Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, August 01, 1986, Page Page 8, Image 8

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    C " ViimiilTS OHKGON 97761 Sl'ILYAY TYMOO J
I Pap- August 1. 1986 YAIOI M MM.S J
Choosing the right brush important
i i i rn iff a-
'Z N 1
.. Your first impression of a soft 4 do NOT have "NATURAL"
by Sandy Boers, K Dll bnjsh wi, bc a fccing that your BRISTLES. Natural-bristled tooth-
IHS llvglenlst ce,h arcn gCtting clean. Even brushes are expensive brushes with
though it wont feci like it, your bristles made out of boar's hair.
At least once a month, I receive teeth will actually be getting cleaner. Because the bristles are natural,
information through the mail about Soft bristles will "giveand spread their sie and shape cannot be
some new dental product. Most of out more to get around gumlincs controlled. These toothbrushes
these ads claim that their tooth- and in between teeth. (You still really soak up water and water
brushes are better than the rest have to floss!) After a few months makes the bristles grow and swell
becaue their handles are bent, or of using a soft-bristled toothbrush, to very uneven sizes. These brushes
the bristles go in three different you won't be able to switch back to also tend to be very hard,
directions or because of some other a hard brush. The hard brush will Even with these guidelines, there's
gimmick. With so many different hurt your gums so much, youll still a tremendous selection of
types of brushes on the market, it's wonder how you ever used it. toothbrushes from which to choose,
getting pretty difficult to know 2. have EVEN BRISTLES. Bris- Pick your favorite color and your
which really is the best. Are any of tics that are a little longer on the favorite gimmick, then USE the
them better than the rest? sides or in the middle put too much thing. A toothbrush is only as
Basically, a person should choose pressure at the gumline. This will effective as the person using it.
the toothbrush that works best for also cause gum recession.
Deschutes Fair to show growth
August 3. The theme given to this eon room. manMn hiP con,est' bccf r,ng
year's fair is "Dcschutts County- p m.-4-H beef showmansh.p 4 6 p m 4H and FFA
Growth and Harmony." continued, beeping R. is Livcstock Auction Buyers
Saturday's parade will have a JXla'ifyVng " Ba;becuc' 4H to b0?
special feature this year. The fair T'.fa '"hgce showman- , 5 P-" -P5n class horse In
board will present three horses ,hf V: snowman formanceJudging arena .
with empty saddles to honor three TlilVitf fair a. gn-upi begin. .7 p m.-4-H and FFA K.wan.s
supportersoftheDeschutesCounty JfJ JSKUSffi Livcs,0ck AuC,'n' bCCf 8nd Sh"P
Fair who all died m the past year . y Extcnsion officc. rTnrnRodeo arena
Those men were Pa.ute Chief Nick 6 m 0pen class sheep judg- 8 P-m.-Rodeo. arena
Kalama, Zane Zeke Scott who Hampshire, Montadale. AlirlliT,
was a horse trainer and race horse sh6ropshireSouthdown, other wool SUNDAY, AUGUST 3
owner and Laddie Jordan who was ure.andothcr meat breeds sheep
a member of the fair board handling b.ref sand otner meat Drccas' snccP 5:3oa.m. to9;30a.m.-Buckaroo
the races and Indian participation 4 H daj t show. Breakfast and entertainment, buck-
at the fair and a friend to many .:' Hairv ,jnB aroo breakfast area.
Warm Springs people. TSf'tSSsnclaiibeefjudg- 10 a.m.-4-H animal style show,
The fairgrounds, located in Red- ing shorthorns, Angus and Sim- beef and sheep i rings
mond.- Oregon, open at 9 a.m mehtal, beef ring. n.-m'7? l t J JtlXnS
Wednesday through Saturday and 7 p m Open class dairy goat meeting (parents attendance
at 8 a.m. Sunday. Closing time is judBine. dairy ring. requested).
10p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, J"AJ lMlfT, 12 noon-FFA members usher
1 1 p.m. Friday and Satruday and SATURDAY, AUGUST 2 rodeo.
4-30 p.m. Sunday. 1 p.m.-4-H master showman
Special entertainment during 7:45 a.m. 4-H Livestock exhi- ship contest, beef and sheep rings,
fairtime includes: Thursday, July bitors meeting, beef ring (State fair 1 p.m. Rodeo and races, arena.
