c Spilyay Tymoo January 31, 1986 Page 5 OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY GXTGN510W It's important to promote your child's self-image Parents talk a lot about how they want their children to grow up. They worry about their chil dren's progress because they know early experiences influence a child's school and social accom plishments. Good adjustments begin in childhood and continue step by step through life. Preschoolers are not likely to ask themselves " H ow much do I like Myself?"They do, however, create inner picture of themselves based on how well they seem to be doing, how much they are loved, and how they are pleasing you. Successful experiences build pleasant inner pictures of self confidence called self-image. "I can do it," becomes a child's foundation for action. Repeated failures and discouragement build pictures of despair. "I'm a flop," Comfortable clothing recommended for kids The idea of layering clothing so children can take off or add garments is an excellent one. We recommend a light "core ensemble" of clothing for both boys and girls. This basic outfit should include lightweight jeans, pants or a dress, a medium weight short-sleeved or blouse, briefs, ankle socks, and running or tennis shoes. If classrooms are consistently chilly or children complain of being cold, slightly heavier core ensembles, adding undershirts, long sleeves, and mid-calf length socks to the basic outfit. In addition, children may want to wear a cardigan style sweater, vest, sweat shirt, or flannel shirt that is handy to put on and shed again according to conditions Dealing with the d eat takes time 'In-the Uftrte"d State's' there' are about 1 ,700,000 deaf indivi duals and 15,000,000 others with partial hearing impairments ranging from mild to profound. Deafness is defined as a hearing loss preventing total reception of communication through the use of the ear. This loss can be anywhere from mild (when the person only has difficulty hearing faint or distant speech) to severe (when the person can only feel vibrations). Did you know. . .there is now an International Symbol for Deaf ness? The symbol has been pro claimed by the National Associa tion of the Deaf and has been approved by the World Federa tion of the Deaf, headquartered in Rome, Italy. The logo is a drawing of an ear, crossed by a bar. It can be used as a wallet card, a road sign near schools where deaf children attend, in telephone directories to designate available TTY (teletypewri ter)TDD (telecommunication devices for the deaf) facilities, and in television listings to call attention to closed captioned programs. Handi Helps for leaders: 1 . Assess the hearing impaired individual's disability. Spend time . iip n -'-'"' h i ; " - ( ) . VUHJ .. .. : I ' i - - Sb. - ,1 iv- ' JocnDvUwasmongrivhortendedquUtmgclas,ofJereJb,tto Participants learned to make lot cabin quilts out of narrow strips of fabric. I was the constant remark of a four-year-old whenever things didn't go well. When children have pleasant inner pictures, they have high self-esteem. High self esteem is not self centeredness. It simply means that children see themselves as helpful, enjoyable, strong, and dependable. Preschooler's con stant demands for recognition of accomplishments are not self centeredness. Instead, they seek reminders of their worth to ma ke them glad to be who they are. Children with high self-esteem accept daily risks while children with low self-esteem withdraw from new learnings and adven tures because they fear failure. Children aren't born with self esteem. You help create it by reflecting positive or negative in the room. The list of clothing "don'ts" for classroom comfort compiled from the research includes such heavy, non-removeable clothes as thermal underwear, heavy sweaters without layers under neath, insulated boots, and warm socks. Along with these guidelines, we suggest parents find out what temperatures are typical in their children's classrooms and dress their youngsters accordingly. But don't forget to keep outdoor, weather in mind too. Parents should try to dress their children to give them the option to remove or add layers according to how active they lare during th day and how cold their classrooms are. 'with the person to find out their strengths and weaknesses, visit with their parents and teachers to gather clues for working effec tively with the individual. 2. Smile! Use positive body language and a gentle touch to signal your acceptance despite communication differences. 3. Speak directly to the deaf person by maintaining eye con tact throughout the conversation, even in the presence of an inter preter. Remember that the inter preter's function is to communi cate, not think or answer for the deaf person. 4. It is important for the deaf person to see your face. Be sure that it is well lighted and you don't cover your mouth or turn away in mid-sentence. Try to arrange your group so that every one is visible to the deaf partici pant. 5. Try to enunciate clearly and speak slowly. It isn't neces sary to exaggerate or shout. Be prepared with alternate explana tions that use different phrases. 