Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, January 31, 1986, Page Page 4, Image 4

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January 31, 1986
(The way it is)
Letters to the Editor
"Spltyay Spealts" Steps taken on petition shared
Tribal Members,
We are sharing the steps we
have taken on the 1986 petition
to keep you all informed.
1. October 21, 1985 We'd
gone to council for information
on how to petition the 1986
2. October 22 We were
informed the Superintendent
could help us with wording the
3. October 23 With only a
few days, we asked for volunteers
to help us draft up the petition
does pertain to the Tribal Constitu
tion and by-laws.
At the present time there is a
petition being circulated among
the tribal members to amend
pV the Constitution and by-laws,
particularly the election of Tribal
Council members. The petitio
ners feel that the present system
does not provide equal represen
tation of the people. The portion of the Constitution referred to is
Sec. 2 Apportionment-Article IV Organization of Tribal Council.
The present system reads as follows.
Sec. 2 Apportionment Representation from the districts shall
be as follows: Simnasho District, 3 elected members and the
recognized Chief of the District, or his successors: Agency District
3 elected members, one of whom shall represent the Sid waiter Flat
area, together with the recognized Chief of the District, or his
successors: Seekseequa District, 2 elected members and the
recognized Chief of the District, or his successor.
The Proposed new system amended:
Sec. 2 Tribal Council Elections-r-To elect Council Seajs At
Large in a General Election of the people.
There are other portions mentioned in the petition that fits
along with Sec. 2, but this part I feel is most important.
With anticipation of much debate on whether the Tribes needs
to develop this policy. One of the biggest problems is simply
defining the issue in question. This seems like a quote heard one
. time, "This issue is a solution looking for a problem."
If a large organization is to survive, it's usually through the
i decisions and planning done by the board of directors, in this case
the Tribal Council. It's through them the General Manager gets his
advice and direction to operate the organization. This is what the
Tribes should be looking at, what is destined for the future of the
reservation and it's natural resources. Like the big corporations on
the outside, our board of directors should be selected from the
most qualified personnel with-in the three tribes. To do this we
must resort to electing and voting at large and do away with
We can still maintain our districts, have our chiefs and carry out
; our tribal traditions and not let pur heritage die, but let's do that in
the Longhouse. But for the business perspective we need our best
people on the Tribal Council to maintain and preserve our proud
standards. Our timber industry will not hold out forever, by the
. year 2020 this might be a thing of the past.
"As Times Change"
Times change, things change
and people change right along
with the ever moving world.
If we hope to survive in today's
fast-moving world we've got to
stop being the generalists and
move right along with time or
become the dangered species,
so-to-speak. What I'm driving
at is our constitution and by
laws. Everyone is usually reluc
tant to accept new proposals for
consideration especially when it Wpoinn Cil lllCi SGGkinn flhorartQ Hamnnotrainro
4. October 24 We had taken
the petition letter 1 to council
for approval, they referred us to
the Superintendent.
5. October 25 With advise
from the Superintendent's office
we drafted petition letter 2.
6. October 28 Through the
weekend with the help of the
Superintendent's staff the final
letter 3 was drafted. We then
got the approval of council to
circulate the petition. About
2:00 p.m. we started circulating
the petition.
7. October 29 arid 30 We circu
lated the petition during both
8. October 30 We returned the
the petition with 338 signatures,
four of which were invalid, to
the Superintendent at 5:45 p.m.
9. November 1 While in Coun
cil, the Council certified the
10. We were advised to attend
District Meetings. Up to this
date we have held and attended
these meetings.
November 6 Public meeting.
November 7 District meeting
November 1 2 Public meeting.
November 18 Public meeting.
November 20 General Council.
December 2 Council room.
December 5 Public meeting.
December 9 Public meeting.
December 10 Public meeting.
January 9 Public meeting.
January 23 Public meeting.
Shirley Sanders
Janice Clements
the following letter is presented
at the request of Liz Tewee,
Museum Currator.