31, 6 p.m.-Old Time Fiddlers. information) 3 p.m.-4-H awards program,
Friday, August 1, 4 p.m. P- 8:30 a.m. Parade participants beef and sheep rings. FFA awards
Nut Butter Conspiracy Barber assemble at John Tuck School program, beef and sheep rings. ,
Shop; 5:10 p.m.-Randy Hill, , grounds, 209 N.W. 10th forparade 4:30 p.m.-All 4-H, FFA, open
magician; 7 p.m. P-Nut Butter line-up and judging. class, community and commercial
Conspiracy; 8: 10 p.m.-Randy Hill; 10a.m.-Streetparade.6thStreet exhibits released.
9-30 pm -Rock Band. . 10 a.m.-Open class sheepjudg- 4:30 p.m.-All 4-H and FFA
Saturday, August 2, 1 p.m.- ing, Suffolk .sheep ring. market animals released.
Calliope; 1:30 p m.-Sweet Ade- 12 noon-Visiting Fair Queen 8 p.m.-All exhibit buildings
lines; 2:10 p.m -Randy Hill; 3 Court luncheon courtesy of closed.
p.m.-Rick and Sidney, ventrilo- DCFA), 4-H food booth, business
quist; 4:10 p.m.-High Desert men s luncheon room Correction
Tumbleweeds, tumblers; 5: 10 p.m.- 12 noon-FFA members usher Myrna Courtney was not the
Dry Canyon Filharmonhick; 6:20 rodeo. maker of the breast collars which
p.m -Randy Hill; 7:10p.m.-C.O. p.m.-Rodeo and races, arena. Jaer d at the Art show as
Gymnastics; 7:50 p.m.-Rick and . 1 P-m.-Open Class Llamajudg- JJe ,8St issue of Spilyay.
Sidney; 9:30 p.m.-Loredo, West- mg, dairy ring showman. She did make the quilt. Weapoligize
ern Band until 1 a.m. ? p.m.-4-H Llama showman- ke
Daily fairtime activities through ship and training followed by 4-H
Assistance needed in
5 p.m. FFA dairy showman- preserving language
Mh m'ry4r Hrfairv .howmanshin by Frederick D. Bobb would allow their people to train
6 p.m.-4-H dairy showmanship, two people the teching procedures.
7 r-io n m 4 H stvle review ' A new culture was introduced to These people, selected by Rowe
Jd'nJr'doSSm minority owned operation on and Morrison, would then by quah
t Jlfnmn? presentatlnS' Thursday, July 17. The group's name f.ed to teach others how to teach.
SZ-SS class Angus is Interface, and they deal in helping Also, Warm Springs Indian le-
andHeSSudrinT minority groups in certain tasks, gends will be used as a earning
7nm Tractor Pull such as preserving the native aide at the pre-school level
p.m.-1 racior run amQng tQday,s ,ndians "There's only one thing I'm not
FRIDAY AUGUST 1 Nina Rowe, director of the Cul- satisfied with," said Rowe. "We
rmu ' ture and Heritage department, and didn't get an estimate of how much
7-45 am -4-H livestock exhibi- bilinguist for the Confederated this would cost."
t hVrf r'in o Tribes Hank Morrison met with an Here are some common phrases
8 am -FFA swine showman- Interface consultant for a lay-out. and the days ofthe week to practice:
chin uifwrinir plan of what the Tribe really
8Pk m-Open class horse halter wanted. The meeting lasted two I'm hungry Anawishaash
. ? "n ' arga hours, and Rowe was satisfied with We're hungry . . . Anawishaatash
J 8-30 a m.-4-H sheep showman- most of the results. I'm sitting here . . . Chiush aisha
shin sheen rint? u was areed uPon that the area You're sitting here . Chinam
9am -4 "ffdairy goat judging, in which the Tribe needs the most aisha
dairy ring. . assistance lays in the boundr.es Mond Wanaag'it
9 a.m. FFA beef showmanship, of preserving the native language. '
. 'f : ' Morrison stressed that a majority '"" wV .It
bC5f anmg-4-H rabbit judging con- ofthe elders among the Tribe know Wednesday Mtaat kw ,
tes rabbit barn "ough of the lanua8e t0 bein Thursday Pl"?Wk I
9 30am-4H swine showman teaching, but they can also find Morning Ma.cg,
hin iS rine hi8her Payin Jobs e,sewhere- Noon Sitkumsaan
10-30 a m - 12 noon-4-H beef Interface has made a plan that Night (darkness) sc'at
showmanship, beef ring. Midnight Papachu sc'at
1 2 noon Chamber of Commerce -
i 1
All Warm Springs tribal members will receive the Spllyty Tymoo at no .
