough to protect your
ankles. Your hands are better pro
tected by mittens than by gloves.
Keep in mind, however, that since
mittens limits what your can do
with your fingers, you may need to
remove them frequently. By wear
ing lightweight gloves under the
mittens you will still have protec
tion against heat loss if you remove
yourmittens. Be sure that your clo
thing is not tight. Meat in your
extremities is supplied by your
blood and anything that hampers
blood flow will increase the risk of
frostbite. For this same reason do
not remain in a sitting or kneeling
position for long periods. Doing so
can impair blood circulation.
Signs and symptoms of frostbite
include: severe pain, discoloration,
and blistering of the affected tissues.
Frozen tissue is extremely suscept
ible toadditionaldamageand must
be protected and evaluated soon by
a physician or trained paramedic
so as to determine the further steps
you have to help others in the
community or to develop a new
This time of life can be fulfilling.
The first challenge in enjoying old
age is to remember that the half
glass you hold is indeed half-full
Dealing with
The honeymoon is really over
with the first fight about money.
And there is no surer way to head a
marriage toward disaster than fail
ing to deal with money matters
openly and cooperatively.
Financial candor isn't easy.
Money probably is the most pri
vate concern in a couple's life.
A cooperative effort will not be
easy for any couple, even new
lyweds. Unfortunately, romantic
love has nothing to do with making
the finances of a marriage work; if
it did, there probably would not be
so many marital money problems.
What does make money manage
ment work in marriage is the mut
ual respect and trust of one partner
for the other.
Goals Thoroughly discuss and
agree upon short-term and long
range goals.
Norden Laboratories, Inc. is now
available to producers through their
veterinarian. Field studies involv
ing 2,773 head of cattle have shown
that one dose of BovEye was as
effective as two in reducing inci
dences of pinkeye by 50 percent
over the nonvaccinated controls. A
Master Gardner training
Oregon home gardeners are re
minded that there is still time to
sign up for the 1987 Oregon State
University Extension Service Mas
ter Gardener Program, scheduled
to start in early January.
The Extension Master Gardener
Program is intended to provide
home gardeners with basic instruc
tion in horticulture and then to use
the trainees to help Extension staff
members answer gardening ques
tions from the public.
The program consists of several
free hours of classroom instruc
tion. Classes will be held once each
Lawn and garden need help
Landscape plants and lawns usu
ally get by on their own pretty well
during the winter months. How
ever, yellow-looking turf grass and
shrubs located close to home foun
dations may need help during the
cold season.
The yellowing of turf grass indi
cates that the lawn needs nitrogetn.
To put the green back in yellow
grass, apply a slow-release nitro
gen fertilizer to the turf at the
application rate recommended on
the fertilizer package.
A slow-release fertilizer is best
for winter use because of heavy
winter rains. Rain leaches nutrients
out of fertlized soils. The heavier
the rain, the more leaching occurs.
Slow-release fertilizers slow the
Upset somebody?
1. Ask what the person is upset
2. Listen Avoid looking for an
opening to defend yourself or the
situation; put your energy into
hearing the person.
3. Repeat back, clarify, ask to
check out what you think they are
4. Legitimize their case; let them
know you feel they have a reason to
feel the way they do. This does not
mean you agree, only that you feel
necessary to protect from additional
tissue loss. Gentle non-traumatic
rcwarming is much preferred to
warm water, vigorous massage, or
rubbing with ice. (This old wives'
tale has never made any sense at
When making New Year's. reso
lutions this year, remember your
health. There are maybe some eco
nomic, as well as physical, reasons
for making some changes.
A growing number of health
insurance companies are charging
less money to people who take
good care of themselves. Specifi
cally, people who give up smoking
are finding that they save money in
more ways than one.
A poll of 85 insurers across the
country revealed that more and
more of them are offering non
smoker discounts for disability in
come, hospital-medical expense and
hospital indemnity policies. One
such company in the midwest gives
and not half-empty. It all depends
on your outlook on life.
If you can't seem to shake the
"old age blues," talk with someone
who can help. This may be a family
member, friend, minister or coun
selor. marital money
Budget Set up a cash-flow
statement to monitor income and
outflow of funds. Review how you
spent them in the past year and
establish spending guidelines for
the coming year.
Banking Determine how you
are going to handle your checking
accounts. Should you have a single
joint account or do you need sepa
rate accounts? How will you han
dle deposits and withdrawals if you
have more than one account? Who
will keep the records?
Savings You need to establish
a joint savings account into which
you pay yourself first every month,
before you write a check to anyone
else. You need to agree on your
long-range objectives such as a new
house, college education for your
children, your own retirement.
And you also need to decide how
company spokesman says the one
dose vaccination for BovEye is
possible because of its ability to
keep the Moraxella bovis bacteria
from attaching to the eye. .
Costs may vary since Norden
products are sold only through
individual veterinarians.
week beginning, in most counties,
the week of January 5.