To the Editor,
The Weaving Guilds of Oregon,
(WEGO), are responsible for
the fiber arts demonstrations at
the 1986 Oregon State Fair.
Friday, August 22 through Sep
tember 1. 1 will be coordinating
the demonstrations. We plan to
focus on Oregon, Oregon exper
tise and Oregon products. We
are asking if you would share
your superb knowledge in this
area with others. t
We would like demonstrations
of Oregon Indian Fiber Arts
and displays if possible. There
are glass front cases available
for displays of fiber samples
and woven pieces. A generous
area for demonstrations is also
available. I would prefer opening
the fair with demonstrations by
Oregon Indians on Friday, August
22. Any other day persons could
demonstrate, would be welcome.
Fair hours are from 10:00 a.m.
to 10:00 p.m. Demonstrations
are on a volunteer basis. There
are no monetary fees available.
Payment is in educating the
general public in the fiber arts.
This will further serve to promote
the Oregon Indian heritage and
superior knowledge of native
plants and fibers. I am particu
larly interested in your use of
sagebrush fibers.
What resources will persons
demonstrating need for, us, to.
have available for them? Water,
tables, chairs, etc? How much
room will they need? How many
different types of demonstrations
are possible and when? In what
other ways may we be of assistance
to you in making this joint
venture a success?
Those staying overnight may
want to take advantage of the
limited resources of housing or
camping 'at the: Oregon 4-H
Center, 5390 4H Road N.W.,
Salem, Oregon 97404, Phone:
Reservations should be made
in advance. Cost in 1985 was
$2.00 per person per night. Car
pooling may be possible with
other weavers coming from
around the state.
I am looking forward to hearing
from you and do hope members
of your . Tribe will be, able to.
participate in sharing their exper
tise. Sincerely,
Phyllis Schroeder
What is a fair cost for child care?
Please return
trip information
Attention all senior citizens:
Please return the letters you
received concerning the Expo
6 trip to the Senior Citizen
program by February 7.
If we don't receive your re
sponse by deadline then we will
assume you aren't interested in
going on this trip and do not
want further information.
The Senior Citizen Staff
Seeking penpal
Rhonda Green of San
Bernardino, California is seeking
penpals, male or female between
the ages of 25 and 35. Write to
her at P.O. Box 42, San Bernar
dino, California 92402.
Lots must go
Repossesse5"lots and acres
throughout Oregon must be sold
now. For free list send self
addressed stamped envelope to:
REPOS, 742 Hawthorne NE,
Salem, Oregon 97301.
To Day
Care and Latchkey
Toe Ness
Before going to the mens room in a bar a guy covered his drink
with a note which read, "This drink belongs to biggest, meanest,
toughest, no-good son-of-gun, touch it at your own risk." When he
returned the glass was empty and a new note said, "This drink was
drunk by the fastest-running coward in the whole country." YIKES
Do you know what the termite said when he walked into the bar?"
"Is the bar tender here?" YIKES
There was this guy who asked his friend, "How do you keep your
relatives away?" "That's easy, I borrow from the rich ones and loan
it to the poor ones, and youH never see any of them again." YIKES
A girl told Spilyay, "Ah, look at that cow and the calf rubbing
noses in the pasture. That sight makes me want to do the same."
Spilyay: "Well, go ahead. . .it's your cow." YIKES
I understand that you may
have some serious concerns re
garding the new fee schedule
that is being instituted, I would
like to explain our reasoning. I
would like to begin by stating
that these services were estab
lished as an employee service
and may even be considered a
benefit. It was never established
as a profit enterprise, as well, it
should not be considered as the
only employee childcare service
that could be available.
Our primary reason for the
new fee system is to stabilize the
parent fee revenue coming in to
offset the cost of providing the
service. We also wanted to try
to expand our services to more
families by matching the need
for services to available time
and space. Our intent is to im
prove the cost benefit of the
program, within the 1 985 budget
we projected $80,000 in parent
fee revenue and fell far short
because attendance was not full
time or regular, we could not
enroll more children than slots
available. Of the total budget
for childcare services the $80,000
For Sale
Those bunkbeds are still for
sale. Contact Donna at the
Spilyay Tymoo office. 553-1644.