' cost. Spllyiy Tymoo is published bi-weekly by the Confederated Tribes j
of Warm Springs. j
them. However, there arc a tew
guidelines that should be followed.
tAFTBDICTI tn llar4
or mtrfium toothbrushes can cause
the gums to recced (push up along
the root surfaces) and can also
wear away tooth structure. If you
are using a hard or medium tooth-
hriich trv in twitch. It isn't easv.
j. nave smilli.h iicaus.
Urge toothbrushes cannot clean
well around back teeth, especially
lnn ih rhit ciH nf lhi trrth
I I I-. ha m mil h li ftf
a hinpopotomus, a large head will
ramintoyourcheckbone. With some
types of toothbrushes, 111 buy one
that is child-sie. With that size, it's
easy to get as far back as I need to
without hurting my mouth.
Thit nhoto was taken by our fearless leader, Spilyay Sid. Call In its location and win a year's subscription to
MOIHS establishes new museum office
We are happy to announce that
the MOIHS Board of Directors
has established a new museum office
and is now in operation. We are
located just immediately west of
the new justice facility in the yellow
building. Our very first visitor was
the one and only 'Cussa' Susan
The present staff employed (in
the Museum Office is Liz Tewee,
acting executive director curator;.
Beulah Wahpat, executive secre
tarytreasurer and Roberta Kirk,
summer student trainee. The board
and tribal attorney Jim Noteboom
are in the process of hiring a full
time executive director, who will
be in charge of all operations ofthe
office as well as fundraisings for a
museum cultural center.
Our phones will not be in opera
tion until July 30, and when they
are, our extensions will be 33 1 and
338. We are anticipating an open
house the latter part of August, so
Harris ordained
to ministry
Donald Lyle Harris, formerly of
Chiloquin, Oregon, was ordained
to the ministry of New Hope Fellow
ship Church July 1 3 in Port Angeles,
Washington. Present for the ordi
nation services were four of Harris'
former pastors, Dick Baker, Bob
Vinson, Louie Lee and Dick Rut
ledge. Also in attendance were his
aunt, Laura Grabner of Warm
Springs, who Harris affectionately
calls Mom and her daughter, Mary
Gentry of Chiloquin, Oregon.
Another cousin, Cara Shadley, was
also present. Harris mother and
grandmother, Evelyn Evie Miller
and Gertrude Pitt Bagley, respec
tively, now deceased, were members
ofthe Confederated Tribes of Warm
' Reverend Harris' ministry focuses
on family life and our everyday
walk with God.
Pastor Harris lives at 5760 High
way 1 12 West, Port Angeles, Wash
ington 98362, with his wife Teri
and their children Clint, Karlene
and Nic.
Court Notices
Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
Marvin R. Burke
Case No: D21S-78-1438
To: Marvin R. Burke
You are hereby notified that the above
cited case(s), as filed in the Warm Springs
Tribal Court, has been scheduled for trial -hearing
at 10:30 a.m. on the 18th day of
August, 1986.
You are hereby ordered to be and appear
at the Warm Springs Tribal Court at the
time and dat shown to defend against the
charge(s). You may e represented by your
self, by an attoirney, or by a spokesman, at
your own expense. You may bring any doc
uments you belive are relevant to this cause,
and you may bring witnesses to testify on
your behalf. You may request the Court to
subpoena your witnesses, however, you
must submit your list of witnesses no later
than two weeks prior to trial; failure to do
so will not be considered sufficient reason to
postpone the trial. If you have any ques
tions, you should seek legal advice imme
diately. If you fail to appear as so ordered, the
tribal court shall enter a complaint for con
tempt of court and issue a warrant for your
Dated at Warm Springs, Oregon on this
17th day of July, 1986.
Lola Sohappy, Judge
Warm Springs Tribal Court
Confederated Tribes of Warm Sprinp
Janice Y ocas a
Cat No. CR42MS
To: Janice Yocash
You are hereby notified that the above
cited case(s), as filed in the Warm Springs
Tribal Court, has been scheduled for trial -hearing
at 10 a.m. on the 18th day of
August, 1986.