Master Gardener activities start
after the training period is com
pleted. In 1987, master gardener classes
will be held in Baker, Benton,
Columbia, Clatsop, Curry) Des
chutes, Douglas, Jackson, Jose-,
phine. Lane, Lincoln, Linn, Mar
ion, Multnomah, Polk and Tilla
mook counties. For more informa
tion on how to enroll for Master
Gardener training, inquire at local
county offices of the OSU Exten
sion Service.
leaching process.
Even though winter rains may be
heavy, don't count on them to pro
vide adequate water to all lands
cape plants. '
Many plants grow in areas pro
tected from the rains. Plants under
neath the wide eaves on many
Oregon houses, for instance, are
likely to be quite dry.
Rain water doesn't spread later
ally, so you may need to get out the
garden hose and give plants some
Although most landscape plants
ire dormant in the winter, they still
use water. And during periods of
:old weather a well-watered plant
:old weamer a we.i-waxcreu p.am ,
has greater protection against freez-
ing tnan a ary one
they have the right to feel the way
they do.
5. Add to their case if you can
think of any more reasons for them
to be angry, especially if you are
the one they are angry with. It
helps dissolve some of the impact.
6. Explain the problem or the
goal by asking. "How are you
going to handle this?" "What are
you going to do?" This helps them
know it is their situation to handle,
and that you support their taking
responsibility for their actions.
If you have questions concern
ing the care and treatment of this
problem, please get in touch wwith
your physician.
your health
non-smokers a ten percent discount
on major medical insurance. For a
35 year old man, this would mean a
yearly savings of about $82; for a
woman the same age, about SI32.
Other companies are also giving
insurance premium discounts to
people who aren't overweight and
who have normal blood pressure
and cholesterol levels.
All in all, today it pays to be
healthy as never before. How about
you? Can you fit being fit into your
Try one change at a time. Select
a goal you believe you can achieve
and one that will improve your
overall well-being. Ask a friend to
support your efforts and good luck!!
Energy saving tips
Conserving energy doesn't re
quire much money, or effort, from
you. Try these tips from Con Edi
son: Draft guards: Tubes of cloth,
filled with sand, block gaps under
doors where cold air seeps in. To
much to reserve for those inevita
ble emergencies when, say your old
water heater or your roof begins to
Credit Reach an agreement on
credit: How much you can afford
and how you will use it. Establish
policy on the use of revolving ac
counts like VIS A and MasterCard.
Project your needs for appliances,
furniture and automobiles. In addi
tion, be sure that each spouse
establishes credit separately. It is
essential that a married woman
have credit in her own name and .
preferably on a major credit card.
Risk Management Deterrnine
what kind of insurance you need
and how much life, auto, home
owners, health and disability. Re
view your insurance every two to
three years to assess your coverage,
its costs and your current needs.
Wasted energy adds up
Some experts maintain we water
one-fourth of the energy we use!
Needlessly leaving a 100-watt bulb
on unnecessarily wastes about one
ounce of oil (or 1-13 ounces of
coal) for every hour it operates.
These "little ounces" quickly add
up to huge amounts of wasted
energy. Some measures you can
practice to help save energy include:
Turn TV and radio sets off when
not in use and unplug "instant-on"
TV sets when not in use. (This also
prevents possible damage during
electrical storms.)
, Color TV uses twice as much to
operate as black and white.TV and
nine times more than radios.
Portable TV and radio sets use
more energy to operate than con
sole sets.
Turn off lights when they are not
Use flourescent light bulbs when
ever possible:
Protect houseplants from winter
Houseplants given as holiday
gifts may suffer frostbite and even
premature death this winter if gift
givers don't protect them from chilly
winter blasts when taking them
from the plant shop to the car and
then into the house.
Many traditional gift plants, such
as poinsettias, Ficus, dieffenbachia,
and aralia are tropical or subtropi
cal in nature and are not very toler
ant of cold.
Before taking a plant outside,
wrap it securely in paper. News
paper can be used for wrapping by
folding it into a cone-shaped fun
nel for a plant sleeve.
' Place the plant in the sleeve and
carefully fold over the top of the
sleeve so as not to crush the top ot
,he ,am A , box be sub.
cfitlftwl fAr th. sl(..V(. if vou hr.
the plant so it won't slide around.
It's a good idea to pre-warm the
automoile before placing plants in
it. This will keep the plants from
becoming chilled. Some plants will
drop foliage and flowers if placed
in an unheated car for extended
periods. Even a wrapped plant will
lose heat after a time. Also avoid
placing plants in the trunk of a car
on cold days.
When you arrive at your destina
tion move the plant from thc.can..,
into its new home and unwrap it as
soon as possible. If the plant remains
wrapped, the foliage is apt to turn
yellow and drop after 1 2 hours in a
warm location.
Clay Penhollow
Arlene Boileau
Calving management and care
The third workshop in the Beef
Cattle Management Scries is sche
duled for January 6 at 7 p.m. in
Warm springs at the Senior Citi
zen's Center. This one is titled
"Calving Management and Care."