6. Watch the deaf person care fully for facial expressions and body language that will help you determine the success of your communication. A nod doesn't always indicate under- Frnm fitriDS to dUiltS responses to their efforts. Your words and actions carry powerful messages that tell children whether . they are valued and enjoyed or , whether they are an extra burden. Everything that happens to children affects their self-image. Important and unimportant inci dents raise and lower their self esteem. For example, if you're always too busy, in a hurry, or use "put-down-talk," children conclude they're not as important as other things or people. You can repeatedly tell them you love them but if its not reinforced Howtocompileyour Although it is an unpleasant task at best, it is one which really shouldn't be put off. Tax returns now take more time to prepare than ever. Preparation of an income tax return includes, in addition to the assembly and listing of data, a careful planning study to achieve the maximum tax savings possible. You will help your accountant accomplish this by giving him her two things: enough time, plus complete and accurate data. You should list all taxable income that your received during the year. The sources that you might use in compiling this list are records such as bank books, deposits in checking accounts, stock brokers' statements, real estate agents' statements, insurance company data, etc. Your employer should furnish you with a W-2 that shows your " sta'nding anymore5 than' a lack ' of response indicated bellige rence. 7. When planning a meeting that includes a deaf participant, visual aids are helpful. If you are showing a film, provide the deaf member with a written agenda or outline for clear under standing. " 8. A notetaker designated to take notes during a discussion or presentation would also bene fit the hearing impaired person. ' This allows him her to have the opportunity to review what was 'said and to pick up on some points that may have been missed during the meeting. 9. A deaf individual may have speech which is difficult, at first, to understand; however, once accustomed to it, you should be able to understand the "deaf speech." Make your own pre-wash If you like the convenience of a spray prewash stain remover, then save yourself the packaging and advertising costs and make your own. Into a pint spray bottle, put Vi cup of ammonia and Vi cup liquid laundry deter with your time and attention. They lower their estimate of themselves. Preschoolers meet many failures each day that prove their small ness and incapability. Support their struggle to feel big and proud by telling them that they're doing well. If day after day, children experience more com fort than discomfort, moreencou ragment than discouragement, and more attention than lack of it, they develop good feelings about themselves. income from salary for the year, as well as applicable withhold ings. 1099 forms for interest, dividends, and commissions are also important. Remember that you must de clare all income received, from whatever source. I ncome received but not deposited is also required to be reported. This includes checks in your possession on December 31 but not deposited I. or cashed until January. For deductions, we suggest ' that you first review the deduc tions that were taken on your 1984 return. Then go through your monthly bank statements and remove from each bank statement the cancelled checks representing tax deduction items. Be sure to go through the bank statement for January 1985 to remove checks written in 1984 which cleared the bank in 1985. '(You will also wish to remove ' , ' ' 10. If your having trouble under ' standing a deaf person's speech don't hesitate to ask them to " repeat. Never say "it's not impor tant" or "never mind". This may be interpreted as he or she is not important. Baking hint If a baked cake sticks to the pan, try placing the pan on a cloth wrung out in hot water. It may help remove the cake from the pan. gent. Fill the rest of the bottle with water, shake it up and spray it on the stain. Wait at least one minute before putting the stained fabric into the washing machine. How to handle hypertension There are some special things you should know to help someone with high blood pressure. When a person finds out he has high blood pressure and has to treat it for life, he may become upset or angry and have some fears. Let your family members know you care. Listening to these concerns is one way to help. The family should help the patient stay on treatment, identi fy questions to ask the doctor, ' and support the doctor's advice. Your interest and support are very important. The feelings of other family members may also be affected by the changes the whole family must make. This is natural. For example, changing eating habits and or daily activities may take time to get used to. Talking about these feelings will make it easier for the whole family to work together. Decide How you can help: Talk about it together and decide how the family can help. More help may be needed with some Clay Penhollow Mollie tax information the check for the fourth estimated tax payment for 1984 which was due January 15, 1985, if applic able). After you have removed the deductible checks, sort the checks into groups, such as donations, taxes, medical, etc. You will then be