You are hereby ordered to be and appear
at the Warm Springs Tribal Court at the
time and date shown to defend against the
charge s). You may be represented by your
self, by an attorney., or by a spokesman, at
your own expense. You may bring any doc
uments you believe are relevant to this
we are patiently awaiting for more
ol our iurnuurc io tome m.
The Middle Oregon Indian His
torical Society Board of Directors
would like to express their appre
ciation to Jim Noteboom for all his
assistance, guidance and expertise
in the full operations ofthe board.
i - - .... ... .
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1 s --'
" - ' . ; . .. , ' :
John Marl in, ofthe UteBulletin inFort Duchesne, Utah, visited Spilyay
recently. Martin is the author of a Coyote Says column In the Bulletin
and was passing through Warm Springs while on his way to Eugene.
Howlak Tichum
Harold J. Bushue
runeral services were held for
Harold J. Bushue July 30 at the
Pleasant Home United Methodist
Church. Bushue, born September
9, 1907, died Saturday, July 26 at
his home in Boring, Oregon.
Bushue had been a farmer and a
berry grower for many years and
had been an active member of the
Gresham Berry Growers Associa
tion. Many from Warm Springs
picked strawberries and raspberries
during the summer on the Bushue
cause, and you may bring witnesses to tes
tify on your behalf. You may request the
Court to subpoena your witnesses, how
ever, you must submit your list of witnesses
no later than two weeks prior to trial; failure
to do so will not be considered sufficient
reason to postpone the trial. If you have any
questions, you should seek legal advice
If you fail to appear as so ordered, the
tribal court shall enter a complaint for con
tempt of court and issue a warrant for your
Dated at Warm Springs, Oregon, on this
17th day of July, 1986.
Lola Sohappy, Judge
Warm Springs Tribal Court
Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
Anthony R. Bryant
Case No. D0156-82
To: Anthony R. Bryant
You are hereeby notified that the above
cited case(s), as filed in the Warm Springs
Tribal Court, has been scheduled for trial
hearing at II a.m. on the 18th day of
August, 1986.
You are hereby ordered to be and appear
at the Warm Springs Tribal Court at the
time and date shown to defend against the
charges). You may be represented by your
self, by an attorney, or by a spokesman, at
your own expense. You may bring any doc
uments you believe are relevant to this cause
and you may bring witnesses to testify on
your behalf. You may request
the Court to subpoena your witnesses, how
ever, you must submit your list of witnesses
no later than two weeks prior to trial; failure
to do so will riot be considered sufficient
reason to postpone the trial. If you have any
questions, you should seek legal advice
If you fail to appear as so ordered, the
tribal court shall enter a complaint for con
tempt of court and issue a warrant for your
Dated at Warm Springs. Oregon, on this
17th day of July 1986.
Lola Sohappy, Judge
Warm Springs Tribal Court
SpUyty Tjmam kfMUttt
Saving the best for last, we are
very gratefful to our Tribal Council
and their secretary treasurer, Larry
Calica, for all their understanding
and support in establishing the
MOIHS Buseum office. All are
welcome to drop in and see what
we are all about.
Sptiyay Tymoo photo by Behrtnd
Surviving Bushue are his wife of
53 years, Anna and two brothers,
James of Boring and Lee of Seattle.
Bushue was born and raised in
eastern Washington and graduated
from Washington State University
in 1933.
Blessed Kateri Takakwitha
Reverend Leo F. Weckerle
Confession prior to Mass
Sunday Mass: 8:30 a.m.
Reorganized Church of
Jesus Christ of Latterday
Clint Jacks, Elder
Worship: 10 a.m.
Telephone: 475-6616
Warm Springs Baptist
Allen Elston, Pastor
Sunday School: 10 a.m.
Morning Worship: 10 a.m.
Bible Study:
Wednesdays, 8 p.m.
Telephone: 553-1267
Warm Springs Full Gospel
Orin Johnson, Pastor
Sunday School: 10 a.m.
Worship Services: 11 a.m.
Sunday Evening: 7:30 p.m.
Bible Study:
Wednesdays, 7:30 p.m.
warm Springs Presbyterian
Rick Ribeiro, Pastor
Sunday School and
Sunday Worship: 10 a.m.
Bible Study:
Wednesdays. 7 p.m.
Alcoholics Victorious:
Tuesdays, 7 p.m.
Presbyterian Men's Group
2nd and 4th Sunday 7 a.m.
Deschutes Crossing
Telephone: 553-1237