The discussion will be about
basic obstetrics, calf presentations,
C-sections, cow considerations, iden
tification records, vaccinations and
make, just cut a five-inch wide
cloth strip. The length should be
several inches longer than the gap
it will plug. Sew sides and one end
together. Fill with sand, and sew
Sneaky leaks: Inspect windows,
walls, ceilings, floors, pipe entries
and TV antennas for gaps. If you
don't have caulking material, stuff
plastic from dry cleaning bags into
gaps (hot water pipes could melt the
plastic, so use cloth strips there.)
Thermostat settings: For homes
that have them, thermostats offer
the easiest and most efficient way
to save energy. Try a 68 degree set
ting during the day; a 60 degree
setting when vou're in bed (each
Salmon with
This sauce is bursting with fresh
and tangy flavors; a perfect mar
riage with the salmon.
4 (about 6 ounces each) salmon
1 sunkist lemon, cut in slices
' cup dairy sour cream
I tablespoon finely chopped green
1 tablespoon dijon-style mustard
Grated peel of Vi sunkist lemon
1 teaspoon fresh squeezed lemon
Keep light bulbs and shades clean.
Light colored paint and or wall
paper reflects more light, reduces
need for artificial light.
Take five-minute showers instead
of baths.
Save water by using stoppers in
the sinks when washing dishes, or
hands and faces.
Use cold water rather than hot
whenever you can.
Close doors to rooms not being
used and shut off air conditioning
to those areas.
Make use of FREE heat! Open
blinds, draperies, and shades on
the sunny side during the day to let
the sun warm your house; and keep
them closed on hot summer days.
Good management, coupled with
routine maintenance; can pay off
worthwhile dividends in reduced
energy bills and still maintain the
standard of living and comforts to
which we are accustomed.
Following these suggestions and
giving a plant the recommended
amount of water and exposure to
light should keep it healthy
through the winter chill.
4-H club meeting
The Culture and Indian Herit
age 4-H Club will meet January 6,
1987 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at
the 4-H Room located in the Day
Care basement. New members are
encouraged to attend.
Family X-Country Ski Trips
Saturday, January 10 & 31
Mt. Bachelor Nordic Tracks
Sign up at the Community Center
Cooperatively sponsored by the
Community Center
QSU Extension
AN Families
Oregon State University Extension Service
otters educational programs, activities and
materials without regard to race, color, sex,
age, religion, national origin or disability.
Joan David
health, implants and growth pro
motants, and castration techniques.
Interested individuals are en
couraged to call the Extension
offices at 475-3808 or 553-1161.
ext. 238 for more information and
sign-up. This will also give us an
estimate of attendance for ordering
materials. Please come, everyone is
degree over 68 causes a three per
cent increase in energy costs.)
Unused rooms: Close radiator
valves and heating vents. Place
draft guards at the bottom of the
Unblocking heat: Check all
spots where heat enters and make
sure drapes or furniture aren't
blocking them. If you have a forced
air system, check the air filters each
Window watch: Pull shut drapes
or shades on windows at night.
Keep closed all day if windows face
north. Open whenever the window
gets direct sunlight or when you
need light.
Tangy Sauce
!4 teaspoon celery seed
'A. teaspoon onion powder
Coat steamer rack lightly with
oil or nonstick vegetable cooking
spray. Put rack in skillet, add water
to depth of 1 or VA inches, making
sure water does not touch rack.
Bring water to boil. Place salmon
on steamer rack. Lay 2 lemon slices
on each salmon steak. Cover skillet,
steam, allowing ten minutes cook
ing time per inch of thickness mea
sured at its thickest part, or until
salmon flakes easily when tested
with fork. To make sauce, combine
remaining ingredients in a small
saucepan. Heat just until warmed
through, stirring constantly. Do
not boil. Serve warm sauce with
steamed salmon steaks. Garnish
with lemon slices. Serve with lemon
wedges if desired. Makes four serv
ings (about lA cup sauce).
Winter feeding
Keep cows separated by age
and condition for the winter feed
ing program.
Keep the energy level adequate
for breeding bulls.
Continue the winter feeding
program for cows and yearling
heifers when forage becomes limited
or climatic conditions change. Adult
brood cows will consume upwards
of 30 pounds of forage per day
(example: 10 lbs. good alfalfa and
20 lbs. grass straw; or 30 lbs. of
good grass hay.) Remember, first
calf heifers are still growing and
will need to be on a higher plane of
nutrition to meet their needs as
well as the calf they are carrying or
Give replacements an adequate
ration for 1 .0 -1 .5 pounds gain per
head per day.
Continue proper mineral, salt
and vitamin supplementation espe
cially including adequate calcium,
phosphorus, selenium and vitamin
Have calving supplies on hand
and be prepared for the calving
season eartagsand ID equipment,
vaccines, iodine, colostrum, pocket
notebook for records, calf pulling
equipment, disinfectants, lubri
cants, etc.
Service 4-H