able to summarize data from the cancelled checks onto a listing of your deductible items. Although keeping your receipts is important, it isn't necessary for you to use them in this compilation if you pay all your bills by check. If you sometimes pay bills with cash, remove the receipts that represent cash pay ments and sort them together with the cancelled checks. The rest of your receipts may be retained by you for use in case you are audited by the Internal Revenue Service. After you have summarized your tax data, you should file Colors can affect the way you feel The colors that surround us ' may affect our moods and beha vior. Red, for example, is one of the most arousing colors. It can excite the emotions, raise blood pressure and heart rate, quicken muscular reactions, and increase brain-wave activity. People sur rounded by red tend to feel a slowed sense of time. Other colors considered warm such as orange and yellow have been found to have similar effects. The cooler colors blues and greens tend to calm people Eat well when pregnant Desnite our high standard of living, the United States ranks jseventeenth in low infant morta lity rates in the world. Many of our children are born with low birth weights. Complications occur during childbirth, and the U.S. rate of stillborns, premature babies, and infants with birth defects is higher than might be expected. Some of these pro blems may be caused by inade quate diet during pregnancy. If you are pregnant, be sure to eat nutritious foods. Your appetite will probably increase, things than with others. Everyone can do a small part. Here are some suggestions on what the family can do. Decide together which ones your family will try. Help with the medicine Re mind the patient to take the medicine every day, by putting the medication out at the right time or leaving notes where they can be seen. Refill the prescrip tion before it runs out or leave reminders by marking the date on a calendar. Help with doctor's appoint mentsGo along to the doctor with the patient for company and support. This is a good time for family members to ask ques tions and learn about high blood pressure. The doctor can explain the patient's treatment and how the family can help. Help follow progress Remind the patient to record blood pres sure measurements on a chart. Look at the chart together, and follow the progress. Talk over any problems the patient has with reaching the goal. Help the patient stay on the 5GRVICG The Oregon State University Extension Service offers educational programs, activities and materials without regard to race, color, sex, age, religion, national origin or disability. Driscoll Joan David the checks and receipts by groups into small envelopes, then place all the small envelopes together in a large envelope labeled, " 1 984 tax information." The checks will then be readily available in proper order in the event of a subsequent tax examination. An accountants bill to you for tax preparation is based on theamount of time that is required to prepare your tax return. If you will summarize your tax information as suggested, instead of bringing in a sack full of cancelled checks and receipts, it will take less time to prepare your tax return. You may find the savings in preparation fees will be well worth the additional time that it takes you to prepare your tax summary and perhaps you will think of a deductible item in the process that you might have otherwise overlooked. down by having the opposite effects. . Reactions to color depends on people's individual differences and backgrounds, their condi tioning, and the type of light and the saturation of the color. Should we use these findings when trying to decide what color to paint our homes? Individuals preference should be considered first. Light colors for walls, how ever, are usually recommended because they make rooms appear larger and brighter. so make sure the extra calories you consume are not empty calories. You should expect to gain weight gradually. Pregnancy is not the time to go on a diet, even if you are overweight. You and your baby are at special risk if you are a teenager who is still growing, if you are underweight, or if you have other health problems. Most pregnant women are advised to take iron and folic acid supplements. Ask your doctor about these supplements. diet, if diet is nart of the treat ment plan. The whole family should cut calories and reduce salt. It is a good health habit. It can be fun to find new recipes that the family can enjoy. Remove the salt shaker from the table. When eating out, help the patient stay on the diet by choosing a restaurant that serves a variety of foods for the whole family. Don't buy food that is not part of the patient's diet. If others want foods that are not on the diet, they can have them outside the home. Other ways to help Suggest exercise the family can do toget her such as taking a walk or bike riding. It's worth it High blood pres sure cannot be cured. But it can be controlled for a lifetime. By treating high blood pressure now, serious illness and medical expense can be avoided. Working together makes treating high blood pressure a lot easier. With your help, the person you care about can enjoy a long and healthy life.