They're in good shape!
parent fees make up only 25
percent, three percent comes
from federal sources which means
that the Tribes contribute at
least 72 percent of the cost. At
95c per hour, we are still 10
cents per hour less than the
Madras Day Care Center's base
rate. We had discussed the parent
fee revenue with the Parent's
Club over the past 18 months
and asked for their advice to
give us guidance in revising the
fee system. During 1985, there
was very little interest or
participation by most parents,
therefore, we made the decision
to institute the current system
that includes the limited input
of the Parent's Club.
It is not our intent to force
children or families out of the
program even though some
parents have had to withdraw ,
their children. We feel extremely
sad about that occurrence.
However, we are responsible
for operating a cost-efficient
program especially in consid
eration of the General Council's
concern regarding subsidiary in
centives for employees, of which
child care could be considered.
We are forced to make our best
judgment of what is the fair
share cost to the users compared
to the costs and service needs of
non-users. Do we carry a high
cost to help existing employees
Child Development Center's
services? , ,
Charles Calica
Training and
in a manner that takes away
resources to help people train
for and get employment? The
lack of available child care is a .
major obstacle to the unem- Education,
We are still interested in dis
cussing the fee system, if you Condolences offered
have any recommendations. We
are also interested in assisting To the Editor,
to set up cooperative or private
child care services as alternatives We, the Aguilar family, offer
to the Child Development Center, our condolences to the Heath
We need to let you know that family for their most recent loss
we are limited by our facilities, of a loved family member,
and the amount of funds that Eli imprinted upon our hearts,
can be reasonably requested for vividly, a few words of encourage
this service in relationship to ment for the spreading of the
the other needs of our com- Gospel of Christ Jesus during
munity. We can not control the jail services. This writing we
reservation birth rate or in
fluence the number of children
in a family or status of parents
in the family and we certainly
can not meet the child care
needs of everyone that wants or
needs to be employed. People
need to plan for the costs asso
ciated with raising children when
they plan their family size and
responsibilties, this will influence
their desire or need to work. As
far as being a program, all we
can do is provide a service to
allow some people the oppor
tunity to be employed, at a fair
cost. What is a fair cost to you
and what is a fair cost to those
who do not or can not use the
dedicate to Eli Little, son, friend
and fellow hearer of the Gospel.
He encouraged us to press for
ward towards the teaching of
the Gospel. He asked January
14 where we were the previous
Sunday and that he and the
other inmates at the Warm
Springs jail had missed our meals,
testifying, preaching and showing
of videos. He used to comment
on how we played music and
that he sometimes went to church
with his mother.
Thanks, Eli, for being a part
of our lives.
George, Easton and Tina Aguilar
Spilyay: "You know sweetie pie, since I've met you, I cant eat.
can't sleep. . .1 can't drink. . ."
Girl: "Gee, why not?"
Spilyay: "I'm Broke!!" YIKES
"To go" available i
For your convenience, the
Deschutes Crossing now offers
all menu items to go. . .including
breakfast, lunch and dinner. Just
call 553-1 300 to place your orders.
Sm'lvav Tvmoo welcomes articles and letters to be published from Its
readers. All letters, preferably 300 words or less, must Include the writer's
signature and address. Thank you letters and poetry will be published at the
editor's discretion.
, All letters are the opinion of the writer and do not reflect In any way the
opinion of Spilyay Tymoo. Spilyay Tymoo reserves the right to edit all copy
OR refuse publication of any letter inai contains upeious maienai.
All Warm Springs tribal members will receive the Spilyay Tymoo at no
cost. Spilyay Tymoo is published bi-weekly by the Confederated Tribes
of Warm Springs. . j